The Democrat Party Puts Citizens at the Back of the Bus


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Democrats know their base will stick with them no matter how much they shit on why not toss them to the back of bus...might as well put them under the bus and run over them, maybe then they'd show some disapproval...
a lot of links in article at site

Richard Butrick

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) of the Obama administration has just recently signed an agreement with Mexico's government vowing to prevent workplace discrimination against illegal immigrants while educating them about their civil rights and minimum wage laws. The EEOC is the federal agency that enforces the nation's workplace discrimination laws.

Prevent workplace discrimination against illegal immigrants?

Use tax-payer money to educate them about their civil rights?

Yes. That's right. The agreement is designed to protect Mexican nationals "regardless of immigration status."

The Democratic party has really become the IFP party: the Immigrants First Party. Not only do their policies put Bible clingers and gun clingers and greedy bankers at the back of the bus, their policies put Black citizens at the back of the bus. The Democrat immigration policies are guaranteed to keep wages of labor intensive jobs from keeping up with inflation. It is simple supply-demand economics. If the supply of labor for a given classification of jobs exceeds the demand then wages for those jobs will not rise. In fact, meat-packing jobs were once high wage jobs.

Immigration depresses wages by increasing the supply of workers relative to demand. Harvard Kennedy School economist George T. Borjas, working alone or with Lawrence Katz and Richard Freeman, has produced a succession of studies over the last two decades showing that immigration hurts the wages of native-born workers. One study, published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics in November 2003, found that between 1980 and 2000 immigrants increased the labor supply of working men by 11 percent and reduced the average wage of native workers by 3.2 percent. Wages fell by 8.9 percent for workers who had not finished high school, 2.9 percent for high school graduates, and 4.9 percent for college graduates.

all of it here
Democrats know their base will stick with them no matter how much they shit on why not toss them to the back of bus...might as well put them under the bus and run over them, maybe then they'd show some disapproval...
a lot of links in article at site

Richard Butrick

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) of the Obama administration has just recently signed an agreement with Mexico's government vowing to prevent workplace discrimination against illegal immigrants while educating them about their civil rights and minimum wage laws. The EEOC is the federal agency that enforces the nation's workplace discrimination laws.

Prevent workplace discrimination against illegal immigrants?

Use tax-payer money to educate them about their civil rights?

Yes. That's right. The agreement is designed to protect Mexican nationals "regardless of immigration status."

The Democratic party has really become the IFP party: the Immigrants First Party. Not only do their policies put Bible clingers and gun clingers and greedy bankers at the back of the bus, their policies put Black citizens at the back of the bus. The Democrat immigration policies are guaranteed to keep wages of labor intensive jobs from keeping up with inflation. It is simple supply-demand economics. If the supply of labor for a given classification of jobs exceeds the demand then wages for those jobs will not rise. In fact, meat-packing jobs were once high wage jobs.

Immigration depresses wages by increasing the supply of workers relative to demand. Harvard Kennedy School economist George T. Borjas, working alone or with Lawrence Katz and Richard Freeman, has produced a succession of studies over the last two decades showing that immigration hurts the wages of native-born workers. One study, published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics in November 2003, found that between 1980 and 2000 immigrants increased the labor supply of working men by 11 percent and reduced the average wage of native workers by 3.2 percent. Wages fell by 8.9 percent for workers who had not finished high school, 2.9 percent for high school graduates, and 4.9 percent for college graduates.

all of it here
American Thinker- Print Article

This is a win-win for democrats. They get to bring in more democrat voters and the get to keep current democrat dependent on government ( taxpayer) handouts.

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