The End of the 9/11 CT Movement

Once again, the commenters at the link aren't buying it.

#1 Up Voted comment:
"Preacher to a dying breed"?

Actually, more Americans than ever, a majority in fact, don't believe the government-sponsored 'official' theory (which alleges a conspiracy between the hijackers and Khaleid Mohamed . . . ) . . .

(Article is 7 months old too)
Again...if twoofers want anyone to believe them... they have to come up with a plausible alternative scenario.

In 13 years not one has.
That's both arrogant and ignorant. Sorry miss, but you don't write the rules regarding how other people have to think. If someone wants to doubt or question the "official theory" (which is itself a conspiracy) because of any one or more of the numerous inconsistencies, improbabilities or impossibilities, that is their choice.

If you or some other miffer want to believe, or pretend to believe, that 2 + 2 = 5 , that is your choice.

Thing is, you can speculate to your heart's content but the only way to dislodge the official explanation is to provide a plausible alternative based on reliable facts. Simply stating that "no planes were hijacked on 9/11" or "the fires were staged and controlled" or "it was a space beam" just doesn't cut it and 13 years later we are stuck with the NIST report because so much of what has emanated from the "Truther" World is 2+2=5.
You don't set the requirements on what I or anyone else needs to do. I don't give a fuck what you, daws or anyone else thinks needs to be proven.
It would be pretty asinine on your part to be arguing 13 years later with someone that says "it was a space beam", no??
Your motivation is clearly something other than the truth, and you demonstrate your treachery by obstructing those that seek it.
the space beam line comes from one of your own..Star Wars Energy Weapons 1
Once again, the commenters at the link aren't buying it.

#1 Up Voted comment:
"Preacher to a dying breed"?

Actually, more Americans than ever, a majority in fact, don't believe the government-sponsored 'official' theory (which alleges a conspiracy between the hijackers and Khaleid Mohamed . . . ) . . .

(Article is 7 months old too)
that is also one of the steamiest of conspiracy steaming piles..
Once again, the commenters at the link aren't buying it.

#1 Up Voted comment:
"Preacher to a dying breed"?

Actually, more Americans than ever, a majority in fact, don't believe the government-sponsored 'official' theory (which alleges a conspiracy between the hijackers and Khaleid Mohamed . . . ) . . .

(Article is 7 months old too)

It's a popular 9/11 conspiracy theory website. You expect they would simply look themselves in the mirror, cop a mea culpa, and slink off with their idiot tails between their legs? Nah ... not one of those who remain in the dying "Truther" Movement is bright enough to see the truth. Not one.
First Americans get the "Ever Changing We Killed Osama" story.

Then they get the "Fast And Furious" Scandal.

Now they get the "Ebola Purposely Let Into The Country" idiocy.

Along with "ISIS isn't Islamic" B.S.

The Gov't has really overplayed it's hand and Americans are really starting to wake up.
First Americans get the "Ever Changing We Killed Osama" story.

Then they get the "Fast And Furious" Scandal.

Now they get the "Ebola Purposely Let Into The Country" idiocy.

Along with "ISIS isn't Islamic" B.S.

The Gov't has really overplayed it's hand and Americans are really starting to wake up.

You don't speak for Americans but if you really hate this place why not have the courage of your convictions and find yourself some workers paradise?
Again...if twoofers want anyone to believe them... they have to come up with a plausible alternative scenario.

In 13 years not one has.
That's both arrogant and ignorant. Sorry miss, but you don't write the rules regarding how other people have to think. If someone wants to doubt or question the "official theory" (which is itself a conspiracy) because of any one or more of the numerous inconsistencies, improbabilities or impossibilities, that is their choice.

If you or some other miffer want to believe, or pretend to believe, that 2 + 2 = 5 , that is your choice.

Thing is, you can speculate to your heart's content but the only way to dislodge the official explanation is to provide a plausible alternative based on reliable facts. Simply stating that "no planes were hijacked on 9/11" or "the fires were staged and controlled" or "it was a space beam" just doesn't cut it and 13 years later we are stuck with the NIST report because so much of what has emanated from the "Truther" World is 2+2=5.
You don't set the requirements on what I or anyone else needs to do. I don't give a fuck what you, daws or anyone else thinks needs to be proven.
It would be pretty asinine on your part to be arguing 13 years later with someone that says "it was a space beam", no??
Your motivation is clearly something other than the truth, and you demonstrate your treachery by obstructing those that seek it.

You have every right to live in your foil-hat fantasy world. I thought your presence here denoted some intent to converse intelligently on the thread's subject. I understand why you are unwilling or unable to support anything you say. Hopefully you understand that the adults here may continue to rain on your silly little parade. Enjoy, :ahole-1:!
lol The "twoof" hurts, eh?
You don't speak for Americans but if you really hate this place why not have the courage of your convictions and find yourself some workers paradise?

Its called loving your country so much as to stay and help improve matters. anybody can run off to live in Argentina ..... or? But those who stay & work for justice, they are the true AMERICANS.
You don't speak for Americans but if you really hate this place why not have the courage of your convictions and find yourself some workers paradise?

Its called loving your country so much as to stay and help improve matters. anybody can run off to live in Argentina ..... or? But those who stay & work for justice, they are the true AMERICANS.

I'm not certain why you feel compelled to answer for MS ... I've never read anything of yours which could be construed as hate for this country and the freedom, justice and opportunity it offers so many, but I'll respond anyway:
Life is short and even MS must know he has precious little chance of seeing things swing his way. In the meantime he subjects his family - those present and future - to life in what he seems to see as an evil, evil place. I just want him to face the fact - something he probably already knows - that we are fortunate to be here and he needs to grow a pair and stop acting like a petulant little girl.
for at least one of the stated goals of the public school system, they have proven to be a dismal failure. When I was in the public school system, the people who ran the place made it a point to at least attempt to give everyone a "well rounded" education, such that the technology geeks needed to be at least exposed to Biology & Chemistry ( etc ... ad nausum) HOWEVER in terms of this "well rounded" education, I can no more quote Shakespeare than my arts & letters educated neighbor can wrench on diesels.... oh my! What I'm getting at here is that there are some things, by virtue of the sort of education that I have chosen for myself, that qualifies me to see, upon viewing the video of the South & then North tower "collapsing" that there is something VERY wrong with this picture. now other people who maybe majored in music appreciation or fine art in school .... may not see it straight away, but I submit that given anyone of reasonable intelligence ( freshman UC Berkeley student .... or? ) they can be shown the applied physics and the reason why there is something VERY wrong with the picture of the towers "collapsing" and I believe most people can get it. The problem here is much deeper than simply the physical facts of the matter. It has now progressed into serious psychological warfare. and since at present the dark-side has command of the most powerful propaganda machine ever invented ..... its an up-hill battle at best.
for at least one of the stated goals of the public school system, they have proven to be a dismal failure. When I was in the public school system, the people who ran the place made it a point to at least attempt to give everyone a "well rounded" education, such that the technology geeks needed to be at least exposed to Biology & Chemistry ( etc ... ad nausum) HOWEVER in terms of this "well rounded" education, I can no more quote Shakespeare than my arts & letters educated neighbor can wrench on diesels.... oh my! What I'm getting at here is that there are some things, by virtue of the sort of education that I have chosen for myself, that qualifies me to see, upon viewing the video of the South & then North tower "collapsing" that there is something VERY wrong with this picture. now other people who maybe majored in music appreciation or fine art in school .... may not see it straight away, but I submit that given anyone of reasonable intelligence ( freshman UC Berkeley student .... or? ) they can be shown the applied physics and the reason why there is something VERY wrong with the picture of the towers "collapsing" and I believe most people can get it. The problem here is much deeper than simply the physical facts of the matter. It has now progressed into serious psychological warfare. and since at present the dark-side has command of the most powerful propaganda machine ever invented ..... its an up-hill battle at best.

for at least one of the stated goals of the public school system, they have proven to be a dismal failure. When I was in the public school system, the people who ran the place made it a point to at least attempt to give everyone a "well rounded" education, such that the technology geeks needed to be at least exposed to Biology & Chemistry ( etc ... ad nausum) HOWEVER in terms of this "well rounded" education, I can no more quote Shakespeare than my arts & letters educated neighbor can wrench on diesels.... oh my! What I'm getting at here is that there are some things, by virtue of the sort of education that I have chosen for myself, that qualifies me to see, upon viewing the video of the South & then North tower "collapsing" that there is something VERY wrong with this picture. now other people who maybe majored in music appreciation or fine art in school .... may not see it straight away, but I submit that given anyone of reasonable intelligence ( freshman UC Berkeley student .... or? ) they can be shown the applied physics and the reason why there is something VERY wrong with the picture of the towers "collapsing" and I believe most people can get it. The problem here is much deeper than simply the physical facts of the matter. It has now progressed into serious psychological warfare. and since at present the dark-side has command of the most powerful propaganda machine ever invented ..... its an up-hill battle at best.

UAlbany's 9/11 Truth's co-founder was deeply immersed in the 9/11 "Truther" Movement and the truth caused him to feel sick to his stomach. Sounds like classic a classic withdrawal symptom. I hope he is feeling better:

9/11 Mysteries ends very tragically with a phone call from one of the victims inside the WTC. You may have seen it, it's the guy who's frantically describing the situation to a loved one, but then suddenly, the building starts to collapse and all you hear are his last words, agonizing screams. The creators of this propaganda movie did this intentionally, to play on your emotions right after feeding you all their bullshit theories.
But as I watched this film again, this time with the annotations, I knew that the creators of this movie used that poor guy's dying moments for their own selfish gains of selling dvds and perpetuating myths that do nothing but denigrate the lives lost on 9/11/01.
Change of heart? My heart's always been in the right place. I was just cheating myself of making an informed judgment on all the information available.
I'm done, thanks.

Confessions of an Ex-Truther Letter of Resignation Scroll Down for Newer Posts
an informed judgment on all the information available.

Please do, INFORMED .... please!
look at the "collapse" events for WTC1, 2 & 7
look at the crash scene at the PENTAGON
look at the video that is allegedly of an airliner crashing into the wall of the South tower.

an informed judgment on all the information available.

Please do, INFORMED .... please!
look at the "collapse" events for WTC1, 2 & 7
look at the crash scene at the PENTAGON
look at the video that is allegedly of an airliner crashing into the wall of the South tower.


I have looked and I'm satisfied the MS version of events is far more rational, factual and PLAUSIBLE than anything the 9/11 "Truther" Movement has produced in 13 years of trying.
In fact, I agree with former "Truther" Mike Metzger's feelings on the agenda shared by most in the Movement:
And what is their agenda, you ask? Money, in the words of Shaggy 2 Dope, "mutha fuckin bitch ass money." Not only are they desecrating 3,000 graves, but they are profiting off of it. That, my friends, makes me sick to my fuckin stomach.

Confessions of an Ex-Truther Letter of Resignation Scroll Down for Newer Posts
All that's left are a few Internet diehards who absolutely refuse to let go of that silliness.

If that statement could be supported with real evidence,
it would clearly signal that the human race is in deep do-do!

the alleged "silliness" is based on good science and examination of the facts about 9/11/2001. all too often people attempt to counter the arguments, that is INSIDE JOB scenarios with claims that there would have had to be TOO MANY PEOPLE involved and therefore it would have been impossible to pull off, however speculation about how many people would have been required, does not negate the hard evidence that is available and constitutes total show-stopper sorts of info, note the alleged airliner crash "FLT175" and also "FLT77" ( not to mention "FLT11" & "FLT93" ) in all cases the quantity of aircraft wreckage is not sufficient to justify having alleged that an airliner crashed at that location and the authorities have NOT documented the crime scene.

Where is the hard evidence that any of the 4 alleged hijacked airliners existed at all?


What is that if not a jet airliner? This is what real people saw that day. This is what traumatized people who saw the airliner slam into the building.
I don't know who was behind 911 but it's obvious it wasn't 19 hijackers.
Richard Gage now has 2200 architects and engineers who have put there careers and their good names on the line by signing the petition at AE911 Truth. The 911 Truth Movement only gets stronger. Many people still haven't heard about Building Seven. When I show people they often say "why didn't I ever hear about this?!?!"

Good question!

Not one of the believers of the Official Conspiracy Theory can explain why on 911 two planes knocked down three skyscrapers. That the official reason was fire when no skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire even though there have been thousands of high rise fires, many which burned hotter and longer.
In fact the only thing that has ever caused a high rise building to collapse like the WTC 1,2 & 7 is controlled demolition.

Could you please connect us to a link about a story about another 767 striking another large skyscraper? Because I have evidence of TWO that were struck and collapsed and one that collapsed after 7 hours of burning. Another thing you can do is go to a story about the fire at the 911 site at Shanksville. Notice the warped and twisted steel beams.

Could you then explain how charges were set exactly where the planes struck the building? Or are we going under the assumption that no planes, civilian or otherwise, actually struck the buildings? If so then what is it that is on video and burned into MANY people's memory?

If you can't at least attempt to answer the above very simple questions then I suggest you do not have sufficient evidence for the accusations you are making.
an informed judgment on all the information available.

Please do, INFORMED .... please!
look at the "collapse" events for WTC1, 2 & 7
look at the crash scene at the PENTAGON
look at the video that is allegedly of an airliner crashing into the wall of the South tower.


Now for you to look at the video:

Now answer these simple questions. How would in less then an hour would this video be faked?

Why would the South tower, which as struck last, be the one demolished first?

If you watch the video, truthfully, note where the collaspe starts. It starts exactly where the planes "struck" the building.

Notice also no real puffs of smoke where other demolition charges would have been set. Why not?

WTC7 was engulfed by flames which the fire department had no way of fighting, lack of water. So what difference would it have made if a building burning out of control for 7 hours collapsed or not, it was totally destroyed?
Now, truthfully, watch this video of how a high rise is demolished and tell us the similarities.

Now answer these simple questions. How would in less then an hour would this video be faked?

and clearly there was greater advance planning than that.
all of your arguments above are from incredulity, just as
the opposition claims that the truthers argue. What is real
here, is the fact that in the descent this total collapse event
came down at 64% of the acceleration of gravity and that is
VERY significant in that the upper "pile driver" could only be
exerting 36% of its weight against the bit below it.
so the total pulverization of mass quantities of material, +
the total destruction of the tower, floor by floor, and this
is alleged to be the product of this "pile driver" that is only
exerting 36% of its weight against the lower part.

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