The deep state goes to war with President elect, using unverified claims, as Democrats cheer

Again you are whining about something you call "The Deep State" when you should be concerned about "The Deep Shit" that Trump is dragging us into.

Trump hasnt done anything, the Left is just trying to get another election result, they'll pretty much say anything now to get their way. the Left wing media's heads are exploding because the new pres. doesnt "respect" their rightful position as the 5th column
This should be in Conspiracy Theories.
Try reading some books about things you know nothing about.

These aren't theories, these are facts, documented by both scholars and bureaucrats that have worked in the government and taught in our most prestigious universities.

On the right. . .

And from the left. . .

These are works of fiction designed to take money from the tinfoil hat wearing brigade.

Well, it's now official, you are as unhinged as guno or steve mcracist. Next stop, ban land.

So, are you gonna do that personally, have someone in a black helicopter do it?


You know that was just a prop in a movie, right? It's not real.
Again you are whining about something you call "The Deep State" when you should be concerned about "The Deep Shit" that Trump is dragging us into.

Trump hasnt done anything, the Left is just trying to get another election result, they'll pretty much say anything now to get their way. the Left wing media's heads are exploding because the new pres. doesnt "respect" their rightful position as the 5th column

Be sure to write those thoughts down now, so after he crashes and burns, you can re-read it and think what could have been.
Try reading some books about things you know nothing about.

These aren't theories, these are facts, documented by both scholars and bureaucrats that have worked in the government and taught in our most prestigious universities.

On the right. . .

And from the left. . .

These are works of fiction designed to take money from the tinfoil hat wearing brigade.

Well, it's now official, you are as unhinged as guno or steve mcracist. Next stop, ban land.

So, are you gonna do that personally, have someone in a black helicopter do it?


You know that was just a prop in a movie, right? It's not real.
You know you're just a prop in a move, right? You're not real.
Tucker Carlson had Glenn Greenwald on last night. I was a bit surprised that a corporate media outlet like Fox would have him on. For libs and statists, Greenwald helped Snowden get his NSA docs published, he runs The Intercept website, and is very much aware of the Deep State.

He very much dislikes Trump, but is unlike most on the left. He knows this effort to denigrate and delegitimatize Trump, is extremely dangerous. The nefarious forces are trying to commit a coup d'etat. Too bad so many Americans are completely Bulldog.
Here is Greenwald's most recent column, which was discussed by Tucker last night. If the Deep State. D and R party, and MSM continue their attacks on Trump, we as a nation could be headed for major problems

Excellent read...bulldog and those like him, please read it and get informed...for once.

The Deep State Goes to War With President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer
IN JANUARY 1961, Dwight Eisenhower delivered his farewell address after serving two terms as U.S. president; the five-star general chose to warn Americans of this specific threat to democracy: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” That warning was issued prior to the decadelong escalation of the Vietnam War, three more decades of Cold War mania, and the post-9/11 era, all of which radically expanded that unelected faction’s power even further.

This is the faction that is now engaged in open warfare against the duly elected and already widely disliked president-elect, Donald Trump. They are using classic Cold War dirty tactics and the defining ingredients of what has until recently been denounced as “Fake News.”
The Deep State Goes to War With President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer
Again you are whining about something you call "The Deep State" when you should be concerned about "The Deep Shit" that Trump is dragging us into.

Deep shit? Like avoiding war with Russia?

Like kissing Russia's ass. Trump has been a Russian agent for at least the last 5 years
Russian agent, seriously ?
No it's like this there area those of us who aren't indoctrinated idiots by msm , Plain and simple. Look at that fkn statement guess who started that BS lie MSM just because ppl understand the Government's powers and the games they play MSM created the MK ULTRA brain washed affect and you dumb fks fall for it ............don't hate RUSSIA why your a gawd damn informant give me a fucking break.

That is no different than you cop outs who said " Don't want the borders open Your a racist
Don't want a black president you are a racist
Don't want a female President your a racist ...... ARE YOU SEEING THE SOCIALLY ENGINEERED TRAINING YOU ARE ON..
Again you are whining about something you call "The Deep State" when you should be concerned about "The Deep Shit" that Trump is dragging us into.

Deep shit? Like avoiding war with Russia?

Like kissing Russia's ass. Trump has been a Russian agent for at least the last 5 years
Russian agent, seriously ?
No it's like this there area those of us who aren't indoctrinated idiots by msm , Plain and simple. Look at that fkn statement guess who started that BS lie MSM just because ppl understand the Government's powers and the games they play MSM created the MK ULTRA brain washed affect and you dumb fks fall for it ............don't hate RUSSIA why your a gawd damn informant give me a fucking break.

That is no different than you cop outs who said " Don't want the borders open Your a racist
Don't want a black president you are a racist
Don't want a female President your a racist ...... ARE YOU SEEING THE SOCIALLY ENGINEERED TRAINING YOU ARE ON..


#2: 'swine-blood dipped ammo' reveals the reactionary stupidity: U.S. forces are now in Poland, and it was a Polish military officer who first got the idea of coating bullets with rabid-dog saliva. "Drip, drip, my little friend."
#24: "Esli ia kotel, chtoby vliat' na amerikanskoi politike ia Vy pozhertvovali Fond Klintona."

#30: Open Door policy was in place at the time of the Boxer Rebellion, and the Boer War links the chron, though China's problems became exacerbated at the Hague in 1899. Vernon Kell was at the Boxer Rebellion, which comes at the beginnings of Brit intelligence. Kell knew Roger Hollis, and Hollis links to Joshua Reynolds via Balliol College. Reynolds links to Anthony Blunt (Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures) and to Clinton crime family employee DNA. Christopher Steele knew Alexander Litvinenko, which is the business link to Litvinenko's polonium poisoning.
Again you are whining about something you call "The Deep State" when you should be concerned about "The Deep Shit" that Trump is dragging us into.

Deep shit? Like avoiding war with Russia?

Like kissing Russia's ass. Trump has been a Russian agent for at least the last 5 years
Russian agent, seriously ?

Can you believe that bs Russian Agent, and by the way the use of " YOU" in the earlier post was you for the population in general. =)
Again you are whining about something you call "The Deep State" when you should be concerned about "The Deep Shit" that Trump is dragging us into.

Deep shit? Like avoiding war with Russia?

Like kissing Russia's ass. Trump has been a Russian agent for at least the last 5 years
Russian agent, seriously ?
No it's like this there area those of us who aren't indoctrinated idiots by msm , Plain and simple. Look at that fkn statement guess who started that BS lie MSM just because ppl understand the Government's powers and the games they play MSM created the MK ULTRA brain washed affect and you dumb fks fall for it ............don't hate RUSSIA why your a gawd damn informant give me a fucking break.

That is no different than you cop outs who said " Don't want the borders open Your a racist
Don't want a black president you are a racist
Don't want a female President your a racist ...... ARE YOU SEEING THE SOCIALLY ENGINEERED TRAINING YOU ARE ON..

I'm not sure if you are a racist, but I'm positive that you're nuts.
Again you are whining about something you call "The Deep State" when you should be concerned about "The Deep Shit" that Trump is dragging us into.

Deep shit? Like avoiding war with Russia?

Like kissing Russia's ass. Trump has been a Russian agent for at least the last 5 years
Russian agent, seriously ?
No it's like this there area those of us who aren't indoctrinated idiots by msm , Plain and simple. Look at that fkn statement guess who started that BS lie MSM just because ppl understand the Government's powers and the games they play MSM created the MK ULTRA brain washed affect and you dumb fks fall for it ............don't hate RUSSIA why your a gawd damn informant give me a fucking break.

That is no different than you cop outs who said " Don't want the borders open Your a racist
Don't want a black president you are a racist
Don't want a female President your a racist ...... ARE YOU SEEING THE SOCIALLY ENGINEERED TRAINING YOU ARE ON..

I'm not sure if you are a racist, but I'm positive that you're nuts.

The Shadow Government works well as TROLLS bhahaah
Deep shit? Like avoiding war with Russia?

Like kissing Russia's ass. Trump has been a Russian agent for at least the last 5 years
Russian agent, seriously ?
No it's like this there area those of us who aren't indoctrinated idiots by msm , Plain and simple. Look at that fkn statement guess who started that BS lie MSM just because ppl understand the Government's powers and the games they play MSM created the MK ULTRA brain washed affect and you dumb fks fall for it ............don't hate RUSSIA why your a gawd damn informant give me a fucking break.

That is no different than you cop outs who said " Don't want the borders open Your a racist
Don't want a black president you are a racist
Don't want a female President your a racist ...... ARE YOU SEEING THE SOCIALLY ENGINEERED TRAINING YOU ARE ON..

I'm not sure if you are a racist, but I'm positive that you're nuts.

No tinfoil hat?

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