The ENEMY of the United States wants America to fail

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Americas enemy is Obama and his tactics are blatantly obvious.

Tax, tax, tax until all possible growth is squelched
Regulate businesses right out of business
Turn Americans against each other through class warfare
Enact mandates that congress won't vote for through Executive Order
Sue American businesses
Sue States
Kill the American healthcare system
Allow the Border to go unchecked
Sell guns to our enemies to the south
Give precious tax dollars to multiple failing companies

The list goes on, but its clear who the real enemy is.


Taxes lower now than 50 years ago.
More immigrants deported and less getting in by the day.

I didn't bother with the rest of your lies.

Taxes lower now than 50 years ago.
More immigrants deported and less getting in by the day.

I didn't bother with the rest of your lies.

We just have to overlook the gun running and drug smuggling.

I feel so much safer.. You>?

Taxes lower now than 50 years ago.
More immigrants deported and less getting in by the day.

I didn't bother with the rest of your lies.
immigrants are leaving because the economy sucks !! and we have spent ourselves into bankruptcy !!
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My list is lies? Lol ok if you say so.

That lawsuit against Boeing and Arizona is just a figment of my crazy rightwing imagination eh?
We are a leveraged country and people.
The weight of debt has gotten too high to left any more and most just want to move the fulcrum.
Even those who claim they want to cut spending. They just want to cut spending they do not like.
That has been proven by their actions over the last 3 decades or so.
I may be old fashioned, but I always thought the idea of an enemy was a combatant during wartime.

Characterizing political opposition as "the enemy" has absolutely no upside. It does, however, pose a considerable threat to accomplishment through political process. We've heard "class warfare" from the same folks calling the President of the United States of America the "enemy". The same folks used the town hall meetings in 2009 to conduct disruptive actions and stall the political process. These same folks championed a member of Congress who shouted "You Lie!' at the President during a State of the Union address.

This is the same political ideology who thought that a budget surplus wasn't good enough. That it's time to cut federal revenues by giving special tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans. Then, with decreased income, the same political class calling the President the enemy, disrupting political meetings, shouting epithets at the president during his speech to the nation and congress, this same political group started two foreign wars. Without figuring how to pay for them, they started two wars.

And now, this same political group wants more power to govern. Not withstanding the facts that they cannot govern, only disrupt. Not govern, only bloviate the same failed policies that squandered a surplus while cutting taxes and starting wars.

And now one of their Golden Boys, Andrew Breitbart says that this political group is armed and ready to act.

What are Liberals to these people but abortion doctors having their morning coffee. We are in the cross hairs and they are ready.
Republicans Place Party ahead of Country, and the Tea Party radical faction of the GOP are some of the most UnAmericans in modern history.

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