The Exxon Mermaid


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This modernism-moderation parable was inspired by the commercialism-psychiatry film Mannequin.


A beautiful siren was seen off the coast of Fiji by sailors working for Exxon. She came upon some rocks by the oceanside-harbor and revealed a shiny silver dagger and flowing blonde hair. At first looking like a normal human, it became quickly obvious the siren was a mermaid, though the sailors believed they were hallucinating since they were somewhat anxious about all the oil they were transporting for their company between America and the politically-turbulent Middle East. They wondered if the siren-mermaid was a 'modernism daydream.'


A sailor who saw this siren-mermaid reported it to his Exxon superiors who thought he was completely deranged, but when he started drawing countless pictures of her for his bosses and urging them to at least use the siren-mermaid as some 'iconography-mascot' of modernism consciousness anxieties, his company considered the profitable notion that this new age sailor-daydream story just might be what Exxon needed to get over the social 'blight' (in the press) of the Valdez oil-spill scandal.


A journalist named Sam started following the stories about this siren-mermaid supposedly sighted by these jaded Exxon cargo-vessel sailors and started writing editorials regarding Exxon's 'shameless promotion' of capitalism-anxiety related 'delusions/fantasies' and how such 'yellow-journalism' could cloud everyone's reasoning regarding the 'sanity' of modern geo-economic activity. Sam wrote, "Years into the future, historians will say sailors from the Old World and the Exxon-era 'New World' equally 'daydreamed' about traffic-hallucinatory sirens-mermaids to soothe their 'ambition woes'!"


Sam then had a very strange dream one night in which he thought he was being visited by the fiery spirit of some kind of humanoid siren who introduced herself as 'Phoenix.' According to Phoenix, the marketing of such 'yellow-journalism' was perfectly sane, since it was conducive to healthy modernism self-awareness and ambition-reflection. When Sam woke up, he rationalized the dream as some subconscious manifestation of a 'dreamy memory' he had of watching a modernism-daydream American film such as Splash (Tom Hanks, Daryl Hannah), but a patriotic question in the back of his mind (and perhaps in his heart) haunted him --- "Could Phoenix be an 'omen' of capitalism cynicism?"



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