The elephant in the room

Should MLK day be moved to where it can be properly observed?

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I couldn't put actual numbers, but I would guess that it was pretty close to 50-50 black-poor white/hispanic.
In Arizona? Hmm. That's interesting. I wonder how that came to be.
I'm from FL, and we used to harbor runaway slaves, so yeah, there's black people here. 🤣🤣🤣
Seriously if they made it S of..oh crap..St. John's or St. Mary's river, they were considered free men and eligible for gainful employment. Could own land, whatever. So yeah, there's a lot of black people here.
Oh! Den the slave hunters come down heanh and who they want is workin' on a big ranch with 20 men and stuff everyday. Yeah, dem ranches don't be givin' up their hands, no sir.
20 armed cowboys vs. 2-3 slave hunters. The slave hunters fucked right the hell off or died. There were black crackers. At a higher percentage than blacks are in America now. I'd say right around 20% or a little more of crackers were black. Yeah, that was definitely a thing.
Since I went down that rabbit hole I'll provide a link.
Fuck it, that's American history people should know.
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In Arizona? Hmm. That's interesting. I wonder how that came to be.
I'm from FL, and we used to harbor runaway slaves, so yeah, there's black people here. 🤣🤣🤣
This was the late 60s and black folks, poor whites and hispanics usually occupied the same parts of cities nationwide, often in city centers--the older parts of town--the wrong side of the tracks, so to speak. The diverse neighborhoods that we see today were not common then.
First I heard of him had to be in the 80s--something about Ivana and Marla Maples. I remember the day he was murdered as I tried to avoid getting my butt kicked going to an inner city high school in Phoenix.

I have questions!
Donald Trump was murdered? I just saw him on TV! :abgg2q.jpg:

Why were you going to high school at night in Phoenix? MLK Jr was killed at 5:01 pm Mountain time. Are you sure you didn't mean the next day? :abgg2q.jpg:
I have questions!
Donald Trump was murdered? I just saw him on TV! :abgg2q.jpg:

Why were you going to high school at night in Phoenix? MLK Jr was killed at 5:01 pm Mountain time. Are you sure you didn't mean the next day? :abgg2q.jpg:
Run along troll. Have you learned the difference between Calvary and cavalry yet? I don't believe I was addressing you and the poster I was addressing understood what I was saying. When you get perfect, I'll be watching for you to walk on water.
Run along troll. Have you learned the difference between Calvary and cavalry yet? I don't believe I was addressing you and the poster I was addressing understood what I was saying. When you get perfect, I'll be watching for you to walk on water.
I always knew. I am glad you caught my typo so now I am more mindful to check! Have you learned to "Let to go!" like Elsa told us to do in Frozen? Apparently not! Oh, well!

I was poking fun at your horrific writing in case you missed my point.
Run along troll. Have you learned the difference between Calvary and cavalry yet? I don't believe I was addressing you and the poster I was addressing understood what I was saying. When you get perfect, I'll be watching for you to walk on water.
I'll be watchin' to see if his old ass can still swim. :aargh:

Wow, really? My proposal is that outrageous?
1/3 of the voters think I'm a retard?! :auiqs.jpg:
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I always knew. I am glad you caught my typo so now I am more mindful to check! Have you learned to "Let to go!" like Elsa told us to do in Frozen? Apparently not! Oh, well!

I was poking fun at your horrific writing in case you missed my point.
You have enough problems of your own. ^^^ Like I said, when you're perfect... BTW, the difference between Calvary and cavalry is not a typo but your inept attempt to explain it as such is noted. I'm just poking fun if you missed my point.
You have enough problems of your own. ^^^ Like I said, when you're perfect... BTW, the difference between Calvary and cavalry is not a typo but your inept attempt to explain it as such is noted. I'm just poking fun if you missed my point.
Yeah, it is when spellcheck doesn't catch the difference in spelling because you typed a valid word, dumbass!
Yeah, it is when spellcheck doesn't catch the difference in spelling because you typed a valid word, dumbass!
You rely on spellcheck?
Why? That's something that aggravates the crap out of me.
60/40 I'm right the 1st time and it's wrong.

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