The Democrat Party officially adopts fascism as a party plank.

“The Democrat Party officially adopts fascism as a party plank.”

As already correctly noted: this is a lie.
You're like a poorly trained parrot. The only thing you know how to say is "This is a lie, this is a lie, this is a lie". Somebody's not very creative.
For example, if Exxon did a global warming study and found that fossil fuels contribute to global warming and then buried that information
You mean like they buried the information about the manipulated data from the scientific community pushing Global Warming?

G5000 provided links from credible sources. Got any?

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I guess you've never heard of "Climategate".
ClimateGate: The Fix is In | RealClearPolitics

Well, yeah, but that's been widely debunked. (Not to mention almost 10 years old).
Sorry, but "factcheck" is a well known liberal mouthpiece posing as a fact checking source. Everyone knows this.
For example, if Exxon did a global warming study and found that fossil fuels contribute to global warming and then buried that information
You mean like they buried the information about the manipulated data from the scientific community pushing Global Warming?

G5000 provided links from credible sources. Got any?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I guess you've never heard of "Climategate".
ClimateGate: The Fix is In | RealClearPolitics

Well, yeah, but that's been widely debunked. (Not to mention almost 10 years old).
It has not been "debunked." Leftists imagine that just because some leftwing douche bags attacked it that it's "debunked." Their attacks debunked nothing.
Yes, the Right has rewritten world history, blaming everything on the Left, including Hitler. They forget vast numbers of history books.
Hitler was a tree hugging, gun grabbing, abortion promoting Socialist just like the Democrats today, who are now hoping to make it illegal to disagree with Climate Change theory.

And no one is forgetting the vast spewage of leftwing history books that shits out lies like diarrhea

They'll support Trump simply because they're stupid.
Yeah because we prefer candidates who are not sold out to Wall Street bankers, who are not being criminally investigated by the FBI and who will put America first we are stupid?

I am proud to be stupid rather than a libtard.
I can't say I agree with everything my new party stands for. I'll be working against such idiocy from within.

People should have the right to disagree without fear of arrest.

Lol, so you h ave gone full retard and joined the Dimbocratic Party?

My Gawd, I have been refusing to to join the Republicans for more than thirty years, and you have to join these leftwing fascists?

God have pity on you, dude.
They crossed the Rubicon. They are no longer even pretending to support the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Know your enemy, people:

Dem Party Platform Calls For Prosecuting Global Warming Skeptics

Democratic operatives responsible for creating their party’s platform this year have unanimously adopted a provision calling for the Department of Justice to investigate companies who disagree with Democrats on global warming science.

A panel of Democrats voted Friday to approve a final draft of the party’s platform to promote “Progressive Democratic Values,” which apparently includes investigating energy companies who “misled” shareholders about global warming.

“Another joint proposal calling on the Department of Justice to investigate alleged corporate fraud on the part of fossil fuel companies who have reportedly misled shareholders and the public on the scientific reality of climate change was also adopted by unanimous consent,” according to the Democratic National Convention’s website.

The drafting committee, led by DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, has decided to back ongoing investigations by mostly Democratic state attorneys general into ExxonMobil’s stance on global warming.
Remember when Bush was supposed to have taken away our liberties?
I can't say I agree with everything my new party stands for. I'll be working against such idiocy from within.

People should have the right to disagree without fear of arrest.

Lol, so you h ave gone full retard and joined the Dimbocratic Party?

My Gawd, I have been refusing to to join the Republicans for more than thirty years, and you have to join these leftwing fascists?

God have pity on you, dude.
The "Dimbocratic Party"........

Where, and to whom, is that funny?
Most Republicans are proud Stalinists at heart. It's easy to prove.

Conservative state governments have tried prosecuting climate scientists on faked charges.

I've asked over and over for any conservatives to condemn that. So far, not a single one has been willing to do so. Without exception, every one of them has been thrilled with the idea of sending scientists to the Gulag for the crime of disagreeing with TheParty. Scratch a conservative, find a Stalinist.

That is, Bri is a proud Stalinist who is projecting his own adoration of Stalinism on to decent people.

Nobody is now suggesting deniers (don't ever call denier cultists "skeptics", and babbling cult loons are the furthest thing from skeptics) be jailed. Bri is just lying about that. Nobody is now suggesting prosecuting someone for having a different opinion. (Yes, a few irrelevant dumbasses somewhere have said such things, and liberals immediately slammed them for it.)

So why is Bri being so dishonest? Because TheParty told him to. It's as simple as that. TheParty directs, Bri obeys. He literally doesn't care if it's true. TheParty told him to say it, so he's saying it. That's how Stalinist hacks operate.

Now, if a corporation spends decades deliberately lying to public, as confirmed by their own documents, in order to increase their profits, that's fraud and it certainly should be prosecuted. That's what was done with the Tobacco companies. If someone disagrees with that policy, it means they're big fans of fraud.
Most Republicans are proud Stalinists at heart. It's easy to prove.

Conservative state governments have tried prosecuting climate scientists on faked charges.

I've asked over and over for any conservatives to condemn that. So far, not a single one has been willing to do so. Without exception, every one of them has been thrilled with the idea of sending scientists to the Gulag for the crime of disagreeing with TheParty. Scratch a conservative, find a Stalinist.

That is, Bri is a proud Stalinist who is projecting his own adoration of Stalinism on to decent people.

Nobody is now suggesting deniers (don't ever call denier cultists "skeptics", and babbling cult loons are the furthest thing from skeptics) be jailed. Bri is just lying about that. Nobody is now suggesting prosecuting someone for having a different opinion. (Yes, a few irrelevant dumbasses somewhere have said such things, and liberals immediately slammed them for it.)

So why is Bri being so dishonest? Because TheParty told him to. It's as simple as that. TheParty directs, Bri obeys. He literally doesn't care if it's true. TheParty told him to say it, so he's saying it. That's how Stalinist hacks operate.

Now, if a corporation spends decades deliberately lying to public, as confirmed by their own documents, in order to increase their profits, that's fraud and it certainly should be prosecuted. That's what was done with the Tobacco companies. If someone disagrees with that policy, it means they're big fans of fraud.

You still cant find your Zoloft apparently.

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