The Elements and Traditions of the Passover Seder Point to Christ

All Christians should attend a Seder meal, preferably held by a completed Jew who can explain the symbolism as I outline below. It is a meal that Jesus would have conducted every year.

A little background first. The Passover is when the Jewish slaves of Egypt put the blood of a lamb over their door so that death passed over the house that night as the final plague on Egypt so they would free the Jews.

The Passover Seder is a Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. The elements are symbols of events with the purpose allowing each generation to remember what occurred in the time of Moses. The Hebrew word Seder means “order.” The Passover meal has a specific order in which food is eaten, prayers are recited, and songs are sung. Each item on the Passover plate has a specific historical meaning related to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and their freedom from slavery. Most of the elements are historical, and some are messianic.

Passover is also the day Jesus was crucified.

One of the elements is the shank bone of a lamb to symbolize the placement of blood over the doors in Egypt. John 1:29, Jesus is the lamb of God. His blood saves all who accept Him.

The instructions for the original Passover specified that the lamb’s bones could not be broken, another foreshadowing of Christ’s death as the prophecy of the death of Jesus would not have his bones broken. (Crucifixion requires the use of the legs to fill the lungs with air. If they wanted to speed things along the legs of the person being crucified were broken. The two crucified with Jesus had their legs broken, Jesus was dead when they got to him. Then his side was pierced to make sure.)


Matzoh is unleavened bread to remember when the fleeing Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. It is flat, pierced, and striped as an end product.

Isaiah 53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.


Jesus was bruised, whipped and pierced.

Three matzoh are placed in a linen bag. Jews do not know why they place three in the bag. Christians recognize this as Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

There are three pouches in the bag, one for each matzoh. The middle matzoh is broken in half. One half remains inside the bag, the other is wrapped in linin and hidden until the end of the meal. As stated earlier, no one knows why three. Some Jews believe they represent Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But they cannot explain why Isaac is broken. Christians recognize this as the broken body of Christ. The other half removed is wrapped in a linen cloth and hidden. Christians recognize this as the linen wrapped body placed into a tomb.

There are also four cups of wine used at various points during the Seder. Each of these glasses of wine has a name: the first glass is the “cup of sanctification.” The second is the “cup of judgment.” The third is the “cup of redemption.” And the fourth is the “cup of praise.” At the Last Supper Jesus took the first cup and promised His disciples that the next time He drank the fruit of the vine with them would be in the kingdom. Later in the Seder, Jesus took the third cup—the cup of redemption—and used that cup as a symbol of the New Covenant in His blood. Thus Jesus fulfilled the Passover symbolism and infused the whole feast with a new meaning.

At the end of the meal tradition has the children go and find the hidden half of matzoh. When it is found it is removed from the linen and the festivities can begin. Christians see this as the resurrection.

Jews, quite rightly, disagree.
Really? Jews are not Christians?
I'm going to have to rethink this, thanks for the mind boggling revelation.


Yes, Jews are not Christians.

And Christians are not Jews.
Yet again you display your ignorance on all topics.
I personally know four Jews who follow Jesus as the Messiah.


Let me guess - those were the Jews who told you the bullshit story in your OP?
The OP is 100% accurate, troll.
Jews, quite rightly, disagree.
Really? Jews are not Christians?
I'm going to have to rethink this, thanks for the mind boggling revelation.


Yes, Jews are not Christians.

And Christians are not Jews.
Where did you get that nonsense from? Anyone can be a Christian

It's either one or the other. One can't be both. This bizarre theory that a Jew can be a Christian or a Christian a Jew sounds like it was made up at one of the pointed-headed schools of Christian "theology" that spring up from time to time in the U.S. The "Christian" faith may have been weird in the past, but more and more of it seems these days to be dreamed up in the back of somebody's garage after a few beers and then somebody sticks the "Christian" label on it and tries to sell it.
"Hey, Jimmy Jo, I was thinkin".
Jews can be a Christian, but it does not mean they stop being Jews. Judaism is both a race and a religion. Jews who follow Jesus are called Messianic Jews, my friends prefer completed Jews.

No, Messianic Jews are Jews who follow a Messiah - for example, a large percentage of Lubavitchers believe the late Rebbe was the Moshiach.
Jews, quite rightly, disagree.
Really? Jews are not Christians?
I'm going to have to rethink this, thanks for the mind boggling revelation.


Yes, Jews are not Christians.

And Christians are not Jews.
Yet again you display your ignorance on all topics.
I personally know four Jews who follow Jesus as the Messiah.


Let me guess - those were the Jews who told you the bullshit story in your OP?
The OP is 100% accurate, troll.

No, it's not. It's a desperate attempt by Christians to co-opt Judaism.

As many Jews (and some Christians) have stated in this thread, it's also incredibly insulting.

You're making the statement that "Oh, your religion is nice and all, but it's secretly really based on my religion, because mine is better".
Jews for Jesus is a Christian Evangelical organization dedicated to converting Jews.

I'm not one to argue with what someone claims to be, but I think you'll find that most Jews don't consider Jews for Jesus to be Jewish.
And why should their opinion matter? If a Jew becomes a Christian, it doesn't matter what Godless Jews think.
Jews for Jesus is a Christian Evangelical organization dedicated to converting Jews.

I'm not one to argue with what someone claims to be, but I think you'll find that most Jews don't consider Jews for Jesus to be Jewish.
And why should their opinion matter? If a Jew becomes a Christian, it doesn't matter what Godless Jews think.

You are correct, it doesn't matter what I think. If a Jew for Jesus wants to consider himself a Jew, it's no skin off my back.

But see what happens if that Jew for Jesus goes into their old Shul, and tries to peddle their bullshit.
Really? Jews are not Christians?
I'm going to have to rethink this, thanks for the mind boggling revelation.


Yes, Jews are not Christians.

And Christians are not Jews.
Where did you get that nonsense from? Anyone can be a Christian

It's either one or the other. One can't be both. This bizarre theory that a Jew can be a Christian or a Christian a Jew sounds like it was made up at one of the pointed-headed schools of Christian "theology" that spring up from time to time in the U.S. The "Christian" faith may have been weird in the past, but more and more of it seems these days to be dreamed up in the back of somebody's garage after a few beers and then somebody sticks the "Christian" label on it and tries to sell it.
"Hey, Jimmy Jo, I was thinkin".
Jews can be a Christian, but it does not mean they stop being Jews. Judaism is both a race and a religion. Jews who follow Jesus are called Messianic Jews, my friends prefer completed Jews.

No, Messianic Jews are Jews who follow a Messiah - for example, a large percentage of Lubavitchers believe the late Rebbe was the Moshiach.
Doesn't matter what they think if it's contrary to Scripture. Jesus was the Messiah, and the Jews rejected Him. End of story.
Really? Jews are not Christians?
I'm going to have to rethink this, thanks for the mind boggling revelation.


Yes, Jews are not Christians.

And Christians are not Jews.
Yet again you display your ignorance on all topics.
I personally know four Jews who follow Jesus as the Messiah.


Let me guess - those were the Jews who told you the bullshit story in your OP?
The OP is 100% accurate, troll.

No, it's not. It's a desperate attempt by Christians to co-opt Judaism.

As many Jews (and some Christians) have stated in this thread, it's also incredibly insulting.

You're making the statement that "Oh, your religion is nice and all, but it's secretly really based on my religion, because mine is better".
You're failure to be able to point out one error only solidifies you're just a hatemongering troll with nothing.

And if anyone considers facts insulting, then that is the problem of the snowflake.
Jews for Jesus is a Christian Evangelical organization dedicated to converting Jews.

I'm not one to argue with what someone claims to be, but I think you'll find that most Jews don't consider Jews for Jesus to be Jewish.
And why should their opinion matter? If a Jew becomes a Christian, it doesn't matter what Godless Jews think.

You are correct, it doesn't matter what I think. If a Jew for Jesus wants to consider himself a Jew, it's no skin off my back.

But see what happens if that Jew for Jesus goes into their old Shul, and tries to peddle their bullshit.
Yet again you validate you are stupid in all topics.

A Jew born a Jew is a Jew until they die.

Yes, Jews are not Christians.

And Christians are not Jews.
Yet again you display your ignorance on all topics.
I personally know four Jews who follow Jesus as the Messiah.


Let me guess - those were the Jews who told you the bullshit story in your OP?
The OP is 100% accurate, troll.

No, it's not. It's a desperate attempt by Christians to co-opt Judaism.

As many Jews (and some Christians) have stated in this thread, it's also incredibly insulting.

You're making the statement that "Oh, your religion is nice and all, but it's secretly really based on my religion, because mine is better".
You're failure to be able to point out one error only solidifies you're just a hatemongering troll with nothing.

And if anyone considers facts insulting, then that is the problem of the snowflake.

Creating a narrative based off another religion's stories isn't a fact, fuckwit.

Do you even understand what the word "fact" means?

I particularly enjoy how you managed to both whine about me being a "hate monger", and then call anyone who disagrees with your bullshit "snowflakes".
Here's a statement endorsed by all four major Jewish denominations about "Hebrew Christianity" (or Jews for Jesus):

"Though Hebrew Christianity claims to be a form of Judaism, it is not ... It deceptively uses the sacred symbols of Jewish observance ... as a cover to convert Jews to Christianity, a belief system antithetical to Judaism ... Hebrew Christians are in radical conflict with the communal interests and the destiny of the Jewish people. They have crossed an unbridgeable chasm by accepting another religion. Despite this separation, they continue to attempt to convert their former co-religionists."
Yet again you display your ignorance on all topics.
I personally know four Jews who follow Jesus as the Messiah.


Let me guess - those were the Jews who told you the bullshit story in your OP?
The OP is 100% accurate, troll.

No, it's not. It's a desperate attempt by Christians to co-opt Judaism.

As many Jews (and some Christians) have stated in this thread, it's also incredibly insulting.

You're making the statement that "Oh, your religion is nice and all, but it's secretly really based on my religion, because mine is better".
You're failure to be able to point out one error only solidifies you're just a hatemongering troll with nothing.

And if anyone considers facts insulting, then that is the problem of the snowflake.

Creating a narrative based off another religion's stories isn't a fact, fuckwit.

Do you even understand what the word "fact" means?

I particularly enjoy how you managed to both whine about me being a "hate monger", and then call anyone who disagrees with your bullshit "snowflakes".
Oh gee, color me shocked.
Dufus can't find one error in the OP.

And who the hell are you to determine what people's interpretations are?
Jews for Jesus is a Christian Evangelical organization dedicated to converting Jews.

I'm not one to argue with what someone claims to be, but I think you'll find that most Jews don't consider Jews for Jesus to be Jewish.
And why should their opinion matter? If a Jew becomes a Christian, it doesn't matter what Godless Jews think.

You are correct, it doesn't matter what I think. If a Jew for Jesus wants to consider himself a Jew, it's no skin off my back.

But see what happens if that Jew for Jesus goes into their old Shul, and tries to peddle their bullshit.
Yet again you validate you are stupid in all topics.

A Jew born a Jew is a Jew until they die.

Sure. They are a Jew until they die.

But as soon as they start worshipping Jesus, they are no longer practicing the religion of Judaism.

Let me guess - those were the Jews who told you the bullshit story in your OP?
The OP is 100% accurate, troll.

No, it's not. It's a desperate attempt by Christians to co-opt Judaism.

As many Jews (and some Christians) have stated in this thread, it's also incredibly insulting.

You're making the statement that "Oh, your religion is nice and all, but it's secretly really based on my religion, because mine is better".
You're failure to be able to point out one error only solidifies you're just a hatemongering troll with nothing.

And if anyone considers facts insulting, then that is the problem of the snowflake.

Creating a narrative based off another religion's stories isn't a fact, fuckwit.

Do you even understand what the word "fact" means?

I particularly enjoy how you managed to both whine about me being a "hate monger", and then call anyone who disagrees with your bullshit "snowflakes".
Oh gee, color me shocked.
Dufus can't find one error in the OP.

And who the hell are you to determine what people's interpretations are?

There are countless errors in your OP. But that's beside the point.

Would you accept my "interpretation" of Jesus, if I claimed that he was a homosexual?
Here's a statement endorsed by all four major Jewish denominations about "Hebrew Christianity" (or Jews for Jesus):

"Though Hebrew Christianity claims to be a form of Judaism, it is not ... It deceptively uses the sacred symbols of Jewish observance ... as a cover to convert Jews to Christianity, a belief system antithetical to Judaism ... Hebrew Christians are in radical conflict with the communal interests and the destiny of the Jewish people. They have crossed an unbridgeable chasm by accepting another religion. Despite this separation, they continue to attempt to convert their former co-religionists."
That and $5 is worth $5.
Jews for Jesus is a Christian Evangelical organization dedicated to converting Jews.

I'm not one to argue with what someone claims to be, but I think you'll find that most Jews don't consider Jews for Jesus to be Jewish.
And why should their opinion matter? If a Jew becomes a Christian, it doesn't matter what Godless Jews think.

You are correct, it doesn't matter what I think. If a Jew for Jesus wants to consider himself a Jew, it's no skin off my back.

But see what happens if that Jew for Jesus goes into their old Shul, and tries to peddle their bullshit.
Yet again you validate you are stupid in all topics.

A Jew born a Jew is a Jew until they die.

Sure. They are a Jew until they die.

But as soon as they start worshipping Jesus, they are no longer practicing the religion of Judaism.
Dufus doesn't know Jews can be any faith.
Here's a statement endorsed by all four major Jewish denominations about "Hebrew Christianity" (or Jews for Jesus):

"Though Hebrew Christianity claims to be a form of Judaism, it is not ... It deceptively uses the sacred symbols of Jewish observance ... as a cover to convert Jews to Christianity, a belief system antithetical to Judaism ... Hebrew Christians are in radical conflict with the communal interests and the destiny of the Jewish people. They have crossed an unbridgeable chasm by accepting another religion. Despite this separation, they continue to attempt to convert their former co-religionists."
That and $5 is worth $5.

It's worth quite a bit more than your OP is.
Jews for Jesus is a Christian Evangelical organization dedicated to converting Jews.

I'm not one to argue with what someone claims to be, but I think you'll find that most Jews don't consider Jews for Jesus to be Jewish.
And why should their opinion matter? If a Jew becomes a Christian, it doesn't matter what Godless Jews think.

You are correct, it doesn't matter what I think. If a Jew for Jesus wants to consider himself a Jew, it's no skin off my back.

But see what happens if that Jew for Jesus goes into their old Shul, and tries to peddle their bullshit.
Yet again you validate you are stupid in all topics.

A Jew born a Jew is a Jew until they die.

Sure. They are a Jew until they die.

But as soon as they start worshipping Jesus, they are no longer practicing the religion of Judaism.
Dufus doesn't know Jews can be any faith.


Fuckwit is trolling his own thread because he's butthurt.

Why don't you go to your local synagoge, and ask the Rabbi what he thinks of your little theories?
The OP is 100% accurate, troll.

No, it's not. It's a desperate attempt by Christians to co-opt Judaism.

As many Jews (and some Christians) have stated in this thread, it's also incredibly insulting.

You're making the statement that "Oh, your religion is nice and all, but it's secretly really based on my religion, because mine is better".
You're failure to be able to point out one error only solidifies you're just a hatemongering troll with nothing.

And if anyone considers facts insulting, then that is the problem of the snowflake.

Creating a narrative based off another religion's stories isn't a fact, fuckwit.

Do you even understand what the word "fact" means?

I particularly enjoy how you managed to both whine about me being a "hate monger", and then call anyone who disagrees with your bullshit "snowflakes".
Oh gee, color me shocked.
Dufus can't find one error in the OP.

And who the hell are you to determine what people's interpretations are?

There are countless errors in your OP. But that's beside the point.

Would you accept my "interpretation" of Jesus, if I claimed that he was a homosexual?
There are countless errors in your OP.

Post #116 and dufus still can't state one error in the OP.
Typical leftist liar.
And why should their opinion matter? If a Jew becomes a Christian, it doesn't matter what Godless Jews think.

You are correct, it doesn't matter what I think. If a Jew for Jesus wants to consider himself a Jew, it's no skin off my back.

But see what happens if that Jew for Jesus goes into their old Shul, and tries to peddle their bullshit.
Yet again you validate you are stupid in all topics.

A Jew born a Jew is a Jew until they die.

Sure. They are a Jew until they die.

But as soon as they start worshipping Jesus, they are no longer practicing the religion of Judaism.
Dufus doesn't know Jews can be any faith.


Fuckwit is trolling his own thread because he's butthurt.

Why don't you go to your local synagoge, and ask the Rabbi what he thinks of your little theories?
Shitforbrains doesn't know Jew is also a race of people.
No, it's not. It's a desperate attempt by Christians to co-opt Judaism.

As many Jews (and some Christians) have stated in this thread, it's also incredibly insulting.

You're making the statement that "Oh, your religion is nice and all, but it's secretly really based on my religion, because mine is better".
You're failure to be able to point out one error only solidifies you're just a hatemongering troll with nothing.

And if anyone considers facts insulting, then that is the problem of the snowflake.

Creating a narrative based off another religion's stories isn't a fact, fuckwit.

Do you even understand what the word "fact" means?

I particularly enjoy how you managed to both whine about me being a "hate monger", and then call anyone who disagrees with your bullshit "snowflakes".
Oh gee, color me shocked.
Dufus can't find one error in the OP.

And who the hell are you to determine what people's interpretations are?

There are countless errors in your OP. But that's beside the point.

Would you accept my "interpretation" of Jesus, if I claimed that he was a homosexual?
There are countless errors in your OP.

Post #116 and dufus still can't state one error in the OP.
Typical leftist liar.

Pointing out errors in your theology is entirely irrelevant to my point.

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