The Democratic Primary’s Rightward Drift


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
That's a joke, of course. Who do they think they're going to fool? Their opening positions are the ones they hold.

When news first spread that a young, openly gay mayor from Indiana was running for president, the liberal potential of his candidacy seemed limitless: Buttigieg supported Medicare-for-all, preached urgency on climate change, and demanded reforms such as abolishing the electoral college and overhauling the Supreme Court. Mara/The Washington Post South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg meets with voters during a town hall in Henniker, N.H., on Dec. 5.

Eleven months later, Buttigieg looks more like a traditional centrist than a leftist force. Instead of Medicare-for-all, he favors a more limited public option. Environmentalists complain his climate plan is less sweeping than his early rhetoric suggested it might be. After raising his hand at a debate to show support for decriminalizing border crossings, he clarified that he doesn’t actually hold that position.

Buttigieg shifts to center, embodying the Democratic primary’s rightward drift
Sorry after eight years of the last disaster I have no need of more of democrats in office. Even thirty years ago Biden was unqualified and not mentally able to handle the job. Now he can't even rember what state he is in unless his handlers remind him just before he speaks.
The rest are on a giveaway program that will bankrupt the country and kill off the economy.
Trump does things I don't like but at least he is ten times better then the last guy and at least that as far as the democratic nominees go.

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