The Evidence Against Trump is Staggering and Overwhelming. The Evidence against Biden is non-Existent.

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The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
The indictment and evidence against Trump represents the Gold Standard for prosecutorial excellence and epitomizes a slam dunk case. Not only do they have him dead to rights caught red handed with ultra Top Secret material at his residence, but they also have documented extensively how Trump repeatedly lied about possessing the top secret material and hid the material, they have on camera multiple attempts top hide and move the top secret material, and they have Trump's former attorneys testifying that Trump tried to involve them in this crime.

The case against Trump represents prosecutorial excellence and will be hailed as excellence in the history and law books.

Now compare that to the fake case against Biden. They have no evidence against Biden at all. The magic fabricated whistleblower has disappeared and never existed. The lying republicans lied about Hunter paying Joe rent, totally destroying the credibility of the case against Joe Biden. Worse yet, they have no actual evidence against Joe at all.

When comparing the rock solid indictment and evidence against Trump vs the lack of credible evidence against Biden, we see the same thing we always see. GOP lies, vs Democrat facts and evidence and truth. Its good vs Evil, and good will prevail and the GOP will be exposed yet again.

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