The De-Christianization of America

The decline may be related to education that includes critical thinking methods, incl science & philosophy (in college).
More youth received higher education experiences in the past generation than before, and were prompted to think for themselves, and exercise common sense mixed with modern knowledge.....

Again, nonsense.
I was talking about agnostics.

...atheists afraid to admit what they are....

Any agnostic with any respect for him/her self knows that if he/she doubts they'll burn in hell. Or possibly they haven't read, "The Book!"

Romans 14:23
And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
Any agnostic with any respect for him/her self knows that if he/she doubts they'll burn in hell.

Apparently, you are also ignorant about educated agnostics who think for themselves & don't have emotional issues like your pathetic fear.

The Bible, Torah, Quran, and non-Abrahamic religious books are all fairy tales masquerading as feeble attempts to explain origins & "purpose" to children and uneducated/illiterates, and then used as carrot/stick tools to influence sheep behaviors.

If I'm wrong, then PLEASE GOD, have no mercy on me and strike me dead ASAP & transfer my "soul" to HELL "forever"!
PLEASE GOD, do it now, you fuckin' asshole!

I betcha I'll be around tomorrow. next week, next year ...
Geez, I can't believe adults fall for that anthropomorphic garbage.
Grow up people.
AGNOSTICS after they matured, like all real modern day scientists.
You WANT to believe those claims to justify your own beliefs. but why not examine the facts instead?

What is the “fine-tuning” of the universe, and how does it serve as a “pointer to God”? | BioLogos

What is your evidence that all modern day scientists are agnostics?

If you knew anything about science, you would understand what a scientific method is about.
All scientists when engaging in scientific research AND theories based on such research are agnostic in their approach to knowledge claims.

However, when professional scientists like Francis Collins stop using agnostic methods, i.e., when not conducting scientific research and putting forward garbage conclusions like Biologos to "explain" the "fine tuning" of our known universe, then they are not scientists when doing so.
At least Collins understands evolutionary processes.
The decline may be related to education that includes critical thinking methods, incl science & philosophy (in college).
More youth received higher education experiences in the past generation than before, and were prompted to think for themselves, and exercise common sense mixed with modern knowledge.

Let's see:

I've developed, taught, and supervised courses in Critical Thinking, have a degree in Philosophy, and teach Science (among other things). I've seen enough of this world to have more common sense than you ever will, and I understand that faith and religion involve more than a simpleton like you is capable of comprehending. You're just another bigot like any other.
The decline may be related to education that includes critical thinking methods, incl science & philosophy (in college).
More youth received higher education experiences in the past generation than before, and were prompted to think for themselves, and exercise common sense mixed with modern knowledge.

Let's see:

I've developed, taught, and supervised courses in Critical Thinking, have a degree in Philosophy, and teach Science (among other things). I've seen enough of this world to have more common sense than you ever will, and I understand that faith and religion involve more than a simpleton like you is capable of comprehending. You're just another bigot like any other.

So, show us that you are not full of unkotare; let's see some of your "critical thinking" ...
Explain why any real scientist should have faith in any religion.

Religious "faith" reflects the absence of knowledge.
If you knew anything about science, you would understand what a scientific method is about.
All scientists when engaging in scientific research AND theories based on such research are agnostic in their approach to knowledge claims.

However, when professional scientists like Francis Collins stop using agnostic methods, i.e., when not conducting scientific research and putting forward garbage conclusions like Biologos to "explain" the "fine tuning" of our known universe, then they are not scientists when doing so.
So scientists, and rational thinkers in general, who come to a different conclusion from you must be wrong? I don't know what is more impressive, your stupidity or your arrogance. lol Please try to understand the difference between a method and a conclusion.
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If you knew anything about science, you would understand what a scientific method is about.
All scientists when engaging in scientific research AND theories based on such research are agnostic in their approach to knowledge claims.

However, when professional scientists like Francis Collins stop using agnostic methods, i.e., when not conducting scientific research and putting forward garbage conclusions like Biologos to "explain" the "fine tuning" of our known universe, then they are not scientists when doing so.
So scientists, and rational thinkers in general, who come to a different conclusion from you must be wrong? I don't know what is more impressive, your stupidity or your arrogance. lol Please try to understand the difference between a method and a conclusion.

There are conclusions or theories based on evidence/data derived from rational methods (science), then there are "faith" conclusions based on ignorance and emotional weakness.

I choose rational methods, and I don't have a need to conclude beyond the evidence.
Cultural anthropology and social psychology has been studying the role of Religion in a healthy society for quite some time.

It is ironic that people who claim to be so scientific, ignore this in their irrational and emotional condemnation of religion.

THe decline of Christianity in Western SOciety is an aspect of the Decline of Western Society.
There are conclusions or theories based on evidence/data derived from rational methods (science), then there are "faith" conclusions based on ignorance and emotional weakness.

I choose rational methods, and I don't have a need to conclude beyond the evidence.
You're quite a shining hero in your own mind. lol Some rational individuals conclude there is a God. Astonishing that they dare to disagree with you! Some atheists and agnostics base their conclusions on ignorance and emotional weakness.

Check out these articles:

Blinded by Scientism

Five Things Science Cannot Prove (but are necessary for science to work) |
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Explain why any real scientist should have faith in any religion.....

Any real scientist worth his/her salt realizes that what we know will always be less than what we do not. You probably can't wrap your little brain around what that means in relation to faith.

A rational person not blinded by bigotry and insecurity can see that religion provides comfort, community, and guidance to billions of people. Only an arrogant, ignorant buffoon thinks that his own prejudice is universal.
Cultural anthropology and social psychology has been studying the role of Religion in a healthy society for quite some time.

It is ironic that people who claim to be so scientific, ignore this in their irrational and emotional condemnation of religion.

THe decline of Christianity in Western SOciety is an aspect of the Decline of Western Society.

The decline may be related to education that includes critical thinking methods, incl science & philosophy (in college).
More youth received higher education experiences in the past generation than before, and were prompted to think for themselves, and exercise common sense mixed with modern knowledge.

Let's see:

I've developed, taught, and supervised courses in Critical Thinking, have a degree in Philosophy, and teach Science (among other things). I've seen enough of this world to have more common sense than you ever will, and I understand that faith and religion involve more than a simpleton like you is capable of comprehending. You're just another bigot like any other.

So, show us that you are not full of unkotare; let's see some of your "critical thinking" ...
Explain why any real scientist should have faith in any religion.

Religious "faith" reflects the absence of knowledge.

Faith without knowledges - is not a religion. It's a sort of primitive paganism. Don't mix this practice with world religions :)))
As Martha Steward used to say: It's a good thing

Christianity has declined nearly twenty points since 1960 to 74 percent. And will further be marginalized in the coming decades

Gallup Politics, documenting the evolution of that consensus for over a decade, found that the majority of Americans age 35 to 55 years now consider the following behaviors a non issue: gay/lesbian relationships (54 percent), non-marital sex (63 percent), and embryo and stem cello research (59 percent) among others.

On the abortion issue, only about one-fourth believe that abortion is morally wrong and that government should pass restrictions on a women's choice

Yup......but let's welcome in 1 million new Syrian Muslims.
Explain why any real scientist should have faith in any religion.....

Any real scientist worth his/her salt realizes that what we know will always be less than what we do not. You probably can't wrap your little brain around what that means in relation to faith.

A rational person not blinded by bigotry and insecurity can see that religion provides comfort, community, and guidance to billions of people. Only an arrogant, ignorant buffoon thinks that his own prejudice is universal.

Very well said.

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