The Democrats and crime statistics


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
The Democrats look at crime statistics and see more black people are being arrested than other groups.

So in their mind, the world of equality, the only possible reason for this is the police are racist.

It never crossed their mind that if a person is not committing a crime, they won't be arrested.

The Democrats look at crime statistics and come to one of two conclusions, either,

1) More "white" people need to be arrested.


2) We need to open up the door and let black people out to even the statistics.

If they want to claim "victims of a culture of crime" , fine! then why don't they preach morals to the inner cities? They have no interest in that. ...cus by the time someone is being arrested, it's too late.

( Let's temporarily set aside that fact that many black cops were attacked by angry black protests)

The Democrat scenario is, "white" cops are driving down the street, see a black guy , and frame him for crimes.

(I'll let you in an a secret, even people who are racist, don't do sht like that.)

...and their solution is to arrest more "whites" or let people walk.

if you thin about it, their whole point of view is batsht bonkers, yet with the Democrats being 50% of the power, we let these people talk and set laws like their views are valid.
It's a very good thing that the 'batshit bonkers' Democrats haven't lost all semblance of empathy, and feel the need to address the shocking statistics of black incarceration, and incarceration in general.
Liberals also look at drug use statistics and see that more white people use marijuana and cocaine, and yet more black and brown people get arrested for using these drugs. When white people get arrested for using marijuana and cocaine, it's like white college boys raping drunk unconscious girls out behind the dumpster, boys will be boys. The white kids get a fine and community service, but the brown and black kids, go to prison.
It is absurd for anyone to believe that crime or any other general statistic will be perfectly and evenly distributed across any particular demographic, be it race, religion, sexual orientation or the like. Reasons behind a particularly event are more important.

I would argue; having lived in abject poverty as a kid, that poverty is by far the most powerful trait impacting predictability that someone will conduct crime. I would also suggest single parent households, and/or an unhealthy/dysfunctional home life. I've used the argument, that when a dog owner beats his dog everyday and one day the dog snaps and mauls him, noone in society is surprised. "You got what you deserved, you beat your dog everyday!". Humans are no different, food for thought there...

Listen to former Chief Brown from the Dallas police department when he made his epic speech regarding policing in Texas and the questions they have to answer, some in society are asking police to do too much, there's no doubt. There are alot of grains of wisdom and truth in his speech:

Far too much can fall on the shoulders of good officers, it's not fair to blame police for all the ills of society. That's quite unfair obviously. He also bravely called out some of the problems which society just ignores because it's too uncomfortable to answer the tough questions instead just blaming police for these challenges. Single mother households, addictions, mental health issues etc.

Now, you can also point out that Whites commit more white collar crimes. Which, in many respects is more harmful long term to the victim. When you lose your life's savings as some do, that's permanent and felt everyday, outside of a serious injury or death obviously. Never any outrage against such arrests though because it doesn't play into the racial inequality narrative. Which, is a legitimate issue, but not one that will be overcome by socialist antidotes that limit opportunity. Opportunity, economic and social freedoms in society is the greatest antidote to crime.
take the freaking profit motive out of the prison system. the overwhelmingly majority of inmates increased during ronny reagan's terms where the 'just say no' crowd said yes instead became the majority of prisoners. the more incarcerations, the higher the 'returns' for their stockholders.

obama commuted the sentences of several low level 'offenders, including those serving time for drug offenses; many of which were in these money making prisons. & as part of hillary's platform- these institutions were going to shut their doors for good.

well now.... guess who not only is going to keep them open - but most likely will build more; especially at the border?
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It's a very good thing that the 'batshit bonkers' Democrats haven't lost all semblance of empathy, and feel the need to address the shocking statistics of black incarceration, and incarceration in general.
The American police state, which Ds, Rs, and particularly Obama, have built into an overpowering presence.

That said, blacks cause about 50% of crime in America so one would logically conclude more of them would be incarcerated.

Are facts now racist?
take the freaking profit motive out of the prison system. the overwhelmingly majority of inmates increased during ronny reagan's terms where the 'just say no' crowd said yes instead became the majority of prisoners. the more incarcerations, the higher the 'returns' for their stockholders.

obama commuted the sentences of several low level 'offenders, including those serving time for drug offenses; many of which were in these money making prisons. & as part of hillary's platform- these institutions were going to shut their doors for good.

well now.... guess who not only is going to keep them open - but most likely will build more; especially at the border?

Prisons have nothing to do with profit. For most cities, there isn't enough room to put the prisoners we already have. They let violent offenders stay home on house arrest because there is no place to put them.
It's a very good thing that the 'batshit bonkers' Democrats haven't lost all semblance of empathy, and feel the need to address the shocking statistics of black incarceration, and incarceration in general.
The American police state, which Ds, Rs, and particularly Obama, have built into an overpowering presence.

That said, blacks cause about 50% of crime in America so one would logically conclude more of them would be incarcerated.

Are facts now racist?
My wife was shocked when I told her that blacks only make up about 13 percent of the population. Considering sports and TV blacks are way over represented. Same with crime, blacks commit way more crime percentage of the population. The only bad thing is, that it is whitey's fault of course. There is a larger segment of the population that are Hispanic then Black yet you don't see them committing 50 percent of the murders.
Liberals also look at drug use statistics and see that more white people use marijuana and cocaine, and yet more black and brown people get arrested for using these drugs. When white people get arrested for using marijuana and cocaine, it's like white college boys raping drunk unconscious girls out behind the dumpster, boys will be boys. The white kids get a fine and community service, but the brown and black kids, go to prison.

Nobody goes to prison just for smoking pot. Pot is either an associated crime or they were selling the drug or had enough in their possession to be considered for sale.

As for other drug charges, penalties are based on history and not race. A first time offender that ends up in court and shows remorse for having some coke on him will get much less time than a multiple offender that has an attitude with the judge about his offense.
take the freaking profit motive out of the prison system. the overwhelmingly majority of inmates increased during ronny reagan's terms where the 'just say no' crowd said yes instead became the majority of prisoners. the more incarcerations, the higher the 'returns' for their stockholders.

obama commuted the sentences of several low level 'offenders, including those serving time for drug offenses; many of which were in these money making prisons. & as part of hillary's platform- these institutions were going to shut their doors for good.

well now.... guess who not only is going to keep them open - but most likely will build more; especially at the border?

Prisons have nothing to do with profit. For most cities, there isn't enough room to put the prisoners we already have. They let violent offenders stay home on house arrest because there is no place to put them.

why do you think 'violent' offenders are on house arrest? because the prisons are full of non violent offenders with long sentences imposed on them... drug addicts & dealers, & petty criminals usually stealing to feed said addiction.

get them out & rehabbed, then there will be plenty of room for the cretins who deserve to be locked up.

Democrats usually rather believe in their dumb ideology than accept the facts.

Blacks commit more crime by ridiculous margin than whites, deal with it. Asians commit less crimes than whites.

Oh, I am such an evil racist for admitting the facts!
take the freaking profit motive out of the prison system. the overwhelmingly majority of inmates increased during ronny reagan's terms where the 'just say no' crowd said yes instead became the majority of prisoners. the more incarcerations, the higher the 'returns' for their stockholders.

obama commuted the sentences of several low level 'offenders, including those serving time for drug offenses; many of which were in these money making prisons. & as part of hillary's platform- these institutions were going to shut their doors for good.

well now.... guess who not only is going to keep them open - but most likely will build more; especially at the border?

Prisons have nothing to do with profit. For most cities, there isn't enough room to put the prisoners we already have. They let violent offenders stay home on house arrest because there is no place to put them.

why do you think 'violent' offenders are on house arrest? because the prisons are full of non violent offenders with long sentences imposed on them... drug addicts & dealers, & petty criminals usually stealing to feed said addiction.

get them out & rehabbed, then there will be plenty of room for the cretins who deserve to be locked up.


The problem is that rehab doesn't least the cases I'm familiar with. It usually lasts about a month or two, then it's right back on dope again.
take the freaking profit motive out of the prison system. the overwhelmingly majority of inmates increased during ronny reagan's terms where the 'just say no' crowd said yes instead became the majority of prisoners. the more incarcerations, the higher the 'returns' for their stockholders.

obama commuted the sentences of several low level 'offenders, including those serving time for drug offenses; many of which were in these money making prisons. & as part of hillary's platform- these institutions were going to shut their doors for good.

well now.... guess who not only is going to keep them open - but most likely will build more; especially at the border?

Prisons have nothing to do with profit. For most cities, there isn't enough room to put the prisoners we already have. They let violent offenders stay home on house arrest because there is no place to put them.

why do you think 'violent' offenders are on house arrest? because the prisons are full of non violent offenders with long sentences imposed on them... drug addicts & dealers, & petty criminals usually stealing to feed said addiction.

get them out & rehabbed, then there will be plenty of room for the cretins who deserve to be locked up.


The problem is that rehab doesn't least the cases I'm familiar with. It usually lasts about a month or two, then it's right back on dope again.

drug addiction is a very powerful demon. i've seen too many people become addicts after being prescribed legal painkillers for a legit reason, only to be cut off & then turn to street shit. good rehab places are few & far between. thank goodness the ACA mandates rehab as a covered expense. i've seen it work. trumpcare would have stripped that coverage.
take the freaking profit motive out of the prison system. the overwhelmingly majority of inmates increased during ronny reagan's terms where the 'just say no' crowd said yes instead became the majority of prisoners. the more incarcerations, the higher the 'returns' for their stockholders.

obama commuted the sentences of several low level 'offenders, including those serving time for drug offenses; many of which were in these money making prisons. & as part of hillary's platform- these institutions were going to shut their doors for good.

well now.... guess who not only is going to keep them open - but most likely will build more; especially at the border?

Prisons have nothing to do with profit. For most cities, there isn't enough room to put the prisoners we already have. They let violent offenders stay home on house arrest because there is no place to put them.

why do you think 'violent' offenders are on house arrest? because the prisons are full of non violent offenders with long sentences imposed on them... drug addicts & dealers, & petty criminals usually stealing to feed said addiction.

get them out & rehabbed, then there will be plenty of room for the cretins who deserve to be locked up.


The problem is that rehab doesn't least the cases I'm familiar with. It usually lasts about a month or two, then it's right back on dope again.

drug addiction is a very powerful demon. i've seen too many people become addicts after being prescribed legal painkillers for a legit reason, only to be cut off & then turn to street shit. good rehab places are few & far between. thank goodness the ACA mandates rehab as a covered expense. i've seen it work. trumpcare would have stripped that coverage.

Like I've said, I've never seen it work, at least for any length of time, and I've had my share of experiences with the stuff; most recently with a death in the family. The person died at the age of 28. Was hooked on the stuff since the age of 15. Yes, in and out of jail, in and out of rehab after rehab. Been kicked out on the street by his family. Would steal anything that wasn't nailed down. Nothing did any good.

Because of dope heads, I now have policy of not renting to convicted felons. They have cost me way too much money and have taken way too much of my time. They simply can't be trusted I don't care how long they've been off the stuff.
take the freaking profit motive out of the prison system. the overwhelmingly majority of inmates increased during ronny reagan's terms where the 'just say no' crowd said yes instead became the majority of prisoners. the more incarcerations, the higher the 'returns' for their stockholders.

obama commuted the sentences of several low level 'offenders, including those serving time for drug offenses; many of which were in these money making prisons. & as part of hillary's platform- these institutions were going to shut their doors for good.

well now.... guess who not only is going to keep them open - but most likely will build more; especially at the border?

Prisons have nothing to do with profit. For most cities, there isn't enough room to put the prisoners we already have. They let violent offenders stay home on house arrest because there is no place to put them.

why do you think 'violent' offenders are on house arrest? because the prisons are full of non violent offenders with long sentences imposed on them... drug addicts & dealers, & petty criminals usually stealing to feed said addiction.

get them out & rehabbed, then there will be plenty of room for the cretins who deserve to be locked up.


The problem is that rehab doesn't least the cases I'm familiar with. It usually lasts about a month or two, then it's right back on dope again.

drug addiction is a very powerful demon. i've seen too many people become addicts after being prescribed legal painkillers for a legit reason, only to be cut off & then turn to street shit. good rehab places are few & far between. thank goodness the ACA mandates rehab as a covered expense. i've seen it work. trumpcare would have stripped that coverage.

Like I've said, I've never seen it work, at least for any length of time, and I've had my share of experiences with the stuff; most recently with a death in the family. The person died at the age of 28. Was hooked on the stuff since the age of 15. Yes, in and out of jail, in and out of rehab after rehab. Been kicked out on the street by his family. Would steal anything that wasn't nailed down. Nothing did any good.

Because of dope heads, I now have policy of not renting to convicted felons. They have cost me way too much money and have taken way too much of my time. They simply can't be trusted I don't care how long they've been off the stuff.
and remember when at some point during the Obama years, blacks felt it was ok to just walk into convenient stores in large groups, and just help themselves to anything they wanted,not pay for it, and just walk out knowing Obama/Holder wouldnt do a thing about it?,,,just like the shootings in Chicago,,,they all know nothing will happen to them if they shoot other blacks,,,,hey, Obama is President, I can shoot anyone I want in Chicago,,,,but what about the kids where were killed by stray bullets?
get them out & rehabbed, then there will be plenty of room for the cretins who deserve to be locked up.

Even with prison rehab programs the recidivism rate is sky high.

Property offenders were the most likely to be rearrested, with 82.1 percent of released property offenders arrested for a new crime compared with 76.9 percent of drug offenders, 73.6 percent of public order offenders and 71.3 percent of violent offenders.

NIJ Home Page NIJ Home

The above is why our jails and prisons are full. In many people involved in drug offenses, at least, it is gang related, and "doing a nickle" (5 year sentence), raises their status within the gang.

With a prison term being a badge of honor, it's no wonder we have such a high recidivism rate.

Here is another statistic:


Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2017

I agree that blacks are overrepresented, the reasons are argued daily, thr percentage's of the black and white in the total prison population is equal.

Edit: It would be interesting to see a statistic on prison population by self identified political affiliation. I'm trying NOT to make any assumptions or suggestions. I just think that it would bean interesting statistic to see. If it was a year ago I would make that suggestion to the Statistical Evaluation class I took.
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Prisons have nothing to do with profit. For most cities, there isn't enough room to put the prisoners we already have. They let violent offenders stay home on house arrest because there is no place to put them.

why do you think 'violent' offenders are on house arrest? because the prisons are full of non violent offenders with long sentences imposed on them... drug addicts & dealers, & petty criminals usually stealing to feed said addiction.

get them out & rehabbed, then there will be plenty of room for the cretins who deserve to be locked up.


The problem is that rehab doesn't least the cases I'm familiar with. It usually lasts about a month or two, then it's right back on dope again.

drug addiction is a very powerful demon. i've seen too many people become addicts after being prescribed legal painkillers for a legit reason, only to be cut off & then turn to street shit. good rehab places are few & far between. thank goodness the ACA mandates rehab as a covered expense. i've seen it work. trumpcare would have stripped that coverage.

Like I've said, I've never seen it work, at least for any length of time, and I've had my share of experiences with the stuff; most recently with a death in the family. The person died at the age of 28. Was hooked on the stuff since the age of 15. Yes, in and out of jail, in and out of rehab after rehab. Been kicked out on the street by his family. Would steal anything that wasn't nailed down. Nothing did any good.

Because of dope heads, I now have policy of not renting to convicted felons. They have cost me way too much money and have taken way too much of my time. They simply can't be trusted I don't care how long they've been off the stuff.
and remember when at some point during the Obama years, blacks felt it was ok to just walk into convenient stores in large groups, and just help themselves to anything they wanted,not pay for it, and just walk out knowing Obama/Holder wouldnt do a thing about it?,,,just like the shootings in Chicago,,,they all know nothing will happen to them if they shoot other blacks,,,,hey, Obama is President, I can shoot anyone I want in Chicago,,,,but what about the kids where were killed by stray bullets?

The problem in Chicago is that too many criminals do have guns and there is nothing they can do about it. Judges are pressured to put only the worst of the worst away, so when they get a guy with a simple gun possession, they virtually let him go and he's back on the street with a new gun.
why do you think 'violent' offenders are on house arrest? because the prisons are full of non violent offenders with long sentences imposed on them... drug addicts & dealers, & petty criminals usually stealing to feed said addiction.

get them out & rehabbed, then there will be plenty of room for the cretins who deserve to be locked up.


The problem is that rehab doesn't least the cases I'm familiar with. It usually lasts about a month or two, then it's right back on dope again.

drug addiction is a very powerful demon. i've seen too many people become addicts after being prescribed legal painkillers for a legit reason, only to be cut off & then turn to street shit. good rehab places are few & far between. thank goodness the ACA mandates rehab as a covered expense. i've seen it work. trumpcare would have stripped that coverage.

Like I've said, I've never seen it work, at least for any length of time, and I've had my share of experiences with the stuff; most recently with a death in the family. The person died at the age of 28. Was hooked on the stuff since the age of 15. Yes, in and out of jail, in and out of rehab after rehab. Been kicked out on the street by his family. Would steal anything that wasn't nailed down. Nothing did any good.

Because of dope heads, I now have policy of not renting to convicted felons. They have cost me way too much money and have taken way too much of my time. They simply can't be trusted I don't care how long they've been off the stuff.
and remember when at some point during the Obama years, blacks felt it was ok to just walk into convenient stores in large groups, and just help themselves to anything they wanted,not pay for it, and just walk out knowing Obama/Holder wouldnt do a thing about it?,,,just like the shootings in Chicago,,,they all know nothing will happen to them if they shoot other blacks,,,,hey, Obama is President, I can shoot anyone I want in Chicago,,,,but what about the kids where were killed by stray bullets?

The problem in Chicago is that too many criminals do have guns and there is nothing they can do about it. Judges are pressured to put only the worst of the worst away, so when they get a guy with a simple gun possession, they virtually let him go and he's back on the street with a new gun.
and when an innocent 10 yr old girl gets shot on her porch,,to the thugs/democrats,,they see it as just another insect that was accidentley stepped on,,right?
The problem is that rehab doesn't least the cases I'm familiar with. It usually lasts about a month or two, then it's right back on dope again.

drug addiction is a very powerful demon. i've seen too many people become addicts after being prescribed legal painkillers for a legit reason, only to be cut off & then turn to street shit. good rehab places are few & far between. thank goodness the ACA mandates rehab as a covered expense. i've seen it work. trumpcare would have stripped that coverage.

Like I've said, I've never seen it work, at least for any length of time, and I've had my share of experiences with the stuff; most recently with a death in the family. The person died at the age of 28. Was hooked on the stuff since the age of 15. Yes, in and out of jail, in and out of rehab after rehab. Been kicked out on the street by his family. Would steal anything that wasn't nailed down. Nothing did any good.

Because of dope heads, I now have policy of not renting to convicted felons. They have cost me way too much money and have taken way too much of my time. They simply can't be trusted I don't care how long they've been off the stuff.
and remember when at some point during the Obama years, blacks felt it was ok to just walk into convenient stores in large groups, and just help themselves to anything they wanted,not pay for it, and just walk out knowing Obama/Holder wouldnt do a thing about it?,,,just like the shootings in Chicago,,,they all know nothing will happen to them if they shoot other blacks,,,,hey, Obama is President, I can shoot anyone I want in Chicago,,,,but what about the kids where were killed by stray bullets?

The problem in Chicago is that too many criminals do have guns and there is nothing they can do about it. Judges are pressured to put only the worst of the worst away, so when they get a guy with a simple gun possession, they virtually let him go and he's back on the street with a new gun.
and when an innocent 10 yr old girl gets shot on her porch,,to the thugs/democrats,,they see it as just another insect that was accidentley stepped on,,right?

Sometimes it doesn't have to be on a porch. We've had cases here where it's a little girl in her living room watching cartoons. Bullets go through windows, doors and even walls, so it's not like you're even secure in your own home anymore.
drug addiction is a very powerful demon. i've seen too many people become addicts after being prescribed legal painkillers for a legit reason, only to be cut off & then turn to street shit. good rehab places are few & far between. thank goodness the ACA mandates rehab as a covered expense. i've seen it work. trumpcare would have stripped that coverage.

Like I've said, I've never seen it work, at least for any length of time, and I've had my share of experiences with the stuff; most recently with a death in the family. The person died at the age of 28. Was hooked on the stuff since the age of 15. Yes, in and out of jail, in and out of rehab after rehab. Been kicked out on the street by his family. Would steal anything that wasn't nailed down. Nothing did any good.

Because of dope heads, I now have policy of not renting to convicted felons. They have cost me way too much money and have taken way too much of my time. They simply can't be trusted I don't care how long they've been off the stuff.
and remember when at some point during the Obama years, blacks felt it was ok to just walk into convenient stores in large groups, and just help themselves to anything they wanted,not pay for it, and just walk out knowing Obama/Holder wouldnt do a thing about it?,,,just like the shootings in Chicago,,,they all know nothing will happen to them if they shoot other blacks,,,,hey, Obama is President, I can shoot anyone I want in Chicago,,,,but what about the kids where were killed by stray bullets?

The problem in Chicago is that too many criminals do have guns and there is nothing they can do about it. Judges are pressured to put only the worst of the worst away, so when they get a guy with a simple gun possession, they virtually let him go and he's back on the street with a new gun.
and when an innocent 10 yr old girl gets shot on her porch,,to the thugs/democrats,,they see it as just another insect that was accidentley stepped on,,right?

Sometimes it doesn't have to be on a porch. We've had cases here where it's a little girl in her living room watching cartoons. Bullets go through windows, doors and even walls, so it's not like you're even secure in your own home anymore.
yes, I remember those stories, and they were happening during the peak times when BLM was having a panty rage when white people had to shoot blacks in fear of their lives

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