The Devil Has The Umpires


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
When voters claim there is no difference in candidates I wonder what universe they live in? No difference, consider only another corporate ideologue on the SCOTUS if Ryan / Romney win, and you should shiver if you are a working American.

"There’s a story told about Joe McCarthy—not the right-wing senator from Wisconsin, but the manager of the great New York Yankees teams of the 1930s and ’40s. McCarthy dreamed that he had died and gone to heaven, where St. Peter told him to assemble an all-star team. McCarthy was excited: he’d have Christy Mathewson and Walter Johnson, Honus Wagner, Lou Gehrig. Just then, the phone rang. It was Satan challenging McCarthy to a game. “You haven’t got a chance of winning,” McCarthy exclaimed. “I’ve got all the players.” “Oh, I know that,” Satan answered. "But I’ve got all the umpires.""


"To be sure, much of the problem is conservative obstructionism. Several of the president’s most prominent nominees have been filibustered. Many others have been victims of “blue slips”—an internal Senate procedure that allows either senator from a nominee’s home state essentially to block a nomination. Even candidates who ultimately are confirmed by overwhelming votes have faced a series of procedural roadblocks. And the prospect of having to put their careers on hold has probably dissuaded many qualified candidates even from seeking nominations." Boston Review — Pamela S. Karlan: Empty Benches

and related: Boston Review — Pamela S. Karlan: What’s a Right Without a Remedy?

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