The Dems will get scorched, quicker, now that Trump's legal team features the G.O.A.T. trial atty?

His exoerience gettin
who hath left his deceitful Dem's behind, to come help President Trump expose the impeachment hoax? The one, the only... mr. Alan Dershowitz

Is Dersh's addition a guarantee that the hoax now gets murdered even, sooner, than we all first expected?

His experience getting perverts off will be a plus.

Shut up. Watch the vid.

This ain't about a, perv, but it is about how the Dems have raped the U.S. Constitution ---in order to impeach Trump

Dersh saved the perv Epstein so Trump figures he might save him.

There is no doubt that Trump withheld funding to get a foreign leader to provide campaign dirt on his adversary.
He is not Trump's trial attorney....even he admitted he isn't there to defend Trump...

Yes, I agree. Which is why I never said he will be an atty for, trial, but that he is the GOAT trial atty. Meaning, what?

His oral argument skillset is flawless, ironclad, and there is nothing the Dems can do about it. And yes, he will be making the argument for why impeachment is unreasonable here.

Now, sure you can say he's not Trump's atty, and I agree. That's because he's the Constitution's atty here! All because the Dems raped the Constitution here.

I don't see why you Trumpers aren't cheering the selection of his actual defense lawyers -- people like Ken Starr and Pam Bondi...

uhhhh...Because they are not better than, Dershowitz?!!

The "Dems" caught Trump & did their job.
I don't see why you Trumpers aren't cheering the selection of his actual defense lawyers -- people like Ken Starr and Pam Bondi...

uhhhh...Because they are not better than, Dershowitz?!!
but you just conceded that he is not there to defend Trump

I asked you about the actual attorneys who WILL BE DEFENDING TRUMP...…

Why do you ignore them and cheer for a guy who got triggered by even being labeled a trump defender??
who hath left his deceitful Dem's behind, to come help President Trump expose the impeachment hoax? The one, the only... mr. Alan Dershowitz

Is Dersh's addition a guarantee that the hoax now gets murdered even, sooner, than we all first expected?

Did you listen to what role Dooshwich will add to the trial? He is going to give an oral argument. No defense role. Zip.

Dershowitz reminds me of the old cliche about the definition of a cynic: one who knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing.

Better than most, he knows every jot and tittle of the letter of the law, but loses the meaning of justice in the process.

He is a world-class wordsmith that has a history of twisting meanings. Few others can stand against him or out-speak him. And yet..

His "interpretation" of the Constitution. That is what AD said in his multiple interviews.

Toobin, like him or not, was one of AD's students and when it comes to interpretating the law he is probably the better of the two.
Trey Gowdy's speculation is that conviction is irrelevant for dems. They only want a particular group of six or so RINOs to be ousted in the next election for siding with the dems in the trial and thereby allow dems to gain a senate majority and neuter trump in his next term.
Makes too much sense.
Politicians suck and democrats are worse because of their anti-American policies.
Is this the same sweaty Trey of 12 Benghazi investigations?
12 hours grilling Hillary and not a finger laid on her?
who hath left his deceitful Dem's behind, to come help President Trump expose the impeachment hoax? The one, the only... mr. Alan Dershowitz

Is Dersh's addition a guarantee that the hoax now gets murdered even, sooner, than we all first expected?

Did you listen to what role Dooshwich will add to the trial? He is going to give an oral argument. No defense role. Zip.

Dershowitz reminds me of the old cliche about the definition of a cynic: one who knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing.

Better than most, he knows every jot and tittle of the letter of the law, but loses the meaning of justice in the process.

He is a world-class wordsmith that has a history of twisting meanings. Few others can stand against him or out-speak him. And yet..

His "interpretation" of the Constitution. That is what AD said in his multiple interviews.

Toobin, like him or not, was one of AD's students and when it comes to interpretating the law he is probably the better of the two.

In your PhD opinion?
who hath left his deceitful Dem's behind, to come help President Trump expose the impeachment hoax? The one, the only... mr. Alan Dershowitz

Is Dersh's addition a guarantee that the hoax now gets murdered even, sooner, than we all first expected?

The guy who got O.J. Simpson off and defended Jeffrey Epstein. Good choice. :2up:
There is no doubt that Trump withheld funding to get a foreign leader to provide campaign dirt on his adversary.

There is no doubt, President Trump obeyed our exact, anti-corruption, foreign policy in Ukraine over the past 20yrs almost.

The Bidens were corrupt in Ukraine, since 2014, so Trump did his job by mentioning how it should be investigated by Ukraine ---since it is a condition of our policy to extend aid.

Our Ukraine foreign policy for 20yrs now, does not say that a U.S. President should never speak on corruption in Ukraine ---if the culprit is a political opponent of his.

The Dem's fav son was about to be exposed, so Dems deceitfully screamed "impeachment!" In trying to run interference.

Won't work.

The U.S. Senate will now murder this impeachment hoax [as Dershowitz lays out how his Dem party raped The U.S. Comstitution] then hopefully we see Biden prosecuted for abusing his powers and for being corrupt from 2014-'16.
The guy who got O.J. Simpson off and defended Jeffrey Epstein. Good choice.

OJ was innocent (his son actually killed those 2 people) plus Epstein was still a citizen with rights ---even if Epstein was about to lose those rights after he got convicted.

Nonetheless, you fully know that those realities have nothing to do with how Dershowitz is only interested in preventing the U.S. Constitution from being raped. The Dems raped it. Now he will expose them.

He's going against his own party, so you know it must be a sham ---a sham which you are okay with supporting. tsk tsk
Toobin, like him or not, was one of AD's students and when it comes to interpretating the law he is probably the better of the two.

This is very untrue. Go review their tv interactions. Toobin always immortalizes Dershowitz and is always humble in front of him.

This is not about interpretation this is about the Dems raped the U.S. Constitution Article II, so now Dershy has to abandon his own Dem party ... in order to go save all future, U.S. Presidents from this level of partisan abuse which Alexander Hamilton warned us of waaaay back when impeachment was written into law.

Remember, Dershowitz is always quick to give a laundry list of his anti-Trump tenets since 2016. Which proves that this impeachment pleadings will only about playing fair, no cheating, as Desrshy wants the Dems to be successful fair and square ---and not by cheating via the impeachment processes.
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I asked you about the actual attorneys who WILL BE DEFENDING TRUMP...…

Why do you ignore them...

I ignore them, because they are not neutral.

I ignore them because they are about protecting, Trump, but not by way of defending the U.S. Constitution.

Yes and I cheer for a guy who got triggered by even being labeled a trump defender because of the fact that this hoax is not about Trump, it is about the Dem's raping the U.S. Constitution Article II ---no matter who the US President is.

That is why Dershowitz is the supreme fairness element, in this entire trial.
who hath left his deceitful Dem's behind, to come help President Trump expose the impeachment hoax? The one, the only... mr. Alan Dershowitz

Is Dersh's addition a guarantee that the hoax now gets murdered even, sooner, than we all first expected?

He is not Trump's trial attorney....even he admitted he isn't there to defend Trump.....

Which is a backdoor way of saying he wants to defend Trump without admitting it because he knows history won't look at this point in his life well at all...

I don't see why you Trumpers aren't cheering the selection of his actual defense lawyers -- people like Ken Starr and Pam Bondi...

Dumbass. Trump has a trial team made of 8 lawyers. Your ignorance continues to show

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Trey Gowdy's speculation is that conviction is irrelevant for dems. They only want a particular group of six or so RINOs to be ousted in the next election for siding with the dems in the trial and thereby allow dems to gain a senate majority and neuter trump in his next term.
Makes too much sense.
Politicians suck and democrats are worse because of their anti-American policies.
Sort of like how any actual facts in the 10 different benghazi investigations were irrelevant to republicans...

Even tho the 9 previous investigations debunked all of their BS -- it still didnt stop them from having a 10th investigation...which also debunked their BS...and despite that....morons like you still prove to us that facts are irrelevant

Yes you are stupid enough to believe the Demtards version. They left our guys there to die in Benghazi Asshole.

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"I'm not an impartial juror. This is a political process. There's not anything judicial about it," McConnell told reporters on December 17, according to the article. "The House made a partisan political decision to impeach. I would anticipate we will have a largely partisan outcome in the Senate. I'm not impartial about this at all."

"For Mitch McConnell to say he's working with the White House, coordinating with the defendant in this trial before the trial has even begun is atrocious," said Painter during a CNN panel discussion. "He may think he's a judge impaneling an all-white jury for a Klansman trial in Mississippi in 1965. That's not the kind of trial we have."

"It shouldn't be partisan. It should be about America. Our loyalty is to the United States of America, and senators take an oath to their country," Painter added.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was branded a "perjurer" Thursday by former President George W. Bush's ethics chief, after the Republican senator took an oath swearing impartiality in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.

Ex-White House Ethics Chief Calls McConnell A 'Perjurer' After Senator Takes Impeachment Oath: He Said 'The Exact Opposite'

Dude. Congress rushed and didn’t want to have a trial in the House because they know any judge and opposing council would have laughed them out of the court. They rushed it because it was so bad he needed to be removed, then held it for a month because they knew they had jack shit. Now there trying to make up more shit and call other witnesses. That won’t happen unless they go 1 for 1 which means Biden, his moron son Hunter, Schiff and the imaginary whistle blower. They’re not going to agree to that because it will end even worse then it is for them. The Dems are fucked any way you slice it. Plus Pelosi and her crew saying how it had to be done immediately and was a danger to national security, they are sad they have to do this, there not happy or proud to do it but Pelosi has a signing party using different pen and they are all smiles and laughs. They are a bunch of pathetic scumbags who are going to go down hard. Don’t even answer because you or any of the other libtards don’t have shit to bring to the table. So fuck of to all the libtards and Demrats. You are pathetic brainwashed scum and you will all lose no matter what.

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His exoerience gettin
who hath left his deceitful Dem's behind, to come help President Trump expose the impeachment hoax? The one, the only... mr. Alan Dershowitz

Is Dersh's addition a guarantee that the hoax now gets murdered even, sooner, than we all first expected?

His experience getting perverts off will be a plus.

Yeah the Democrats should know. They are the party of perverts and pedophiles

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't see why you Trumpers aren't cheering the selection of his actual defense lawyers -- people like Ken Starr and Pam Bondi...

uhhhh...Because they are not better than, Dershowitz?!!
but you just conceded that he is not there to defend Trump

I asked you about the actual attorneys who WILL BE DEFENDING TRUMP...…

Why do you ignore them and cheer for a guy who got triggered by even being labeled a trump defender??

Libtard loser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trey Gowdy's speculation is that conviction is irrelevant for dems. They only want a particular group of six or so RINOs to be ousted in the next election for siding with the dems in the trial and thereby allow dems to gain a senate majority and neuter trump in his next term.
Makes too much sense.
Politicians suck and democrats are worse because of their anti-American policies.
Trey Gowdy's speculation is that conviction is irrelevant for dems. They only want a particular group of six or so RINOs to be ousted in the next election for siding with the dems in the trial and thereby allow dems to gain a senate majority and neuter trump in his next term.
Makes too much sense.
Politicians suck and democrats are worse because of their anti-American policies.

Murkowski could be looking at a recall vote.

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