The End of UN 181

Arab animals attacking the Jewish areas in the blue. Are you fucking blind? Arabs lost their quest to destroy the newly formed Jewish state. UN documents also confirm this aggression by the Arab savages. There was no such thing as a "Palestinian people". UN and historical documents confirm that as well.
UN documents also showed why the arabs attacked. They were coming to the aid of Palestinian's indigenous to that area who were being expelled and driven from their homes due to a zionist policy of "ethnic cleansing". BULLSHIT! Arabs themselves laughed at the thought of a Palestine or Palestinian people. The attack was purely to destroy the Jewish state. There's your ethnic cleansing, idiot.

This is confirmed in one of the zionist writings at the time...

"... Between ourselves it must be clear that there is no room for both peoples together in this country ... We shall not achieve our goal of being an independent people with the Arabs in this small country. The only solution is a Palestine, at least western Palestine (west of the Jordan river) without Arabs ... And there is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here to the neighbouring countries, to transfer all of them; not one village, not one tribe, should be left ... Only after this transfer will the country be able to absorb the millions of our own brethren. There is no other way out;..."
So zionists came into that area with every intention of driving out the people who were already living there. Because of zionist policies, violence was inevitable. They drove out 750,000 Palestinian's from an area they've been living for generations and you've got to be brain damaged if you don't think that will create hostilities.. Especially when zionist militia groups commit acts of terrorism against the civilian arab population as what happened in Deir Yassin, according to UN documents.

Hello brain dead? The Arabs who later called themselves Palestinians ended up in Jordan, and some were absorbed by the Israelis.
One of the most notorious cases of the terrorizing of civilian population occurred, according to Palestinian and other sources, in April 1948 at Deir Yassin, a village near Jerusalem, situated in territory assigned to the Jewish State by the partition resolution. A former Israeli military governor of Jerusalem writes:

"We suffered a reverse of a different nature on April 9 when combined Etzel and Stern Gang units mounted a deliberate and unprovoked attack on the Arab village of Deir Yassin on the western edge of Jerusalem. There was no reason for the attack. It was a quiet village, which had denied entry to the volunteer Arab units from across the frontier and which had not been involved in any attacks on Jewish areas. The dissident groups chose it for strictly political reasons. It was a deliberate act of terrorism ...

"... Women and children had not been given time enough to evacuate the village, although warned to do so by loudspeaker, and there were many of them among the 254 persons reported by the Arab Higher Committee as killed.

"The event was a disaster in every way. The dissidents held the village for two days and then abandoned it. They earned the contempt of most Jews in Jerusalem, and an unequivocal public repudiation by the Jewish Agency. But they gave the Arabs a strong charge against us, and the words 'Deir Yassin' were used over and over again both to justify their own atrocities and to persuade Arab villagers to join the mass flight which was now taking place all over Palestine."
There was no reason for the attack which left 254 arab women and children dead. So don't talk to me about "arab animals" when you have "zionist animals" doing that kind of shit. Sure there was, unlike your beloved Muslim terrorist animals, Jews don't target women and children intentionally, as they did in the Hebron massacre in 1929 for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Muslims have been owing this for hundreds of years, Jews were not immune to their invasions and barbarism..

Bottom line is, the arab nations didn't all of a sudden attack just because zionists declared the state of Israel's independance. They attacked because zionists were not allowing indigenous Palestinian's their inalienable rights to self-determination.
That is a patent lie. The Arabs didn't even consider the existence of a Palestinian people or nation as legitimate. Just because you repeat the same Islamist shit over and over doesn't make it the truth.
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Abba Eban best explained the Arab dynamic:
"Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.":clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Oh, yeah ... and guess who wants a do-over on UN 181?:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
Doesn't change the fact that you're trying to wipe them out, not the other way around.
Wipe them out my ass. Palestinian population has started from 200,000 approx in 1948, to about 2.5 million today in West Bank and Gaza, you ignorant ahole!
One thing is for sure, hostilities between the two groups didn't increase into armed conflict, until zionists migrated into the area. This is confirmed in a report by the Shaw Commission:

"In less than 10 years three serious attacks have been made by Arabs on Jews. For 80 years before the first of these attacks there is no recorded instance of any similar incidents. It is obvious then that the relations between the two races during the past decade must have differed in some material respect from those which previously obtained. Of this we found ample evidence. The reports of the Military Court and of the local Commission which, in 1920 and in 1921 respectively, enquired into the disturbances of those years, drew attention to the change in the attitude of the Arab population towards the Jews in Palestine. This was borne out by the evidence tendered during our inquiry when representatives of all parties told us that before the War the Jews and Arabs lived side by side if not in amity, at least with tolerance, a quality which to-day is almost unknown in Palestine"
If zionists hadn't of come in with their racist, apartheid agendas, there would not have been all the violence we have seen to date.
Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Abba Eban best explained the Arab dynamic:
"Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.":clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Oh, yeah ... and guess who wants a do-over on UN 181?:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
Doesn't change the fact that you're trying to wipe them out, not the other way around.

I'm not tryin' to wipe anyone out, Princess, and if Israel is "genociding" those hapless "Palestinians" how is it their population is expanding at about the same rate as the universe?
Dayam you anti-Israel posters make such soft targets.
One thing is for sure, hostilities between the two groups didn't increase into armed conflict, until zionists migrated into the area. This is confirmed in a report by the Shaw Commission:

"In less than 10 years three serious attacks have been made by Arabs on Jews. For 80 years before the first of these attacks there is no recorded instance of any similar incidents. It is obvious then that the relations between the two races during the past decade must have differed in some material respect from those which previously obtained. Of this we found ample evidence. The reports of the Military Court and of the local Commission which, in 1920 and in 1921 respectively, enquired into the disturbances of those years, drew attention to the change in the attitude of the Arab population towards the Jews in Palestine. This was borne out by the evidence tendered during our inquiry when representatives of all parties told us that before the War the Jews and Arabs lived side by side if not in amity, at least with tolerance, a quality which to-day is almost unknown in Palestine"
If zionists hadn't of come in with their racist, apartheid agendas, there would not have been all the violence we have seen to date.

It's really easy for minorities to get along with their Muslim neighbors in "the Muslim World" as long as they pay the infidel tax and are willing to be subjected to the whims of the local Imams, Sheiks, and assorted Grand Poobahs. Of course, there is the occasional Islamist spasm which can make life a bit dicey even for those who toe the line.
It's really easy for minorities to get along with their Muslim neighbors in "the Muslim World" as long as they pay the infidel tax and are willing to be subjected to the whims of the local Imams, Sheiks, and assorted Grand Poobahs. Of course, there is the occasional Islamist spasm which can make life a bit dicey even for those who toe the line.
History has shown that wasn't the case between arabs and jews before the zionist migration. Like the report said, they both tolerated each others culture. That all changed when the zionists came in and started fucking with everybody.
I'm not tryin' to wipe anyone out, Princess, and if Israel is "genociding" those hapless "Palestinians" how is it their population is expanding at about the same rate as the universe?
Dayam you anti-Israel posters make such soft targets.
Did you see the map?

The population expanding doesn't mean squat if you have no land to live on.
Wipe them out my ass. Palestinian population has started from 200,000 approx in 1948, to about 2.5 million today in West Bank and Gaza, you ignorant ahole!
So what! That just means you haven't been able to outlaw fucking.

Besides, we're talking about their land decreasing, not their population, dumbass!
BULLSHIT! Arabs themselves laughed at the thought of a Palestine or Palestinian people. The attack was purely to destroy the Jewish state. There's your ethnic cleansing, idiot.
I've already posted the link to the UN report that proves what I said is true. You just won't believe it, because you're a selfish, irresponsible asshole, who doesn't have the balls to take ownership over his own actions. That's why you're always blaming others for the shit you start.

Hello brain dead? The Arabs who later called themselves Palestinians ended up in Jordan, and some were absorbed by the Israelis.
That has nothing to do with anything.

Sure there was, unlike your beloved Muslim terrorist animals, Jews don't target women and children intentionally, as they did in the Hebron massacre in 1929 for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Muslims have been owing this for hundreds of years, Jews were not immune to their invasions and barbarism..
What do you mean they don't target women and children. Didn't we have a conversation not to long ago regarding the IDF using deadly force against rock-throwing kids? As I recall, you defended IDF actions. And now you're saying it never happened, because they don't shoot women and children? Man, you're all over the map! You can't burn the candle at both ends, fuckhead.

That is a patent lie. The Arabs didn't even consider the existence of a Palestinian people or nation as legitimate. Just because you repeat the same Islamist shit over and over doesn't make it the truth.
I've already provided the link that proves my assertion true. Funny how when you use UN documents to prove your point it's not bullshit, but when I use UN documents to prove mine, it is bullshit. What a hypocritical little fucker you are.
It's really easy for minorities to get along with their Muslim neighbors in "the Muslim World" as long as they pay the infidel tax and are willing to be subjected to the whims of the local Imams, Sheiks, and assorted Grand Poobahs. Of course, there is the occasional Islamist spasm which can make life a bit dicey even for those who toe the line.
History has shown that wasn't the case between arabs and jews before the zionist migration. Like the report said, they both tolerated each others culture. That all changed when the zionists came in and started fucking with everybody.
History has shown that the Arabs could not accept a Jewish state and the minute it was announced that Israel would be a Jewish state, while the Arab residents of the Palestine mandate (which was run by the Brits) get Their Muslim shithile in Jordan, Muslim hatred and intolerance took over and the animals attacked Israel, not once but many times. And it was never to create this mythical Palestinian homeland bullshit. .
BULLSHIT! Arabs themselves laughed at the thought of a Palestine or Palestinian people. The attack was purely to destroy the Jewish state. There's your ethnic cleansing, idiot.
I've already posted the link to the UN report that proves what I said is true. You just won't believe it, because you're a selfish, irresponsible asshole, who doesn't have the balls to take ownership over his own actions. That's why you're always blaming others for the shit you start.

Hello brain dead? The Arabs who later called themselves Palestinians ended up in Jordan, and some were absorbed by the Israelis.
That has nothing to do with anything.

Sure there was, unlike your beloved Muslim terrorist animals, Jews don't target women and children intentionally, as they did in the Hebron massacre in 1929 for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Muslims have been owing this for hundreds of years, Jews were not immune to their invasions and barbarism..
What do you mean they don't target women and children. Didn't we have a conversation not to long ago regarding the IDF using deadly force against rock-throwing kids? As I recall, you defended IDF actions. And now you're saying it never happened, because they don't shoot women and children? Man, you're all over the map! You can't burn the candle at both ends, fuckhead.

That is a patent lie. The Arabs didn't even consider the existence of a Palestinian people or nation as legitimate. Just because you repeat the same Islamist shit over and over doesn't make it the truth.
I've already provided the link that proves my assertion true. Funny how when you use UN documents to prove your point it's not bullshit, but when I use UN documents to prove mine, it is bullshit. What a hypocritical little fucker you are.
No you haven't. The UN documents indicate a passed vote to divide the British mandate of Palestine into an Arab Muslim nation in Jordan under Hashemite rule, and a Jewish Palestine which is Israel. At no time do they refer to a mythical Palestinian people, they are called ARABS, no different than the rest of the Arabs. The land was never owned or run by Arabs. They didn't like the fact that less than 1% of the land in the region goes to Jews in their ancient homeland, while the rest become Muslim shitholes of hatred, aparthied, and intolerance? TOUGH SHIT. Better luck in the next lifetime, Abdul...Israel is here to stay.
No you haven't. The UN documents indicate a passed vote to divide the British mandate of Palestine into an Arab Muslim nation in Jordan under Hashemite rule, and a Jewish Palestine which is Israel. At no time do they refer to a mythical Palestinian people, they are called ARABS, no different than the rest of the Arabs. The land was never owned or run by Arabs. They didn't like the fact that less than 1% of the land in the region goes to Jews in their ancient homeland, while the rest become Muslim shitholes of hatred, aparthied, and intolerance? TOUGH SHIT. Better luck in the next lifetime, Abdul...Israel is here to stay.
Your full of shit!

In addition to the muslim nation in Jordan, the UN Special Committee in 1947 also discussed the indigenous population of arabs (we now call Palestinian's), as having their own inalienable land ownership rights by virtue of their historical connection to that area dating back to ancient times.

The Special Committee concluded its three-month investigations by August 1947, and its report summarized the Arab case as follows:

The Arab case seeks the immediate creation of an independent Palestine west of the Jordan as an Arab State ...

"They postulate the 'natural' right of the Arab majority to remain in undisputed possession of the country, since they are and have been for many centuries in possession of the land. This claim of a 'natural' right is based on the contention that the Arab connection with Palestine has continued uninterruptedly from early historical times.​
So suck on that, bitch-boy!

The UN went on to take the position that both sides had valid arguments.

The justification for the majority plan of partition with economic union was presented as follows:

"The basic premise underlying the partition proposal is that the claims to Palestine of the Arabs and Jews, both possessing validity, are irreconcilable, and that among all of the solutions advanced, partition will provide the most realistic and practicable settlement, and is the most likely to afford a workable basis for meeting in part the claims and national aspirations of both parties ...
So it doesn't matter what name you call these people, they were living there for generations and had inalienable rights you cannot take away.

So fuck you and anyone who looks like you!
History has shown that the Arabs could not accept a Jewish state and the minute it was announced that Israel would be a Jewish state, while the Arab residents of the Palestine mandate (which was run by the Brits) get Their Muslim shithile in Jordan, Muslim hatred and intolerance took over and the animals attacked Israel, not once but many times. And it was never to create this mythical Palestinian homeland bullshit. .
Blah blah blah...

...history as shown you're nothing but a partisan parrot with no ability to think for yourself.
No you haven't. The UN documents indicate a passed vote to divide the British mandate of Palestine into an Arab Muslim nation in Jordan under Hashemite rule, and a Jewish Palestine which is Israel. At no time do they refer to a mythical Palestinian people, they are called ARABS, no different than the rest of the Arabs. The land was never owned or run by Arabs. They didn't like the fact that less than 1% of the land in the region goes to Jews in their ancient homeland, while the rest become Muslim shitholes of hatred, aparthied, and intolerance? TOUGH SHIT. Better luck in the next lifetime, Abdul...Israel is here to stay.
Your full of shit!

In addition to the muslim nation in Jordan, the UN Special Committee in 1947 also discussed the indigenous population of arabs (we now call Palestinian's), as having their own inalienable land ownership rights by virtue of their historical connection to that area dating back to ancient times.

The Special Committee concluded its three-month investigations by August 1947, and its report summarized the Arab case as follows:

The Arab case seeks the immediate creation of an independent Palestine west of the Jordan as an Arab State ...

"They postulate the 'natural' right of the Arab majority to remain in undisputed possession of the country, since they are and have been for many centuries in possession of the land. This claim of a 'natural' right is based on the contention that the Arab connection with Palestine has continued uninterruptedly from early historical times.​
So suck on that, bitch-boy!

The UN went on to take the position that both sides had valid arguments.

The justification for the majority plan of partition with economic union was presented as follows:

"The basic premise underlying the partition proposal is that the claims to Palestine of the Arabs and Jews, both possessing validity, are irreconcilable, and that among all of the solutions advanced, partition will provide the most realistic and practicable settlement, and is the most likely to afford a workable basis for meeting in part the claims and national aspirations of both parties ...
So it doesn't matter what name you call these people, they were living there for generations and had inalienable rights you cannot take away.

So fuck you and anyone who looks like you!
So, the UN did not recognize a "Palestinian people" as a seperate identity. The Arab majority got their land, IN ARAB PALESTINE aka Jordan. Jews got their's in Jewish Palestine, it was voted and accepted by the UN. Arabs refused and attacked, got their butts kicked, not once but many times, and they've been whining since.


Between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity. Once we have accomplished all of our rights in all of Palestine, we shouldn't postpone the unification of Jordan and Palestine for one second.

Zuheir Mohsen, former PLO Leader
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So, the UN did not recognize a "Palestinian people" as a seperate identity. The Arab majority got their land, IN ARAB PALESTINE aka Jordan. Jews got their's in Jewish Palestine, it was voted and accepted by the UN. Arabs refused and attacked, got their butts kicked, not once but many times, and they've been whining since.


Between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity. Once we have accomplished all of our rights in all of Palestine, we shouldn't postpone the unification of Jordan and Palestine for one second.

Zuheir Mohsen, former PLO Leader
You need to keep reading this until it sinks into your 3rd grade brain.

"The basic premise underlying the partition proposal is that the claims to Palestine of the Arabs and Jews, both possessing validity
The UN is saying that both groups have legitimate claims to that land. Not the land in Jordan, but the land in Palestine. That is from UN documents no different than yours.

So you need to make up a new story to tell. This ones been debunked.
So, the UN did not recognize a "Palestinian people" as a seperate identity. The Arab majority got their land, IN ARAB PALESTINE aka Jordan. Jews got their's in Jewish Palestine, it was voted and accepted by the UN. Arabs refused and attacked, got their butts kicked, not once but many times, and they've been whining since.


Between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity. Once we have accomplished all of our rights in all of Palestine, we shouldn't postpone the unification of Jordan and Palestine for one second.

Zuheir Mohsen, former PLO Leader
You need to keep reading this until it sinks into your 3rd grade brain.

"The basic premise underlying the partition proposal is that the claims to Palestine of the Arabs and Jews, both possessing validity
The UN is saying that both groups have legitimate claims to that land. Not the land in Jordan, but the land in Palestine. That is from UN documents no different than yours.

So you need to make up a new story to tell. This ones been debunked.
Ha ha ha! Palestine mandate included JORDAN, you fucking ignorant idiot. The Arabs unfortunately did not feel that Jews had any rights whatsoever to that land.

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Ha ha ha! Palestine mandate included JORDAN, you fucking ignorant idiot.

I wasn't talking about Jordan.

You need to first figure out what it is you're responding to.
Here's what you said:

"The basic premise underlying the partition proposal is that the claims to Palestine of the Arabs and Jews, both possessing validity
The UN is saying that both groups have legitimate claims to that land. Not the land in Jordan, but the land in Palestine. That is from UN documents no different than yours.

Dipshit, the "land" you are referring to aka British Palestine Mandate, INCLUDED JORDAN. It was voted for by the UN, and divided into an Arab Muslim part aka Jordan, and a Jewish part aka Israel. Besides, who cares what you "think". But it sure is fun stomping all over your sorry ignorant ass.

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