The Economist: 'Why Biden must withdraw'


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
But time is ticking, and the days will stretch to weeks, and inaction now will mean it will soon be too late. What are the Dems hoping will happen, or better yet 'won't happen'. Every time now Biden walks across a room without the help of someone holding his hand, they will be holding their breaths praying he does not take another fall. Or giving a speech, holding their breaths praying and hoping he doesn't trip over his words, or worse, ramble on about something that was not part of the script. He's 81, and cognitive abilities only go in one direction from here.


The president and his party portray themselves as the saviours of democracy. Their actions say otherwise​

It was agony to watch a befuddled old man struggling to recall words and facts. His inability to land an argument against a weak opponent was dispiriting. But the operation by his campaign to deny what tens of millions of Americans saw with their own eyes is more toxic than either, because its dishonesty provokes contempt.

The effect has been to put the White House within Donald Trump’s grasp. Fresh polls have found that voters in the states Mr Biden must win have moved against him. His lead may be in danger even in once-safe states such as Virginia, Minnesota and New Mexico.

Democrats will never get the Biden disaster figured out in time.

Joe Biden will take weeks, maybe to the DNC convention to finally decide, and then it will be too late.

The DNC can't force Joe out, and Jill & Hunter will not let Joe drop out without adequate compensation.

So how much will Jill and Hunter want for Joe to drop out?

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