Zone1 Is Trump really a threat to democracy?

I'm a Robert A. Heinlein conservative on matters of government, law, defense, and fiscal policy; and a libertarian on social issues and personal rights.
Take this and be honest with your self, I'll tell where I score if you honestly report your placement.
This is not the time for philosophical differences with the GOP. Your choices are Stalinist Regime or a flawed but pro-American GOP. That's it. Two choices. Pick one.
Heinlein was a fantasy syfy writer, and you base your philosophy on that? Are you crazy? I like the part about only vets voting, but that world of his, all of it, is never going to happen.
More Sci-fi than fantasy, he wrote quite a bit of non-fiction.
You didn't understand the part I wrote after mentioning Heinlein, and the split on where I'm conservative or libertarian. Not surprised, most pseudo-liberals and Leftists have poor reading comprehension. Explains why so many are Marxists.

In a non-fiction piece, he explains how that "only vets vote" wasn't limited to just military vets.
If you had read more of his work, you'd know he wrote a variety of "worlds" in his stories.

I'm not as crazy as the majority of Leftists. Part of the reason I left that losing philosophy by my late twenties when I'd matured more and had some additional real world experience.
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This is not the time for philosophical differences with the GOP. Your choices are Stalinist Regime or a flawed but pro-American GOP. That's it. Two choices. Pick one.
1) The Democrat party has evolved since the 1970s into mostly Marxist-socialist focused ideology. If you don't think, talk, and act like a Marxist-socialist, you likely won't get funding and support from the DemocRATs.

2) Now imagine a pie chart covering all the political spectrum of the USA. The Dems get about a quarter slice of the "pie". Mainstream Republicans get another quarter slice of the pie. That leaves the other half, other two quarter slices in the middle and the flex/swing votes that both parties are chasing.

So that middle half of the American political spectrum, most of which hopefully don't favor Maxist-socialist style of Stalinist regime may not all be keen on the full conservative of mainstream GOP. Which is why I'm inclined to say that the GOP, if they moderate their position on many things, could win over much of that remaining Middle Half.

3) So that link and test I presented provides a slightly finer tuning to where one's political philosophy might lay. From their website;

What Is The Nolan Chart?​

The Nolan Chart is a basic mapping of political types that is more detailed than any simple left/right axis. The chart’s five types are determined by the degree of one’s support for two intersecting dimensions of freedom: economic freedom and personal freedom.

Economic freedom​

Economic freedom is defined as the degree to which individuals can protect their business, property, or earnings from aggression by others and the degree to which they can produce or exchange goods and services without interference.

Personal freedom​

Personal freedom is defined as the degree to which one may engage in certain behaviors unmolested. Such includes the practice of religion, the exercise of free speech, and the freedom to move around and/or associate with others.



The "test" is five questions for each of the two measures of freedom and response you chose can give you a score of 0 to 20 for each, which when added together show where you plot on the two axis scales.
So again, grab a piece of paper and record your answers if you like, though the test will add everything up and show you where you plot out. Often, if one is honest, they might be surprised how they score. The website also has a place that give definitions of the five types as well as a few other tests and items of interest.


Are Your Beliefs Respectful or Coercive?​

Take our brand new Human Respect Test tailored for each political type.
We accepted the election.

You will too or suffer the consequences.
You accepted the election where your puppet Biden (Obama clone) won (2020).

You didn't accept the election prior where Trump won (2016).

Consequences resulting from Left/Democrat/Marxist rejection of the 2016 election were 4+ years chasing the faked Steele Dosier that presented the Russian Collusion lie(fable) to explain Trump's victory. Politicizing the Deep State elements within the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, and IRS, etc. that were willing to pervert their supposed objectivity into joining the illegal and unethical efforts to remove Trump from office. This also included a couple efforts at bogus impeachments and the nation wide insurrections (riots, etc.) across the nation during the Summer of 2020.

The Left - Democrat - Marxist/socialist factions in this nation didn't work with Trump and the half of this nation that voted him in, rather you worked against us and against this nation. You all drew a line in 2016 dividing this nation. You all started the insurrection.

What many of you fail to realize and/or grasp is that Trump was a figurehead for the half of the Nation and Voters that put him into the office of POTUS. When you all operate outside of the Constitution and Laws of this nation, when you attack Trump, you attack we Patriots who wish to preserve and protect what America(USA) started out to be, 250+ years ago.

If anyone suffers consequences it will be you traitors, infidels, insurrectionists; "enemy within", who are aiding and abetting the agenda of the USA's enemies foreign.
I do not think Trump is a threat to democracy; but that is what the left will be squealing if Trump wins the election. Trump will clean house in the justice department for one thing.
The threat to American democracy is the profound, determined refusal of the electorate to think.
One Party Rule has been the wet dream for Democrats since the Obamanation took office. That is why they threw the borders wide open. They only have to flip Texas and Arizona blue to achieve their goal of perpetual rule.

What are Democrats doing to achieve One Party Rule?
Winning elections?
"tremble" if you are a Marxist-Leftist engaged in undoing the Constitution, and helping to "fundamental change of America" as promised by recent POTUS Obama.
i.e., if you are a traitor to the Heritage and founding principles of this nation, then you might "tremble".

The actions of liberal politicians in Washington have created a desperate need and unique opportunity for conservatives to start undoing the damage the Left has wrought and build a better country for all Americans in 2025.

It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration.

This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. The project will build on four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative administration: a policy agenda, personnel, training, and a 180-day playbook.

The project is the effort of a broad coalition of conservative organizations that have come together to ensure a successful administration begins in January 2025. With the right conservative policy recommendations and properly vetted and trained personnel to implement them, we will take back our government.

The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is being organized by The Heritage Foundation and builds off Heritage’s longstanding “Mandate for Leadership,” which has been highly influential for presidential administrations since the Reagan era. Most recently, the Trump administration relied heavily on Heritage’s “Mandate” for policy guidance, embracing nearly two-thirds of Heritage’s proposals within just one year in office.
It is a warning
Should be taken as such.
If that is the case, Republicans need to change their message and run better candidates

Simple question, if the US a becomes a one party system….Who do you blame?

The loyal followers of both parties. At this point in time there is very little difference in the parties in how they actually govern
Trump considers Democracy a threat to his ability to rule

Those he considers Lowlife people having the right to vote and actually showing up at the polls is his worst nightmare.
That is why he spreads mistrust in our election system and tries to substitute partisan legislators to do the picking
If that is the case, Republicans need to change their message and run better candidates

Simple question, if the US a becomes a one party system….Who do you blame?
we already are a unipolar country. Its Globalists vs Nationalists. You are either a Globalist or Nationalist.
sounds like you "have faith in the system.?"

the system held, barely during trump's l;ast administration. it can not hold for ampther.

even after the blessed loss in november, maga still owns the supreme court for a generation, and my install trump anyway.

maga is not a "democratic" movement is it? maga is about the glorification of !Q man .
You don't get it. The "System" has to go. FIRE 90% of Gov't bureaucrats. They do nothing. Eliminate all "Social" programs. Stop ALL Pork Barrel Spending.

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