The Failure Of A Red State's Medical System Has Endangered Us All!

No they already went there when they cheered bill o'reilly on when he said he wanted terrorists to attack San Francisco.

Their behavior isn't surprising to me. I've seen this and other disgusting behavior and comments from conservatives.

Remember when they cheered at the suggestion of forcing someone to die if they don't have insurance?

Remember when they booed one of our soldiers in Afghanistan just because he was gay?

This is no different. Some conservatives are very sick and evil people.
When did all of this happen?


Where have you been?

Here's an article about what bill o'reilly said:
Bill O'Reilly takes aim at San Francisco - today > entertainment - today > entertainment > pop_culture -

Here's an article about republicans cheering letting those without insurance die:
GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die

Here's an article about republicans booing one of our soldiers:
Republican Debate Audience Boos Gay Soldier Stephen Hill After DADT Repeal Question (VIDEO)

If you watched the gop debates in 2012 you saw gop audience cheering at letting people die because they have no insurance and you would have seen the gop audience booing one of our soldiers.

I guess it's that conservative selective memory that you conservatives have mastered.
No they already went there when they cheered bill o'reilly on when he said he wanted terrorists to attack San Francisco.

Their behavior isn't surprising to me. I've seen this and other disgusting behavior and comments from conservatives.

Remember when they cheered at the suggestion of forcing someone to die if they don't have insurance?

Remember when they booed one of our soldiers in Afghanistan just because he was gay?

This is no different. Some conservatives are very sick and evil people.
When did all of this happen?


Where have you been?

Here's an article about what bill o'reilly said:
Bill O'Reilly takes aim at San Francisco - today > entertainment - today > entertainment > pop_culture -

Here's an article about republicans cheering letting those without insurance die:
GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die

Here's an article about republicans booing one of our soldiers:
Republican Debate Audience Boos Gay Soldier Stephen Hill After DADT Repeal Question (VIDEO)

If you watched the gop debates in 2012 you saw gop audience cheering at letting people die because they have no insurance and you would have seen the gop audience booing one of our soldiers.

I guess it's that conservative selective memory that you conservatives have mastered.

I read the article and got something different from it.

Obviously you're unable to the think for yourself or you wouldn't have fallen for their dishonest interpretation of the events in question

So, the best thing for you to do is wish some deadly disease on anyone that disagrees with you. It is the "Republican" thing to do. And when someone is shocked at your audacity, you answer....."you can't figure out sarcasm not my problem." Cause that makes everything alright which in turn should make the "Republican" as pure as the driven snow.

Cause you know, the GOP is God's party and they can say or do no wrong. You know..."you can't figure out sarcasm not my problem."

You people crack me up. Your all's phony outrage is so cute. But back to the topic it's all them red states fault in all this
giddy up high horsey

And the red state in question, who has been screaming that the fed government was too big, suddenly turns to the Feds for help. Ricky folds...
When did all of this happen?


Where have you been?

Here's an article about what bill o'reilly said:
Bill O'Reilly takes aim at San Francisco - today > entertainment - today > entertainment > pop_culture -

Here's an article about republicans cheering letting those without insurance die:
GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die

Here's an article about republicans booing one of our soldiers:
Republican Debate Audience Boos Gay Soldier Stephen Hill After DADT Repeal Question (VIDEO)

If you watched the gop debates in 2012 you saw gop audience cheering at letting people die because they have no insurance and you would have seen the gop audience booing one of our soldiers.

I guess it's that conservative selective memory that you conservatives have mastered.
When did all of this happen?


Where have you been?

Here's an article about what bill o'reilly said:
Bill O'Reilly takes aim at San Francisco - today > entertainment - today > entertainment > pop_culture -

Here's an article about republicans cheering letting those without insurance die:
GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die

Here's an article about republicans booing one of our soldiers:
Republican Debate Audience Boos Gay Soldier Stephen Hill After DADT Repeal Question (VIDEO)

If you watched the gop debates in 2012 you saw gop audience cheering at letting people die because they have no insurance and you would have seen the gop audience booing one of our soldiers.

I guess it's that conservative selective memory that you conservatives have mastered.

I read the article and got something different from it.

Obviously you're unable to the think for yourself or you wouldn't have fallen for their dishonest interpretation of the events in question

So, the best thing for you to do is wish some deadly disease on anyone that disagrees with you. It is the "Republican" thing to do. And when someone is shocked at your audacity, you answer....."you can't figure out sarcasm not my problem." Cause that makes everything alright which in turn should make the "Republican" as pure as the driven snow.

Cause you know, the GOP is God's party and they can say or do no wrong. You know..."you can't figure out sarcasm not my problem."

You people crack me up. Your all's phony outrage is so cute. But back to the topic it's all them red states fault in all this
giddy up high horsey

And the red state in question, who has been screaming succession, suddenly turns to the Feds for help. Ricky folds...

Damn, you get more outrageous with each post
you should quit while you're behind
Where is that wonderful ObammyCare that was suppose to SAVE US ALL?

now it's the red states fault. you people are twisted and will do anything to suck off any fault for your Dear wonderful leader
didn't take them long did it?


another Democrat elected ass just came out blaming the Republicans for Budget cuts..

they are so transparent and predictable

Oh trailer dweller of Lower IQ the House controls the purse strings
didn't take them long did it?


another Democrat elected ass just came out blaming the Republicans for Budget cuts..

they are so transparent and predictable

Oh trailer dweller of Lower IQ the House controls the purse strings

I do know that it was a "private" hospital that screwed up. A private hospital in a red state.
didn't take them long did it?


another Democrat elected ass just came out blaming the Republicans for Budget cuts..

they are so transparent and predictable

Oh trailer dweller of Lower IQ the House controls the purse strings

I do know that it was a "private" hospital that screwed up. A private hospital in a red state.

staffed by slack jawed bible thumping trailer dwellers

The stupid in this post has put all of my brain cells in danger.

1. The patient contracted Ebola in Liberia.

2. The patient lied to Liberian officials about having Ebola on his travel papers.

3. The patient, as a result of his misdeed, has endangered the entire population of the United States.

4. Rick Perry is in no way responsible for this sequence of events.

5. Obama is ultimately responsible for this breach in containment: President Ebola In 2010 Obama Administration Scrapped Cdc Quarantine Regulations Aimed At Ebola US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Moreover, how can you turn Ebola into a political matter? Tens of thousands of people have died from this disease. Despicable. Being a red state is neither here nor there. Blaming Republicans for the man contracting Ebola is like blaming the wind for giving you indigestion.

There is no limit to the depths you leftists will stoop to.
It is a matter of luck that it is the obama open border disease that liberals spread and not ebola. Imagine someone infected with ebola in one of those immigrant centers and those being distributed around the country. Maybe next time democrats will have their chance.

If illegal aliens get it they very well might not seek treatment no matter how sick they get for fear of being deported.
CDC Issued Ebola Guidelines For Funeral Homes When Obama Regime Was Saying Ebola Was No Danger, “Unlikely To Come Here”

So we should think that the regime who can’t even prepare enough to keep travelers with Ebola out, was thinking way in advance about an “unlikely situation”.
This article was originally written before the Texas Ebola patient was announced, and then updated. It’s from an Atlanta local station, the CDC is based in Atlanta and that’s where the doctors/aird workers who contracted Ebola were sent.
CBS46 News has confirmed the Centers for Disease Control has issued guidelines to U.S. funeral homes on how to handle the remains of Ebola patients. If the outbreak of the potentially deadly virus is in West Africa, why are funeral homes in America being given guidelines?
The three-page list of recommendations include instructing funeral workers to wear protective equipment when dealing with the remains since Ebola can be transmitted in postmortem care. It also instructs to avoid autopsies and embalming.

ALL of it here:
CDC Issued Ebola Guidelines For Funeral Homes When Obama Regime Was Saying Ebola Was No Danger 8220 Unlikely To Come Here 8221 Weasel Zippers

Something critical like that should be ready just in case and much easier to do without actual victims.
didn't take them long did it?


another Democrat elected ass just came out blaming the Republicans for Budget cuts..

they are so transparent and predictable

Oh trailer dweller of Lower IQ the House controls the purse strings

And the House is controlled by who? Oh yeah...that would be the Republican Party.

Is it all coming together for you now?
I wish upon the blue states they be infected the worst with this

how's that for you sick people blaming the "red states"?

Well now, Staph, you are well named. Those of us that are sane wish that we would find a vaccine and medicine for this disease. We do not wish it upon other people.

The people at that hospitial fucked up unbelievably. They really did not make a good case for health care to be in private hands.
I will never wish Ebola on anyone, Conservative or Liberal or Moderate. I am shocked and ashamed that some of you have.

That's because you don't actually believe in anything. You just have a flagpole up your ass so you can turn whatever way the wind blows you.

And here we go again. Another 'Conservative' wishing death on his fellow citizens.

Good point Jim. Of course this is a federal failure was well, because Obama let the guy in to begin with, so Obama has to go too. Obama first.

Just how the fuck did the President let Duncan in? Care to answer that? And even if we were to totally cease to let anyone in from Africa, how long before it comes in from another vector, if it becomes a worldwide pandemic?

That answer is not in trying to make political hay out of this, the answer is a full speed ahead campaign to get a vaccine out, and find medicines for those already infected.
I will never wish Ebola on anyone, Conservative or Liberal or Moderate. I am shocked and ashamed that some of you have.

That's because you don't actually believe in anything. You just have a flagpole up your ass so you can turn whatever way the wind blows you.

And here we go again. Another 'Conservative' wishing death on his fellow citizens.

Maybe when Palin was talking about "death panels" she was asserting that it was a good thing? I guess it is the Republican's way of saying "Good Day!"

Instead they say, "Contract a deadly disease and die....but have a good day!"
That is mighty nice of you to wish on other Americans, whether they are liberal or conservative should not matter. Now, go say a little prayer for forgiveness.

For the Gods I pray to Forgiveness does not exist. Anyone who does not have an "America First, America Only" (aka Conservative) philosophy is not an American so far as I'm concerned.
And you love the swastika on your armband as well, I take it. You are a despicable person, small of mind, and shriveled of soul.
video at the site

Flashback: Senator Obama rips Bush for being unprepared for avian flu epidemic

posted at 2:41 pm on October 2, 2014 by Ed Morrissey
A nice catch from our friends at Grabien, who got it from Ace [update] and who had to go all the way back to 2005 to find this nugget and the contemporaneous coverage at the NYT. At the time, the US prepared for a predicted epidemic of the avian flu, also known as H5N1, of global proportions. The virus had been identified for 18 years by that time, but by the end of 2004 had only resulted in 36 deaths and 50 known cases over the prior two years, according to WHO data. In 2005, the number of cases would jump to 98 and deaths to 43, and the prevention of a pandemic became a high priority. At that time, then-Senator Barack Obama scolded the Bush administration on the Senate floor, and quarterbacked a protest letter from his fellow Democrats over the slow response and lack of preparedness by the White House:

Flashback Senator Obama rips Bush for being unprepared for avian flu epidemic Hot Air

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