Why Does Kamala Cackle So Much? Medical Expert Says It's A Known Condition

Harris was certainly no imposter when she took Trump to the woodshed last week. You should be happy when she is laughing. Because when she is not, that's your ass.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Harris didn't take Trump to the woodshed. Only a hack and a liar would say that. That's you, bubba.

She did fine because she gave the mods the questions they were allowed to ask. They would have said she mopped the floor with Trump no matter what as long as she didn't screw up royally like Sleepy Joe did.

The whole debate was rigged, from the questions asked, to the fake fact-checking, the lighting, and the camera angles designed to minimize how short Kamala is in comparison to Trump.

She wanted to be seated during the debate but couldn't get that, so they did the next best thing by showing both of them from an overhead shot minimizing the size difference. (I went to school on television production, so I know all of the tricks they pulled) She was also wearing 4-6" spiked high-heels to make her look a bit taller. Then I noted how they tried to make Trump look a inch shorter than Kamala in the 2-shot. They also had her making horse-calls and making faces at him while he was talking. She was acting rude and obnoxious....extremely un-presidential.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Harris didn't take Trump to the woodshed. Only a hack and a liar would say that. That's you, bubba.

She did fine because she gave the mods the questions they were allowed to ask. They would have said she mopped the floor with Trump as long as she didn't screw up royally like Sleepy Joe did.

The whole debate was rigged, from the questions asked, to the fake fact-checking, the lighting, and the camera angles designed to minimize how short Kamala is in comparison to Trump.

She wanted to be seated during the debate but couldn't get that, so they did the next best thing by showing both of them from an overhead shot minimizing the size difference. (I went to school on television production, so I know all of the tricks they pulled) She was also wearing 4-6" spiked high-heels to make her look a bit taller. Then I noted how they tried to make Trump look a inch shorter than Kamala in the 2-shot. They also had her making horse-calls and making faces at him while he was talking. She was acting rude and obnoxious.
Trump won that debate.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Harris didn't take Trump to the woodshed. Only a hack and a liar would say that. That's you, bubba.

She did fine because she gave the mods the questions they were allowed to ask. They would have said she mopped the floor with Trump as long as she didn't screw up royally like Sleepy Joe did.

The whole debate was rigged, from the questions asked, to the fake fact-checking, the lighting, and the camera angles designed to minimize how short Kamala is in comparison to Trump.

She wanted to be seated during the debate but couldn't get that, so they did the next best thing by showing both of them from an overhead shot minimizing the size difference. (I went to school on television production, so I know all of the tricks they pulled) She was also wearing 4-6" spiked high-heels to make her look a bit taller. Then I noted how they tried to make Trump look a inch shorter than Kamala in the 2-shot. They also had her making horse-calls and making faces at him while he was talking. She was acting rude and obnoxious.
Harris took trump to the woodshed. That's why he won't debate her again. Trump got to talk 5 minutes longer than Harris.

Nothing was rigged uness it was for trump. And he still got his ass whipped.

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