Zone1 Is Trump really a threat to democracy?

RFK Jr. says Biden is bigger threat to democracy than Trump​

Angry Voters Flipping Against Biden; Is POTUS Bigger Threat Than Trump?​

Creating unfounded mistrust of the free press that keeps government in check
Biden administration working with press and social media to censor the voices of the public.
Creating unfounded mistrust in our free elections
The Biden DoJ creating profiles that make it a cause of concern to watch folks that exercise free speech in anyway.

By trying to invalidate the 2020 election and have himself named President

Trying to pass new election laws.
Biden administration working with press and social media to censor the voices of the public.

The Biden DoJ creating profiles that make it a cause of concern to watch folks that exercise free speech in anyway.

Trying to pass new election laws.

Is that really the best you have?
Stay away from the propaganda

Where has Biden bred mistrust in the free press or the validity of our elections?
Totally inept leadership in COVID
Destruction of treaties on climate, Iran abandoning nuclear program, TPP
Destabilization of NATO
Pandering to Putin and Kim
He got you a vaccine in record time and had fewer covid deaths than Biden....
His foreign policy was filling up our treasury and preventing wars... and making us energy independent and providing a level field for our businesses....
NATO wasn't destabilized they actually got more funds because Trump made all the member nations pay up their share...
He didn't pander to anyone... he was making peace... isn't that a good thing?....
If that is the case, Republicans need to change their message and run better candidates

Simple question, if the US a becomes a one party system….Who do you blame?
Democrats that are currently attacking our Bill of Rights and were pushing the great lie of Russia and Trump and doing everything they could to get him out of office.
Oh, and get rid of that stupid title for yourself, you're anything but a right-winger.
The democrats want us to believe Trump is still a threat to democracy, but I don't think so. What could he possibly do now? So what if he thinks he and we got screwed in 2020? If elected, what can he really accomplish to threaten democracy? Even if the GOP gets a majority in the Senate and the House, they won't have the numbers or the inclination to blindly do whatever he wants. And his executive actions and orders will surely be scrutinized to the nth degree and I believe the current SCOTUS will not rubber stamp his decisions as automatically constitutional. So, I'm asking, what will Trump be able to do that threatens democracy?

Trump is a threat to democracy. Not because Trump is going to become dictator for life, or he's going to stop elections or whatever.

He's dangerous because:

A) he's a part of the Koch brothers' change of the right wing to much further right. The Koch brothers have been far more dangerous than Trump ever could be, but Trump has taken their impact and he's changed it, and manipulated it and made it something else.

B) Because the next guy who comes along that is able to manipulate the people like Trump does, might very well be the sort who knows how to maneuver into a position where he could become dictator for life.

It happens. Xi Jinping did in China. Every ten years you had a new leader, written into the constitution. Xi just took out his opponents with his "anti-corruption drive" knowing full well ALL politicians above a certain level are corrupt, so what are they going to do?

In Cambodia it happened. It's happening in other countries. People are getting smart to how to manipulate people. It's not difficult any more. There are literally experts you can hire who will tell you how to do it.
If that is the case, Republicans need to change their message and run better candidates

Simple question, if the US a becomes a one party system….Who do you blame?
Lucky Duck Democrats that are currently attacking our Bill of Rights and were pushing the great lie of Russia and Trump and doing everything they could to get him out of office.
Oh, and get rid of that stupid title for yourself, you're anything but a right-winger.

John Edgar Slow Horses Both parties of course, fighting for power, the GOP going commiefascist because of Trump, and the Dems who would not compromise any more than the MAGA GOP.
Democrats that are currently attacking our Bill of Rights and were pushing the great lie of Russia and Trump and doing everything they could to get him out of office.
Oh, and get rid of that stupid title for yourself, you're anything but a right-winger.
In case you missed it, Trump demanded that the Constitution be terminated when it gets in his way.
Russia did help Trump get elected
Trumps own deeds are what leads to his prosecution
The democrats want us to believe Trump is still a threat to democracy, but I don't think so. What could he possibly do now? So what if he thinks he and we got screwed in 2020? If elected, what can he really accomplish to threaten democracy? Even if the GOP gets a majority in the Senate and the House, they won't have the numbers or the inclination to blindly do whatever he wants. And his executive actions and orders will surely be scrutinized to the nth degree and I believe the current SCOTUS will not rubber stamp his decisions as automatically constitutional. So, I'm asking, what will Trump be able to do that threatens democracy?
The democrats want us to believe Trump is still a threat to democracy, but I don't think so. What could he possibly do now? So what if he thinks he and we got screwed in 2020? If elected, what can he really accomplish to threaten democracy? Even if the GOP gets a majority in the Senate and the House, they won't have the numbers or the inclination to blindly do whatever he wants. And his executive actions and orders will surely be scrutinized to the nth degree and I believe the current SCOTUS will not rubber stamp his decisions as automatically constitutional. So, I'm asking, what will Trump be able to do that threatens democracy?
Yes, Donald and MAGA, in their ever desire for power, threaten American democracy.
Your opinion is noted but lacks any substance. I assume you are unaware that it is the democrats who want to abolish the filibuster, extend the Supreme Court, and keep Trump off any and every ballot they can. These ambitions all threaten democracy.
Your opinion is noted but lacks any substance. I assume you are unaware that it is the democrats who want to abolish the filibuster, extend the Supreme Court, and keep Trump off any and every ballot they can. These ambitions all threaten democracy.
It is my opinion, as is you are doing above with no evidence. I agree with the first points but not the last. All of those uphold and strengthen democracy.
Your opinion is noted but lacks any substance. I assume you are unaware that it is the democrats who want to abolish the filibuster,

There is no law establishing the right to filibuster. In practice it was changed from requiring you to speak continuously, to a tool that didn’t require speaking at all but was rarely used.
Today, Filibuster means you need 60 percent of the vote on everything.
Minority rule
Time to put it out of its misery.
Here's where we part company. I lost a lot of faith and trust in gov't a long time before Trump came along, and in fact a lot of people support Trump precisely because they believe he will actually restore that faith and trust rather than reduce it. I see Trump as an empty threat rather than a real one, but no more so than the democratic party. Our system of gov't with the checks and balances we have in place makes it very difficult for Trump to accomplish anything dangerous. I'm still asking, what could he possibly do? And as far as I can tell, the answer is nothing. He's not the one trying to abolish the filibuster, a much-needed check on legislative power. He's not the one trying to eliminate anybody from the ballots or using lawfare to tie up a candidate who is running for office. He's not the one who ignored a Supreme Court ruling on student loans; isn't that actually a real threat to democracy when a president ignores the justice system and does what he pleases?

My faith is in the underlying strength of the system's base, that it can withstand the attempts by the left to subvert it for their own purposes.

The problem is a base can only hold so long under pressure before it fails, regardless of how strong it is.
It is my opinion, as is you are doing above with no evidence. I agree with the first points but not the last. All of those uphold and strengthen democracy.

So you want our country to be a pure democracy?

So 50.000001% of the people can vote to take the property of the other 49.99999%

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