The Difference Between BLM Riots and Jan 6th Insurrection

When George Floyd was killed by a cop it set off a fire storm and a lot of people went bat shit crazy with anger and lashed out. It was bad and wrong, BUT it was all because people were angry and tired of innocent black people geting killed for no legitimate reason. The killings of innocent minorities pushed people over the edge and was the reason for the BLM riots in 2020.

The Jan 6th Insurrection was all because of total lies. Trump lost the election had no evidence of fraud at all, lost all his court cases, then continued to repeatedly tell everybody "Your vote was stolen" and it was all a lie, and he knew it was a lie. Trump 100% knew it was a lie when he said it, because everybody told him there was no fraud or evidence of fraud and he lost all his court cases.

The Jan 6th Trump Insurrection was 100% preventable because it was caused by fabricated lies that Trump told his easily manipulated supporters. If Trump didn't repeat known lies to everybody the Jan 6th Insurrection would have never happened.
And this is the difference between the BLM riots and the Trump Insurrection.

If you have to explain the difference, then there isn't much of one.
And here is evidence of youur racism.
Amazing. You lie, you contort, then you not only present NO evidence of anything at all but more of your baseless claims, but then you blatantly lie again. I've concluded you are a total whackjob in need of long-term psychiatric institutionalization.

There were very few riots


Map of 2020 George Floyd/BLM riots:

Screen Shot 2023-11-23 at 10.12.28 AM.png
When George Floyd was killed by a cop it set off a fire storm and a lot of people went bat shit crazy with anger and lashed out.

Black Lives Matter protesters were overwhelmingly peaceful, our research finds​

The vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests—more than 93%—have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday by a nonprofit that researches political violence and protests across the world.

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. that took place in the wake of George Floyd’s death between May 26 and August 22.
Still, many people continue to believe that Black Lives Matter protests are largely violent—contrary to the report’s findings. ACLED highlights a recent Morning Consult poll in which 42% of respondents believe “most protesters (associated with the BLM movement) are trying to incite violence or destroy property.”

When George Floyd was killed by a cop it set off a fire storm and a lot of people went bat shit crazy with anger and lashed out. It was bad and wrong, BUT it was all because people were angry and tired of innocent black people geting killed for no legitimate reason. The killings of innocent minorities pushed people over the edge and was the reason for the BLM riots in 2020.

The Jan 6th Insurrection was all because of total lies. Trump lost the election had no evidence of fraud at all, lost all his court cases, then continued to repeatedly tell everybody "Your vote was stolen" and it was all a lie, and he knew it was a lie. Trump 100% knew it was a lie when he said it, because everybody told him there was no fraud or evidence of fraud and he lost all his court cases.

The Jan 6th Trump Insurrection was 100% preventable because it was caused by fabricated lies that Trump told his easily manipulated supporters. If Trump didn't repeat known lies to everybody the Jan 6th Insurrection would have never happened.
And this is the difference between the BLM riots and the Trump Insurrection.

BLM Riots:

  • Dozens of deaths
  • Rapes
  • Billions in damage
  • Thousands of minorities lost their businesses
  • Cities burned.
Jan 6:
  • Three hour riot with one murder by a cop.
No the problem is you don’t understand the diff between a truth and a lie. You’re stuck on stupid and proud of it. Learn to think for yourself. BLM is concerned about making money not justice
Learn to stop being white making conclusions about black people..

BLM GNF Public Letter to BLM Grassroots Regarding Melina Abdullah and BLM Grassroots’ Lawsuit Dismissal​

June 28, 2023
Dear Black Lives Matter Grassroots,
Today, an impartial and thoughtful Black judge determined the lawsuit you filed against us, led by Melina Abdullah, had no merit.
  • The judge dismissed all allegations about Shalomyah Bowers “siphoning” $10 million. It was not true.
  • The judge dismissed all allegations of fraud or abuse of power by any of our Board members. It was not true.
  • The judge dismissed all allegations that we misused donations from the public. It was not true.

New Black Lives Matter tax documents show foundation is tightening its belt, has $30M in assets​

A national Black Lives Matter nonprofit, whose philanthropic fortunes grew almost overnight during historic racial justice protests three years ago, raised just over $9 million in its last fiscal year, new IRS tax filings show.

That’s significantly less than the $79 million in revenue reported in a previous tax filing of Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation Inc. On Friday, the foundation said it expected that would be the case, given the unique factors surrounding the public response to the murder of George Floyd in 2020.

A 60-page filing, submitted by the organization earlier this month, shows the foundation spent more money than it earned in its last fiscal year, from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. It ended the year with roughly $30 million in assets, down from the $42 million in assets reported in its filing the previous year.

Last year, the nonprofit gave more than $4 million in grants to Black-led grassroots organizations, including organizations founded by the families of police brutality victims, whose names rally the larger movement. Nearly $26 million had gone to Black organizations and families during the foundation’s 2020-2021 fiscal year.

The tax documents also show the foundation continued its business relationship with security contractor Paul Cullors, the brother of BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, who resigned as foundation director in 2021. Although Patrisse has not been involved in the day-to-day running of the organization for two and a half years, she and, by extension, the organization continue to face accusations of misusing BLM donations from movement critics and in right-leaning media outlets. The allegations are unproven.

BLM Riots:

  • Dozens of deaths
  • Rapes
  • Billions in damage
  • Thousands of minorities lost their businesses
  • Cities burned.
Jan 6:
  • Three hour riot with one murder by a cop.

The Floyd protests happened because the nation actually saw a cop murder a man on videotape and the City of Minneapolis was slow to arrest the police that did the killing. January 6th happened for nothing.
Learn to stop being white making conclusions about black people..

BLM GNF Public Letter to BLM Grassroots Regarding Melina Abdullah and BLM Grassroots’ Lawsuit Dismissal​

June 28, 2023
Dear Black Lives Matter Grassroots,
Today, an impartial and thoughtful Black judge determined the lawsuit you filed against us, led by Melina Abdullah, had no merit.
  • The judge dismissed all allegations about Shalomyah Bowers “siphoning” $10 million. It was not true.
  • The judge dismissed all allegations of fraud or abuse of power by any of our Board members. It was not true.
  • The judge dismissed all allegations that we misused donations from the public. It was not true.

New Black Lives Matter tax documents show foundation is tightening its belt, has $30M in assets​

A national Black Lives Matter nonprofit, whose philanthropic fortunes grew almost overnight during historic racial justice protests three years ago, raised just over $9 million in its last fiscal year, new IRS tax filings show.

That’s significantly less than the $79 million in revenue reported in a previous tax filing of Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation Inc. On Friday, the foundation said it expected that would be the case, given the unique factors surrounding the public response to the murder of George Floyd in 2020.

A 60-page filing, submitted by the organization earlier this month, shows the foundation spent more money than it earned in its last fiscal year, from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. It ended the year with roughly $30 million in assets, down from the $42 million in assets reported in its filing the previous year.

Last year, the nonprofit gave more than $4 million in grants to Black-led grassroots organizations, including organizations founded by the families of police brutality victims, whose names rally the larger movement. Nearly $26 million had gone to Black organizations and families during the foundation’s 2020-2021 fiscal year.

The tax documents also show the foundation continued its business relationship with security contractor Paul Cullors, the brother of BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, who resigned as foundation director in 2021. Although Patrisse has not been involved in the day-to-day running of the organization for two and a half years, she and, by extension, the organization continue to face accusations of misusing BLM donations from movement critics and in right-leaning media outlets. The allegations are unproven.

You wrote that like you thought I would care what your racist ass thought.
The Floyd protests happened because the nation actually saw a cop murder a man on videotape and the City of Minneapolis was slow to arrest the police that did the killing. January 6th happened for nothing.
Looting for justice is always a piss poor policy
The Floyd protests happened because the nation actually saw a cop murder a man on videotape and the City of Minneapolis was slow to arrest the police that did the killing. January 6th happened for nothing.
If the stupid fuck didn't resist arrest he would not have been knelt on like that.
I lived in Philadelphia when Frank Rizzo was the Police Chief and then the mayor.
There was Law and Order in Philadelphia, unlike the mess they have there today.
The Floyd protests happened because the nation actually saw a cop murder a man on videotape and the City of Minneapolis was slow to arrest the police that did the killing. January 6th happened for nothing.
Great reason to ruin the livelyhood of hundreds of Black families, huh vermin?
Great reason to ruin the livelyhood of hundreds of Black families, huh vermin?
You mean the same businesses that were closed during the 2020 pandemic that did not get the PPP money white businesses got?

Nobody wants to hear nonsense from somebody defending an insurrection done for nothing.

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