The Ethnic Cleansing Continues...

You dumbass,how do you figure there's ethnic cleansing going on if there are more plaestinians now than ever before?
The stupid is strong with this one.....
Israel is only interested in E. Jerusalem and the settlements, and yes there are more slowly increasing until they choke you out.

Whats slowly increasing? The palestinians you claim are being ethnically cleansed?
My claim? World claim. They are slowly increasing because in 45 to 65 years, Israeli Demographers have calculated that Israeli Palestinians will be a majority in Israel proper...That's why Israeli policy like the one in the OP is to squeeze out or kill what it can.

Only problem is the true demographics show that arab muslims are declining in Israel

You mean the demographics in your mind. LOL Why do you always make things up, you are like a child. You don't realize that we will call you on your bullshit.

Now the facts for Israel and not all the lands the Jews control where the Arab birth rate is even higher.

From April 2015

"The overall population grew by approximately 364,000 people since the Jewish New Year 2014- a growth rate of two percent.

The Jewish population of Israel grew by 1.7% over the past year, and the Arab population grew by 2.2%"

Latest Population Statistics for Israel Jewish Virtual Library

And for the arab muslims to make it matter they would need to increase by at least 20%. Look at the cold hard numbers
Israel is only interested in E. Jerusalem and the settlements, and yes there are more slowly increasing until they choke you out.

Whats slowly increasing? The palestinians you claim are being ethnically cleansed?
My claim? World claim. They are slowly increasing because in 45 to 65 years, Israeli Demographers have calculated that Israeli Palestinians will be a majority in Israel proper...That's why Israeli policy like the one in the OP is to squeeze out or kill what it can.

Only problem is the true demographics show that arab muslims are declining in Israel

You mean the demographics in your mind. LOL Why do you always make things up, you are like a child. You don't realize that we will call you on your bullshit.

Now the facts for Israel and not all the lands the Jews control where the Arab birth rate is even higher.

From April 2015

"The overall population grew by approximately 364,000 people since the Jewish New Year 2014- a growth rate of two percent.

The Jewish population of Israel grew by 1.7% over the past year, and the Arab population grew by 2.2%"

Latest Population Statistics for Israel Jewish Virtual Library

And for the arab muslims to make it matter they would need to increase by at least 20%. Look at the cold hard numbers

Stop bullshitting. That's for Israel only. Look at the cold hard numbers for the land controlled by Israel:

"Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories"

" Comparing the annual Rosh Hashanah population report from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, released September 2, with the midyear (July 1) population figures for the West Bank andGaza in the CIA World Factbook, it turns out that Jews are now (as of Rosh Hashanah) outnumbered by Arabs under Israeli sovereignty by a grand total of 50,827. So the question is no longer whether or when the Jewish state will feature a minority ruling a majority. The question now is what to do about it."

Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories - Opinion
Whats slowly increasing? The palestinians you claim are being ethnically cleansed?
My claim? World claim. They are slowly increasing because in 45 to 65 years, Israeli Demographers have calculated that Israeli Palestinians will be a majority in Israel proper...That's why Israeli policy like the one in the OP is to squeeze out or kill what it can.

Only problem is the true demographics show that arab muslims are declining in Israel

You mean the demographics in your mind. LOL Why do you always make things up, you are like a child. You don't realize that we will call you on your bullshit.

Now the facts for Israel and not all the lands the Jews control where the Arab birth rate is even higher.

From April 2015

"The overall population grew by approximately 364,000 people since the Jewish New Year 2014- a growth rate of two percent.

The Jewish population of Israel grew by 1.7% over the past year, and the Arab population grew by 2.2%"

Latest Population Statistics for Israel Jewish Virtual Library

And for the arab muslims to make it matter they would need to increase by at least 20%. Look at the cold hard numbers

Stop bullshitting. That's for Israel only. Look at the cold hard numbers for the land controlled by Israel:

"Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories"

" Comparing the annual Rosh Hashanah population report from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, released September 2, with the midyear (July 1) population figures for the West Bank andGaza in the CIA World Factbook, it turns out that Jews are now (as of Rosh Hashanah) outnumbered by Arabs under Israeli sovereignty by a grand total of 50,827. So the question is no longer whether or when the Jewish state will feature a minority ruling a majority. The question now is what to do about it."

Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories - Opinion

Biased site that is not valid as it has been proven to be left wing
You are queer with your flowery verse are you a girl?
When you discovered the world was round.......... yesterday........


That's what ya get for not graduating from the second grade..... until now......

WE Itlains bdiscovered the world while yours were building tee pees.
If only you had discovered spelling........ :lmao:

Oh and how did you "discover" a world that was already occupied by people, you know, people who had discovered it long before the I-talians ever existed......... :eusa_whistle:

Whatdathink there Pathetic? Want to keep pretending you actually have the capability for wit and/or intellectual ability or do you like getting your ass wiped all over a messageboard by you betters? Heck, I feel guilty having a battle of wits with someone who's as unarmed as you are, like taking candy from a baby. :thup:[/QUOTE
You can never best my intellect now debate about this conflict rather than flaunting you ability to act queer
Debate? Intellect??!!!! Is that what you call your paranoid ramblings???!!!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Good night
little queer and
do hold your Teddy
bear near before you
wet your underwear in fear...
My claim? World claim. They are slowly increasing because in 45 to 65 years, Israeli Demographers have calculated that Israeli Palestinians will be a majority in Israel proper...That's why Israeli policy like the one in the OP is to squeeze out or kill what it can.

Only problem is the true demographics show that arab muslims are declining in Israel

You mean the demographics in your mind. LOL Why do you always make things up, you are like a child. You don't realize that we will call you on your bullshit.

Now the facts for Israel and not all the lands the Jews control where the Arab birth rate is even higher.

From April 2015

"The overall population grew by approximately 364,000 people since the Jewish New Year 2014- a growth rate of two percent.

The Jewish population of Israel grew by 1.7% over the past year, and the Arab population grew by 2.2%"

Latest Population Statistics for Israel Jewish Virtual Library

And for the arab muslims to make it matter they would need to increase by at least 20%. Look at the cold hard numbers

Stop bullshitting. That's for Israel only. Look at the cold hard numbers for the land controlled by Israel:

"Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories"

" Comparing the annual Rosh Hashanah population report from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, released September 2, with the midyear (July 1) population figures for the West Bank andGaza in the CIA World Factbook, it turns out that Jews are now (as of Rosh Hashanah) outnumbered by Arabs under Israeli sovereignty by a grand total of 50,827. So the question is no longer whether or when the Jewish state will feature a minority ruling a majority. The question now is what to do about it."

Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories - Opinion

Biased site that is not valid as it has been proven to be left wing
Is the insane asylum you reside in Right Wing Fascism?
You can never best my intellect now debate about this conflict rather than flaunting you ability to act queer
Debate? Intellect??!!!! Is that what you call your paranoid ramblings???!!!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Ringel I find those members who have a Macho Avie,are often short in stature and very small in mind, use to be really good,what has happened to you to decend into this sorry state..steve
Please, spare me your obtuse platitudes and projective observations, I know you're also one of the conspiracy nuts. I made the mistake of trying to have a rational discussion with a couple of conspiracists years ago, didn't take long to determine their logic (to use the word loosely) was circular, based on innuendo, supposition, misapplication of data, misinterpretation of data and plain old fashioned flights of fancy. I won't waste my time.
If you know me as you claim you'll also know I don't suffer idiots and assholes very well and have always given back better than I receive. Ya wanna play? Better have you adult panties on and lots of balm handy.
Play ? Sure...Bend Down Low...Let Me Show You What I

pleb was right you are as Bent as a Cork Screw=Queer
pleb was right.......??!!! Good luck with that Sparkette. :lmao:
Soooo, when did you decide you were an idiot asshole also? Is this something new or is it genetic?

last night forgot to post, you really blather on...

Good night
little queer and
do hold your Teddy
bear near before you
wet your underwear in fear...
Last edited:
When you discovered the world was round.......... yesterday........


That's what ya get for not graduating from the second grade..... until now......

WE Itlains bdiscovered the world while yours were building tee pees.
If only you had discovered spelling........ :lmao:

Oh and how did you "discover" a world that was already occupied by people, you know, people who had discovered it long before the I-talians ever existed......... :eusa_whistle:

Whatdathink there Pathetic? Want to keep pretending you actually have the capability for wit and/or intellectual ability or do you like getting your ass wiped all over a messageboard by you betters? Heck, I feel guilty having a battle of wits with someone who's as unarmed as you are, like taking candy from a baby. :thup:[/QUOTE
You can never best my intellect now debate about this conflict rather than flaunting you ability to act queer
Debate? Intellect??!!!! Is that what you call your paranoid ramblings???!!!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Good night
little queer and
do hold your Teddy
bear near before you
wet your underwear in fear...
Only problem is the true demographics show that arab muslims are declining in Israel

You mean the demographics in your mind. LOL Why do you always make things up, you are like a child. You don't realize that we will call you on your bullshit.

Now the facts for Israel and not all the lands the Jews control where the Arab birth rate is even higher.

From April 2015

"The overall population grew by approximately 364,000 people since the Jewish New Year 2014- a growth rate of two percent.

The Jewish population of Israel grew by 1.7% over the past year, and the Arab population grew by 2.2%"

Latest Population Statistics for Israel Jewish Virtual Library

And for the arab muslims to make it matter they would need to increase by at least 20%. Look at the cold hard numbers

Stop bullshitting. That's for Israel only. Look at the cold hard numbers for the land controlled by Israel:

"Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories"

" Comparing the annual Rosh Hashanah population report from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, released September 2, with the midyear (July 1) population figures for the West Bank andGaza in the CIA World Factbook, it turns out that Jews are now (as of Rosh Hashanah) outnumbered by Arabs under Israeli sovereignty by a grand total of 50,827. So the question is no longer whether or when the Jewish state will feature a minority ruling a majority. The question now is what to do about it."

Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories - Opinion

Biased site that is not valid as it has been proven to be left wing
Is the insane asylum you reside in Right Wing Fascism?
Hey Pathetic, still trying to keep up with the big boys eh? You give yourself too much credit...... :lmao:
Debate? Intellect??!!!! Is that what you call your paranoid ramblings???!!!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Ringel I find those members who have a Macho Avie,are often short in stature and very small in mind, use to be really good,what has happened to you to decend into this sorry state..steve
Please, spare me your obtuse platitudes and projective observations, I know you're also one of the conspiracy nuts. I made the mistake of trying to have a rational discussion with a couple of conspiracists years ago, didn't take long to determine their logic (to use the word loosely) was circular, based on innuendo, supposition, misapplication of data, misinterpretation of data and plain old fashioned flights of fancy. I won't waste my time.
If you know me as you claim you'll also know I don't suffer idiots and assholes very well and have always given back better than I receive. Ya wanna play? Better have you adult panties on and lots of balm handy.
Play ? Sure...Bend Down Low...Let Me Show You What I

pleb was right you are as Bent as a Cork Screw=Queer
pleb was right.......??!!! Good luck with that Sparkette. :lmao:
Soooo, when did you decide you were an idiot asshole also? Is this something new or is it genetic?

last night forgot to post, you really blather on...

Good night
little queer and
do hold your Teddy
bear near before you
wet your underwear in fear...

WE Itlains bdiscovered the world while yours were building tee pees.
If only you had discovered spelling........ :lmao:

Oh and how did you "discover" a world that was already occupied by people, you know, people who had discovered it long before the I-talians ever existed......... :eusa_whistle:

Whatdathink there Pathetic? Want to keep pretending you actually have the capability for wit and/or intellectual ability or do you like getting your ass wiped all over a messageboard by you betters? Heck, I feel guilty having a battle of wits with someone who's as unarmed as you are, like taking candy from a baby. :thup:[/QUOTE
You can never best my intellect now debate about this conflict rather than flaunting you ability to act queer
Debate? Intellect??!!!! Is that what you call your paranoid ramblings???!!!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Good night
little queer and
do hold your Teddy
bear near before you
wet your underwear in fear...
You mean the demographics in your mind. LOL Why do you always make things up, you are like a child. You don't realize that we will call you on your bullshit.

Now the facts for Israel and not all the lands the Jews control where the Arab birth rate is even higher.

From April 2015

"The overall population grew by approximately 364,000 people since the Jewish New Year 2014- a growth rate of two percent.

The Jewish population of Israel grew by 1.7% over the past year, and the Arab population grew by 2.2%"

Latest Population Statistics for Israel Jewish Virtual Library

And for the arab muslims to make it matter they would need to increase by at least 20%. Look at the cold hard numbers

Stop bullshitting. That's for Israel only. Look at the cold hard numbers for the land controlled by Israel:

"Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories"

" Comparing the annual Rosh Hashanah population report from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, released September 2, with the midyear (July 1) population figures for the West Bank andGaza in the CIA World Factbook, it turns out that Jews are now (as of Rosh Hashanah) outnumbered by Arabs under Israeli sovereignty by a grand total of 50,827. So the question is no longer whether or when the Jewish state will feature a minority ruling a majority. The question now is what to do about it."

Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories - Opinion

Biased site that is not valid as it has been proven to be left wing
Is the insane asylum you reside in Right Wing Fascism?
Hey Pathetic, still trying to keep up with the big boys eh? You give yourself too much credit...... :lmao:
Thought you were a boy, oy!
If only you had discovered spelling........ :lmao:

Oh and how did you "discover" a world that was already occupied by people, you know, people who had discovered it long before the I-talians ever existed......... :eusa_whistle:

Whatdathink there Pathetic? Want to keep pretending you actually have the capability for wit and/or intellectual ability or do you like getting your ass wiped all over a messageboard by you betters? Heck, I feel guilty having a battle of wits with someone who's as unarmed as you are, like taking candy from a baby. :thup:[/QUOTE
You can never best my intellect now debate about this conflict rather than flaunting you ability to act queer
Debate? Intellect??!!!! Is that what you call your paranoid ramblings???!!!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Good night
little queer and
do hold your Teddy
bear near before you
wet your underwear in fear...
And for the arab muslims to make it matter they would need to increase by at least 20%. Look at the cold hard numbers

Stop bullshitting. That's for Israel only. Look at the cold hard numbers for the land controlled by Israel:

"Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories"

" Comparing the annual Rosh Hashanah population report from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, released September 2, with the midyear (July 1) population figures for the West Bank andGaza in the CIA World Factbook, it turns out that Jews are now (as of Rosh Hashanah) outnumbered by Arabs under Israeli sovereignty by a grand total of 50,827. So the question is no longer whether or when the Jewish state will feature a minority ruling a majority. The question now is what to do about it."

Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories - Opinion

Biased site that is not valid as it has been proven to be left wing
Is the insane asylum you reside in Right Wing Fascism?
Hey Pathetic, still trying to keep up with the big boys eh? You give yourself too much credit...... :lmao:
Thought you were a boy, oy!
You did? Well there's a plus for you, shows at least some rudimentary cognition. :thup:
Maybe tomorrow we can work on teaching you the alphabet, you might have it down in about ten years.
Whats slowly increasing? The palestinians you claim are being ethnically cleansed?
My claim? World claim. They are slowly increasing because in 45 to 65 years, Israeli Demographers have calculated that Israeli Palestinians will be a majority in Israel proper...That's why Israeli policy like the one in the OP is to squeeze out or kill what it can.

Only problem is the true demographics show that arab muslims are declining in Israel

You mean the demographics in your mind. LOL Why do you always make things up, you are like a child. You don't realize that we will call you on your bullshit.

Now the facts for Israel and not all the lands the Jews control where the Arab birth rate is even higher.

From April 2015

"The overall population grew by approximately 364,000 people since the Jewish New Year 2014- a growth rate of two percent.

The Jewish population of Israel grew by 1.7% over the past year, and the Arab population grew by 2.2%"

Latest Population Statistics for Israel Jewish Virtual Library

And for the arab muslims to make it matter they would need to increase by at least 20%. Look at the cold hard numbers

Stop bullshitting. That's for Israel only. Look at the cold hard numbers for the land controlled by Israel:

"Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories"

" Comparing the annual Rosh Hashanah population report from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, released September 2, with the midyear (July 1) population figures for the West Bank andGaza in the CIA World Factbook, it turns out that Jews are now (as of Rosh Hashanah) outnumbered by Arabs under Israeli sovereignty by a grand total of 50,827. So the question is no longer whether or when the Jewish state will feature a minority ruling a majority. The question now is what to do about it."

Jews Now Minority in Israel and Territories - Opinion

Gaza is not 'Israeli administered' territory.
There's a solution to all this...

All the dumbass so-called Palestinians still sitting-round refugee camps and towns after 66-67 years should stop the circle-jerk, pack-up, and leave.

Problem solved.
There's a solution to all this...

All the dumbass so-called Palestinians still sitting-round refugee camps and towns after 66-67 years should stop the circle-jerk, pack-up, and leave.

Problem solved.
Circle jerk, are you an adolescent boy like the pirate boy?
Last edited:
There's a solution to all this...

All the dumbass so-called Palestinians still sitting-round refugee camps and towns after 66-67 years should stop the circle-jerk, pack-up, and leave.

Problem solved.
Circle jerk, are you an adolescent boy like the pirate boy?
Don't try to be clever... you don't have in in ya...

Or in his case he did, far too often and far too many different ones

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