The End of the 9/11 CT Movement

Now answer these simple questions. How would in less then an hour would this video be faked?

and clearly there was greater advance planning than that.
all of your arguments above are from incredulity, just as
the opposition claims that the truthers argue. What is real
here, is the fact that in the descent this total collapse event
came down at 64% of the acceleration of gravity and that is
VERY significant in that the upper "pile driver" could only be
exerting 36% of its weight against the bit below it.
so the total pulverization of mass quantities of material, +
the total destruction of the tower, floor by floor, and this
is alleged to be the product of this "pile driver" that is only
exerting 36% of its weight against the lower part.

Sigh, once again very easy questions ask and you go off into some sort tangent. YOU said look at the video, YOU look at the video. If you think that somehow the one provided was fake then provide the ONE you think we should look at that wasn't fake. Do you realize how idiotitic it sounds for you to keep claiming all evidence counter to your theory is fake? Then you expect us to look at that evidence and you then call it fake. Wow.
it is a fact, that is the alleged crash of "FLT175" is FAKE!
what was presented to the public as a video of the alleged crash, is really B movie special effects. I'm shocked that more people have as yet not seen the facts of this. The other bit that is obvious in the videos is the fact that WTC1,2 & 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition.
Here is the rub. A lot of twoofers love to play the victim and part of that is claiming they dont get a forum to broadcast their views.

When I give them the forum and promise to read every word of the narrative (no vids)...everyone backs down.
an informed judgment on all the information available.

Please do, INFORMED .... please!
look at the "collapse" events for WTC1, 2 & 7
look at the crash scene at the PENTAGON
look at the video that is allegedly of an airliner crashing into the wall of the South tower.

the award for the best use of needless melodrama in a thread goes to......."n0spam4me
Now answer these simple questions. How would in less then an hour would this video be faked?

and clearly there was greater advance planning than that.
all of your arguments above are from incredulity, just as
the opposition claims that the truthers argue. What is real
here, is the fact that in the descent this total collapse event
came down at 64% of the acceleration of gravity and that is
VERY significant in that the upper "pile driver" could only be
exerting 36% of its weight against the bit below it.
so the total pulverization of mass quantities of material, +
the total destruction of the tower, floor by floor, and this
is alleged to be the product of this "pile driver" that is only
exerting 36% of its weight against the lower part.
another fine example of deflection and meaningless minutia..
it is a fact, that is the alleged crash of "FLT175" is FAKE!
what was presented to the public as a video of the alleged crash, is really B movie special effects. I'm shocked that more people have as yet not seen the facts of this. The other bit that is obvious in the videos is the fact that WTC1,2 & 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition.

OK, I think enough people have responded to you to satisfy your need for attention. You have answered nothing. Tell us how TV live feeds are faked. Is the whole country in on the conspiracy?
it is a fact, that is the alleged crash of "FLT175" is FAKE!
what was presented to the public as a video of the alleged crash, is really B movie special effects. I'm shocked that more people have as yet not seen the facts of this. The other bit that is obvious in the videos is the fact that WTC1,2 & 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition.

OK, I think enough people have responded to you to satisfy your need for attention. You have answered nothing. Tell us how TV live feeds are faked. Is the whole country in on the conspiracy?

you demand to know HOW it was done when very clearly we can all see what was done and, KNOW that the official story = fraud!
it is a fact, that is the alleged crash of "FLT175" is FAKE!
what was presented to the public as a video of the alleged crash, is really B movie special effects. I'm shocked that more people have as yet not seen the facts of this. The other bit that is obvious in the videos is the fact that WTC1,2 & 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition.

OK, I think enough people have responded to you to satisfy your need for attention. You have answered nothing. Tell us how TV live feeds are faked. Is the whole country in on the conspiracy?

you demand to know HOW it was done when very clearly we can all see what was done and, KNOW that the official story = fraud!

It is really easy for you to convert a whole lot of folks. Produce the video/picture that is in opposition to what we see in the live news feeds. That is all. Certainly there would be many of the South Tower. If you can't then tell us how you can say with any certainty, other then your desire for attention, that any of them were fake since they all show the same thing.
it is a fact, that is the alleged crash of "FLT175" is FAKE!
what was presented to the public as a video of the alleged crash, is really B movie special effects. I'm shocked that more people have as yet not seen the facts of this. The other bit that is obvious in the videos is the fact that WTC1,2 & 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition.

OK, I think enough people have responded to you to satisfy your need for attention. You have answered nothing. Tell us how TV live feeds are faked. Is the whole country in on the conspiracy?

you demand to know HOW it was done when very clearly we can all see what was done and, KNOW that the official story = fraud!

We can all see? :lmao:
So what virtually all of us see - including the vast majority of 9/11 CT "Truthers" - is passenger jets slamming into the WTC towers. How is it one who claims to want to expose the truth can't see them? Claiming (or hoping or praying) that the OS is fraudulent does not make it so ... no matter how much you wish reality to be that way.
it is a fact, that is the alleged crash of "FLT175" is FAKE!
what was presented to the public as a video of the alleged crash, is really B movie special effects. I'm shocked that more people have as yet not seen the facts of this. The other bit that is obvious in the videos is the fact that WTC1,2 & 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition.

OK, I think enough people have responded to you to satisfy your need for attention. You have answered nothing. Tell us how TV live feeds are faked. Is the whole country in on the conspiracy?

you demand to know HOW it was done when very clearly we can all see what was done and, KNOW that the official story = fraud!
dodge! you have no clue as to how your fantasy version of 911 could have been done.
what you claim to see is not the same as what happened..
and exactly WHY is the descent rate ( acceleration ) "minutia"
if you had any idea of what minutia was'd understand

We know what minutia is, it is what you try and use to promote your CTs. You will take the smallest of minutia and make it seem predominate. Such as your argument of 35%, WTF?

Let me make it clear for you, and simple. Look at the videos. What you see is 15 floors falling onto ONE floor. That ONE floor could not sustain the wait of the 15 floors so it too collapsed, the next floor had 16 floors falling on it. That went on for 95 floors and is easily explains what we saw in the videos.
and exactly WHY is the descent rate ( acceleration ) "minutia"
if you had any idea of what minutia was'd understand

We know what minutia is, it is what you try and use to promote your CTs. You will take the smallest of minutia and make it seem predominate. Such as your argument of 35%, WTF?

Let me make it clear for you, and simple. Look at the videos. What you see is 15 floors falling onto ONE floor. That ONE floor could not sustain the wait of the 15 floors so it too collapsed, the next floor had 16 floors falling on it. That went on for 95 floors and is easily explains what we saw in the videos.

That was 36% and now that you mention it, yes the floors would have been broken by massive overloads, HOWEVER, please think about this, what caused the destruction of the outer wall columns & what caused the destruction of the core? not only that, but what magic kept the whole thing stable for a uniform acceleration downward of 50>60 stories? ( at least that is as much of it as could be properly seen ) The fact is that in any system where stuff is breaking loose, you can NOT depend on all of the bits to fail exactly on-time in sequence to produce any sort of result at all, the complete & total destruction of a skyscraper takes an engineered effort to make it happen just like clockwork. to expect asymmetrical damage & fires to produce such a result is madness!
and exactly WHY is the descent rate ( acceleration ) "minutia"
if you had any idea of what minutia was'd understand

We know what minutia is, it is what you try and use to promote your CTs. You will take the smallest of minutia and make it seem predominate. Such as your argument of 35%, WTF?

Let me make it clear for you, and simple. Look at the videos. What you see is 15 floors falling onto ONE floor. That ONE floor could not sustain the wait of the 15 floors so it too collapsed, the next floor had 16 floors falling on it. That went on for 95 floors and is easily explains what we saw in the videos.

That was 36% and now that you mention it, yes the floors would have been broken by massive overloads, HOWEVER, please think about this, what caused the destruction of the outer wall columns & what caused the destruction of the core? not only that, but what magic kept the whole thing stable for a uniform acceleration downward of 50>60 stories? ( at least that is as much of it as could be properly seen ) The fact is that in any system where stuff is breaking loose, you can NOT depend on all of the bits to fail exactly on-time in sequence to produce any sort of result at all, the complete & total destruction of a skyscraper takes an engineered effort to make it happen just like clockwork. to expect asymmetrical damage & fires to produce such a result is madness!

It's all over, Princess ... O-V-E-R.
Nobody talks about the 1919 World Series "Black Sox" Scandal anymore either but that doesn't mean that it didn't happen. Nobody credible can ever convince anyone with a modicum of intelligence that Bldg. 7 imploded (a perfect implosion several hours after the twin towers went down) as a result of heat from the other buildings. Way too much evidence to the contrary.

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