The Debt Ceiling Debate Is Over. Who is Talking About Jobs?

And you think talking to a union executive committee is going to create more jobs? Those guys have no interest in creating more jobs unless they are union jobs, lots of luck with that.
Obama has been "talking" a lot about jobs for the past 2 1/2 years. However, it is beyond time that we see some action.
Now to be fair, we have seen a lot of action from regime Obama concerning jobs.

Jobs being shipped overseas due to excessive regulation.

Jobs that should be in South Carolina likely to be moved to China if Obama's NLRB keeps screwing with Boeing.

How could anyone, in good conscience, say The New Messiah isn't concerned with jobs - and how to get rid of them?
Why Obama still can't fix the jobs crisis - War Room -

So where will the demand come from if not government? The radical right points to the alleged "failure" of the stimulus program as evidence that government spending doesn't work. The fact is it did work -- it saved at least 3 million jobs, and would have saved far more if the stimulus was on the scale needed and directed to job creation.

To be sure, pump-priming is more difficult when the well is almost dry, as it is now. And widening inequality -- the rich taking home an increasing share of the nation's total income and wealth -- has left the vast middle class with even less purchasing power.

But the pump still needs to be primed.

And the well has to be filled: The nation must also push for real tax reform that reverses the surge toward inequality -- raising taxes on the wealthy, cutting them for the middle, and expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit for the poor.

To do this, though, requires that Americans understand the truth. But where will they learn it?

The radical right has not only captured the federal budget. In convincing so many Americans the problem is the size of government rather than their shrinking paychecks and growing economic insecurity, the radical right has also captured the American mind.
There are 10 jobs bills, several right of the Pub playbook, being blocked by Pubs, as well as trade bills all ready for votes. Dismal a-holes FOS...
GDP has been relatively flat for the first 1/2 of this year. Debt ceiling bill will not create jobs. Obie's done; stick a fork in him!
And you think talking to a union executive committee is going to create more jobs? Those guys have no interest in creating more jobs unless they are union jobs, lots of luck with that.

This is what Unions typically do yes. Get work for their members.

Unions exploit the workers. The upper hierarchy takes in all of the money and works out a few cents more per hour for the worker while the top stays fat.....and y'all buy it. It's a helluva scheme.
It isn't the GOP... (despite running on jobs)

This morning Obama will meet with the AFL-CIO Executive Committee at the White House to discuss economic growth and putting Americans back to work.

The Presidential Planner: With Debt Crisis Averted, Obama Looks To Jobs - Political Punch

why yes, I am sure the afl-cio has a lot to add. :rolleyes:

how about adding 250k jobs ( obamas estimates) by passing the 3 free trade bills that have been sitting for 2 and a half years? Oh wait the afl-cio says no.....:eusa_shhh:
It isn't the GOP... (despite running on jobs)

This morning Obama will meet with the AFL-CIO Executive Committee at the White House to discuss economic growth and putting Americans back to work.

The Presidential Planner: With Debt Crisis Averted, Obama Looks To Jobs - Political Punch

Are you that delusional?

The two years Obama had absolute control over Congress--the Democrats had a majority that ensured his legislative success--passing an unprecedented spending bill that we were told was going to save us from disaster.

Shovel-ready wasn't shovel ready. All of it was BS, and NOW--NOW you want to know who is focusing on jobs? What the hell is wrong with liberals?
No where in the constitution does it say a president or congress should be trying to create jobs.

That's what us Americans are for.
And you think talking to a union executive committee is going to create more jobs? Those guys have no interest in creating more jobs unless they are union jobs, lots of luck with that.

This is what Unions typically do yes. Get work for their members.

Hey genius, unions don't hire people.

Are you serious? What planet do you live on. Let's get the damn jobs first and then focus on unionizing them. There is no unions if there isn't any jobs.

Unfortunately the president too shares in your complete ineptitude at grasping the most simple concepts.
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No where in the constitution does it say a president or congress should be trying to create jobs.

That's what us Americans are for.

We should relegate our presidents to crown status circa Britain 1700's. They're about that worthless, full of fluff.
Why Obama still can't fix the jobs crisis - War Room -

So where will the demand come from if not government? The radical right points to the alleged "failure" of the stimulus program as evidence that government spending doesn't work. The fact is it did work -- it saved at least 3 million jobs, and would have saved far more if the stimulus was on the scale needed and directed to job creation.

To be sure, pump-priming is more difficult when the well is almost dry, as it is now. And widening inequality -- the rich taking home an increasing share of the nation's total income and wealth -- has left the vast middle class with even less purchasing power.

But the pump still needs to be primed.

And the well has to be filled: The nation must also push for real tax reform that reverses the surge toward inequality -- raising taxes on the wealthy, cutting them for the middle, and expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit for the poor.

To do this, though, requires that Americans understand the truth. But where will they learn it?

The radical right has not only captured the federal budget. In convincing so many Americans the problem is the size of government rather than their shrinking paychecks and growing economic insecurity, the radical right has also captured the American mind.

Do the two years Obama and the Democrats held absolute control over Congress mean nothing? Did your selective memory omit that fact?
OMG. we have to hear this shit again.

Obama has been blowing smoke up our asses for over two years about JOBS. and all we got was HIGHER UNEMPLOYMET.

OBAMABOTS are pathetic..And now he is meeting WITH if they CREATE JOBS.:lol::lol:
OMG. we have to hear this shit again.

Obama has been blowing smoke up our asses for over two years about JOBS. and all we got was HIGHER UNEMPLOYMET.

OBAMABOTS are pathetic..And now he is meeting WITH if they CREATE JOBS.:lol::lol:

It would have been worse though!!!! Oh, if Obama weren't president we would all been homeless now.

That is the infantile mentality of the left.

That is how this administration justifies constant and countless failures "it would be worse". No one is buying it anymore.

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