The Democrat Party officially adopts fascism as a party plank.

Another know nothing spouting absurd incomprehension about what fascism is.
The Gop is not even denying the oil companies lied to shareholders and withheld data; they're just saying there should not be any suit. Personally I agree with the gop position, because the intent was not to defraud but to protect stock prices.

But fascism? LOL Get a grip.
The party's platform hasn't been written yet. That's the kind of stupidity you see when your info comes from Free Republic. :laugh2:
The link to the draft platform is in the OP.

From the draft:

Climate Change and Clean Energy: Moving beyond the “all of the above” energy approach in the 2012 platform, the 2016 platform draft re-frames the urgency of climate change as a central challenge of our time, already impacting American communities and calling for generating 50 percent clean electricity within the next ten years. The Committee unanimously adopted a joint proposal from Sanders and Clinton representatives to commit to making America run entirely on clean energy by mid-century, and supporting the ambitious goals put forward by President Obama and the Paris climate agreement. Another joint proposal calling on the Department of Justice to investigate alleged corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies who have reportedly misled shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change was also adopted by unanimous consent.

Pure fascism.
The Gop is not even denying the oil companies lied to shareholders and withheld data; they're just saying there should not be any suit. Personally I agree with the gop position, because the intent was not to defraud but to protect stock prices.

But fascism? LOL Get a grip.
It doesn't matter what the intent. Expressing an opinion about a scientific theory is not something the government should ever prosecute for any reason.
The platform plank has nothing to do with prosecuting global warming skeptics.

Nothing. Let's get that straight first. If you are a skeptic, this has nothing to do with you. At all. The OP claim that the "Dem party platform calls for prosecuting global warming skeptics" is a flat out lie.

What the plank is about is a situation where a corporation does a scientific study and then buries the results because they conflict with their corporate business model. For example, if Exxon did a global warming study and found that fossil fuels contribute to global warming and then buried that information because it would negatively impact their sales, and might lead to legislation restricting the use of fossil fuels, then the Democratic platform would find that to be corporate malfeasance worthy of a DOJ investigation.

That the Democratic Party is choosing to single out the fossil fuel industry for this kind of action is indicative of their biases.

You're a jackass. That plank most certainly is about prosecuting skeptics.

Nope. Anyone with a modicum of reading comprehension can see that is a lie.
RFOL! You lie like a rug. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see that Dims want to prosecute any corporation that disputes its lame pseudo-scientific theories
They crossed the Rubicon. They are no longer even pretending to support the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Know your enemy, people:

Dem Party Platform Calls For Prosecuting Global Warming Skeptics

Democratic operatives responsible for creating their party’s platform this year have unanimously adopted a provision calling for the Department of Justice to investigate companies who disagree with Democrats on global warming science.

A panel of Democrats voted Friday to approve a final draft of the party’s platform to promote “Progressive Democratic Values,” which apparently includes investigating energy companies who “misled” shareholders about global warming.

“Another joint proposal calling on the Department of Justice to investigate alleged corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies who have reportedly misled shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change was also adopted by unanimous consent,” according to the Democratic National Convention’s website.

The drafting committee, led by DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, has decided to back ongoing investigations by mostly Democratic state attorneys general into ExxonMobil’s stance on global warming.
The Neo-Nazis [Fascists] demonstrated in Sacramento ... You're still in denial.
I have no idea who you are referring to. As I just demonstrated, the Dims are the modern day Nazis.
Read the damn articles .. they refer to Far Right Neo-Nazis.
[/QUOTE]Read the damn articles .. they refer to Far Right Neo-Nazis.[/QUOTE]

Don't even bother to try to explain. The words mean nothing any more.
The party's platform hasn't been written yet. That's the kind of stupidity you see when your info comes from Free Republic. :laugh2:
The link to the draft platform is in the OP.

From the draft:

Climate Change and Clean Energy: Moving beyond the “all of the above” energy approach in the 2012 platform, the 2016 platform draft re-frames the urgency of climate change as a central challenge of our time, already impacting American communities and calling for generating 50 percent clean electricity within the next ten years. The Committee unanimously adopted a joint proposal from Sanders and Clinton representatives to commit to making America run entirely on clean energy by mid-century, and supporting the ambitious goals put forward by President Obama and the Paris climate agreement. Another joint proposal calling on the Department of Justice to investigate alleged corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies who have reportedly misled shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change was also adopted by unanimous consent.

Pure fascism.
God I miss your posts Bripat.
They crossed the Rubicon. They are no longer even pretending to support the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Know your enemy, people:

Dem Party Platform Calls For Prosecuting Global Warming Skeptics

Democratic operatives responsible for creating their party’s platform this year have unanimously adopted a provision calling for the Department of Justice to investigate companies who disagree with Democrats on global warming science.

A panel of Democrats voted Friday to approve a final draft of the party’s platform to promote “Progressive Democratic Values,” which apparently includes investigating energy companies who “misled” shareholders about global warming.

“Another joint proposal calling on the Department of Justice to investigate alleged corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies who have reportedly misled shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change was also adopted by unanimous consent,” according to the Democratic National Convention’s website.

The drafting committee, led by DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, has decided to back ongoing investigations by mostly Democratic state attorneys general into ExxonMobil’s stance on global warming.
The Neo-Nazis [Fascists] demonstrated in Sacramento ... You're still in denial.
I have no idea who you are referring to. As I just demonstrated, the Dims are the modern day Nazis.
go squealing like a pig crazy bobby
They crossed the Rubicon. They are no longer even pretending to support the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Know your enemy, people:

Dem Party Platform Calls For Prosecuting Global Warming Skeptics

Democratic operatives responsible for creating their party’s platform this year have unanimously adopted a provision calling for the Department of Justice to investigate companies who disagree with Democrats on global warming science.

A panel of Democrats voted Friday to approve a final draft of the party’s platform to promote “Progressive Democratic Values,” which apparently includes investigating energy companies who “misled” shareholders about global warming.

“Another joint proposal calling on the Department of Justice to investigate alleged corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies who have reportedly misled shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change was also adopted by unanimous consent,” according to the Democratic National Convention’s website.

The drafting committee, led by DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, has decided to back ongoing investigations by mostly Democratic state attorneys general into ExxonMobil’s stance on global warming.
The Neo-Nazis [Fascists] demonstrated in Sacramento ... You're still in denial.
I have no idea who you are referring to. As I just demonstrated, the Dims are the modern day Nazis.
go squealing like a pig crazy bobby
They'll support Trump simply because they're stupid.
They crossed the Rubicon. They are no longer even pretending to support the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Know your enemy, people:

Dem Party Platform Calls For Prosecuting Global Warming Skeptics

Democratic operatives responsible for creating their party’s platform this year have unanimously adopted a provision calling for the Department of Justice to investigate companies who disagree with Democrats on global warming science.

A panel of Democrats voted Friday to approve a final draft of the party’s platform to promote “Progressive Democratic Values,” which apparently includes investigating energy companies who “misled” shareholders about global warming.

“Another joint proposal calling on the Department of Justice to investigate alleged corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies who have reportedly misled shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change was also adopted by unanimous consent,” according to the Democratic National Convention’s website.

The drafting committee, led by DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, has decided to back ongoing investigations by mostly Democratic state attorneys general into ExxonMobil’s stance on global warming.

So don't vote for any, k? That's how it works.

You're sure looking awfully partisan for someone who claims to hate both parties. Hypocrite much??????????? LMAO
The platform plank has nothing to do with prosecuting global warming skeptics.

Nothing. Let's get that straight first. If you are a skeptic, this has nothing to do with you. At all. The OP claim that the "Dem party platform calls for prosecuting global warming skeptics" is a flat out lie.

What the plank is about is a situation where a corporation does a scientific study and then buries the results because they conflict with their corporate business model. For example, if Exxon did a global warming study and found that fossil fuels contribute to global warming and then buried that information because it would negatively impact their sales, and might lead to legislation restricting the use of fossil fuels, then the Democratic platform would find that to be corporate malfeasance worthy of a DOJ investigation.

That the Democratic Party is choosing to single out the fossil fuel industry for this kind of action is indicative of their biases.
But burying results and or tweaking data is ok as long as it fits the global warming agenda ?

Data Tweaking Heats Up Climate Hype
The party's platform hasn't been written yet. That's the kind of stupidity you see when your info comes from Free Republic. :laugh2:
The link to the draft platform is in the OP.

From the draft:

Climate Change and Clean Energy: Moving beyond the “all of the above” energy approach in the 2012 platform, the 2016 platform draft re-frames the urgency of climate change as a central challenge of our time, already impacting American communities and calling for generating 50 percent clean electricity within the next ten years. The Committee unanimously adopted a joint proposal from Sanders and Clinton representatives to commit to making America run entirely on clean energy by mid-century, and supporting the ambitious goals put forward by President Obama and the Paris climate agreement. Another joint proposal calling on the Department of Justice to investigate alleged corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies who have reportedly misled shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change was also adopted by unanimous consent.

Pure fascism.
God I miss your posts Bripat.

Where ya been?
For example, if Exxon did a global warming study and found that fossil fuels contribute to global warming and then buried that information
You mean like they buried the information about the manipulated data from the scientific community pushing Global Warming?

G5000 provided links from credible sources. Got any?

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I guess you've never heard of "Climategate".
ClimateGate: The Fix is In | RealClearPolitics

Well, yeah, but that's been widely debunked. (Not to mention almost 10 years old).

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