The End of UN 181


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
UN 181 was a Gen Ass resolution that recommended partition of what was left of the Palestine Mandate, nearly 80% of which had already been usurped by violently (what a surprise!) exiled interlopers from Arabia, the Hashemites.
Certainly no one here needs to be reminded that Gen Ass resolutions are non-binding and that the UN is not in the nation building business.
What 181 offered was an incentive for the conflicted parties to peacefully settle their conflicting nationalist aspirations ... UN and international recognition.
The soon to be Israelis accepted and went about the business of establishing a funtioning state despite the actions of their "peaceful" Arab neighbors.
The soon to be "Palestinians" (and their shady Arab "brethren") rejected and went about the business of trying to destroy Israel.
64 years later the fruit of their choices is brutally evident:
Israel - 23,000 days of STATEHOOD and still winning!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
"Palestine" - 0 days of statehood and still WHINING!:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
UN 181 was a Gen Ass resolution that recommended partition of what was left of the Palestine Mandate, nearly 80% of which had already been usurped by violently (what a surprise!) exiled interlopers from Arabia, the Hashemites.
Certainly no one here needs to be reminded that Gen Ass resolutions are non-binding and that the UN is not in the nation building business.
What 181 offered was an incentive for the conflicted parties to peacefully settle their conflicting nationalist aspirations ... UN and international recognition.
The soon to be Israelis accepted and went about the business of establishing a funtioning state despite the actions of their "peaceful" Arab neighbors.
The soon to be "Palestinians" (and their shady Arab "brethren") rejected and went about the business of trying to destroy Israel.
64 years later the fruit of their choices is brutally evident:
Israel - 23,000 days of STATEHOOD and still winning!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
"Palestine" - 0 days of statehood and still WHINING!:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
Palestine shmalestine!
Had the Palestinians not violated UN 181, they would have already had what they want from Israel now. It's called Palestinian mentality.

UN 181 was a Gen Ass resolution that recommended partition of what was left of the Palestine Mandate, nearly 80% of which had already been usurped by violently (what a surprise!) exiled interlopers from Arabia, the Hashemites.
Certainly no one here needs to be reminded that Gen Ass resolutions are non-binding and that the UN is not in the nation building business.
What 181 offered was an incentive for the conflicted parties to peacefully settle their conflicting nationalist aspirations ... UN and international recognition.
The soon to be Israelis accepted and went about the business of establishing a funtioning state despite the actions of their "peaceful" Arab neighbors.
The soon to be "Palestinians" (and their shady Arab "brethren") rejected and went about the business of trying to destroy Israel.
64 years later the fruit of their choices is brutally evident:
Israel - 23,000 days of STATEHOOD and still winning!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
"Palestine" - 0 days of statehood and still WHINING!:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
Had the Palestinians not violated UN 181, they would have already had what they want from Israel now. It's called Palestinian mentality.

UN 181 was a Gen Ass resolution that recommended partition of what was left of the Palestine Mandate, nearly 80% of which had already been usurped by violently (what a surprise!) exiled interlopers from Arabia, the Hashemites.
Certainly no one here needs to be reminded that Gen Ass resolutions are non-binding and that the UN is not in the nation building business.
What 181 offered was an incentive for the conflicted parties to peacefully settle their conflicting nationalist aspirations ... UN and international recognition.
The soon to be Israelis accepted and went about the business of establishing a funtioning state despite the actions of their "peaceful" Arab neighbors.
The soon to be "Palestinians" (and their shady Arab "brethren") rejected and went about the business of trying to destroy Israel.
64 years later the fruit of their choices is brutally evident:
Israel - 23,000 days of STATEHOOD and still winning!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
"Palestine" - 0 days of statehood and still WHINING!:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:

There was no UN resolution 181 to violate.
Got news for you. There was a UN resolution 181 --- until the Palestinians rejected it. Like I said, it's called Palestinian mentality.

Had the Palestinians not violated UN 181, they would have already had what they want from Israel now. It's called Palestinian mentality.

UN 181 was a Gen Ass resolution that recommended partition of what was left of the Palestine Mandate, nearly 80% of which had already been usurped by violently (what a surprise!) exiled interlopers from Arabia, the Hashemites.
Certainly no one here needs to be reminded that Gen Ass resolutions are non-binding and that the UN is not in the nation building business.
What 181 offered was an incentive for the conflicted parties to peacefully settle their conflicting nationalist aspirations ... UN and international recognition.
The soon to be Israelis accepted and went about the business of establishing a funtioning state despite the actions of their "peaceful" Arab neighbors.
The soon to be "Palestinians" (and their shady Arab "brethren") rejected and went about the business of trying to destroy Israel.
64 years later the fruit of their choices is brutally evident:
Israel - 23,000 days of STATEHOOD and still winning!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
"Palestine" - 0 days of statehood and still WHINING!:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:

There was no UN resolution 181 to violate.
Got news for you. There was a UN resolution 181 --- until the Palestinians rejected it. Like I said, it's called Palestinian mentality.

Had the Palestinians not violated UN 181, they would have already had what they want from Israel now. It's called Palestinian mentality.

There was no UN resolution 181 to violate.

UN GA resolution 181 was a recommendation for the Security Council to partition Palestine. The Security Council rejected the plan because it would have violated the UN charter.

End of story.
Now THATS funny! Hey, did you hear the one about "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land"?

Got news for you. There was a UN resolution 181 --- until the Palestinians rejected it. Like I said, it's called Palestinian mentality.

There was no UN resolution 181 to violate.

UN GA resolution 181 was a recommendation for the Security Council to partition Palestine. The Security Council rejected the plan because it would have violated the UN charter.

End of story.
Got news for you. There was a UN resolution 181 --- until the Palestinians rejected it. Like I said, it's called Palestinian mentality.

There was no UN resolution 181 to violate.

UN GA resolution 181 was a recommendation for the Security Council to partition Palestine. The Security Council rejected the plan because it would have violated the UN charter.

End of story.


On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions and 1 absent, in favour of the modified Partition Plan. The final vote was as follows:
In favour, (33 countries, 72% of voting):
Latin American and Caribbean (13 countries): *Bolivia, *Brazil, *Costa Rica, *Dominican Republic, *Ecuador, *Guatemala, *Haiti, *Nicaragua, *Panama, *Paraguay, *Peru, *Uruguay, *Venezuela
Western European and Others (12 countries): *Belgium, *Denmark, *France, *Iceland, *Luxembourg, *Netherlands, *Norway, *Sweden, *Australia, *New Zealand, *Canada, *United States
Eastern European (5 countries): *Byelorussian SSR, *Czechoslovakia, *Poland, *Ukrainian SSR, *Soviet Union
African (2 countries): *Liberia, *South Africa
Asia-Pacific (1 country): 22x20px*Philippines
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Got news for you. There was a UN resolution 181 --- until the Palestinians rejected it. Like I said, it's called Palestinian mentality.

UN GA resolution 181 was a recommendation for the Security Council to partition Palestine. The Security Council rejected the plan because it would have violated the UN charter.

End of story.


On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions and 1 absent, in favour of the modified Partition Plan. The final vote was as follows:
In favour, (33 countries, 72% of voting):
Latin American and Caribbean (13 countries): *Bolivia, *Brazil, *Costa Rica, *Dominican Republic, *Ecuador, *Guatemala, *Haiti, *Nicaragua, *Panama, *Paraguay, *Peru, *Uruguay, *Venezuela
Western European and Others (12 countries): *Belgium, *Denmark, *France, *Iceland, *Luxembourg, *Netherlands, *Norway, *Sweden, *Australia, *New Zealand, *Canada, *United States
Eastern European (5 countries): *Byelorussian SSR, *Czechoslovakia, *Poland, *Ukrainian SSR, *Soviet Union
African (2 countries): *Liberia, *South Africa
Asia-Pacific (1 country): 22x20px*Philippines

Indeed, Then it was rejected by the Security Council because it would have violated the UN Charter.
UN GA resolution 181 was a recommendation for the Security Council to partition Palestine. The Security Council rejected the plan because it would have violated the UN charter.

End of story.


On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions and 1 absent, in favour of the modified Partition Plan. The final vote was as follows:
In favour, (33 countries, 72% of voting):
Latin American and Caribbean (13 countries): *Bolivia, *Brazil, *Costa Rica, *Dominican Republic, *Ecuador, *Guatemala, *Haiti, *Nicaragua, *Panama, *Paraguay, *Peru, *Uruguay, *Venezuela
Western European and Others (12 countries): *Belgium, *Denmark, *France, *Iceland, *Luxembourg, *Netherlands, *Norway, *Sweden, *Australia, *New Zealand, *Canada, *United States
Eastern European (5 countries): *Byelorussian SSR, *Czechoslovakia, *Poland, *Ukrainian SSR, *Soviet Union
African (2 countries): *Liberia, *South Africa
Asia-Pacific (1 country): 22x20px*Philippines

Indeed, Then it was rejected by the Security Council because it would have violated the UN Charter.

Really? Do you ever wonder why the "Palestinians" regularly try to resurrect UN 181, a Gen Ass resolution they once deemed to be "null and void?"
"In 2011, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas stated that the Arab rejection of the partition plan was a mistake he hoped to rectify.[8]"
United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
UN GA resolution 181 was a recommendation for the Security Council to partition Palestine. The Security Council rejected the plan because it would have violated the UN charter.

End of story.


On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions and 1 absent, in favour of the modified Partition Plan. The final vote was as follows:
In favour, (33 countries, 72% of voting):
Latin American and Caribbean (13 countries): *Bolivia, *Brazil, *Costa Rica, *Dominican Republic, *Ecuador, *Guatemala, *Haiti, *Nicaragua, *Panama, *Paraguay, *Peru, *Uruguay, *Venezuela
Western European and Others (12 countries): *Belgium, *Denmark, *France, *Iceland, *Luxembourg, *Netherlands, *Norway, *Sweden, *Australia, *New Zealand, *Canada, *United States
Eastern European (5 countries): *Byelorussian SSR, *Czechoslovakia, *Poland, *Ukrainian SSR, *Soviet Union
African (2 countries): *Liberia, *South Africa
Asia-Pacific (1 country): 22x20px*Philippines

Indeed, Then it was rejected by the Security Council because it would have violated the UN Charter.

On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions and 1 absent, in favour of the modified Partition Plan. The final vote was as follows:
In favour, (33 countries, 72% of voting):
Latin American and Caribbean (13 countries): *Bolivia, *Brazil, *Costa Rica, *Dominican Republic, *Ecuador, *Guatemala, *Haiti, *Nicaragua, *Panama, *Paraguay, *Peru, *Uruguay, *Venezuela
Western European and Others (12 countries): *Belgium, *Denmark, *France, *Iceland, *Luxembourg, *Netherlands, *Norway, *Sweden, *Australia, *New Zealand, *Canada, *United States
Eastern European (5 countries): *Byelorussian SSR, *Czechoslovakia, *Poland, *Ukrainian SSR, *Soviet Union
African (2 countries): *Liberia, *South Africa
Asia-Pacific (1 country): 22x20px*Philippines

Indeed, Then it was rejected by the Security Council because it would have violated the UN Charter.

The UN itself recognized that Resolution 181 had not been accepted by the Arab side, rendering it a dead issue:
Indeed, Then it was rejected by the Security Council because it would have violated the UN Charter.

The UN itself recognized that Resolution 181 had not been accepted by the Arab side, rendering it a dead issue:
There ya go again lying like a rug. You said the "UN Security Council rejected 181", and I asked for a link. I didn't need you to tell me that Arab Savages rejected the majority vote that passed by the UN, and then attacked Israel, which they got their asses handed to them. That, we already knew.

What makes you think the UN is there to serve "Arab Interests" only? ON second thought, considering the way the UN has behaved (as useless, biased, unethical, and failed as can be), I can understand why you might say that.

The UN itself recognized that Resolution 181 had not been accepted by the Arab side, rendering it a dead issue:
There ya go again lying like a rug. You said the "UN Security Council rejected 181", and I asked for a link. I didn't need you to tell me that Arab Savages rejected the majority vote that passed by the UN, and then attacked Israel, which they got their asses handed to them. That, we already knew.

What makes you think the UN is there to serve "Arab Interests" only? ON second thought, considering the way the UN has behaved (as useless, biased, unethical, and failed as can be), I can understand why you might say that.

Without the approval from both sides, as required, it would be illegal to implement. Duh!
The UN itself recognized that Resolution 181 had not been accepted by the Arab side, rendering it a dead issue:
There ya go again lying like a rug. You said the "UN Security Council rejected 181", and I asked for a link. I didn't need you to tell me that Arab Savages rejected the majority vote that passed by the UN, and then attacked Israel, which they got their asses handed to them. That, we already knew.

What makes you think the UN is there to serve "Arab Interests" only? ON second thought, considering the way the UN has behaved (as useless, biased, unethical, and failed as can be), I can understand why you might say that.

Without the approval from both sides, as required, it would be illegal to implement. Duh!
Liar, please provide the link for "UN security council rejecting the resolution". The resolution was voted and passed with a majority of 72% of nations voting for. That makes it a valid and legal resolution.

You see How easy it is making a fool out of you?
Eh, Tinmore. The UN appoved 181 by an overwhelming majority. It was the Palestinians who rejected it, thus voiding it. Once again, it's called Palestinian mentality.

The UN itself recognized that Resolution 181 had not been accepted by the Arab side, rendering it a dead issue:
There ya go again lying like a rug. You said the "UN Security Council rejected 181", and I asked for a link. I didn't need you to tell me that Arab Savages rejected the majority vote that passed by the UN, and then attacked Israel, which they got their asses handed to them. That, we already knew.

What makes you think the UN is there to serve "Arab Interests" only? ON second thought, considering the way the UN has behaved (as useless, biased, unethical, and failed as can be), I can understand why you might say that.

Without the approval from both sides, as required, it would be illegal to implement. Duh!
Indeed, Then it was rejected by the Security Council because it would have violated the UN Charter.

The UN itself recognized that Resolution 181 had not been accepted by the Arab side, rendering it a dead issue:

Indeed it is, TinHorn, but why do you suppose those "Palestinians" now want to accept the opportunity it offered?
There ya go again lying like a rug. You said the "UN Security Council rejected 181", and I asked for a link. I didn't need you to tell me that Arab Savages rejected the majority vote that passed by the UN, and then attacked Israel, which they got their asses handed to them. That, we already knew.

What makes you think the UN is there to serve "Arab Interests" only? ON second thought, considering the way the UN has behaved (as useless, biased, unethical, and failed as can be), I can understand why you might say that.

Without the approval from both sides, as required, it would be illegal to implement. Duh!
Liar, please provide the link for "UN security council rejecting the resolution". The resolution was voted and passed with a majority of 72% of nations voting for. That makes it a valid and legal resolution.

You see How easy it is making a fool out of you?

S/PV.271 of 19 March 1948
Without the approval from both sides, as required, it would be illegal to implement. Duh!
Liar, please provide the link for "UN security council rejecting the resolution". The resolution was voted and passed with a majority of 72% of nations voting for. That makes it a valid and legal resolution.

You see How easy it is making a fool out of you?

S/PV.271 of 19 March 1948
Now he provides me a link that is a "discussion". The document doesn't even mention 181 once. So therefore there was no such rejection. Again, I ask, where is the security council VOTE rejecting 181? You have it, squirmy liar? No.
Got news for you. There was a UN resolution 181 --- until the Palestinians rejected it. Like I said, it's called Palestinian mentality.

There was no UN resolution 181 to violate.

UN GA resolution 181 was a recommendation for the Security Council to partition Palestine. The Security Council rejected the plan because it would have violated the UN charter.

End of story.
C'mon Tinmore. What happened? Who did what? Who put a turd in the punch bowl?

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