The End of Palestine

So your argument is that 181 was not really a partion plan.

The anti-jew group of scum here is hilarious, they claim;

1) "181 is "non-binding" - but then they use it to justify the fakestinian "right of return"
2) there is no legal founding for Israel's right to exist - but the same entities/authorities that created syria, lebanon, and iraq created Israel
3) Israelis are "foreign immigrants from Europe" - even though 1/2 of Israel were ethnically cleansed from arab muslim countries
4) that the arab muslims are entitled to self-rule/determination - but not jews
5) Israel is bad to minorities, but ignore the genocide and slaughter of the yazidis, maronites, chaldeans, maneachans, azeri, bahai, zoroastrians, and assyrians by the arab muslim filth

These pieces of anti-jewish shit are a collection of mentally ill and arab muslim dung masquerading as "human rights supporters." Fucking hilarious.

The vile anti-Gentile turds are amusing:

1. They claim 181 is binding yet all the other General Assembly Resolutions condemning Israel are not.
2. None of the other Mandate territories were flooded with European invader/colonists.
3. The Israelis at the time of partition were almost exclusively European colonists.
4. The native people/inhabitants of the mandated territories were entitled to self-determination pursuant to the Covenant of the League of Nations Article 22.
To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant."

The inhabitants at the time of writing were overwhelmingly Muslim and Christian. The European Jews were not inhabitants.
5. That other countries mistreat minorities has no relevance to Israel's similar bad treatment of minorities and should be addressed in other sections of this forum.
Read: "Implement the Hasbara shoot the messenger tactic"


When You have something on subject- I might argue that.
Meanwhile this is Your loosing tactic.

Or did You think there would be no consequence of You calling to cleanse Israel of "vile Jews", Arabs and all non-Christians?

Get real You've been exposed for who You are...cough* KKK *cough
First learn how to spell "losing". This gives you away, you know. And, again you are following the Hasbara tactics you were taught. You are attributing the historical text of a Christian monk to me. LOL

  1. Supreme point of view
  2. The Hasbara troll knows best
  3. Condescending & Patronising
  4. Socialist (Smart and ‘caring’)
  5. Do not have to be Jewish but Pro-Israel
  6. Internet experts
  7. Narcissistic
  8. Provocative
  9. Dis-ruptive
  10. Like to ask the questions, not answer questions
  11. Control freaks
  12. Inflamed by anyone being critical of Israel
  13. ‘Moral’ Guardians
  14. Classic insults: Anti-semite, Neo- Nazi, White Supremacist, Holocaust denier
  15. Adept with social networks well trained on IT
"After repeated attempts to indoctrinate you, I mean educate you, the Hasbara trolls then resort to name bombing. "

First learn how to spell "losing". This gives you away, you know. And, again you are following the Hasbara tactics you were taught. You are attributing the historical text of a Christian monk to me. LOL

  1. Supreme point of view
  2. The Hasbara troll knows best
  3. Condescending & Patronising
  4. Socialist (Smart and ‘caring’)
  5. Do not have to be Jewish but Pro-Israel
  6. Internet experts
  7. Narcissistic
  8. Provocative
  9. Dis-ruptive
  10. Like to ask the questions, not answer questions
  11. Control freaks
  12. Inflamed by anyone being critical of Israel
  13. ‘Moral’ Guardians
  14. Classic insults: Anti-semite, Neo- Nazi, White Supremacist, Holocaust denier
  15. Adept with social networks well trained on IT
"After repeated attempts to indoctrinate you, I mean educate you, the Hasbara trolls then resort to name bombing. "


Do You deny the fact You called for ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem, and used "vile Jew' numerous times?

Monte You really make it too easy. Relax- come back with a rational argument.
You are so easy. You are just following the Hasbara play book. I quoted the statement of the Christian monk on a few occasions, and I called for a new Crusade in a tongue in cheek Deus Vult episode. But you knew that. LOL
You are so easy. You are just following the Hasbara play book. I quoted the statement of the Christian monk on a few occasions, and I called for a new Crusade in a tongue in cheek Deus Vult episode. But you knew that. LOL

Didn't You use "vile Jew" on other posts....c'mon Monte better admit and and follow on.

Should I bring Your OWN "vile Jew" and "let's cleanse palestine' quotes for the 5th time this week?
I'd rather keep it for special instances when You spill all those crocodile tears next time.
First learn how to spell "losing". This gives you away, you know. And, again you are following the Hasbara tactics you were taught. You are attributing the historical text of a Christian monk to me. LOL

  1. Supreme point of view
  2. The Hasbara troll knows best
  3. Condescending & Patronising
  4. Socialist (Smart and ‘caring’)
  5. Do not have to be Jewish but Pro-Israel
  6. Internet experts
  7. Narcissistic
  8. Provocative
  9. Dis-ruptive
  10. Like to ask the questions, not answer questions
  11. Control freaks
  12. Inflamed by anyone being critical of Israel
  13. ‘Moral’ Guardians
  14. Classic insults: Anti-semite, Neo- Nazi, White Supremacist, Holocaust denier
  15. Adept with social networks well trained on IT
"After repeated attempts to indoctrinate you, I mean educate you, the Hasbara trolls then resort to name bombing. "


17-Point Guide To Anti-Semitism And Its Abuse
Oh look, the weak-minded, retarded c-nt with no job tries to offer a real response, how cute of her...

1. They claim 181 is binding yet all the other General Assembly Resolutions condemning Israel are not.

These c-nts claim 181 provides the arab muslims with an unfettered "right of return" - but is not binding anywhere else.

2. None of the other Mandate territories were flooded with European invader/colonists.

Really idiot dogshit? So the arab muslims in the west bank didn't move from syria and jordan, stupid fucking turd? That the powers didn't put the alawite minority in charge of syria, or the hashemite minority in power in iraq? Buy a history book, idiot asshole.

3. The Israelis at the time of partition were almost exclusively European colonists.

The idiot ignores how most of the arab muslims there were recent immigrants from jordan and syria, not surprising.

4. The native people/inhabitants of the mandated territories were entitled to self-determination pursuant to the Covenant of the League of Nations Article 22.

Applies to the jews as well, dogshit.

5. That other countries mistreat minorities has no relevance to Israel's similar bad treatment of minorities and should be addressed in other sections of this forum.

Sorry scumbag idiot, but it is so, so VERY relevant; just filthy c-nts like you prefer to want to hide and obscure it.

As for Israel, minorities are treated quite well - its the only mideast country where minorities can pracitce their religion without pressure, unlike your pet muslim countries. But you'd know that if you weren't mentally ill.
Oh look, the weak-minded, retarded c-nt with no job tries to offer a real response, how cute of her...

1. They claim 181 is binding yet all the other General Assembly Resolutions condemning Israel are not.

These c-nts claim 181 provides the arab muslims with an unfettered "right of return" - but is not binding anywhere else.

2. None of the other Mandate territories were flooded with European invader/colonists.

Really idiot dogshit? So the arab muslims in the west bank didn't move from syria and jordan, stupid fucking turd? That the powers didn't put the alawite minority in charge of syria, or the hashemite minority in power in iraq? Buy a history book, idiot asshole.

3. The Israelis at the time of partition were almost exclusively European colonists.

The idiot ignores how most of the arab muslims there were recent immigrants from jordan and syria, not surprising.

4. The native people/inhabitants of the mandated territories were entitled to self-determination pursuant to the Covenant of the League of Nations Article 22.

Applies to the jews as well, dogshit.

5. That other countries mistreat minorities has no relevance to Israel's similar bad treatment of minorities and should be addressed in other sections of this forum.

Sorry scumbag idiot, but it is so, so VERY relevant; just filthy c-nts like you prefer to want to hide and obscure it.

As for Israel, minorities are treated quite well - its the only mideast country where minorities can pracitce their religion without pressure, unlike your pet muslim countries. But you'd know that if you weren't mentally ill.

These c-nts claim 181 provides the arab muslims with an unfettered "right of return" - but is not binding anywhere else.

Non Sequitur

Really idiot dogshit? So the arab muslims in the west bank didn't move from syria and jordan, stupid fucking turd? That the powers didn't put the alawite minority in charge of syria, or the hashemite minority in power in iraq? Buy a history book, idiot asshole.

You need to stop reading propaganda and read source material as provided below, the Palestinians were the native inhabitants of Palestine they did not come from elsewhere, you are just spouting propaganda. The only recent immigrants were the Jews. You are full of shit.


And from the same publication:

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

" It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrants who have
settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted. The number of Jewish illegal
immigrants recorded during 1945 is 370."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 210, para. 54

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

Really idiot dogshit? So the arab muslims in the west bank didn't move from syria and jordan, stupid fucking turd? That the powers didn't put the alawite minority in charge of syria, or the hashemite minority in power in iraq? Buy a history book, idiot asshole.

No, as depicted in the source documents provided above, the Arab Muslims did not move from Syria and Jordan to Palestine. You are a liar. To repeat, the only migrant hordes to Palestine were the European Jews.

Applies to the jews as well, dogshit.

No, Article 22 applied to the inhabitants of Palestine, not to the Jews in Europe. You have a reading comprehension problem.

To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples"

Sorry scumbag idiot, but it is so, so VERY relevant; just filthy c-nts like you prefer to want to hide and obscure it.

How other countries treat minorities has little to no relevance within the Israel/Palestine section of the Forum. No one wants to hide anything, it is addressed in the appropriate sections.

Israel bombs and kills thousands of non-Jews they rule over on a regular basis. That is not what anyone would call treating minorities well. Israel is not the only country in the Middle East where people are free to practice their religion, Lebanon, Syria (areas under Government control), Turkey etc.

In short you are one ignorant piece of crap that doesn't know what he is talking about.
Oh look, the weak-minded, retarded c-nt with no job tries to offer a real response, how cute of her...

1. They claim 181 is binding yet all the other General Assembly Resolutions condemning Israel are not.

These c-nts claim 181 provides the arab muslims with an unfettered "right of return" - but is not binding anywhere else.

2. None of the other Mandate territories were flooded with European invader/colonists.

Really idiot dogshit? So the arab muslims in the west bank didn't move from syria and jordan, stupid fucking turd? That the powers didn't put the alawite minority in charge of syria, or the hashemite minority in power in iraq? Buy a history book, idiot asshole.

3. The Israelis at the time of partition were almost exclusively European colonists.

The idiot ignores how most of the arab muslims there were recent immigrants from jordan and syria, not surprising.

4. The native people/inhabitants of the mandated territories were entitled to self-determination pursuant to the Covenant of the League of Nations Article 22.

Applies to the jews as well, dogshit.

5. That other countries mistreat minorities has no relevance to Israel's similar bad treatment of minorities and should be addressed in other sections of this forum.

Sorry scumbag idiot, but it is so, so VERY relevant; just filthy c-nts like you prefer to want to hide and obscure it.

As for Israel, minorities are treated quite well - its the only mideast country where minorities can pracitce their religion without pressure, unlike your pet muslim countries. But you'd know that if you weren't mentally ill.

These c-nts claim 181 provides the arab muslims with an unfettered "right of return" - but is not binding anywhere else.

Non Sequitur

Really idiot dogshit? So the arab muslims in the west bank didn't move from syria and jordan, stupid fucking turd? That the powers didn't put the alawite minority in charge of syria, or the hashemite minority in power in iraq? Buy a history book, idiot asshole.

You need to stop reading propaganda and read source material as provided below, the Palestinians were the native inhabitants of Palestine they did not come from elsewhere, you are just spouting propaganda. The only recent immigrants were the Jews. You are full of shit.

View attachment 113376

And from the same publication:

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

" It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrants who have
settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted. The number of Jewish illegal
immigrants recorded during 1945 is 370."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 210, para. 54

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 | Berman Jewish Policy Archive @ Stanford University

Really idiot dogshit? So the arab muslims in the west bank didn't move from syria and jordan, stupid fucking turd? That the powers didn't put the alawite minority in charge of syria, or the hashemite minority in power in iraq? Buy a history book, idiot asshole.

No, as depicted in the source documents provided above, the Arab Muslims did not move from Syria and Jordan to Palestine. You are a liar. To repeat, the only migrant hordes to Palestine were the European Jews.

Applies to the jews as well, dogshit.

No, Article 22 applied to the inhabitants of Palestine, not to the Jews in Europe. You have a reading comprehension problem.

To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples"

Sorry scumbag idiot, but it is so, so VERY relevant; just filthy c-nts like you prefer to want to hide and obscure it.

How other countries treat minorities has little to no relevance within the Israel/Palestine section of the Forum. No one wants to hide anything, it is addressed in the appropriate sections.

Israel bombs and kills thousands of non-Jews they rule over on a regular basis. That is not what anyone would call treating minorities well. Israel is not the only country in the Middle East where people are free to practice their religion, Lebanon, Syria (areas under Government control), Turkey etc.

In short you are one ignorant piece of crap that doesn't know what he is talking about.
Anyone with a cursory knowledge of the Israel/Palestine problem soon realizes that Zionists are versed in distorted propaganda. Although debunked, the stale false narrative persists.
First learn how to spell "losing". This gives you away, you know. And, again you are following the Hasbara tactics you were taught. You are attributing the historical text of a Christian monk to me. LOL

  1. Supreme point of view
  2. The Hasbara troll knows best
  3. Condescending & Patronising
  4. Socialist (Smart and ‘caring’)
  5. Do not have to be Jewish but Pro-Israel
  6. Internet experts
  7. Narcissistic
  8. Provocative
  9. Dis-ruptive
  10. Like to ask the questions, not answer questions
  11. Control freaks
  12. Inflamed by anyone being critical of Israel
  13. ‘Moral’ Guardians
  14. Classic insults: Anti-semite, Neo- Nazi, White Supremacist, Holocaust denier
  15. Adept with social networks well trained on IT
"After repeated attempts to indoctrinate you, I mean educate you, the Hasbara trolls then resort to name bombing. "


What do you mean "gives him away?" rylah never hid the fact that he's from Israel and Hebrew is his first language. To live in Israel, surrounded by all those savage Arab enemies, is a very brave thing to do.
First learn how to spell "losing". This gives you away, you know. And, again you are following the Hasbara tactics you were taught. You are attributing the historical text of a Christian monk to me. LOL

  1. Supreme point of view
  2. The Hasbara troll knows best
  3. Condescending & Patronising
  4. Socialist (Smart and ‘caring’)
  5. Do not have to be Jewish but Pro-Israel
  6. Internet experts
  7. Narcissistic
  8. Provocative
  9. Dis-ruptive
  10. Like to ask the questions, not answer questions
  11. Control freaks
  12. Inflamed by anyone being critical of Israel
  13. ‘Moral’ Guardians
  14. Classic insults: Anti-semite, Neo- Nazi, White Supremacist, Holocaust denier
  15. Adept with social networks well trained on IT
"After repeated attempts to indoctrinate you, I mean educate you, the Hasbara trolls then resort to name bombing. "


What do you mean "gives him away?" rylah never hid the fact that he's from Israel and Hebrew is his first language. To live in Israel, surrounded by all those savage Arab enemies, is a very brave thing to do.

Gives him away as a Hasbara fellow. It's one of the telltale signs to look for according to the Guide to Hasbara Trolls. You mean those "savage" Arabs that had there land stolen from them. Reminds me of the brave settlers surrounded by the savage "injuns". Who were the real savages, the genocidal European settlers or the Native Americans?
First learn how to spell "losing". This gives you away, you know. And, again you are following the Hasbara tactics you were taught. You are attributing the historical text of a Christian monk to me. LOL

  1. Supreme point of view
  2. The Hasbara troll knows best
  3. Condescending & Patronising
  4. Socialist (Smart and ‘caring’)
  5. Do not have to be Jewish but Pro-Israel
  6. Internet experts
  7. Narcissistic
  8. Provocative
  9. Dis-ruptive
  10. Like to ask the questions, not answer questions
  11. Control freaks
  12. Inflamed by anyone being critical of Israel
  13. ‘Moral’ Guardians
  14. Classic insults: Anti-semite, Neo- Nazi, White Supremacist, Holocaust denier
  15. Adept with social networks well trained on IT
"After repeated attempts to indoctrinate you, I mean educate you, the Hasbara trolls then resort to name bombing. "


What do you mean "gives him away?" rylah never hid the fact that he's from Israel and Hebrew is his first language. To live in Israel, surrounded by all those savage Arab enemies, is a very brave thing to do.
Your claim that all the children and mothers in Gaza who were killed by the Israel Defense Force are "savage Arab enemies" is obscene.
First learn how to spell "losing". This gives you away, you know. And, again you are following the Hasbara tactics you were taught. You are attributing the historical text of a Christian monk to me. LOL

  1. Supreme point of view
  2. The Hasbara troll knows best
  3. Condescending & Patronising
  4. Socialist (Smart and ‘caring’)
  5. Do not have to be Jewish but Pro-Israel
  6. Internet experts
  7. Narcissistic
  8. Provocative
  9. Dis-ruptive
  10. Like to ask the questions, not answer questions
  11. Control freaks
  12. Inflamed by anyone being critical of Israel
  13. ‘Moral’ Guardians
  14. Classic insults: Anti-semite, Neo- Nazi, White Supremacist, Holocaust denier
  15. Adept with social networks well trained on IT
"After repeated attempts to indoctrinate you, I mean educate you, the Hasbara trolls then resort to name bombing. "


What do you mean "gives him away?" rylah never hid the fact that he's from Israel and Hebrew is his first language. To live in Israel, surrounded by all those savage Arab enemies, is a very brave thing to do.
Your claim that all the children and mothers in Gaza who were killed by the Israel Defense Force are "savage Arab enemies" is obscene.

Hamas members are certainly savages.
"Guide to hasbara trolls"- the new PROTOCOLS OF ELDERS OF ZION?

*used whenever a infantile troll has no arguments except for name calling,
soon in Your town.
"Guide to hasbara trolls"- the new PROTOCOLS OF ELDERS OF ZION?

*used whenever a infantile troll has no arguments except for name calling,
soon in Your town.

Yup, your post qualifies you as a Hasbara troll:
  1. Supreme point of view
  2. The Hasbara troll knows best
  3. Condescending & Patronising
  4. Socialist (Smart and ‘caring’)
  5. Do not have to be Jewish but Pro-Israel
  6. Internet experts
  7. Narcissistic
  8. Provocative
  9. Dis-ruptive
  10. Like to ask the questions, not answer questions
  11. Control freaks
  12. Inflamed by anyone being critical of Israel
  13. ‘Moral’ Guardians
  14. Classic insults: Anti-semite, Neo- Nazi, White Supremacist, Holocaust denier
  15. Adept with social networks well trained on IT
....and I claim my £50.00...
I support Israel, and the elimination of Palestine, and removal of the people therein.
The Palestinian side calls for equal rights.

The Israeli side calls for ethnic cleansing and genocide.

I think this tells us something.

The Hamas charter calls for equal rights?

The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

I must have missed the Islamic terrorist proposal for equal rights. Will the budding bromance between ISIS and Hamas, (i.e.: ISIS-lite), bring this wondrous islamo-equal rights movement?

I think this tells us something, your taqiyya-speak is a laughable joke.

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