The difference between capitalism and socialism in a nutshell

But guess who is paying the "income taxes" - not the rich , the middle class is. Because Americans have been conditioned to confuse patriotism with stupidity..

Since the top 1% earn 20% of income and pay 40% of income taxes and the top 5% pay 60% and the top 20% pay 94% of all income taxes, that would seem to be unsupported by the facts.

Really? That's a fact?

Romney Avoids Taxes via Loophole Cutting Mormon Donations


Those are IRS statistics. We have higher rates and more tax shelters, showing an example of a tax shelter doesn't refute what I said. But overall, it's income verus taxes, and I gave you the end result.
And we're seeing that influence effect China as it becomes more capitalistic:
WTF???? China becomes capitalistic? What does that mean? Chinese government is giving property back to its subjects including manufacturing industry? I haven't heard of that yet. As more news emerge and more secrets are revealed, please update!!!!
And we're seeing that influence effect China as it becomes more capitalistic:
WTF???? China becomes capitalistic? What does that mean? Chinese government is giving property back to its subjects including manufacturing industry? I haven't heard of that yet. As more news emerge and more secrets are revealed, please update!!!!
Some on the left believe it may mean that State is no longer practicing having the People's HR put the right people in the right place at the right time for free, instead of for profit.
And we're seeing that influence effect China as it becomes more capitalistic:
WTF???? China becomes capitalistic? What does that mean? Chinese government is giving property back to its subjects including manufacturing industry? I haven't heard of that yet. As more news emerge and more secrets are revealed, please update!!!!

There is no such thing as State Capitalism - mercantilism is a Keynesian - socialist - scam.

Clinton blackmailed banks into funding sub-prime loans threatening to start endless government investigations and subpoena the crap out of their asses until they did, then funded it with endless free money.
Banks also would lose their FDIC protection. THAT got their attention, I am sure.
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And we're seeing that influence effect China as it becomes more capitalistic:
WTF???? China becomes capitalistic? What does that mean? Chinese government is giving property back to its subjects including manufacturing industry? I haven't heard of that yet. As more news emerge and more secrets are revealed, please update!!!!
The dingbat also needs to see what happened to Hong Kong.

15 years after China takeover Hong Kong uneasy - Yahoo News
HONG KONG (AP) — For thousands of Hong Kongers, this weekend's 15th anniversary of China's takeover of the semiautonomous territory isn't a moment to celebrate but a chance to air grievances from corruption scandals to human rights to a widening gap between rich and poor.
Both are purely socialist programs, so how exactly do you think Capitalism could replace those Socialist programs?

dear socialism is when central govt owns and manages or controls major industries not when local taxpayers run their local police force.

A distinction without a difference, ^^^ another logical fallacy held as a truth.

Are you seriously trying to argue that any form of taxation, and any form of basic government service, is socialism? If so, you're truly a fucking idiot. Socialism is fundamentally an economic system. Having a professional police force paid for by tax funding is a political decision.
So now you think we have a Communist form of government?

too stupid our subject was not what form of govt we have so I did not comment on that at all. Our subject was about the meaning of socialism. Do you understand these basics?

You apparently don't. Socialism in theory, Socialism in practice: government regulations; private property/intellectual property; Eminent Domain in law and in practice (Keystone XL); and the practical applications of Socialism in term of public utilities, highways, waterways and airline rules and regulations, etc.

The blur between practice and theory is the issue, there is no sharp division between these two in practice. It's not as if we live in a system where laissez faire capitalism is the practice, nor do we live in a state wherein everything is held in common by the state. Such a dichotomy does not exist here, so much of this debate is silly.

There are extremists who want to deregulate capitalism, free it from the bonds of government; and other extremists who want the people, as a collective, to control every aspect of economy activity. Few and foolish are those who fail to understand the success of our nation is proof that a mixed economy provided by an elected leadership has been the reason for our success.

Of course the system is not perfect, the rules, sometimes contradictory, and human nature gets in the way. Times change and so too must our ideas on how best to our country should be governed.

Thus we need to debate issues, evaluate policies and determine which works best - an unregulated system allowed to police itself, or a system wherein the government decides - the answer is a pragmatic approach,. The balance is the issue, and one which cannot be intelligently debated by those stuck in an ideological box.
The recent posts of Kosh the parrot...


See the far left shows they want communism/socialism..


The far left proves they do not understand such things..


Far left propaganda based on religious dogma.


See the far left posts bunk and expects others to prove them wrong!


They want you to prove a negative.


Even more proof that the far left does not understand what they post, but expect others to prove them wrong!


The mentality of a two year old..


Sorry you can NOT prove a negative.


And the far left propaganda drones on...


Proof that this one is not connected in anyway to reality..


Oh look more far left propaganda not connected to reality..


The far left programming responding to certain keywords, how cute..


More proof how dangerous the far left religion is..


Yes I am sure that is what is in the far left programming..


And the far left propaganda drones on...


The far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they are wrong!
This has been an instructive thread on the deep programming of right wingers. You, Sylar and several others have posted some valid I nformation that debunks what Kosh and his ilk have bought into and stops short of calling him stupid. Still, the flow of misinformation continues.
Thus we need to debate issues, evaluate policies and determine which works best - an unregulated system allowed to police itself, or a system wherein the government decides - the answer is a pragmatic approach,. The balance is the issue, and one which cannot be intelligently debated by those stuck in an ideological box.
Coming from you, that's a hoot. Since NOBODY is advocating eliminating all business regulations you're just kicking around a lame strawman.
I didn't change any standards. Marriage affords couples numerous rights and protections, many of them LEGAL. You are calling for anarchy...

Who gets the house? The one with the gun.

Yes, you said government marriage being restricted from gays was discriminatory and you're against discrimination. That was your standard then. I pointed out all government marriage is discriminatory and I am against all government marriage. You are for discrimination that people who get married have benefits not shared by other people. I want everyone to be treated the same by government.

You came back with you love the perks other people don't get, baby. Not only a different standard from your first one, but contradictory to that you are against discrimination.

You keep saying you are not an anarchist, as you continue to describe your utopia...anarchy.

You, Sylar and several others have posted some valid I nformation that debunks what Kosh and his ilk have bought into and stops short of calling him stupid. Still, the flow of misinformation continues.
I didn't change any standards. Marriage affords couples numerous rights and protections, many of them LEGAL. You are calling for anarchy...

Who gets the house? The one with the gun.

Yes, you said government marriage being restricted from gays was discriminatory and you're against discrimination. That was your standard then. I pointed out all government marriage is discriminatory and I am against all government marriage. You are for discrimination that people who get married have benefits not shared by other people. I want everyone to be treated the same by government.

You came back with you love the perks other people don't get, baby. Not only a different standard from your first one, but contradictory to that you are against discrimination.

You keep saying you are not an anarchist, as you continue to describe your utopia...anarchy.

No, I never say I'm an anarchist. Here you go, Kiddie Poo.

What is a small government libertarian US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Anarchists believe in NO government. It's not that hard. Well, except to liberals. But you're the ones who think not paying for things like birth control is denying people birth control...
I didn't change any standards. Marriage affords couples numerous rights and protections, many of them LEGAL. You are calling for anarchy...

Who gets the house? The one with the gun.

Yes, you said government marriage being restricted from gays was discriminatory and you're against discrimination. That was your standard then. I pointed out all government marriage is discriminatory and I am against all government marriage. You are for discrimination that people who get married have benefits not shared by other people. I want everyone to be treated the same by government.

You came back with you love the perks other people don't get, baby. Not only a different standard from your first one, but contradictory to that you are against discrimination.

You keep saying you are not an anarchist, as you continue to describe your utopia...anarchy.

No, I never say I'm an anarchist. Here you go, Kiddie Poo.

What is a small government libertarian US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Anarchists believe in NO government. It's not that hard. Well, except to liberals. But you're the ones who think not paying for things like birth control is denying people birth control...

Your problem is you are too stupid to know what anarchy really means, and what it looks like...


Synonyms for anarchy
Antonyms for anarchy
For the enlightenment of liberals who consistently don't get this

Capitalism is economic freedom. Consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals, we make our own choices for our own interest. That drives market efficiency which benefits everyone. The primary role of government in capitalism is to provide civil courts to redress civil crimes (e.g., breach of contract) and criminal courts to redress crimes (e.g., fraud).

An informed buyer/employee is best served with complete and accurate information. I consider it a legitimate role for government to require accurate disclosures. So for example I oppose government forcing a business to hire or serve blacks. However, I am in favor of government forcing them to disclose that clearly and accurately to other potential employees or customers. I also consider it legitimate for government to enforce accurate advertising, whether products were tested or not and how thoroughly, that sort of thing. Government should not force them to do those things, but it can require them to disclose accurately what they did and didn't do to facilitate better buying decisions.

Socialism is central economic planning. Central economic planning means that consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals must make decisions that are not in their own interest. Otherwise central planning would not be required, capitalism would yield the same result. And the only way to get people to act against their own interest is force, and only the government can use force.

Various forms of socialism are full socialism where all industry is owned by government, fascism where industry is technically in private ownership but all decisions are dictated or approved by government and crony capitalism where government helps the businesses in quid pro quo fashion where the businesses fund the politicians and the politicians write laws to assist those businesses. In all those cases, planning is central and enforced by government guns to force the people to act against their own interest. To the people, they are the same, you have the choices government gives you.
This is an ignorant, ridiculous oversimplification that is in many ways factually wrong.

For example, 'fascism' is in no way related to 'socialism.'

Otherwise, this is an inane and unnecessary preach to the choir post – as no one of consequence or merit is advocating for 'socialism.'
I didn't change any standards. Marriage affords couples numerous rights and protections, many of them LEGAL. You are calling for anarchy...

Who gets the house? The one with the gun.

Yes, you said government marriage being restricted from gays was discriminatory and you're against discrimination. That was your standard then. I pointed out all government marriage is discriminatory and I am against all government marriage. You are for discrimination that people who get married have benefits not shared by other people. I want everyone to be treated the same by government.

You came back with you love the perks other people don't get, baby. Not only a different standard from your first one, but contradictory to that you are against discrimination.

You keep saying you are not an anarchist, as you continue to describe your utopia...anarchy.

No, I never say I'm an anarchist. Here you go, Kiddie Poo.

What is a small government libertarian US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Anarchists believe in NO government. It's not that hard. Well, except to liberals. But you're the ones who think not paying for things like birth control is denying people birth control...

Your problem is you are too stupid to know what anarchy really means, and what it looks like...


Synonyms for anarchy
Antonyms for anarchy

Your problem is you're too stupid to know when a word is used which has multiple definitions which one is being used. This is a political discussion, PeeWee, I was referring to the political definition of anarchy. I realize that was very tricky of me. Politically, anarchy is the complete absense of government.

Here you go:

Anarchy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

a : absence of government

b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority

c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
Are you really this stupid? It's hard to believe you are and yet you can log on and get to a website. Note it was in Merriam definition number ... 1 ... LOL.
For the enlightenment of liberals who consistently don't get this

Capitalism is economic freedom. Consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals, we make our own choices for our own interest. That drives market efficiency which benefits everyone. The primary role of government in capitalism is to provide civil courts to redress civil crimes (e.g., breach of contract) and criminal courts to redress crimes (e.g., fraud).

An informed buyer/employee is best served with complete and accurate information. I consider it a legitimate role for government to require accurate disclosures. So for example I oppose government forcing a business to hire or serve blacks. However, I am in favor of government forcing them to disclose that clearly and accurately to other potential employees or customers. I also consider it legitimate for government to enforce accurate advertising, whether products were tested or not and how thoroughly, that sort of thing. Government should not force them to do those things, but it can require them to disclose accurately what they did and didn't do to facilitate better buying decisions.

Socialism is central economic planning. Central economic planning means that consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals must make decisions that are not in their own interest. Otherwise central planning would not be required, capitalism would yield the same result. And the only way to get people to act against their own interest is force, and only the government can use force.

Various forms of socialism are full socialism where all industry is owned by government, fascism where industry is technically in private ownership but all decisions are dictated or approved by government and crony capitalism where government helps the businesses in quid pro quo fashion where the businesses fund the politicians and the politicians write laws to assist those businesses. In all those cases, planning is central and enforced by government guns to force the people to act against their own interest. To the people, they are the same, you have the choices government gives you.
This is an ignorant, ridiculous oversimplification that is in many ways factually wrong.

For example, 'fascism' is in no way related to 'socialism.'

Otherwise, this is an inane and unnecessary preach to the choir post – as no one of consequence or merit is advocating for 'socialism.'
I explained it, you got anything but "no it's not" or are you going with that?
Both are purely socialist programs, so how exactly do you think Capitalism could replace those Socialist programs?

dear socialism is when central govt owns and manages or controls major industries not when local taxpayers run their local police force.

A distinction without a difference, ^^^ another logical fallacy held as a truth.

Are you seriously trying to argue that any form of taxation, and any form of basic government service, is socialism? If so, you're truly a fucking idiot. Socialism is fundamentally an economic system. Having a professional police force paid for by tax funding is a political decision.

Calling me a fucking idiot strongly suggests you are incapable of presenting a rational rebuttal. So, I'll respond with what you deserve, fuck off asshole.

I suggest the non assholes review post #450.

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