The Democrats' Marxist Agenda - The Ultimate Answer to All These Threads

Apparently there are a few folks here too dense to understand what the actual topic is. The topic is The Democrats' Marxist Agenda

The Democrats' Marxist Agenda

If you have ever wondered how it is possible for Democrats and Leftists to push their most insane policies, the answer is simple: It is American Marxism. The Democrat Party and the Left have huge numbers of people trying to establish a Marxist state, and in order to do that, traditional America must first be destroyed. Every Democrat policy that seems insane in America, from open borders to wokism, to grooming kids, destroying the dollar, destroying the military, climate change insanity, socialism, Jan. 6 Nazi Show trials, conservatives banned from speaking . . . . the insanity of it all begins to form a coherent picture when you see the grand puppet master: American Marxism, and its political party, the Democrat Party.

Complete with propaganda fake news channels, schools that indoctrinate instead of teach, and also help destroy the traditional family by grooming, Antifa and BLM thugs in the streets . . . . the movement is on the brink of destroying our Liberty and our Freedom.

Democrats are the New American Marxists. Their Goal: A Marxist State. Their Plan: Destroying as much of America as they can, and then build their Marxist state on the rubble.

Have you ever noticed . . .

Why do you see communist flags at climate change events? Why do you see communist flags flying with Antifa and BLM mobs, flying at abortion events, and at other Leftist riots? Isn't it strange? Where is the connection? This article explains the connection.


They learned their history

It has been said by historians that world Communism was thwarted by two things: Faith and Family. Try as they did, they could not break the family bond and make the state the childrens' parents, and try as they might they could not break the faith in God of some folks.

Do you want to know why grooming is happening in school? This is why. In one swoop, a child learns that the traditional family is wrong and sodomy is to be celebrated, and as a bonus they learn that religious teachings are wrong and sexual perversion is good.

The Boogyman

Every movement like this needs a boogeyman. Hitler had the Jews: Communists had the "Petty Bourgeois" and the wealthy class. American Marxism also has boogeyman: The White Western Male. Do you want to know why CRT is in schools? Now you know. Do you want to know why everything is called racist? Now you know.

American Marxism

Mark Levin is a lawyer, author, and radio personality. Levin worked in the Reagan administration, he is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a New York Times best-selling author of several books, and one of those books is "American Marxism." I highly recommend this book. American Marxism explains how Democrats are trying to make America a Marxist state. For those who try to pick apart the union of Democrats and Marxism, Levine explains how the New American Marxism is not exactly the same as the Marxism of old. It is a unique American brand. It is still Marxism all the same, and most of it is the same, but there are a few differences too.

Levin is now the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. Below is a full audio version of the book, and below that are a few videos worth watching on this topic. If you have comments on this topic, please join our forum and start a conversation.

American Marxism by Mark R. Levin #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Audio book

More from Mark Levin

Brilliant response . . . . not.

Go grow up and come back later when you have a small amount of intelligence
Aww..............can't answer..............

The use of government resources in response to tragedies, is "capitalist"?

The Democrats' Marxist Agenda

If you have ever wondered how it is possible for Democrats and Leftists to push their most insane policies, the answer is simple: It is American Marxism. The Democrat Party and the Left have huge numbers of people trying to establish a Marxist state, and in order to do that, traditional America must first be destroyed. Every Democrat policy that seems insane in America, from open borders to wokism, to grooming kids, destroying the dollar, destroying the military, climate change insanity, socialism, Jan. 6 Nazi Show trials, conservatives banned from speaking . . . . the insanity of it all begins to form a coherent picture when you see the grand puppet master: American Marxism, and its political party, the Democrat Party.

Complete with propaganda fake news channels, schools that indoctrinate instead of teach, and also help destroy the traditional family by grooming, Antifa and BLM thugs in the streets . . . . the movement is on the brink of destroying our Liberty and our Freedom.

Democrats are the New American Marxists. Their Goal: A Marxist State. Their Plan: Destroying as much of America as they can, and then build their Marxist state on the rubble.

Have you ever noticed . . .

Why do you see communist flags at climate change events? Why do you see communist flags flying with Antifa and BLM mobs, flying at abortion events, and at other Leftist riots? Isn't it strange? Where is the connection? This article explains the connection.


They learned their history

It has been said by historians that world Communism was thwarted by two things: Faith and Family. Try as they did, they could not break the family bond and make the state the childrens' parents, and try as they might they could not break the faith in God of some folks.

Do you want to know why grooming is happening in school? This is why. In one swoop, a child learns that the traditional family is wrong and sodomy is to be celebrated, and as a bonus they learn that religious teachings are wrong and sexual perversion is good.

The Boogyman

Every movement like this needs a boogeyman. Hitler had the Jews: Communists had the "Petty Bourgeois" and the wealthy class. American Marxism also has boogeyman: The White Western Male. Do you want to know why CRT is in schools? Now you know. Do you want to know why everything is called racist? Now you know.

American Marxism

Mark Levin is a lawyer, author, and radio personality. Levin worked in the Reagan administration, he is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a New York Times best-selling author of several books, and one of those books is "American Marxism." I highly recommend this book. American Marxism explains how Democrats are trying to make America a Marxist state. For those who try to pick apart the union of Democrats and Marxism, Levine explains how the New American Marxism is not exactly the same as the Marxism of old. It is a unique American brand. It is still Marxism all the same, and most of it is the same, but there are a few differences too.

Levin is now the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. Below is a full audio version of the book, and below that are a few videos worth watching on this topic. If you have comments on this topic, please join our forum and start a conversation.

American Marxism by Mark R. Levin #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Audio book

More from Mark Levin

Ya ain't wrong!
The issue is never the issue
The issue is always the revolution
Teabaggers think capitalism will solve everything.

The National Guard turns to firefighting amid worsening ...

NPR › 2023/08/22 › the-national-guard-t...
Aug 22, 2023 — After several record-breaking years in a row, California has turned to its National Guard and created a permanent task force to fight and ...

Canada to deploy army to help fight wildfires in British ...

View attachment 828707
Al Jazeera › news › canada-to-deploy-...
Aug 21, 2023 — Canada will deploy the military to tackle fast-spreading wildfires in British Columbia, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Sunday, ...

Biden slammed for inadequate response to Maui wildfires

View attachment 828711
YouTube › watch
Aug 14, 2023 — Republicans have slammed United States President Joe Biden for his inadequate response when asked about the Maui wildfires.

Pres. Biden meets with Gov. DeSantis in Florida as he ...

View attachment 828712
ABC7 Chicago › joe-biden-ron-desantis-hurr...
Oct 5, 2022 — President Joe Biden met with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday as he visits the state in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.

Biden to Idalia's Florida Victims: 'Your Nation Has Your Back'

View attachment 828713
VOA › biden-heads-to-florida-to-...
Sep 2, 2023 — US President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden speak with a woman during their tour of Hurricane Idalia storm destruction, Live Oak, Florida, ...

Darn............Where are all those "capitalists" stepping up, pooling their $$$ to help victims of tragedies?

DeSantis pledges to send US military to fight cartels on ' ...

View attachment 828709
The Hill › policy › defense › 4168265-desa...
Aug 23, 2023 — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis promised Wednesday to send the U.S. military into Mexico to fight the cartels on “day one” if he becomes the next ...

Trump vows to deploy US special forces, military assets to ' ...

View attachment 828714
Fox News › politics › trump-vows-dep...
Jan 5, 2023 — Former President Trump said Thursday that if elected again as commander in chief, he will deploy U.S. special forces and other military ...

Why aren't these guys sending in the "capitalist'?

NOPE, they want to send in the socialist tax payer funded military.
Those crackpots convinced themselves that global climate change is a hoax.
That's why the GOP is not a viable party
Those crackpots convinced themselves that global climate change is a hoax.
That's why the GOP is not a viable party
You neo-Bolsheviks always need a bogyman to strive against, and this time you fucking idiots are struggling against the fucking weather.
It doesn't get any more PATHETIC than that.
Ya ain't wrong!
The issue is never the issue
The issue is always the revolution

Do You know what the amusing this is?

The first two Leftists in this thread denied the thread premise, and then two more Leftists in the thread embraced Marxism. LOLLLL

Its like, two Nazis denying the holocaust, and then two more Nazis walk into the room bragging about how many Jews they killed.

Democrats are their own worst enemy
Do You know what the amusing this is?

The first two Leftists in this thread denied the thread premise, and then two more Leftists in the thread embraced Marxism. LOLLLL
Teabaggers don't even know what marxism is.
They think it's like woke..............Whatever they don't like.
Its like, two Nazis denying the holocaust, and then two more Nazis walk into the room bragging about how many Jews they killed.

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very ...​

The Atlantic › archive › 2017/08 › tru...

Aug 15, 2017 — President Trump defended the white nationalists who protested in Charlottesville on Tuesday, saying they included “some very fine people,” ...
Democrats are their own worst enemy
Teabaggers don't even know what marxism is.
They think it's like woke..............Whatever they don't like.

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very ...

View attachment 828725
The Atlantic › archive › 2017/08 › tru...
Aug 15, 2017 — President Trump defended the white nationalists who protested in Charlottesville on Tuesday, saying they included “some very fine people,” ...

Smokin OP wins the Retarded Poster Award
Given to posters who are too stupid to realize how wrong and off topic they actually are
This has all been a long time coming.
How'd we get to this point?

Interviewer: The Soviets use the phase, “ideological subversion”. What do they mean by that?

Bezmenov: Ideological subversion is the process which is legitimate overt and open. You can see it with your own eyes. All you have to do, all the American mass media has to do is to unplug their bananas from their ears, open up their eyes and they can see. There’s no mystery. There’s nothing to do with espionage. I know espionage intelligence gathering looks more romantic, it sells more deodorants through their advertising, probably. That’s why your Hollywood producers are so crazy about James Bond type of thrillers. But in reality, the main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all! According to my opinion, and the opinion of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15% of time, money and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion or active measures, (2 Russian words, активные something, I couldn’t catch it) in the language of the KGB, or psychological warfare. What it basically means is, to change the perception of reality of every American to such as extent that in spite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.

It’s a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages, the first one being demoralization. It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years which is required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of your enemy. In other words, Marxism / Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least 3 generations of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism.

The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already, for the last 25 years, actually it’s over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is being done by Americans to Americans thanks to a lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter any more. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.

The next stage is destabilization. This time, the subverter does not care about your ideas and the patterns of your consumption, whether you eat junk food and get fat and flabby, it doesn’t matter anymore. This time, and it takes only from 2 to 5 years to destabilize a nation, what matters is essentials, the economy, foreign relations, defense systems. And you can see quite clearly that in some areas in such sensitive areas as defense and economy, the influence of Marxist / Leninist ideas in the United States is absolutely fantastic. I could never believe it 14 years ago when I landed in this part of the world that the process will go that fast.

The next stage of course is crisis. It may take only up to 6 weeks to bring a country up to the verge of crisis. You can see them in Central America now.

And after crisis, with a violent change of power, structure and economy, you have a period of so called normalization. It may last indefinitely. Normalization is a cynical expression born from Soviet propaganda. When the Soviet tanks moved into Czechoslovakia in ’68, Comrade Brezhnev said, “Now the situation in brotherly Czechoslovakia is normalized!” This is what will happen in the United States if you allow all these smucks to bring the country to crisis, to promise people all kind of goodies and a paradise on earth, to destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principle of free market competition, and to put a Big Brother government in Washington D.C. With benevolent dictators like Walter Mondale who will promise lots of things, never mind whether the promises are fulfilled or not.

It's all too obvious now how this long and persistent strive of these hive-minded assholes have put us where we are today. Generation after generation being TAUGHT to HATE themselves and their own country.
STILL can't define MARXISM....................
Wandering in the chaos the battle has left
We climb up the mountain of human flesh
To a plateau of green grass, and green trees full of life
A young figure sits still by a pool
He's been stamped "Human Bacon" by some butchery tool
He is you
I am waiting for someone to refute the thread premise and the first post.
So far, it has not happened.
Lots of childish insults, no refutations.

The Democrats' Marxist Agenda

If you have ever wondered how it is possible for Democrats and Leftists to push their most insane policies, the answer is simple: It is American Marxism. The Democrat Party and the Left have huge numbers of people trying to establish a Marxist state, and in order to do that, traditional America must first be destroyed. Every Democrat policy that seems insane in America, from open borders to wokism, to grooming kids, destroying the dollar, destroying the military, climate change insanity, socialism, Jan. 6 Nazi Show trials, conservatives banned from speaking . . . . the insanity of it all begins to form a coherent picture when you see the grand puppet master: American Marxism, and its political party, the Democrat Party.

Complete with propaganda fake news channels, schools that indoctrinate instead of teach, and also help destroy the traditional family by grooming, Antifa and BLM thugs in the streets . . . . the movement is on the brink of destroying our Liberty and our Freedom.

Democrats are the New American Marxists. Their Goal: A Marxist State. Their Plan: Destroying as much of America as they can, and then build their Marxist state on the rubble.

Have you ever noticed . . .

Why do you see communist flags at climate change events? Why do you see communist flags flying with Antifa and BLM mobs, flying at abortion events, and at other Leftist riots? Isn't it strange? Where is the connection? This article explains the connection.


They learned their history

It has been said by historians that world Communism was thwarted by two things: Faith and Family. Try as they did, they could not break the family bond and make the state the childrens' parents, and try as they might they could not break the faith in God of some folks.

Do you want to know why grooming is happening in school? This is why. In one swoop, a child learns that the traditional family is wrong and sodomy is to be celebrated, and as a bonus they learn that religious teachings are wrong and sexual perversion is good.

The Boogyman

Every movement like this needs a boogeyman. Hitler had the Jews: Communists had the "Petty Bourgeois" and the wealthy class. American Marxism also has boogeyman: The White Western Male. Do you want to know why CRT is in schools? Now you know. Do you want to know why everything is called racist? Now you know.

American Marxism

Mark Levin is a lawyer, author, and radio personality. Levin worked in the Reagan administration, he is the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, a New York Times best-selling author of several books, and one of those books is "American Marxism." I highly recommend this book. American Marxism explains how Democrats are trying to make America a Marxist state. For those who try to pick apart the union of Democrats and Marxism, Levine explains how the New American Marxism is not exactly the same as the Marxism of old. It is a unique American brand. It is still Marxism all the same, and most of it is the same, but there are a few differences too.

Levin is now the host of syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show, as well as Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News. Below is a full audio version of the book, and below that are a few videos worth watching on this topic. If you have comments on this topic, please join our forum and start a conversation.

American Marxism by Mark R. Levin #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Audio book

More from Mark Levin

Wandering in the chaos the battle has left
We climb up the mountain of human flesh
To a plateau of green grass, and green trees full of life
A young figure sits still by a pool
He's been stamped "Human Bacon" by some butchery tool
He is you
Thanks SeaSwab, that was poetic.

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