The difference between regulation and control.


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
Merritt Island, FL
Control is to completely ban. Regulation is to give everyone a fair chance at obtaining a gun provided that they pass regulation.

If I am absolutely denying you a gun without due process, then that is gun control. Expanded background checks is NOT gun control.

But now that I got this out of the way, I rarely do this. I'll give you guys a possibility of what will happen in the future.

As our future generations become increasingly tolerant, less hateful, and more right/liberty minded (I.E. Liberal), They will become a part of our democracy who will think for themselves and choose what they think is right.

As tragedy after tragedy happen, the pro-gun regulation movement will continue to grow.

It IS a proven fact that a majority of Americans support expanded background checks.
What kept your unregulated rights safe was the NRA and lobbying, not congress.
Gun regulation WILL come back with a haunting vengeance and regulation WILL end up passing.

Might not be now, or within a year. But It will happen within the near future as Democracy progresses, Elections are held, and The people speak.

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