CDZ The "Equality" Act


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Below is a link to the full text of H.R. 5, the bill that is euphemistically cited as "The Equality Act". This link is an interactive file that includes links to referenced existing laws that are proposed to be amended by it. This makes understanding the bill just a bit less confusing.

The second link below is for a pdf file of the entire bill. Unlike HR1 (over 700 pages), HR5 is only 30 pages.

Please read the entire bill.

This third link pretty much reflects my opinion of the bill. It is anti-religion. That qualifies it as UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

from the first link:
(3) Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (referred to as “LGBTQ”) people commonly experience discrimination in securing access to public accommodations—including restaurants, senior centers, stores, places of or establishments that provide entertainment, health care facilities, shelters, government offices, youth service providers including adoption and foster care providers, and transportation. Forms of discrimination include the exclusion and denial of entry, unequal or unfair treatment, harassment, and violence. This discrimination prevents the full participation of LGBTQ people in society and disrupts the free flow of commerce.

Where are any of these people are ever denied service outside religious scope? And doesn't it therefore conclude the religious individuals don't share equal rights? To demand someone violate their own beliefs to honor another's is quite the hypocrisy and more hateful.

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