Zone1 The difference between Trump and Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
The 1st thing I want to say is that they are both assholes. But while Biden is basically a puppet for the democratic party (always has been), Trump is a self-aggrandizing egotistical bastard that really doesn't care about the GOP at all. If both of these allegations are true, then what? Both have character issues, there's no doubt about that. Some say Trump is worse than Biden; maybe so, but I'm not sure what difference that makes. To my mind, the real question is in what direction (policies) either man will take us.

For starters, if you vote for Biden you are voting for the policies of the Democratic Party. Biden is not a leader, he's a follower that does the bidding of his party and so if you support the DP then he's your man. IOW, he takes his directions totally from someone else. He has his own set of deplorables, and he's a senile old man that ought to be in a nursing home somewhere. But I see the DP as too big spenders that will eventually lead to a debt crisis. The republicans are big spenders too, but not as much as the democrats. In my lifetime, I have never seen a time when the democrats wanted to spend less on something than the GOP did.

Trump OTOH, cares nothing about the Republican Party. He only cares about Trump; he wants his agenda not theirs and has no more scruples than the democrats do to get what he wants. It seems that Trump doesn't take directions from anybody, he might listen but he's gonna do what he wants to do whether it's good politics or not. And he is convinced that whatever he wants to do IS in the best interests of the country.

The good news is that regardless of which man wins in November, they aren't going to get much of what they want done, unless he also has a majority in both Houses of Congress. In Trump's case, as president he will not have the full support of all republicans, but I am not sure the same can be said for Biden and the democrats. The last time, only Manchin and Sinema prevented the end of the filibuster, which I believe spells the end of the republican form of gov't we have now.

The biggest concern about this election IMHO is that whoever gets elected to the Oval Office may well put 1 or 2 justices on the SCOTUS, and that is a big deal. I think the current court will not allow the president of either party to assume power/control over things outside their jurisdiction. The US Constitution enumerates what the federal gov't can do and if it ain't there then they can't do it, and that function falls to the states to decide for themselves. A more progressive court will result in a more powerful and intrusive federal gov't that personally I don't want.
The 1st thing I want to say is that they are both assholes. But while Biden is basically a puppet for the democratic party (always has been), Trump is a self-aggrandizing egotistical bastard that really doesn't care about the GOP at all. If both of these allegations are true, then what? Both have character issues, there's no doubt about that. Some say Trump is worse than Biden; maybe so, but I'm not sure what difference that makes. To my mind, the real question is in what direction (policies) either man will take us.

For starters, if you vote for Biden you are voting for the policies of the Democratic Party. Biden is not a leader, he's a follower that does the bidding of his party and so if you support the DP then he's your man. IOW, he takes his directions totally from someone else. He has his own set of deplorables, and he's a senile old man that ought to be in a nursing home somewhere. But I see the DP as too big spenders that will eventually lead to a debt crisis. The republicans are big spenders too, but not as much as the democrats. In my lifetime, I have never seen a time when the democrats wanted to spend less on something than the GOP did.

Trump OTOH, cares nothing about the Republican Party. He only cares about Trump; he wants his agenda not theirs and has no more scruples than the democrats do to get what he wants. It seems that Trump doesn't take directions from anybody, he might listen but he's gonna do what he wants to do whether it's good politics or not. And he is convinced that whatever he wants to do IS in the best interests of the country.

The good news is that regardless of which man wins in November, they aren't going to get much of what they want done, unless he also has a majority in both Houses of Congress. In Trump's case, as president he will not have the full support of all republicans, but I am not sure the same can be said for Biden and the democrats. The last time, only Manchin and Sinema prevented the end of the filibuster, which I believe spells the end of the republican form of gov't we have now.

The biggest concern about this election IMHO is that whoever gets elected to the Oval Office may well put 1 or 2 justices on the SCOTUS, and that is a big deal. I think the current court will not allow the president of either party to assume power/control over things outside their jurisdiction. The US Constitution enumerates what the federal gov't can do and if it ain't there then they can't do it, and that function falls to the states to decide for themselves. A more progressive court will result in a more powerful and intrusive federal gov't that personally I don't want.
IMO there is way too much focus on Presidential personalities and almost no focus on policies. I don't care how offensive Donald Trump is. We are not electing a drinking buddy. He proved he is a strong leader, pushes back on our foreign adversaries, understands how to wield power and had our border stabilized. And most importantly, he puts American interests at top priority.
I just think that another round of GOP tax cuts for the ruling class while ballooning federal spending has been a root cause of our problems in this century, and another Trump Presidency will be exactly that.

I do believe that if elected Trump wants another round of tax cuts, and I do not support that. While it isn't exactly booming, the economy is not that bad to where it needs a stimulus and besides that is inflationary. The last one gave us a boost in 2018 (after the cuts) but then fizzled somewhat in 2019, so it ain't necessarily a permanent fix. I would hope that the Congress won't do that, remember that tax cuts or hikes are generated in Congress and the President can't do anything about it except sign it or veto it. He can have plenty to say about it but nothing to do about it.

Ballooning federal spending is also on the Congress rather than the President. And it is ALWAYS the democrats who want to spend more than the republicans do. Every feakin' time, and I believe than A Trump presidency will spend considerably less than a Biden presidency will in the next 4 years.

Also, those tax cuts in 2017 were NOT for the ruling class, that is bold-faced lie perpetuated by the democrats. Far more people in the lower tax brackets benefited more as a group that the rich people did.
I do believe that if elected Trump wants another round of tax cuts, and I do not support that. While it isn't exactly booming, the economy is not that bad to where it needs a stimulus and besides that is inflationary. The last one gave us a boost in 2018 (after the cuts) but then fizzled somewhat in 2019, so it ain't necessarily a permanent fix. I would hope that the Congress won't do that, remember that tax cuts or hikes are generated in Congress and the President can't do anything about it except sign it or veto it. He can have plenty to say about it but nothing to do about it.

Ballooning federal spending is also on the Congress rather than the President. And it is ALWAYS the democrats who want to spend more than the republicans do. Every feakin' time, and I believe than A Trump presidency will spend considerably less than a Biden presidency will in the next 4 years.

Also, those tax cuts in 2017 were NOT for the ruling class, that is bold-faced lie perpetuated by the democrats. Far more people in the lower tax brackets benefited more as a group that the rich people did.
Republicans this century have never spent less than any Democrat House majority they replace. If you think tax cuts for the ruling class and spending hikes are not the agenda then you haven't been paying attention. And since tax cuts from the highest earners were permanent, while tax cuts for the rest had expiration dates, they were certainly for the ruling class. Take a look at who has benefited from them. Giving Jeff Bezos another tax cut does nothing to help this country.
Being president has a lot more to do than cutting taxes or bumbling around babbling a lot but saying nothing. I look to the one that is respected and feared than a bumbler no one respects. One that has yet to put any advancement in our country while turning our nation into a bad joke. I keep hearing how great the economy and the job market is. Sorry but I live it and a 400% increase on everything isn't making me or anyone else rich. Look at the price of insurance. Since making it illegal to not carry it, it has rose 5 times over. That has to do with one thing, greed, the American way. Price of copper hasn't gone up 500% but when was the last time you bought a copper fitting? Again greed. Yes Trump is a self centered human being but he knows what day it is, loves the art of the deal and is respected. He doesn't bungal in and out of war costing us American lifes with an 'oh well mabey next time'. Hell, when he speeks I can understand what he is saying and I know he loves the country almost as much as himself.
Being president has a lot more to do than cutting taxes or bumbling around babbling a lot but saying nothing. I look to the one that is respected and feared than a bumbler no one respects. One that has yet to put any advancement in our country while turning our nation into a bad joke. I keep hearing how great the economy and the job market is. Sorry but I live it and a 400% increase on everything isn't making me or anyone else rich. Look at the price of insurance. Since making it illegal to not carry it, it has rose 5 times over. That has to do with one thing, greed, the American way. Price of copper hasn't gone up 500% but when was the last time you bought a copper fitting? Again greed. Yes Trump in a self centered human being but he knows what day it is and loves the art of the deal and is respected. He doesn't bungal in and out of war costing us American lifes with an 'oh well' mabey next time. Hell, when he speeks I can understand what he is saying and I know he loves the country almost as much as himself.
Why do you fear Trump?
The 1st thing I want to say is that they are both assholes. But while Biden is basically a puppet for the democratic party (always has been), Trump is a self-aggrandizing egotistical bastard that really doesn't care about the GOP at all. If both of these allegations are true, then what? Both have character issues, there's no doubt about that. Some say Trump is worse than Biden; maybe so, but I'm not sure what difference that makes. To my mind, the real question is in what direction (policies) either man will take us.

For starters, if you vote for Biden you are voting for the policies of the Democratic Party. Biden is not a leader, he's a follower that does the bidding of his party and so if you support the DP then he's your man. IOW, he takes his directions totally from someone else. He has his own set of deplorables, and he's a senile old man that ought to be in a nursing home somewhere. But I see the DP as too big spenders that will eventually lead to a debt crisis. The republicans are big spenders too, but not as much as the democrats. In my lifetime, I have never seen a time when the democrats wanted to spend less on something than the GOP did.

Trump OTOH, cares nothing about the Republican Party. He only cares about Trump; he wants his agenda not theirs and has no more scruples than the democrats do to get what he wants. It seems that Trump doesn't take directions from anybody, he might listen but he's gonna do what he wants to do whether it's good politics or not. And he is convinced that whatever he wants to do IS in the best interests of the country.

The good news is that regardless of which man wins in November, they aren't going to get much of what they want done, unless he also has a majority in both Houses of Congress. In Trump's case, as president he will not have the full support of all republicans, but I am not sure the same can be said for Biden and the democrats. The last time, only Manchin and Sinema prevented the end of the filibuster, which I believe spells the end of the republican form of gov't we have now.

The biggest concern about this election IMHO is that whoever gets elected to the Oval Office may well put 1 or 2 justices on the SCOTUS, and that is a big deal. I think the current court will not allow the president of either party to assume power/control over things outside their jurisdiction. The US Constitution enumerates what the federal gov't can do and if it ain't there then they can't do it, and that function falls to the states to decide for themselves. A more progressive court will result in a more powerful and intrusive federal gov't that personally I don't want.
Does biden do what is best for the country? Has he even tried to do the right thing. Or does it go without saying he is the worst president in all history that after almost 4 years his stupid cure is to blame Repugs for his AWOL. Because he is that stupid but before stupid he was an asshole loud mouth racist also not a good thing.
......... And most importantly, he puts American interests at top priority.

Does biden do what is best for the country? Has he even tried to do the right thing. Or does it go without saying he is the worst president in all history that after almost 4 years his stupid cure is to blame Repugs for his AWOL. Because he is that stupid but before stupid he was an asshole loud mouth racist also not a good thing.

I think Trump and Biden are similar in this respect: Both of them are convinced that whatever they think and do is the best thing for the country. Maybe every politician feels this way, and anyone who says differently is of course (to them) wrong. I think the same is true for quite a few people actually, including many who post on this board.
I just think that another round of GOP tax cuts for the ruling class while ballooning federal spending has been a root cause of our problems in this century, and another Trump Presidency will be exactly that.
Not at all. The root cause of our budgetary problems is that congress has decided that it can spend any amount of money regardless of how much tax revenue it has coming in. We don't have a revenue problem; we have a spending problem. The democrats are more guilty of that than the republicans. Both want to buy votes, but the republicans realize that there is an end to the money fountain and the democrats don't.

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