The economy continues to grow

WASHINGTON — Fresh evidence indicates that the labor market is continuing to heal and that there's stronger economic growth supporting new hiring than the most obvious numbers might suggest.

The Labor Department said Thursday that new claims for unemployment benefits dipped last week to 359,000 — the lowest level since April 2008. Jobless claims have been moving steadily lower in recent weeks amid other signs that the job market is gaining strength.

Separately, the Commerce Department said Thursday that its latest tally of the nation's gross domestic product, the total value of goods and services produced, showed a solid 3% annualized increase in the fourth quarter last year.

That's unchanged from its previous estimate, but the new report showed gross domestic income — another broad but less commonly cited measure of economic activity — jumped at a much higher annualized rate of 4.4% in that quarter.

New claims for jobless benefits drop; GDP grows at solid pace -
republicans in congress obstructing Obamas agenda is the reason !!! the president and his left wing cronies have been accusing the right of obstruction for over a year !!! :clap2::clap2: God Bless the Republicans !!

The economy's been growing since June of 2009. God bless Obama!!

Ah, show me the last time the economy DIDN'T grow coming out of a recession? The truth is that this economic recovery has been excrutiatingly slow...due in large part to Barry's decision to go after Obamacare before dealing with unemployment and the economy...coupled with a stimulus package that didn't really stimulate anything. Now you've got his energy policies coming back to bite his skinny behind with high gas prices that will be passed along with higher prices on most consumables.

Our economy is slowly growing DESPITE Barry and the "Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight" (otherwise known as Summers, Romer and Geithner) who put together his economic strategy. Get someone in there that doesn't treat the private sector like the enemy and the economy will most likely grow MUCH faster.
The first two are from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The last one is from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

But I'm sure your observations from a street corner in your hometown are more accurate for the nation as a whole.

Got it those numbers are from obama's departments thats all you have to say. Hey the economy is doing great that is if you don't need a job.

if the department was going to make up numbers why would they publish an 8.3% unemployment rate and a 1.4% discrepancy in economic growth?:lol:

They can only fudge the numbers so much
Didnt Bernanke come out saying that the economic outlook was not very great?
I wish I could trust the numbers, but theyve been manipulated so much. I do trust what I see and hear. And while i wish for a full recovery, I dont know that it will ever happen during this administration.

If it does, Obama might win, but we still have plenty of issues to run against him. His record is still very abysmal. and I dont see how he is going to slow inflation on food and gas prices without a significant policy shift.

I wonder if a check of the archives would uncover any posts in which you employed such numbers?

I can assure you that a full recovery will not happen during this administration. But Obama might win anyway.

"His record is very abysmal". Is that because you say it is? You just feel it? Are you going to use any numbers to support that statement?

The policies of the President have little effect on gas prices. Have you ever heard that said before?
I wish I could trust the numbers, but theyve been manipulated so much. I do trust what I see and hear. And while i wish for a full recovery, I dont know that it will ever happen during this administration.

If it does, Obama might win, but we still have plenty of issues to run against him. His record is still very abysmal. and I dont see how he is going to slow inflation on food and gas prices without a significant policy shift.

I wonder if a check of the archives would uncover any posts in which you employed such numbers?

I can assure you that a full recovery will not happen during this administration. But Obama might win anyway.

"His record is very abysmal". Is that because you say it is? You just feel it? Are you going to use any numbers to support that statement?

The policies of the President have little effect on gas prices. Have you ever heard that said before?

The polices that devalue the dollar does have an effect on the price of gas.
Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring.

If anybody had really figured out how to read the economic tea leaves they'd already own the world.
Gas prices in the stratosphere clearly will have no effect on growth rates in the first quarter of 2012!!!:D

Who cant love the level of bozo posted up by the lefty k00ks on a dialy basis? They are like the lone guy in the bar watching his team get slaughtered 56-0 but he celebrates wildly when his team finally scores!!! We've all seesn such dolts.

As long as we see lefties referencing the "New Claims for JObless Benefits drop" mantra in their threads, all is well. Its like a bulldog ugly feminist chick gloating about how attractive her toes are!!!:funnyface:
republicans in congress obstructing Obamas agenda is the reason !!! the president and his left wing cronies have been accusing the right of obstruction for over a year !!! :clap2::clap2: God Bless the Republicans !!

The economy's been growing since June of 2009. God bless Obama!!

Ah, show me the last time the economy DIDN'T grow coming out of a recession? The truth is that this economic recovery has been excrutiatingly slow...due in large part to Barry's decision to go after Obamacare before dealing with unemployment and the economy...coupled with a stimulus package that didn't really stimulate anything. Now you've got his energy policies coming back to bite his skinny behind with high gas prices that will be passed along with higher prices on most consumables.

Let me get this straight - The stimulus was the very first major piece of legislation. he "went after the economy" immediately upon taking office. After growth had returned, he tackled health care.

Our economy is slowly growing DESPITE Barry and the "Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight"

You keep preaching that.
Got it those numbers are from obama's departments thats all you have to say. Hey the economy is doing great that is if you don't need a job.

if the department was going to make up numbers why would they publish an 8.3% unemployment rate and a 1.4% discrepancy in economic growth?:lol:

They can only fudge the numbers so much

So they "fudge" a 1.4% discrepancy in growth - and use the lower number?

My gawd people.
3/28/2012 @ 2:24PM |15,949 views

Friedrich von Hayek Predicted the Limp Obama Economy

By Kyle Smith

Warning that the results of government attempts to tinker with the economy can be foreseen only in terms of broad patterns rather than precise results, Friedrich von Hayek noted that trying to pin down outcomes is doomed: “This way,” he said in his Nobel prize lecture of 1974, “lies charlatanism and worse.”

Fast-forward to 2009 when, within weeks of taking office, the Obama administration rushed through a stimulus package which, they solemnly informed us, would keep the unemployment rate from surpassing eight percent. By early 2012, they forecast, unemployment would be back down to six percent. But if no stimulus was passed? Grave consequences. Unemployment would soar to nearly nine percent and even today would stand at nearly seven percent.

In fact, of course, unemployment peaked at over ten percent and is still north of eight. In other words, the stimulus performed worse than the most dire warnings of a stimulus-starved America. Despite the failure of his economic plan, Obama has yet to tell the nation, “My bad.”

I rehash this well-known tale because this month marks the 20th anniversary of the passing of F.A. von Hayek, whose many advisories about the costs and consequences of an increasingly centrally-directed economy we ignore at our peril.

It takes some torturing of facts to position Hayek as a free-market ideologue; Hayek backed a well-regulated economy and even a generous welfare state. But he was in possession of a quality seldom granted great thinkers: humility.

Hayek was not always a lucid writer, but in his five-page Nobel lecture he briefly surveys some of his great themes.

Hayek cautioned us against “scientism,” which amounts to pretending to be more scientific than you are, or can be. “All the circumstances which will determine the outcome of a process,” he said in the Nobel address, “will hardly ever be fully known or measurable. And while in the physical sciences the investigator will be able to measure what, on the basis of a prima facie theory, he thinks important, in the social sciences often that is treated as important which happens to be accessible to measurement.”

Yet there exist “a great many facts which we cannot measure and on which indeed we have only some very imprecise and general information.” Economists must “plead ignorance of the sort of facts on which, in the case of a physical theory, a scientist would certainly be expected to give precise information.” .................................

Friedrich von Hayek Predicted the Limp Obama Economy - Forbes

Keynesian economics is gay. Never worked and never will work. Its like giving the perpetually exhausted person a can of Red Bull.
Bottom line is the monthly unemployment statistic now at 8.3% - below 8% by Nov. would help greatly.

The GDP 3% is a very positive sign - should portend a healthy environment for Wall Street.

There is one problem with your thinking. Gas prices. The economy was picking up last year and when gas got to $4 a gallon it stalled and did not get pick up steam again until it fell back under $3.50. Once again it is is $4 and the economy will take a hit. People have to have gas they do not have to have other things. Also increases in fuel prices will raise food prices, another staple. As it takes a couple of months for inventory fluctuations to have an effect on underemployment we can start to see unemployment rates rising in June due to the cost of gas now. If gas gets to $5 a gallon we can expect to see the economy crash because spending on anything but gas and food will drop considerably by consumers.

People are already starting to cut back. Are you?
if the department was going to make up numbers why would they publish an 8.3% unemployment rate and a 1.4% discrepancy in economic growth?:lol:

They can only fudge the numbers so much

So they "fudge" a 1.4% discrepancy in growth - and use the lower number?

My gawd people.

Who says the lower number is right. Ever thought the higher number might be the low number and have a much higher number?
Wishful thinking, ZZZZ.

Just reality. It is not all that complex to see cause and effect in regards to fuel prices.

There are a lot of things to wish for (hitting half a billion dollar lottery for one) but wishing for a failed economy is not one of them. It effects us all.
Bottom line is the monthly unemployment statistic now at 8.3% - below 8% by Nov. would help greatly.

The GDP 3% is a very positive sign - should portend a healthy environment for Wall Street.

There is one problem with your thinking. Gas prices. The economy was picking up last year and when gas got to $4 a gallon it stalled and did not get pick up steam again until it fell back under $3.50. Once again it is is $4 and the economy will take a hit. People have to have gas they do not have to have other things. Also increases in fuel prices will raise food prices, another staple. As it takes a couple of months for inventory fluctuations to have an effect on underemployment we can start to see unemployment rates rising in June due to the cost of gas now. If gas gets to $5 a gallon we can expect to see the economy crash because spending on anything but gas and food will drop considerably by consumers.

People are already starting to cut back. Are you?

Very astute post ZZZZ............very astute.

The k00ks are always referencing irrelevant shit from the past as if its a future certainty. Yuk..........yuk.........I'll happily put $6 a gallon in my V8 Mustang to help see this nutter ideology get mothballed for two generations at least.

People forget mid summer 2008 and the gas prices then. 3 months later..................:blowup:
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The labor market is still quite stagnant according to Bernanke. UE is much higher than the BLS projections too. Those numbers are deliberately fudged.

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