The democrats simply never let a disaster go to waste in an election year and again exploit the ignorant base. The Baltimore Bridge....

Nope. Trump would cut the red tape and have the bridge rebuilt in record time.
If Screaming *Joe and the dems get involved it will be a giant boondoggle at taxpayer expense.
cut the red tape? nice wall ya got there.

something he really wants, like to give the tel aviv embassy to his donors, can happen rather quickly.

the process is ximple . trump installs kushner as czar to collect the kickbacks
Biden says Baltimore bridge rebuild should be paid for by the federal government after collapse
The president, who is headed to North Carolina on Tuesday, said he plans to visit Baltimore as “quickly” as he can.

You have to actually give credit to the demoncraps. They simply never let a disaster go to waste, especially in an election year. Here are some facts their stupid ignorant buffoons that make up the majority of their demented voting base won't know or care about.

First, they all recognize and are completely aware there is absolutely zero need for the federal government to pay for the rebuild of this bridge. The bridge is fully insured and the shipping company that caused the destruction is also fully insured.



First they are fully aware that the insurance payout will only be for the rebuild of the bridge.

Second,they also recognize if they pass a bill to rebuild the bridge, they can add in all sorts of utter crap that will have ZERO TO DO WITH THE REBUILD, plus they can ALSO ADD IN ALL SORTS OF STIPULATIONS like..make sure they add in the diversity Equity and inclusion goals.

That gives them a ripe opportunity to talk crap about conservatives.


The bill will go to the House.

The Republicans will challenge the whole reason why the bridge needs to be funded with federal money when they already have the funding by PRIVATE INSURANCE TO DO IT?


cnn and nbc will hype how Republicans don't care about the people of Baltimore.

The race card will be predictably deployed by sprinkling in some crap about how Republicans don't care about blacks.


I'll save the post...and will bring it up when it happens and it will happen.

That's the ONLY REASON shitlips biden would make this completely and totally unnecessary pledge.
Great post, - you got that 'top prize' emoji - lol - but it's not actually the only reason Biden would pledge federal money and a rebuild. If the feds take this over, they eliminate an insurance company investigation which would almost certainly disrupt their narrative on the "accident".
This is exactly why the Federal government SHOULD do

Rebuilding this bridge helps the nation and the economy
This is exactly why the Federal government SHOULD do

Rebuilding this bridge helps the nation and the economy
Dead wrong. The feds should stay out of it and let the insurance company do an investigation and pay for the bridge.
Or are you afraid that an investigation might show you something that the democrats can't use for propaganda?
Great post, - you got that 'top prize' emoji - lol - but it's not actually the only reason Biden would pledge federal money and a rebuild. If the feds take this over, they eliminate an insurance company investigation which would almost certainly disrupt their narrative on the "accident".

There will still be an insurance payout, which will involve the insurance company investigation. All Biden is doing is making sure that we do not have to wait years for that payout to start rebuilding an important cog in our national infrastructure
Dead wrong. The feds should stay out of it and let the insurance company do an investigation and pay for the bridge.
Or are you afraid that an investigation might show you something that the democrats can't use for propaganda?
I am not aware that the Federal government rebuilding this bridge would preclude an investigation.

I am aware that insurance companies would drag it out as long as they could.

Can you document your claim about investigations?
I am not aware that the Federal government rebuilding this bridge would preclude an investigation.

I am aware that insurance companies would drag it out as long as they could.

Can you document your claim about investigations?
The Biden regime will use this bridge disaster to help them "win" the next election.

Minneapolis I-35W bridge collapse offers lessons for swift ...​

MPR News › story › 2024/03/31 › minn...
3 days ago — The shocking video of the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore brought back horrific memories for many people in Minnesota ...

August 1, 2007: Shortly after 6 pm, the I-35W Bridge collapses with 111 motor vehicles on it at the time.

August 4, 2007: Mn/DOT issues a request for qualifications for a Design Build Contract for the I-35W Bridge replacement project. Congress authorizes about $250 million to rebuild the 35W bridge.

November 1, 2007: Actual construction of new bridge begins.

September 18, 2008: The new bridge opens.

August 23, 2010: URS Corporation agrees to pay $52.4 million to I-35W bridge collapse victims.

AND teabaggers want to wait for insurance companies?
The lefty stooges in the media already making it political. This may not seem like it is with the news anchor giving out the heart string tugging update on some 6 migrant workers who most lkely lost their lives in the accident but he did.

Went from the fact that they tragically lost their lives to how they have been viciously villanized since 2015.....when Trump rode down the escalator and promised a wall.


Yeah, of course they aren't going to make it political. Right. The interesting this is how people are so sucked into their hypocritical fake compassion.

What do we all suppose that news anchor personally does for the mass illegal problem? You all think he lives in a predominantly lily white gated and guarded community where no illegals can enter? Yeah me too. There he is though, on the heels of the tragedy and pretending to care about the lost lives when all he was doing was in fine predictable heart string pulling fashion propping up the conservatives as mean racist people while the democrats are nothing but caring Robin hoods.
Just build a new bridge with protected supports that has a large arch.



Skyway is the shit. A ship cannot run into those support structures. The vessel will run aground and also hit concrete baffles.

The KEY BRIDGE is 1977 technology. Lets use 2024 technology to rebuild the Key Bridge.

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The lefty stooges in the media already making it political. This may not seem like it is with the news anchor giving out the heart string tugging update on some 6 migrant workers who most lkely lost their lives in the accident but he did.

Went from the fact that they tragically lost their lives to how they have been viciously villanized since 2015.....when Trump rode down the escalator and promised a wall.


Yeah, of course they aren't going to make it political. Right. The interesting this is how people are so sucked into their hypocritical fake compassion.

What do we all suppose that news anchor personally does for the mass illegal problem? You all think he lives in a predominantly lily white gated and guarded community where no illegals can enter? Yeah me too. There he is though, on the heels of the tragedy and pretending to care about the lost lives when all he was doing was in fine predictable heart string pulling fashion propping up the conservatives as mean racist people while the democrats are nothing but caring Robin hoods.

Everything is racist and political with the cult.
Which will take months, if not years to actually pay out. There will be court cases on top of court cases to determine who is at fault and who has to pay.

So, the Fed Govt helps pay to fix it and then when the insurance pays out, the Fed Govt gets paid back.

Will they get paid back for all of the other nonrelated pork that gets thrown into the bill?
Will they get paid back for all of the other nonrelated pork that gets thrown into the bill?
Or the number of stipulations they will add to bill. The question is if the government will demand more less than $10b? Right now the estimates of rebuilding it is at $4b.

Then ask the monkeys here that I mostly ignore why is it that much that government is asking for?

No one I know particularly cares all that much about spending money when it isn't their money to spend. To the monkeys like the ones that post here, demanding that others spend money for the charities they claim to care so much about is the same thing them spending their own money.

They're so demented.
Dead wrong. The feds should stay out of it and let the insurance company do an investigation and pay for the bridge.
Or are you afraid that an investigation might show you something that the democrats can't use for propaganda?
The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has jurisdiction over all modes of transportation: aviation, maritime and waterborne transportation, highways, bridges, mass transit, and railroads.

They are still insured by private companies. That's the issue.
Yes, and the federal government will work with those insurance companies to be reimbursed for as much as they can, but in the immediate, this is the governments mission to rebuild the bridge, and get the port open.
It is an interstate highway--a federal road.

Though heavily funded by the federal government, Interstate Highways are owned by the state in which they were built. With few exceptions, all Interstates must meet specific standards, such as having controlled access, physical barriers or median strips between lanes of oncoming traffic, breakdown lanes, avoiding at-grade intersections, no traffic lights and complying with federal traffic sign specifications. Interstate Highways use a numbering scheme in which primary Interstates are assigned one- or two-digit numbers, and shorter routes which branch off of longer ones are assigned three-digit numbers where the last two digits match the parent route. The Interstate Highway System is partially financed through the Highway Trust Fund, which itself is funded by a combination of a federal fuel tax and transfers from the Treasury's general fund.[5] Though federal legislation initially banned the collection of tolls, some Interstate routes are toll roads, either because they were grandfathered into the system or because subsequent legislation has allowed for tolling of Interstates in some cases.

That being said, it would seem to me that the bill should be sent to whomever owns the ship that took out the supports.
The Ship's insurance will end up paying for it...

So sorry for the pun, this is just a bridging loan to rebuild the bridge ASAP rather than waiting for the out come..

The insurance company might evven front money on the judgement as the disturbance to commerce could be in the judgement.

This is MAGA, fuck America... Don't care about the commerce they destroy and the companies that have to take these costs on board... Fuck them...
Remember this, next hurricane that hits they will have the paw out begging for assistance...

And you know what, it will be given, because we aren't scumbags like MAGA..
MAGA will then proclaim victory..


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