Zone1 Is Trump really a threat to democracy?

We accepted the election.

You will too or suffer the consequences.
Yeah, right ... :rolleyes:
That's why you wasted taxpayer money and four+ years chasing the lie, paid and produced for by Clinton and the DNC.
The consequences of elections stolen by the DemocRATs is the senile puppet in the White House and the slide toward tyranny of the Left!

Meet you on the barricades, Komrade!
"Is Trump really a threat to democracy?"


Trump’s attacks on the judiciary and the rule of law the consequence of his criminal convictions are further proof of that.

And those who support, defend, and vote for Trump are likewise a threat to democracy.
That would be the biased, Leftist persons in the Judiciary. The ones helping steer our Republic into a tyranny.
His convictions were over questionable accounting procedures.
Those who attack Trump and support along with defend the Dems efforts to undo our Constitution and back their puppet Manchurian candidate in the WH are the ones that are a threat to the Republic.
Don't argue to argue. It makes you look ignorant. If the federal government is supreme to the states, then it is supreme to the people.

Both are trying for absolute control. I don't like centrist democratic corporatist politics. But, for me, it is far superior to MAGAtism.
As we have learned in life, Those who can work together with others that are not just like them.
accomplish more for all of us, and have a wider & more educated view of the world we live in.
Sorry no perfect world exists.
That would be the biased, Leftist persons in the Judiciary. The ones helping steer our Republic into a tyranny.
His convictions were over questionable accounting procedures.
Those who attack Trump and support along with defend the Dems efforts to undo our Constitution and back their puppet Manchurian candidate in the WH are the ones that are a threat to the Republic.
Stryder's nonsense is

butt kick.gif
The democrats want us to believe Trump is still a threat to democracy, but I don't think so. What could he possibly do now? So what if he thinks he and we got screwed in 2020? If elected, what can he really accomplish to threaten democracy? Even if the GOP gets a majority in the Senate and the House, they won't have the numbers or the inclination to blindly do whatever he wants. And his executive actions and orders will surely be scrutinized to the nth degree and I believe the current SCOTUS will not rubber stamp his decisions as automatically constitutional. So, I'm asking, what will Trump be able to do that threatens democracy?
Here's your answer...

Replace the bureaucracy with trump loyalists
Chop off the top layers of military leadership and replace them with Trump sycophants

Read it and tremble.
If Trump was trying to imprison his opponent or drag him into court so he couldn't campaign or sicking the FBI goons on him or trying to keep him off the ballot and working to deny him Secret service protection then yes I would say he is a threat to democracy.....
Thank goodness your fantasies have no basis in reality.
It worked, didn't it?

I see no reason to believe the system barely held, nor do I see any reason to doubt that it won't hold for a 2nd Trump term. Your opinion is noted, but you offered nothing to support it.

MAGA does not own the SCOTUS, and that court is not going to overturn the 2024 election results unless sufficient proof exists of fraud that will stand up in court. They didn't do that in 2020 and the Court is largely the same as it was then. One liberal left and another came in, BFD.

Plenty of accusations but no evidence or logic. This isn't about 2020, this is about now. If he ain't elected then he's got no power at all to do anything that threatens democracy. So, my question is, what if he does get elected? What do you think he could possibly do? Where's the threat?
The plan was to delay the certification.
Alito would rule the election invalid...

That's why they wanted to murder the VP and Majority leader.
Take out the VP and Trump sycophant and Grassley accepts the bogus electors

They failed to kill Pence and Pelosi reconvened earlier than expected.

You apparently have no idea how close American democracy came to ending.
... a lot of people support Trump precisely because they believe he will actually restore that faith and trust rather than reduce it. ...
So your faith is in a guy
who lied over 30k times in office,
who defrauded children with cancer
who defrauded veterans
who ran a fraudulent "university"
Who cheated on every one of his wives
who blackmailed a world leader to get evidence on his political opponent

Maybe your "faith" in Trump has nothing to do with your "mistrust" of government and everything to do with his promise that you "won't be replaced."

Racist Fears are as irrational as supporting Trump
Here's your answer...

Replace the bureaucracy with trump loyalists
Chop off the top layers of military leadership and replace them with Trump sycophants

Read it and tremble.
"tremble" if you are a Marxist-Leftist engaged in undoing the Constitution, and helping to "fundamental change of America" as promised by recent POTUS Obama.
i.e., if you are a traitor to the Heritage and founding principles of this nation, then you might "tremble".

The actions of liberal politicians in Washington have created a desperate need and unique opportunity for conservatives to start undoing the damage the Left has wrought and build a better country for all Americans in 2025.

It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration.

This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. The project will build on four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative administration: a policy agenda, personnel, training, and a 180-day playbook.

The project is the effort of a broad coalition of conservative organizations that have come together to ensure a successful administration begins in January 2025. With the right conservative policy recommendations and properly vetted and trained personnel to implement them, we will take back our government.

The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is being organized by The Heritage Foundation and builds off Heritage’s longstanding “Mandate for Leadership,” which has been highly influential for presidential administrations since the Reagan era. Most recently, the Trump administration relied heavily on Heritage’s “Mandate” for policy guidance, embracing nearly two-thirds of Heritage’s proposals within just one year in office.
Stryder, you are a commie fascist nut.
I'm a Robert A. Heinlein conservative on matters of government, law, defense, and fiscal policy; and a libertarian on social issues and personal rights.
Take this and be honest with your self, I'll tell where I score if you honestly report your placement.
I'm a Robert A. Heinlein conservative on matters of government, law, defense, and fiscal policy; and a libertarian on social issues and personal rights.
Take this and be honest with your self, I'll tell where I score if you honestly report your placement.
Heinlein was a fantasy syfy writer, and you base your philosophy on that? Are you crazy? I like the part about only vets voting, but that world of his, all of it, is never going to happen.
If that is the case, Republicans need to change their message and run better candidates

Simple question, if the US a becomes a one party system….Who do you blame?
One Party Rule has been the wet dream for Democrats since the Obamanation took office. That is why they threw the borders wide open. They only have to flip Texas and Arizona blue to achieve their goal of perpetual rule.

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