The Democrat master plan

Yeah, employers should worry about businesses closing over the safety of their own employees..... yep that's an unthinking wingnut for ya...
Employers can only exist with customers.... those jobs are going away because of this.... I guess if you were a waitress you would have a little compassion..... because I read zero compassion and caring from you....
Self extermination.

1. Abortion
2. Gender sterlizing treatments
3. Drug addiction
4. Increased crime and killings
Those are all bed wetter activities though. I like it when they neutralize themselves.
Those are all bed wetter activities though. I like it when they neutralize themselves.
That will be all children attending schools around the country, whether it be a red or blue state.
The people are FORCED to pay taxes to pay for police, district attorneys, courts, jails then they are denied those services by unhinged defund the police Dems who let criminals run amok.

Just tell people to work from home since venturing on the streets of places like San Fran are too dangerous due to high crime rates.

It will also eliminate carbon emissions to get to work AND the spread of Covid with people locked down in their homes.

It's the new DNC utopia.

San Fran is the fault of both Democrats and Republicans. The Dems are too soft on crime and pretend to care for the homeless, by leaving them alone to do whatever they want, while refusing to do what's necessary to actually help the homeless. Sure the Dems are for the homeless receiving healthcare and if these homeless don't have any drug-related convictions on their rap sheet, they qualify for food stamps and cash assistance (government welfare). They might even apply for section 8, BUT, the Dems refuse to adjudicate or force homeless people who are a danger to themselves and others, to receive inpatient treatment in a drug rehab or mental institution, until their drug addiction or/and mental illness is resolved.

I'm not a Republican or fan of Trump, but I agree with what he proposes here:

Forcing people in this condition:

Into rehab or institutionalizing them, is a good idea, in view of the predicament they're in. If my son or daughter was out there in the street killing himself/herself, with drugs, I would be in favor of society forcing him/her into rehab. Trump is probably not for providing the homeless with all of the assistance that they need, but at least he's for taking them off the streets and forcing them into treatment.

That's what the homeless who are addicted to hard drugs, initially need. The Republicans are good at fighting crime or forcing people out of "certain locations", like the cities they run. They create an unfriendly environment for the homeless, legally and otherwise. Trump is proposing something better than that by applying some "tough love". The Dems are indifferent, leaving these people out in the streets, doing whatever they want. Entering businesses and shoplifting with impunity. That's "woke" liberal bullshit policies, that don't address the problem, at all.

The Dems refuse to provide the homeless with the social services that they need, going half-ass, by providing healthcare (good), while refusing to adequately house the homeless that don't have a substance abuse problem or a serious mental illness that renders them unable to take care of themselves. And they refuse to adjudicate, those who are addicted to hard drugs, or/and seriously mentally ill, institutionalizing them until they recover (after they're clean and sober or their mental illness is manageable, they should be housed and connected to social services).

The Dems go half-ass, with the social services and practically NIL, with law enforcement (they just bend over and take it in the butt). The Republicans go full-bore, with the crime-fighting (good), and may even go further than that and apply a bit of tough love, forcing the drug-addicted homeless and seriously mentally ill, into medical treatment (great), but then they stop there. As far as providing basic housing for the homeless, who aren't abusing drugs or are seriously, dysfunctionally, mentally ill, they essentially tell these people to find a homeless shelter. Homeless shelters are horrible, believe me, I know. I was homeless when I was younger. Shelters aren't housing or the solution for homelessness.

Repubs are good at fighting crime, even forcing people into drug rehab or institutionalizing them, but their tough love ends there. Like the Dems, they shutdown, when it comes to doing what is required, to eliminate homelessness in America. Both parties are part of the problem. The Republicans kick out all of the homeless from their cities (I'm from Miami, Florida, and when I was homeless, I had to move to NY, to survive), forcing the homeless into more liberal cities. Even NYC in the 1990s, and early 2000s, when I was homeless, was more liberal than Miami, despite having a Republican mayor. The VA in NYC helped me get off the streets, whereas in Miami, my hometown, essentially told me to "F-OFF". Not much help.

The way to get rid of homelessness is a tough love that will go all of the way, to that person receiving all of the assistance that they need to get back on their feet. If they have a substance abuse problem or need mental health treatment, they're provided with the help that they need, and if they refuse that tough-love, they're forced to receive it, whether they like it or not. When adults behave like children, or when they're unable to take care of themselves, society has a right to institutionalize such people. A modern, wealthy, civil society should also house the homeless when they're clean and sober, providing them with healthcare, job training, and employment opportunities.

Through the NYC-VA system, I was provided with drug rehab (two months of inpatient treatment), then I was released to the Salvation Army - Veterans Shelter at Borden Ave, in Long-Island City NY. That so-called "homeless shelter", was more like housing, than your typical homeless shelter. It was clean, well-run, had plenty of security, no bed-bugs or cockroaches. They had an army of social workers, providing us with assistance, to get housing and receive whatever assistance we needed. I had to go to TORCH-VA, which is like a AA or NA program, five days a week.

I got my vending license, and started making money, and got my own place, after a few months. Veterans can get a merchant street-vending license, allowing us to set up a table on the sidewalks of NYC, selling all types of merchandise. I would rent my license, requiring me to stand by the merchant's table, while they sold their products. I got paid $120 daily, allowing me to get back on my feet. Then I used my GI BILL, to become a CNC machinist, becoming a union worker, making a good salary with a mountain of benefits and plenty of job security.

The Salvation Army, didn't force us to go to church or become part of their "discipleship program". Most Christian homeless missions, require the homeless to join their religious program. I'm not religious, so I would always avoid Christian missions, because practically all of them, want to force you into church. The Salvation Army's Veterans Shelter was run like a secular shelter, providing people access to church services, but not forcing anyone to attend or become part of a religious program. It was also unlike 99% of shelters with respect to its facilities, as I mentioned earlier. It was the Marriot Hotel of homeless shelters.

If it wasn't for the VA and the Salvation Army, I would be dead now. Many of you who know me on this forum, would like that, due to my politics, but not everyone is like me. There are plenty of Republican homeless people (even "born again
Christians) who need help too. The Dems and the Repubs are the problem because they refuse to support the infrastructure that will eliminate homelessness in America. Most homeless people aren't veterans, and they don't have access to all of the resources that I had as a homeless veteran, helping me get back on my feet. Food for thought.
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Employers can only exist with customers.... those jobs are going away because of this.... I guess if you were a waitress you would have a little compassion..... because I read zero compassion and caring from you....
Again, retard... learn to read.

An employer's first priority is his employees. After that comes his neighbors' businesses. Amazing that I need to explain this to you idiots who claim to be pro-business.
Again, retard... learn to read.

An employer's first priority is his employees. After that comes his neighbors' businesses. Amazing that I need to explain this to you idiots who claim to be pro-business.

The employer's first priority is his profits, staying in business, not his employees. If the company has gone public, having shareholders, it definitely prioritizes profits over everything else. The workers are the most expensive component of the "overhead" (cost of doing business), but they're not the main concern of employers. If companies can replace their human labor with intelligent robots or some other advanced technology, they'll do it. If they don't their competitors will, and that might result in a significant loss of market share, or bankruptcy. The number one priority of capitalism is profits. Nothing else.
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The employer's first priority is his profits, staying in business, not his employees. If the company has gone public, having shareholders, it definitely prioritizes profits over everything else. The workers are the most expensive component of the "overhead" (cost of doing business), but they're not the main concern of employers. If companies can replace their human labor with intelligent robots or some other advanced technology, they'll do it. If they don't their competitors will, and that might result in a significant loss of market share, or bankruptcy. The number one priority of capitalism is profits. Nothing else.
Sure. Go for it. Be an asshole to your employees.

But this thread is about companies that are not aholes and who care about their employees. See the difference?
Yeah, employers should worry about businesses closing over the safety of their own employees..... yep that's an unthinking wingnut for ya...
Hey dumbfuck, when that business closes because snowflakes like you are too lazy to go to work, you have NO job, NO income, and after that, NO house or vehicle when you can’t make the payments. Yes, you are an unthinking libtard.
Hey dumbfuck, when that business closes because snowflakes like you are too lazy to go to work, you have NO job, NO income, and after that, NO house or vehicle when you can’t make the payments. Yes, you are an unthinking libtard.
Thanks, retard. Now, run along. Go play in traffic, that's a good chap. :itsok:
Thanks, retard. Now, run along. Go play in traffic, that's a good chap. :itsok:
Poor little butthurt retard mad because you’re getting destroyed. As usual. Cry harder and go fuck yourself. All you can do since you’re living in mommy’s basement and obviously have no job.
Sure. Go for it. Be an asshole to your employees.

But this thread is about companies that are not aholes and who care about their employees. See the difference?
Which companies are you referring to? Why do you classify those companies as "being good" to their employees?

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