The DNC Press is the Enemy of the American People


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
A free press is necessary for the preservation of a free society. However, a press that is dedicated to lies and propaganda is a danger to freedom.

We need only look back at the Nazi regime and the "Aryanization" of the press to see what has happened to the American press. In 1923 Germany had over 4,700 independent newspapers. But by 1928 the remaining 3,800 all reported the Nazi line.

How did this happen? The simple answer is that Hitler stuffed Nazis in the editorial board and reporting pools of virtually every news outlet. Any deviation from established dogma was met with immediate and severe social stigma, and would end the career of a reporter who dared report stories not approved by the party.

This is identical to the situation in modern America. We do NOT have a free press. CNN, the NY Times, Jeff Bezos hate rag, etc. are controlled by the democrat party. They all report the same stories with exactly the same far-left tilt. They do this because they take marching orders from the DNC. This is NOT a free press, this is a propaganda corps waging war against America.

The leftist propaganda corps is the enemy of the America people and the enemy of America. Decent people have a duty to fight the degenerates like Jim Acosta who lie to us day after day. His god Allah knows that he is fighting against us.

We fight in the same way that he does, with ideas.

Ultimately leftism, socialism, Marxism, Communism, et al, is evil. The foundation for it is a lust for power by the elite, a desire to enslave the general population under the rule of a king, dictator, prime minister, whatever. There is no difference at all between the Monarchies of rotten old Europe that our founding fathers fought and the "Democratic-Socialism" that Che' Guevara Barbie chatters about.

Hence, defeating the corrupt press, the enemy of the American people, is a matter of exposing the fact that the agenda they promote is evil and leads to misery.

Jim Acosta seeks to create a socialist state like Venezuela where the elite are beyond any laws or constraints (just like Hillary). He and Sulzberger along with the rest of the DNC propaganda machine actively wage war on America to bring about the two-tiered system where a tiny elite rules unopposed over a vast and impoverished population with no means of rising above their station,

President Trump is exactly right, the press is the enemy of the American people, just as Pravda under Stalin was, though CNN and MS-13NBC are less reliable for honest reporting than Pravda under Stalin.
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Lol the OP says Pravda, the USSR's state run paper, was the enemy of the people, but Fox News, the state run "news" channel, is the only source the people should believe :laugh:
No, proud ignorance and affinity for authoritarian bullies, as is on display in every post by the OP, is the enemy of the American people. And the press is the enemy of those ideas, so we get treated to threads like this one by proudly ignorant, subjugated subjects of dear leader Trump.
No, proud ignorance and affinity for authoritarian bullies, as is on display in every post by the OP, is the enemy of the American people. And the press is the enemy of those ideas, so we get treated to threads like this one by proudly ignorant, subjugated subjects of dear leader Trump.
Any press member whether conservative or liberal that lies in order to achieve ratings, a raise or to start a political uprising is an enemy of the American people. Unfortunately it happens way to often.
No, proud ignorance and affinity for authoritarian bullies, as is on display in every post by the OP, is the enemy of the American people. And the press is the enemy of those ideas, so we get treated to threads like this one by proudly ignorant, subjugated subjects of dear leader Trump.
"Proud ignorance"....ain't THAT the truth!
Lol the OP says Pravda, the USSR's state run paper, was the enemy of the people, but Fox News, the state run "news" channel, is the only source the people should believe :laugh:


How is Fox "State run?"

CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, WaPo, et al. are run by and for the DNC. Fox is the lone standout - though they too lean left of center.
No, proud ignorance and affinity for authoritarian bullies, as is on display in every post by the OP, is the enemy of the American people. And the press is the enemy of those ideas, so we get treated to threads like this one by proudly ignorant, subjugated subjects of dear leader Trump.

So, nothing to add, just ad hom.
Lol the OP says Pravda, the USSR's state run paper, was the enemy of the people, but Fox News, the state run "news" channel, is the only source the people should believe :laugh:


How is Fox "State run?"

CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, WaPo, et al. are run by and for the DNC. Fox is the lone standout - though they too lean left of center.
You accidentally trip over a valid point: the state doesnt run fox news. Fox news runs the State.

Blind squirrel, meet nut.
Lol the OP says Pravda, the USSR's state run paper, was the enemy of the people, but Fox News, the state run "news" channel, is the only source the people should believe :laugh:


How is Fox "State run?"

CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, WaPo, et al. are run by and for the DNC. Fox is the lone standout - though they too lean left of center.
You accidentally trip over a valid point: the state doesnt run fox news. Fox news runs the State.

Blind squirrel, meet nut.

You are one of the more stupid trolls on the board.

So tell us troll, how does "Fox run the state?"

Meanwhile, The USA regains the position as the most competitive economy in the world, lost under Obama. CNN is silent.

Much of the corruption of the Marxist press is not what they report, but what they refuse to report.

CNN is more of a censorship organization than it is news media.

U.S. Becomes World's Most Competitive Economy Again
PoliticalChic , you are a perfect addition to this thread. The usual trolls are attempting to derail it in hopes of getting it moved. Let's keep them on track.

This means every troll post WILL be reported in this thread.

The issue is the media as enemy of the American People.
So tell us troll, how does "Fox run the state?"
Softball question. Strategists craft talking points and spoonfeed them to the fox news production team, who then spoonfeeds them to the on air talent. The show hosts then regurgitate these talking points, assisted by flashy graphics.

Trump watches and soaks up these talking points, then he regurgitates them himself and even attempts to craft policy from them..

This is all well-observed and well-documented. But your cult filter never quite lets this information past your eyes and ears.
Softball question. Strategists craft talking points and spoonfeed them to the fox news production team, who then spoonfeeds them to the on air talent. The show hosts then regurgitate these talking points, assisted by flashy graphics.

You mean like this, Comrade hypocrite?

Donna Brazile is not apologizing for leaking CNN debate questions and topics to the Hillary Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary. Her only regret, it seems, is that she got caught.

“My conscience — as an activist, a strategist — is very clear,” the interim chair of the Democratic National Committee said Monday during a satellite radio interview with liberal activist and SiriusXM host Joe Madison. She added that “if I had to do it all over again, I would know a hell of a lot more about cybersecurity.”

In other words, Brazile would have made sure that her improper disclosures — which prompted CNN to drop her as an analyst — would not show up in hacked emails published by WikiLeaks. The lesson, apparently, is to pick up the phone or perhaps meet John Podesta in a dark alleyway.}

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton

See, any time you Communists accuse Americans of something, it is certain YOU are the ones doing it - every last time.

Now to your idiocy, even if what you claimed were true, how is that "running the state?"

How would "softball questions" decide the execution of laws or policies?

You're a hate filled Communist, but dumb as a rock.

Trump watches and soaks up these talking points, then he regurgitates them himself and even attempts to craft policy from them..


Like this policy you fucking retard?

Trump's tariffs will hurt trade, and trade is a good thing -- really

So Fox crafted the policy they oppose?

Dayum, you're not real sharp

This is all well-observed and well-documented. But your cult filter never quite lets this information past your eyes and ears.


"everyone knows."

Fucking retard.
PoliticalChic , you are a perfect addition to this thread. The usual trolls are attempting to derail it in hopes of getting it moved. Let's keep them on track.

This means every troll post WILL be reported in this thread.

The issue is the media as enemy of the American People.

With the media, it's a one-way street:

This week:
"The publisher of The New York Times said Sunday he “implored” President Donald Trump at a private White House meeting this month to reconsider his broad attacks on journalists, calling the president’s anti-press rhetoric “not just divisive but increasingly dangerous.”

But, this is what we find in Sulzberger's NYSlimes....

... just like the Nazi Führer did."
New York Times columnist says Trump is a liar like Hitler, drawing much debate
Softball question. Strategists craft talking points and spoonfeed them to the fox news production team, who then spoonfeeds them to the on air talent. The show hosts then regurgitate these talking points, assisted by flashy graphics.

You mean like this, Comrade hypocrite?

Donna Brazile is not apologizing for leaking CNN debate questions and topics to the Hillary Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary. Her only regret, it seems, is that she got caught.

“My conscience — as an activist, a strategist — is very clear,” the interim chair of the Democratic National Committee said Monday during a satellite radio interview with liberal activist and SiriusXM host Joe Madison. She added that “if I had to do it all over again, I would know a hell of a lot more about cybersecurity.”

In other words, Brazile would have made sure that her improper disclosures — which prompted CNN to drop her as an analyst — would not show up in hacked emails published by WikiLeaks. The lesson, apparently, is to pick up the phone or perhaps meet John Podesta in a dark alleyway.}

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton

See, any time you Communists accuse Americans of something, it is certain YOU are the ones doing it - every last time.

Now to your idiocy, even if what you claimed were true, how is that "running the state?"

How would "softball questions" decide the execution of laws or policies?

You're a hate filled Communist, but dumb as a rock.

Trump watches and soaks up these talking points, then he regurgitates them himself and even attempts to craft policy from them..


Like this policy you fucking retard?

Trump's tariffs will hurt trade, and trade is a good thing -- really

So Fox crafted the policy they oppose?

Dayum, you're not real sharp

This is all well-observed and well-documented. But your cult filter never quite lets this information past your eyes and ears.


"everyone knows."

Fucking retard.
A bit like that, yes. Except, every day all day. Wow, thanks for accidentally strenghtening my point, genius. I do appreciate it when you rabid cultists trip over yourselves and do the light work for me.
PoliticalChic , you are a perfect addition to this thread. The usual trolls are attempting to derail it in hopes of getting it moved. Let's keep them on track.

This means every troll post WILL be reported in this thread.

The issue is the media as enemy of the American People.

With the media, it's a one-way street:

This week:
"The publisher of The New York Times said Sunday he “implored” President Donald Trump at a private White House meeting this month to reconsider his broad attacks on journalists, calling the president’s anti-press rhetoric “not just divisive but increasingly dangerous.”

But, this is what we find in Sulzberger's NYSlimes....

... just like the Nazi Führer did."
New York Times columnist says Trump is a liar like Hitler, drawing much debate

Meanwhile the NY Times runs cover for actual incitement to violence by Maxine Waters, and the left engages in actual violence against Americans in their zeal to end the nation.

Congressman Steve Scalise sustained a single rifle shot to the left hip. The bullet traveled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs, and causing severe bleeding. ... He underwent immediate surgery, and an additional procedure to stop bleeding. He has received multiple units of blood transfusion. His condition is critical, and he will require additional operations.”

Hodgkinson belonged to multiple anti-GOP groups on Facebook, including:

▪ “The Road to Hell is Paved with Republicans”

▪ “Donald Trump is not my President”

▪ “President Bernie Sanders”

▪ “Illinois Berners United to Resist Trump”

▪ “Boycott the Republican Party”

▪ “Expose Republican Fraud”

▪ “Terminate the Republican Party”}

Belleville man killed in Virginia shootout ‘seemed like a normal guy, a regular guy’

The Times "forgot" to report these facts.
No, proud ignorance and affinity for authoritarian bullies, as is on display in every post by the OP, is the enemy of the American people. And the press is the enemy of those ideas, so we get treated to threads like this one by proudly ignorant, subjugated subjects of dear leader Trump.
Did “the press” tell you to say that?
Lol the OP says Pravda, the USSR's state run paper, was the enemy of the people, but Fox News, the state run "news" channel, is the only source the people should believe :laugh:


How is Fox "State run?"

CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, WaPo, et al. are run by and for the DNC. Fox is the lone standout - though they too lean left of center.
You accidentally trip over a valid point: the state doesnt run fox news. Fox news runs the State.

Blind squirrel, meet nut.
Is that why they are almost as negative to Trump as they were to Obama?
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Softball question. Strategists craft talking points and spoonfeed them to the fox news production team, who then spoonfeeds them to the on air talent. The show hosts then regurgitate these talking points, assisted by flashy graphics.

You mean like this, Comrade hypocrite?

Donna Brazile is not apologizing for leaking CNN debate questions and topics to the Hillary Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary. Her only regret, it seems, is that she got caught.

“My conscience — as an activist, a strategist — is very clear,” the interim chair of the Democratic National Committee said Monday during a satellite radio interview with liberal activist and SiriusXM host Joe Madison. She added that “if I had to do it all over again, I would know a hell of a lot more about cybersecurity.”

In other words, Brazile would have made sure that her improper disclosures — which prompted CNN to drop her as an analyst — would not show up in hacked emails published by WikiLeaks. The lesson, apparently, is to pick up the phone or perhaps meet John Podesta in a dark alleyway.}

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton

See, any time you Communists accuse Americans of something, it is certain YOU are the ones doing it - every last time.

Now to your idiocy, even if what you claimed were true, how is that "running the state?"

How would "softball questions" decide the execution of laws or policies?

You're a hate filled Communist, but dumb as a rock.

Trump watches and soaks up these talking points, then he regurgitates them himself and even attempts to craft policy from them..


Like this policy you fucking retard?

Trump's tariffs will hurt trade, and trade is a good thing -- really

So Fox crafted the policy they oppose?

Dayum, you're not real sharp

This is all well-observed and well-documented. But your cult filter never quite lets this information past your eyes and ears.


"everyone knows."

Fucking retard.
A bit like that, yes. Except, every day all day. Wow, thanks for accidentally strenghtening my point, genius. I do appreciate it when you rabid cultists trip over yourselves and do the light work for me.

You really are as dumb as you seem.

Comrade, when I make claims they are followed by words that have underlines or are bolded in color.

Those are called "links." The links provide citations that back what I claim with fact.

Can you say "fact?" Didn't think so.

You are a hate filled idiot with literally nothing to base your opinion on other than the festering rage that squirms in the broccoli stalk that substitutes for a brain with you.
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