Zone1 The difference between Islam, Judaism and Christianity


Sep 2, 2023
Islam, Judaism and Christianity are monotheistic religions. All rules of these religions are reasonable and good.

Basically, all three religions believe that there is one God who created everything, and that they work to change laws in the right direction (these are the basics of these religions).

The difference between the three religions lies in the question what the right change to the law is. But in all three religions the intention behind changing the law is good and noble.
Islam, Judaism and Christianity are monotheistic religions. All rules of these religions are reasonable and good.

Basically, all three religions believe that there is one God who created everything, and that they work to change laws in the right direction (these are the basics of these religions).

The difference between the three religions lies in the question what the right change to the law is. But in all three religions the intention behind changing the law is good and noble.
Christianity is the only one to have accepted separation of church and state.
Islam believes that church and state must be in some way unified, and they also apparently believe that doing "wrong" for the "right" purpose is morally acceptable - actually morally imperative. Islam's "god" cannot be influenced by prayer; he makes the plans; he decides your fate; there's nothing you can do about it.

Both Islam and Judaism need a "pope." There are simply too many serious areas of faith where their believers are all over the lot.
Islam, Judaism and Christianity are monotheistic religions. All rules of these religions are reasonable and good.

Basically, all three religions believe that there is one God who created everything, and that they work to change laws in the right direction (these are the basics of these religions).

The difference between the three religions lies in the question what the right change to the law is. But in all three religions the intention behind changing the law is good and noble.
Islam is a cult. Judaism and Christianity are real religions.
they are all three the same and are bound together by the liar moses, their salacious story of a&e and the false 10 commandments that never existed and other early fallacies so recorded ...

neither of the three are heavenly religions, they are personifications of their own collective considerations at the expense of all else regardless whatever harms they cause to any and all but themselves.
The difference among the three religions is, one has a Son. A Son who took away the sins of world and replaced our sin with His perfect record to enter Heaven with.
Makes all the difference in the world...
Right. Jews and Muslims don't believe God had a son.

In Hosea God calls Israel his son. In Isaiah God calls Israel his servant.
Islam believes that church and state must be in some way unified, and they also apparently believe that doing "wrong" for the "right" purpose is morally acceptable - actually morally imperative. Islam's "god" cannot be influenced by prayer; he makes the plans; he decides your fate; there's nothing you can do about it.

Both Islam and Judaism need a "pope." There are simply too many serious areas of faith where their believers are all over the lot.
There's no hierarchy in Islam.
- I ask Muslims one question

what was it about the faith and belief system of the Jews where Mohammud lived that was in disobedience and against the core teachings of the Quran ?

I submit that there is not a single piece of any evidence that demonstrates that the Jews where Mohammud lived were in conflict nor disagreement with the core teachings of the Quran.

in fact the Jews did not reject Mohammud’s core basic message about God’s laws, the jews did not disagree with Mohammud about the oneness of God =

the jews did not disagree with anything regarding the moral code of God and his laws about idols and sin and the commandments of God.

so - what was Mohammud’s big problem with the jews ?

what was Mohammud upset with the jews about concerning their faith ?

the jews around Mohammud believed that God was one single God - the jews did not worship idols and other God’ s – in fact the jews around Mohammud - they rejected that jesus was the son of God, the jews accepted every single last commandment that Mohammud concluded about basic critical laws of God

Mohammud mentions nothing about moral or law disagreements that he had with the jews, the jews around Mohammud - are not shown to have disagreed with Mohammuds moral code - every single commandment and every single critical core and basic law and ordinance of God that Mohammud eventually decided - the jews obeyed and believed.

Yet - Mohammud - demands that the jews are the worst creatures that have ever existed on the planet.

Can Muslims can produce a single example of where the jews around Mohammud disobeyed the quran - or - a single example - where that the jews around Mohammud failed to accept the laws of God or failed to believe and accept in the moral code of every single last thing in the quran.

Can Muslims produce a single example of where the jews around Mohammud disobeyed the quran - the Jews did not disagree with Mohammed upon basic principles regarding idols, adultery, murder, theft, the trinity, Sabbath, the oneness of God, the moral obligations of a faith.
in Fact - The Jews held to even a much stricter law and teaching about not divorcing your wife for no just cause or reason

the jews accepted every single last core and basic commandment that Mohammud concluded about basic critical laws of God -
Yet, Mohammud - demands that the jews are the worst creatures that have ever existed on the planet.

Can Muslims can produce a single example of where the jews around Mohammud disobeyed the quran - or - a single example - where that the jews around Mohammud failed to accept the laws of God within the Quran or failed to believe and accept in the core principles of moral code of every single last thing in the quran.

Can Muslims produce a single example of where the jews around Mohammud disobeyed the quran ?

the Jews did not disagree with Mohammed upon basic principles regarding idols, adultery, murder, theft, the trinity, Sabbath, the oneness of God, the moral obligations of a faith

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews - because the Jews did not buy and sell slaves and participate in the slave trade ?

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews - because the Jews did not capture women and enslave them and and have sexual intercourse with these slaves without a condition of mutual love and and full agreement of marriage ?

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews because - the Jews did not practice temporary short term " MUTTAH " marriages just for a few hours or days of sexual gratification ?

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews - because the Jews did not teach that divorce for any reason was justified in the eyes of God ?

was Mohamud's dispute with the Jews - because the Jews did not beat their wives when their wives disobeyed their husbands sexual demands and ?

Quran 4:34) for those women on whose part ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, (and last) beat them. Then, if they obey you, seek not a way against them.

the Jews did not disagree with Mohammed upon basic principles regarding idols, adultery, murder, theft, the trinity, Sabbath, the oneness of God, the moral obligations of ones faith

yes, the Quran is very different from the Bible - for example the Marriage system of the Quran demands that a man can divorce his wife for any reason -

but is that something that Muslims should hold against the Jews - because the Jews believe that Marriage is a lifetime commitment ?

these types of differences are the only differences between Islam and Judaism - for example Jews Believe God is a Spirit - Muslims do not -

but yet Mohammud demands that the Jews are considered the most horrible and worst of all creatures upon the earth.

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