Zone1 Is Trump really a threat to democracy? are such a sad lying leftist loser.
Read it and weep Stinky

They say he is a threat to democracy, will destroy America, become a dictator, destroy the economy, lock up all his opponents, put blacks in camps and so on.

Well, he was actually the president before. So why didn't he do any of those things just a few years ago?
They say he is a threat to democracy, will destroy America, become a dictator, destroy the economy, lock up all his opponents, put blacks in camps and so on.

Well, he was actually the president before. So why didn't he do any of those things just a few years ago?
Before he had to worry about getting elected
Now he doesn’t
Well, he was actually the president before. So why didn't he do any of those things just a few years ago?
He tried and failed because members of his own party stopped him.

That enough should be reason to consider him a threat.

But what’s even worse, is that in the last four years, many of those Republicans that stopped him have been run out of the party.
Robert DeNiro said outside of the Manhattan courthouse hosting the trial of Donald Trump that if he wins election in November he threatens our lives, wants to destroy New York City and the United States, and could destroy the world. I believe that's called fearmongering. It's also called bullshit. So far, no one has offered anything of substance in this thread to support the claim that if elected Trump would be a threat to democracy. He can't change nothin'.
So far, no one has offered anything of substance in this thread to support the claim that if elected Trump would be a threat to democracy

All we have is what Trump has done so far to attack Democracy

1. Breed mistrust in a free press
2. Breed mistrust in our election process
3. Try to restrict voting
4. Encourage overturning of the vote
Who is Biden's puppet master? That's the real threat to Democracy. Biden is not smart enough to steal an election. so obviously someone else did the dirty work for him. When the truth is uncovered, it should be written in bold print in every history book in America.
Your poor spelling and grammar aside, here's the thing about the MAGA movement and Trump.
Trump: He already had one term of office thus he can only hold one more, period. He's what is termed, "a lame-duck" president. Executive Orders are only effective as long as the incumbent president is in office. Whoever enters into office in the next presidency, has the option of leaving them stand, or eliminating any one or all of them, as Biden did, and Biden eliminated some really decent ones. While Trump was in office (and if you're not a total leftist lapdog, you can look up and see his actual accomplishments while in office and they were pretty good ones), the economy really took off and people had more money in their wallets, including the minorities. What tore up the economy was COVID, thanks to China. He was the first nation leader to place a travel ban on people coming from China, so he saw the threat.
As for the Supreme Court, of course it currently has a majority of Justices that are adherents to the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights. They're supposed to determine cases in relation to our Supreme Law document. Sadly, the left continually pushes to get judges into the courts, including the Supreme Court, that have more loose interpretations of the Constitution and the rights given to the people.
The important thing is that it is extremely important that this nation remain a multi-party system and that it "never" becomes a one-party only system, as there has never been a one-party only government that was not authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and outright murderous to masses of its own people.
Based upon your comment about the current state of the Supreme Court, you would prefer a one-party only government, which would make you the enemy of our multi-party system.
When Trump banned people coming in from CCP China, and a few other countries, the Left was wailing about Trump being xenophobic.
Once Trump was out of office and groper-molester Joe Biden was in, then the Left was wailing that Trump didn't do enough about COVID.

Just one of scores of examples how the Left doesn't really care about our Nation or Constitution. The Left only cares about going after Trump and reducing influence and power of the Right.

As for what Trump did (and what Biden undid), here's one list that is informative and accurate, if partial.
All we have is what Trump has done so far to attack Democracy

1. Breed mistrust in a free press
2. Breed mistrust in our election process
3. Try to restrict voting
4. Encourage overturning of the vote
Here is what Trump tried to do* to preserve the Republic
1. Illuminated the Leftist bias and propaganda of our mainstream press (pravda).
2. Expose the deficiencies and fraud in our election process.
3. Try to assure only legal citizens voted.
4. Encourage an examination, recount, and/or redo of a questionable integrity of the vote.

* And motivated the Right-wing to do ...
Is that really the best you have?
Stay away from the propaganda

Where has Biden bred mistrust in the free press or the validity of our elections?
Try improving your pravda Komrade.

Biden has help grow the mistrust of the Leftist dominate MSM press and is an example of the defects within our elections process.
You stand up for the rights of the 49.99999%
You don’t give minority rule
Except you and the majority of the Left don't stand for or protect the Rights of the 49.99999% that don't agree with your policies.
Giving extra "rights" to certain very small minorities endorses minority rule.
With media on both sides of the political spectrum and an unrestricted internet, we have more of a free press than ever.

Trump is trying to destroy it with “alternative facts”

It is the entrenched, longer lived, Left leaning dominate MSM-press that is deciding what is fact or not when in reality all they have is pravda.
"alternative facts" are additional facts which the Left leaning MSM press fails to present and tries to suppress.
They say he is a threat to democracy, will destroy America, become a dictator, destroy the economy, lock up all his opponents, put blacks in camps and so on.

Well, he was actually the president before. So why didn't he do any of those things just a few years ago?
A single person can't do any of that, no matter what title or office they hold.

To do any one thing or all that is on your 'list' would require an extensive cadre' in the Cabinet and most Departments and from top levels of management down to the lower ranks willing to follow orders, violate their oaths, and engage in unlawful behavior to even attempt, let alone implement all that which would be needed for Trump to impose a tyranny.

Trump had difficulty getting together a co-operative and helpful staff that wouldn't disobey him or back-stab him, when it came to normal and legal business of the Executive, which is what he was trying to do.
Trump certainly wasn't getting much of the Deep State to work with him either.
Just the opposite.

Too many in government that should have worked with him and for the people, for the nation; declined to do so, and looked out only for themselves and their careers. Plus they have political ideologies and partisan ideas at odds with the free enterprise, capitalist system that iw what "made America Great" to begin with. That was the part of the Deep State that obstructed what Trump was trying to do. That was the part of the Deep State that has been betraying the Nation for some time now since they are of a mind and attitude that the People serve the Government (Them), not the other way around.

This "rot of the core from within" has been going on for decades now. Even if Trump were to get elected to another term as POTUS, best he could do is put the brakes on some to most of it. He might also be able to set-up the apparatus for future conservative POTUSes, with a co-operative Congress, to continue to restore America/USA to what the Founders and Constitution meant this nation to be.

It won't be an easy or quick task to accomplish. Nor is it a guarantee to succeed.
But if we don't try, then our Nation is spiraling further down the drain and saving it becomes increasingly remote to impossible.

It is the entrenched, longer lived, Left leaning dominate MSM-press that is deciding what is fact or not when in reality all they have is pravda.
"alternative facts" are additional facts which the Left leaning MSM press fails to present and tries to suppress.

Do you live in the 1950s?

People have access to news sources all over the world along with social media

Alternative facts are falsehoods Trump creates when he doesn’t like the actual facts
Democracy is a threat to democracy.

We have these turbulent periods at regular intervals, like the Greeks had millennia ago. A populist rises to power, makes necessary repairs and changes to a deeply dysfunctional government, and then it slowly slides back into the greed, corruption, and incompetence that makes the next populist uprising necessary. But this may be the last time for the USA. It will eventually split apart into smaller nations.

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