Elizabeth Warren op-ed for Boston Globe: The GOP con on the debt ceiling: House GOP plan is about protecting the wealthy from paying their fair share

Nobody should take Lieawatha seriously

No, dear girl. No one should take YOU seriously. Ms. Warren is Harvard Law School Professor who is very wise in the ways that corporate banking in America fleeces fools like you.

She set up a highly effective agency which has save the American people billions of dollars, while you sit on your ass day trading - leeching off the work of others. Doing nothing worthwhile for society.
No, dear girl. No one should take YOU seriously. Ms. Warren is Harvard Law School Professor who is very wise in the ways that corporate banking in America fleeces fools like you.

She set up a highly effective agency which has save the American people billions of dollars, while you sit on your ass day trading - leeching off the work of others. Doing nothing worthwhile for society.

She lied about being Native American..."dear girl". Now gfy...I doubt anyone else will
Why would anyone feature the rambling imbecility of Pocahontas?
No, dear girl. No one should take YOU seriously. Ms. Warren is Harvard Law School Professor who is very wise in the ways that corporate banking in America fleeces fools like you.

She set up a highly effective agency which has save the American people billions of dollars, while you sit on your ass day trading - leeching off the work of others. Doing nothing worthwhile for society.
she’s a fruitcake that thinks she’s an Indian.
This “fair share” argument is a scheme by the Left to ultimately effect their game of class warfare. Liz Warren is a wealthy elite liberal which means most of her wealth is protected as she is pushing the burden on high income earners. Wealthy and high annual income earners are distinct.

Democrats rely on this tactic because it elicits economic envy from the poor who pay little or nothing when it comes to income taxes. High income earners bear the burden so when a cut or credit comes their way, it should be big….. “pay the most taxes, get a bigger tax cut.” If you want a bigger tax cut, earn more, pay more.
Here’s the ultimate irony of today’s Republican scam: Without years of Republican handouts to the wealthy, there would be no debt ceiling hostage to take. If Republicans hadn’t spent nearly $2 trillion on the Trump tax cuts and abetted wealthy tax cheats by starving the IRS for a decade, the US wouldn’t need to raise the debt ceiling this year. In fact, the current debt ceiling would have sustained federal spending well past the end of Biden’s 1st term. Any debt crisis today should be laid squarely at the FEET of the Republicans who worked tirelessly to help the wealthiest Americans avoid paying taxes.


Lets not forget the Bush tax cut that added trillions to the debt and did absolutely nothing to boost the economy

This debt is a result of the GOP and their failed policies. The GOP caused this debt, then they try to play this debt ceiling crap?

Never forget Bush inherited a balanced budget and a projected surplus.
Never forget that the annual budget deficit was only $587B in 2016, before Trump blew it up into the stratosphere.

The GOP is responsible for this debt
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She lied about being Native American..."dear girl". Now gfy...I doubt anyone else will
Trump lied about election fraud that never happened and had no credible evidence of ever happening, then he incited a riot at the Capitol based on these lies. And you were dumb enough to believe those lies. And I bet you still can't put your big girl pants on and admit trump lost the election and is lying about fraud that never happened.

Trump and the GOP have set the gold standard for lying.
You people are a joke and you live in a bubble.
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Here’s the ultimate irony of today’s Republican scam: Without years of Republican handouts to the wealthy, there would be no debt ceiling hostage to take. If Republicans hadn’t spent nearly $2 trillion on the Trump tax cuts and abetted wealthy tax cheats by starving the IRS for a decade, the US wouldn’t need to raise the debt ceiling this year. In fact, the current debt ceiling would have sustained federal spending well past the end of Biden’s 1st term. Any debt crisis today should be laid squarely at the FEET of the Republicans who worked tirelessly to help the wealthiest Americans avoid paying taxes.

You people need to give up the old tired mantra of the Rich dont pay their fair share , it makes you sound stupid. Who do you think YOU WORK FOR ???? you work FOR THE RICH either directly or indirectly,,,,,THEY SHOULD NOT PAY TAXES IF THEY PROVIDE MANY JOBS. When the Rich leave the USA,,,,,,YOU ARE GOING TO STARVE.

Also, the RICH DONT PAY TAXES BECAUSE MANY OF THEM ARE NOT US CITIZENS OR THEY HAVE ENOUGH WRITE OFFS TO AVOID BEING TAXED. Any American would take advantage of every tax cut they could, the rich are no different.

The TAX CUTS brought Factories and JOBS BACK TO THE USA,,,,,Do you see a problem with that ????
You people need to give up the old tired mantra of the Rich dont pay their fair share , it makes you sound stupid. Who do you think YOU WORK FOR ???? you work FOR THE RICH either directly or indirectly,,,,,THEY SHOULD NOT PAY TAXES IF THEY PROVIDE MANY JOBS. When the Rich leave the USA,,,,,,YOU ARE GOING TO STARVE.

Also, the RICH DONT PAY TAXES BECAUSE MANY OF THEM ARE NOT US CITIZENS OR THEY HAVE ENOUGH WRITE OFFS TO AVOID BEING TAXED. Any American would take advantage of every tax cut they could, the rich are no different.

The TAX CUTS brought Factories and JOBS BACK TO THE USA,,,,,Do you see a problem with that ????
This rube just announced to the world that he's a willing slave and a cheerful bootlicker.

Lick those wealthy boots boy! Tastes good to you, doesn't it?
Here’s the ultimate irony of today’s Republican scam: Without years of Republican handouts to the wealthy, there would be no debt ceiling hostage to take. If Republicans hadn’t spent nearly $2 trillion on the Trump tax cuts and abetted wealthy tax cheats by starving the IRS for a decade, the US wouldn’t need to raise the debt ceiling this year. In fact, the current debt ceiling would have sustained federal spending well past the end of Biden’s 1st term. Any debt crisis today should be laid squarely at the FEET of the Republicans who worked tirelessly to help the wealthiest Americans avoid paying taxes.

And yet when Democrats held the House, the Senate and the Presidency, the Democrats did nothing but demonize Sinema and Manchin for not okaying over $6 trillion in additional spending. They never did repeal the tax breaks for the rich. She is typical, talks the talk and doesn’t walk the walk. Now she blames the other side for their own failures.
And yet when Democrats held the House, the Senate and the Presidency, the Democrats did nothing but demonize Sinema and Manchin for not okaying over $6 trillion in additional spending. They never did repeal the tax breaks for the rich. She is typical, talks the talk and doesn’t walk the walk. Now she blames the other side for their own failures.
You republicans constantly try to blame the dems for not stopping GOP failure "the dems didn't do enough to stop the GOP from destroying America"
According to you republicans, its the dems fault for not stopping the GOP failure machine?

here's a thought, blame the trash that caused the problems, the republicans fucked this up...
The debt is a GOP caused problem, they created this out of control debt with their failed policies.
Blaming the dems for not stopping the GOP failure machine is such a joke.

The GOP has failed miserably and all you can do is blame the dems for not stopping them? what a joke.
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You republicans constantly try to blame the dems for not stopping GOP failure "the dems didn't do enough to stop the GOP from destroying America"
According to you republicans, its the dems fault for not stopping the GOP failure machine?

here's a thought, blame the trash that caused the problems..
The debt is a GOP caused problem, they created this out of control debt with their failed policies.
Blaming the dems for not stopping the GOP failure machine is such a joke.

The GOP has faile dmiserably and all you can do is blame the dems for not stopping them? what a joke.

9 trillion in new debt under Obama. Biden is adding to the debt now.
Elizabeth Warren is actually one of very few politicians who has tried (and failed) to get the Democratic Party to return to its “working-class roots” on responsable, fair and progressive taxation and economic reform.

Today’s Republicans have unfortunately had great success in ignoring her criticisms and simply dismissing her views outright, using the old bugaboo that she is a communist or socialist. Today’s Trump and MAGA supporters are truly slaves to a reactionary ideology pushed by our most selfish and self-serving capitalist oligarchs.

Those who still believe the “Big Lies” of Trumpism love to repeat their leaders’ “Hiawatha” put down to make fun of Warren, which is nothing but a way to distract from historically evolved problems she points out. The little comforting story that Warren told and apparently once believed about having a distant Native American ancestor thus saves MAGA supporters any need to exercise their minds and actually study — or demand their movement develop — a program to address the real problems of our tax system and economy.

MAGA types often argue against “elites” and big corrupting “banksters” but worship the ideology and real policies of our corrupt system of finance capitalism, which in recent decades has led to so much inequality and to a growing national debt as well.

The U.S. was “greatest” when it was tested by Depression and WWII, and came through those experiences successfully … partly because of the flexibility and far-sightedness of capitalist politicians like FDR.
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9 trillion in new debt under Obama. Biden is adding to the debt now.
Obama inherited the big bush crash, the worse crash in 100 years, of course there will be debt.
What you fail to acknowledge is that the annual deficit dropped substantially by the end of Obama's presidency.
Compare that to Trump and bush who both increased the annual deficit every year of their presidency.

So Obama and Biden both lowered the annual deficit whereas Bush and Trump both increased it every year.
Obama inherited the big bush crash, the worse crash in 100 years, of course there will be debt.

He did the wrong things in addressing it. He bent over every chance he got for Wall Street. He made sure Wall Street boomed while the middle class stagnated and the poor fell further behind.

What you fail to acknowledge is that the annual deficit dropped substantially by the end of Obama's presidency.
Compare that to Trump and bush who both increased the annual deficit every year of their presidency.

But see, I'm not trying to defend them.

So Obama and Biden both lowered the annual deficit whereas Bush and Trump both increased it every year.

Obama started wasteful wars, Trump didn't and well, Biden.......................billions more every week.
You republicans constantly try to blame the dems for not stopping GOP failure "the dems didn't do enough to stop the GOP from destroying America"
According to you republicans, its the dems fault for not stopping the GOP failure machine?

here's a thought, blame the trash that caused the problems, the republicans fucked this up...
The debt is a GOP caused problem, they created this out of control debt with their failed policies.
Blaming the dems for not stopping the GOP failure machine is such a joke.

The GOP has faile dmiserably and all you can do is blame the dems for not stopping them? what a joke.
I don’t vote for people that cut taxes or raise spending and never take responsibility for what has happened? The Dems had two years to over turn a bad Republican policy and did nothing to change it, why? And why is Warren bringing it up if she didn’t think it was important over the last two years. Cutting taxes on the rich is a bad policy, leaving it in place when you can change it is a bad policy, using it for political gain because you didn’t do anything to change it is wrong. Everyone in DC needs to take responsibility for the mess we all created by electing these rich people that look after the rich people and not everyday working Americans. I refuse to vote for a Republican or Democrat to represent me in Washington because they’ve proven they don’t care. So stuff your partisan NS.
Obama inherited the big bush crash, the worse crash in 100 years, of course there will be debt.
What you fail to acknowledge is that the annual deficit dropped substantially by the end of Obama's presidency.
Compare that to Trump and bush who both increased the annual deficit every year of their presidency.

So Obama and Biden both lowered the annual deficit whereas Bush and Trump both increased it every year.
Obama was presiding when the greatest shift to the wealthy took place. He failed in taking care of the crooks at Wall St. He gave them a slap on the wrist, to be fair McCain would have done the same because they both worked for the rich or they were incredibly stupid.
Here’s the ultimate irony of today’s Republican scam: Without years of Republican handouts to the wealthy, there would be no debt ceiling hostage to take. If Republicans hadn’t spent nearly $2 trillion on the Trump tax cuts and abetted wealthy tax cheats by starving the IRS for a decade, the US wouldn’t need to raise the debt ceiling this year. In fact, the current debt ceiling would have sustained federal spending well past the end of Biden’s 1st term. Any debt crisis today should be laid squarely at the FEET of the Republicans who worked tirelessly to help the wealthiest Americans avoid paying taxes.

Why is it "fair" for somebody else to be taxed at a higher rate than you?
They benefitted far more by the trillions the government gave away.

Who created that "wealth"?
That is a bullshit answer. The welfare queens that get money from the fucking government are the ones that benefit the most. All these Blacks, Browns and Illegals that collect like $50K a year in cumulative welfare payments and free government health care, etc.

We all benefit equally with defense, courts, police and all the necessary functions of government. It is the non necessary functions that benefit the welfare queens.

50% of the people in the US don't even pay into the trillion a year collected in Federal income tax and that is not fair.

One of the problems with Democracy is that it allows the unproductive shitheads to vote themselves welfare and make the productive people pay for it and that is not fair.

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