Florida Dem. likens calling Vice President Kamala Harris a 'DEI hire' to using the n-word

Spot on, of course.

The DEI hire phrase is the new N word, for this election cycle.
Just putting a women, a women who is black , ended Trump. Theses bigots and women haters can't keep their hate contained at this point even if they realize it isn't the best choice the will show their bigotry and women hating , just oozing out of the cracks in their hatred.
A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

By endorsing Vice President Harris, Mr. Biden put into motion one of the most
Kamala Harris is 100% a DEI hire. That’s not even debatable. I said all along Joe Biden would have done Kamala a huge favor if he never said his VP needed to be a black woman. He should have interviewed all candidates and then just picked her. Once he narrowed his search parameters by race and gender she immediately became a DEI hire.

You are really wrapped up Bogotry and Misogyny ain't you. But that all you MAGA MAGGOTS have is Bigotry and Misogyny.
By endorsing Vice President Harris, Mr. Biden put into motion one of the most

You are really wrapped up Bogotry and Misogyny ain't you. But that all you MAGA MAGGOTS have is Bigotry and Misogyny.
Like you parrots were repeating Joe is as sharp as a tack right up to the debate.

You have no ability for self thought.

Democrats invented DEI, now you say it’s racist. Yes it is, by following DEI.
Just putting a women, a women who is black , ended Trump. Theses bigots and women haters can't keep their hate contained at this point even if they realize it isn't the best choice the will show their bigotry and women hating , just oozing out of the cracks in their hatred.

It's bad enough that Vice President Harris is a Woman, but a Woman Mixed Race is to much for MAGA MAGGOTS to handle.

They are now just reveling in their hate and misogyny. They do not care right now if they lose. Attacking Ms. Harris on her gender and racial background is all they have. She is career Prosecutor, P01135809 is a Convicted Felon and an adjudiated rapist. She sees him for what he is and that is how she will beat him.
Why are old white failures so afraid of just using the N word, as they want to do?
The white wing picks up the same dog whistles they have kept on their shelves for 50 years and blows them like it's their job.

Then they clutch their pearls and try to act surprised, when everyone alive recognizes the dog whistles for what they are.
P01135809 is a Convicted Felon. He is an adjudicated Rapist. Vice President Harris a career Prosecutor who put shit like him away. He was fucking Stormy Daniels when Melania was preggers with Baron. He is an Orange Piece Shit.
And he was poised to absolutely destroy Biden in the election - so much so that Biden's own party yanked him off the ticket.
What's that tell you?

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