The de-SUBification of Charlie Kirk - "this (Hamas terror attack) is not believable"


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
As SUBS all over America parrot the same BS over and over, one of their leaders noticed a few things. Charlie Kirk is a leader in the MAGA circle, gives speeches on college campuses that draw the ire of TRANS mobs and ANTIFA etc. Charlie's events are mostly about religion, not policy. Charlie is a Pro Israel Christian, or he was....

"This is not believable. Israel is a fortress. There is a uniformed Israeli every two blocks with a machine gun."

Charlie was talking about the "Hamas attack" on Israel on Real America's Voice, one of the most obvious false flag hate hoaxes ever. Charlie is telling it like it is, and the Pro Israel side is already hurling "Jew Hater" etc. at him.

The most laughable part of the Hamas Hate Hoax is the part about paragliders. We are to believe that 35 or so paragliders all in formation were just allowed to sail into Israel, murder people, kidnap people, and leave with no Israeli response. First, to get such gliders in such a formation would take a dozen C-130s flying a mile plus high. A glider with an adult male in military gear, a machine gun, ammo, and a motor buggy would weigh at least 300 pounds. Such a glider would RAPIDLY descend. Then there is the issue of where did they come from. A building as high as the old WTC? Not there. Mountains. Not there. Hamas has no fleet of cargo planes. There is absolutely no explanation plausible for how those paragliders got there. They didn't. At least not from Hamas.

Then there is the issue of what Charlie was talking about. Not believable at all. Israel is a fortress. There are armed Israelis on duty all the time all over Israel.

Then there is the issue of Gaza itself. Israel took Gaza from Egypt in 1967 by murdering JFK, starting the 'nam war, taking arms destined for 'nam and delivering them to Israel free of charge. Israel started the 67 war and lied about it, and so did Zionist Fascist LBJ. Then came reports the Israelis were exterminating the residents there. The USS Liberty was dispatched to investigate that claim....

This is just Israel deciding to take Gaza and wipe out its residents. It hate hoaxed an "attack" and is about to invade.

Fortunately, one SUB has demonstrated an IQ over 5, Charlie Kirk. Will any others....
History is full of strong nations being blindsided by an attack. The US at Pearl Harbor, France in May 1940, The Legions at the Teuroberg forest. Hell Stalin had supply trains going to Germany at the same time the Panzers crossed the border.
As SUBS all over America parrot the same BS over and over, one of their leaders noticed a few things. Charlie Kirk is a leader in the MAGA circle, gives speeches on college campuses that draw the ire of TRANS mobs and ANTIFA etc. Charlie's events are mostly about religion, not policy. Charlie is a Pro Israel Christian, or he was....

"This is not believable. Israel is a fortress. There is a uniformed Israeli every two blocks with a machine gun."

Charlie was talking about the "Hamas attack" on Israel on Real America's Voice, one of the most obvious false flag hate hoaxes ever. Charlie is telling it like it is, and the Pro Israel side is already hurling "Jew Hater" etc. at him.

The most laughable part of the Hamas Hate Hoax is the part about paragliders. We are to believe that 35 or so paragliders all in formation were just allowed to sail into Israel, murder people, kidnap people, and leave with no Israeli response. First, to get such gliders in such a formation would take a dozen C-130s flying a mile plus high. A glider with an adult male in military gear, a machine gun, ammo, and a motor buggy would weigh at least 300 pounds. Such a glider would RAPIDLY descend. Then there is the issue of where did they come from. A building as high as the old WTC? Not there. Mountains. Not there. Hamas has no fleet of cargo planes. There is absolutely no explanation plausible for how those paragliders got there. They didn't. At least not from Hamas.

Then there is the issue of what Charlie was talking about. Not believable at all. Israel is a fortress. There are armed Israelis on duty all the time all over Israel.

Then there is the issue of Gaza itself. Israel took Gaza from Egypt in 1967 by murdering JFK, starting the 'nam war, taking arms destined for 'nam and delivering them to Israel free of charge. Israel started the 67 war and lied about it, and so did Zionist Fascist LBJ. Then came reports the Israelis were exterminating the residents there. The USS Liberty was dispatched to investigate that claim....

This is just Israel deciding to take Gaza and wipe out its residents. It hate hoaxed an "attack" and is about to invade.

Fortunately, one SUB has demonstrated an IQ over 5, Charlie Kirk. Will any others....

Who the F*** is Charlie Kirk? oh yeah so impossible ! but Charlie is so smart he knows you need a Dozen C-130s ! why not 10? or 8? why a dozen.... oh but wait.

Of course Charlie also knows everyone was an actor and the whole thing was staged.
Who the F*** is Charlie Kirk? oh yeah so impossible ! but Charlie is so smart he knows you need a Dozen C-130s ! why not 10? or 8? why a dozen.... oh but wait.

Of course Charlie also knows everyone was an actor and the whole thing was staged.

If you think anyone with an IQ over 5 believes that.....

One armed guard with an AK takes out all 30 or so of those before they land, and that is part of Kirk's point.

There appear to be MULTIPLE videos and claims about the "gliders." A "motorized glider" like you show is different than the first video released by the media, which showed no motors on the gliders.

This is another sick fraud by Zionist Fascism....

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