The End of the 9/11 CT Movement

I don't even really know who they are, and it doesn't matter. Most of us know who was behind 911 and many more are realizing it. Israel and the neocons in the US, to kick off the war on terror.
wow man
its dim jed ......

REALLY? This has become very much like a family in denial,
your 18 year old brat is pimpin' & dealin' and you really don't want to know about it because the facts are too ugly for you to bear. but the TRUTH will surface sooner or later.
We didn't inherit this earth from our ancestors, we have it on loan from our children.
wow man
its dim jed ......

REALLY? This has become very much like a family in denial,
your 18 year old brat is pimpin' & dealin' and you really don't want to know about it because the facts are too ugly for you to bear. but the TRUTH will surface sooner or later.
We didn't inherit this earth from our ancestors, we have it on loan from our children.
the above is an excellent example of denial in action...
All that's left are a few Internet diehards who absolutely refuse to let go of that silliness.

If that statement could be supported with real evidence,
it would clearly signal that the human race is in deep do-do!

the alleged "silliness" is based on good science and examination of the facts about 9/11/2001. all too often people attempt to counter the arguments, that is INSIDE JOB scenarios with claims that there would have had to be TOO MANY PEOPLE involved and therefore it would have been impossible to pull off, however speculation about how many people would have been required, does not negate the hard evidence that is available and constitutes total show-stopper sorts of info, note the alleged airliner crash "FLT175" and also "FLT77" ( not to mention "FLT11" & "FLT93" ) in all cases the quantity of aircraft wreckage is not sufficient to justify having alleged that an airliner crashed at that location and the authorities have NOT documented the crime scene.

Where is the hard evidence that any of the 4 alleged hijacked airliners existed at all?
I don't even really know who they are, and it doesn't matter. Most of us know who was behind 911 and many more are realizing it. Israel and the neocons in the US, to kick off the war on terror.
I love watching crazy people foam at the mouth. Especially jew-haters.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I don't even really know who they are, and it doesn't matter. Most of us know who was behind 911 and many more are realizing it. Israel and the neocons in the US, to kick off the war on terror.
I love watching crazy people foam at the mouth. Especially jew-haters.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Well then I guess you could careless about 9-11 and the people who died there.

I love you jew hater name calling, JUST stating facts. Yous are getting so pathetic in your recourse, name calling is all you have.
Yale educated author and former 9/11 CT Jonathan Kay admits Alex Jones, who once claimed to have predicted 9/11, rarely speaks on the subject anymore and that Richard Gage has been reduced to preaching "to a dying breed." All that's left are a few Internet diehards who absolutely refuse to let go of that silliness.

Jonathan Kay 9 11 truther Richard Gage is a preacher to a dying breed National Post
The only thing Alex Jones has ever accurately predicted are the sucker dollars entering his bank accounts.
Twoofers will always be with us.

But its mostly the crazies now.
Twoofers will always be with us.
But its mostly the crazies now.

I believe that was the thrust of the article, written by a disillusioned 9/11 CT. Only a few t-shirt and DVD hawkers and their suckers remain. We can see the truth in Jon Kay's lament right here on this board.
and you have absolute proof that 19 suicidal fanatics took control of 4 airliners and crashed 3 of them into buildings? if so, where is it?

I post this again to see if anyone actually wants to address the issue rather than simply insist that anyone seeking truth about 9/11/2001 must be crazy......

and you have absolute proof that 19 suicidal fanatics took control of 4 airliners and crashed 3 of them into buildings? if so, where is it?

I post this again to see if anyone actually wants to address the issue rather than simply insist that anyone seeking truth about 9/11/2001 must be crazy......


But as you and the rest of the 9/11 CT diehards prove by your continued existence and rejection of the facts, what is left of the dying "Truther" Movement isn't at all a truth movement (if ever it was) but is rather a belief movement.

Jonathan Kay 9 11 truther Richard Gage is a preacher to a dying breed National Post
I don't know who was behind 911 but it's obvious it wasn't 19 hijackers.
Richard Gage now has 2200 architects and engineers who have put there careers and their good names on the line by signing the petition at AE911 Truth. The 911 Truth Movement only gets stronger. Many people still haven't heard about Building Seven. When I show people they often say "why didn't I ever hear about this?!?!"

Good question!

Not one of the believers of the Official Conspiracy Theory can explain why on 911 two planes knocked down three skyscrapers. That the official reason was fire when no skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire even though there have been thousands of high rise fires, many which burned hotter and longer.
In fact the only thing that has ever caused a high rise building to collapse like the WTC 1,2 & 7 is controlled demolition.
I don't know who was behind 911 but it's obvious it wasn't 19 hijackers.
Richard Gage now has 2200 architects and engineers who have put there careers and their good names on the line by signing the petition at AE911 Truth. The 911 Truth Movement only gets stronger. Many people still haven't heard about Building Seven. When I show people they often say "why didn't I ever hear about this?!?!"

Good question!

Not one of the believers of the Official Conspiracy Theory can explain why on 911 two planes knocked down three skyscrapers. That the official reason was fire when no skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire even though there have been thousands of high rise fires, many which burned hotter and longer.
In fact the only thing that has ever caused a high rise building to collapse like the WTC 1,2 & 7 is controlled demolition.

Your final claim is patently false (they fell on 9/11) as there is - 13 years after the attack - still no evidence of a CD. In fact, NoSpammy's scenario is that "no planes were hijacked on 9/11" and the "fires were staged and controlled" (foil helmets required). So what is yours?
I don't know who was behind 911 but it's obvious it wasn't 19 hijackers.
Richard Gage now has 2200 architects and engineers who have put there careers and their good names on the line by signing the petition at AE911 Truth. The 911 Truth Movement only gets stronger. Many people still haven't heard about Building Seven. When I show people they often say "why didn't I ever hear about this?!?!"

Good question!

Not one of the believers of the Official Conspiracy Theory can explain why on 911 two planes knocked down three skyscrapers. That the official reason was fire when no skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire even though there have been thousands of high rise fires, many which burned hotter and longer.
In fact the only thing that has ever caused a high rise building to collapse like the WTC 1,2 & 7 is controlled demolition.

Your final claim is patently false (they fell on 9/11) as there is - 13 years after the attack - still no evidence of a CD. In fact, NoSpammy's scenario is that "no planes were hijacked on 9/11" and the "fires were staged and controlled" (foil helmets required). So what is yours?

Do you understand that something "collapsing" at 64% of the acceleration of gravity is only expressing 36% of its weight against whatever is under it? Just FYI ......
I don't know who was behind 911 but it's obvious it wasn't 19 hijackers.
Richard Gage now has 2200 architects and engineers who have put there careers and their good names on the line by signing the petition at AE911 Truth. The 911 Truth Movement only gets stronger. Many people still haven't heard about Building Seven. When I show people they often say "why didn't I ever hear about this?!?!"

Good question!

Not one of the believers of the Official Conspiracy Theory can explain why on 911 two planes knocked down three skyscrapers. That the official reason was fire when no skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire even though there have been thousands of high rise fires, many which burned hotter and longer.
In fact the only thing that has ever caused a high rise building to collapse like the WTC 1,2 & 7 is controlled demolition.

Your final claim is patently false (they fell on 9/11) as there is - 13 years after the attack - still no evidence of a CD. In fact, NoSpammy's scenario is that "no planes were hijacked on 9/11" and the "fires were staged and controlled" (foil helmets required). So what is yours?

Do you understand that something "collapsing" at 64% of the acceleration of gravity is only expressing 36% of its weight against whatever is under it? Just FYI ......

You are aware that the towers collapsed following fires caused after by the large passenger jets which rammed them, loaded with thousands of gallons of fuel, at high speed?

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