The Farce Is Ending


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Time for Israel and the West to regroup and decide what to do to end this farce forever.

The failure of the US-brokered peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority appears evident with the announcement of reconciliation between PA Chair Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party and terror group Hamas. The Fatah-Hamas unity agreement will be followed by the formation of a unity government within five weeks, Palestinian officials proclaimed.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Israel’s chief negotiator, acknowledged her disappointment on Thursday morning.

“At this very hour, I was supposed to be at a meeting with the Palestinians to continue the negotiations, after there was progress in talks yesterday,” she stated on Facebook. “The reconciliation agreement signed by Mahmoud Abbas with Hamas was a bad step, which not only caused the cancellation of the meeting, but also cast a heavy shadow on the ability to progress.”

Fatah-Hamas Unity Ends Chance for Peace with Israel | United with Israel
This time Netanyahu got it right. But I still have my issues with him over his previous treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions in Gaza so Palestinians can remain to kill more Israeli's & vow Israel's annihilation.

Time for Israel and the West to regroup and decide what to do to end this farce forever.

The failure of the US-brokered peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority appears evident with the announcement of reconciliation between PA Chair Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party and terror group Hamas. The Fatah-Hamas unity agreement will be followed by the formation of a unity government within five weeks, Palestinian officials proclaimed.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Israel’s chief negotiator, acknowledged her disappointment on Thursday morning.

“At this very hour, I was supposed to be at a meeting with the Palestinians to continue the negotiations, after there was progress in talks yesterday,” she stated on Facebook. “The reconciliation agreement signed by Mahmoud Abbas with Hamas was a bad step, which not only caused the cancellation of the meeting, but also cast a heavy shadow on the ability to progress.”

Fatah-Hamas Unity Ends Chance for Peace with Israel | United with Israel
Time for Israel and the West to regroup and decide what to do to end this farce forever.

The failure of the US-brokered peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority appears evident with the announcement of reconciliation between PA Chair Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party and terror group Hamas. The Fatah-Hamas unity agreement will be followed by the formation of a unity government within five weeks, Palestinian officials proclaimed.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Israel’s chief negotiator, acknowledged her disappointment on Thursday morning.

“At this very hour, I was supposed to be at a meeting with the Palestinians to continue the negotiations, after there was progress in talks yesterday,” she stated on Facebook. “The reconciliation agreement signed by Mahmoud Abbas with Hamas was a bad step, which not only caused the cancellation of the meeting, but also cast a heavy shadow on the ability to progress.”

Fatah-Hamas Unity Ends Chance for Peace with Israel | United with Israel

Progress at the point of a gun is not progress.
Time for Israel and the West to regroup and decide what to do to end this farce forever.

The failure of the US-brokered peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority appears evident with the announcement of reconciliation between PA Chair Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party and terror group Hamas. The Fatah-Hamas unity agreement will be followed by the formation of a unity government within five weeks, Palestinian officials proclaimed.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Israel’s chief negotiator, acknowledged her disappointment on Thursday morning.

“At this very hour, I was supposed to be at a meeting with the Palestinians to continue the negotiations, after there was progress in talks yesterday,” she stated on Facebook. “The reconciliation agreement signed by Mahmoud Abbas with Hamas was a bad step, which not only caused the cancellation of the meeting, but also cast a heavy shadow on the ability to progress.”

Fatah-Hamas Unity Ends Chance for Peace with Israel | United with Israel
The time for Israel to annex the West Bank and get this over with is nearing.
And for how many more decades will this drag out, since both sides can agree to not settling the matter?
Time for Israel and the West to regroup and decide what to do to end this farce forever.

The failure of the US-brokered peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority appears evident with the announcement of reconciliation between PA Chair Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party and terror group Hamas. The Fatah-Hamas unity agreement will be followed by the formation of a unity government within five weeks, Palestinian officials proclaimed.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Israel’s chief negotiator, acknowledged her disappointment on Thursday morning.

“At this very hour, I was supposed to be at a meeting with the Palestinians to continue the negotiations, after there was progress in talks yesterday,” she stated on Facebook. “The reconciliation agreement signed by Mahmoud Abbas with Hamas was a bad step, which not only caused the cancellation of the meeting, but also cast a heavy shadow on the ability to progress.”

Fatah-Hamas Unity Ends Chance for Peace with Israel | United with Israel

Progress at the point of a gun is not progress.
Tell that to Abu Mazen and Khaled "We Live For Death And Destruction Of Israel" Mashal.

Hamas Chairman: We Live for Death and Destruction of Israel
Time for Israel and the West to regroup and decide what to do to end this farce forever.

The failure of the US-brokered peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority appears evident with the announcement of reconciliation between PA Chair Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party and terror group Hamas. The Fatah-Hamas unity agreement will be followed by the formation of a unity government within five weeks, Palestinian officials proclaimed.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Israel’s chief negotiator, acknowledged her disappointment on Thursday morning.

“At this very hour, I was supposed to be at a meeting with the Palestinians to continue the negotiations, after there was progress in talks yesterday,” she stated on Facebook. “The reconciliation agreement signed by Mahmoud Abbas with Hamas was a bad step, which not only caused the cancellation of the meeting, but also cast a heavy shadow on the ability to progress.”

Fatah-Hamas Unity Ends Chance for Peace with Israel | United with Israel

Progress at the point of a gun is not progress.
Tell that to Abu Mazen and Khaled "We Live For Death And Destruction Of Israel" Mashal.

Hamas Chairman: We Live for Death and Destruction of Israel
Notice that Mashal said this only a month ago. While "peace talks" were in progress. Either the IAf should send him a Hellfire missle or the Mossad arrange an accident for the SOB. If someone made a public announcement that they intended to kill me, I would put on my hunting boots, toot sweet.
Progress at the point of a gun is not progress.
Tell that to Abu Mazen and Khaled "We Live For Death And Destruction Of Israel" Mashal.

Hamas Chairman: We Live for Death and Destruction of Israel
Notice that Mashal said this only a month ago. While "peace talks" were in progress. Either the IAf should send him a Hellfire missle or the Mossad arrange an accident for the SOB. If someone made a public announcement that they intended to kill me, I would put on my hunting boots, toot sweet.

Hoss, Fatah and Hamas have been playing Israel as a fool with the good cop bad cop routine.

Netanyahu is being out-played by Abbas whose plan is to use peace as a weapon at the UN and International Courts.
Honestly, Israel needs to abandon their entire Zionist agenda of trying to placate endless Palestinian demands & just treat the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accustomed to & so well deserve.

Progress at the point of a gun is not progress.
Tell that to Abu Mazen and Khaled "We Live For Death And Destruction Of Israel" Mashal.

Hamas Chairman: We Live for Death and Destruction of Israel
Notice that Mashal said this only a month ago. While "peace talks" were in progress. Either the IAf should send him a Hellfire missle or the Mossad arrange an accident for the SOB. If someone made a public announcement that they intended to kill me, I would put on my hunting boots, toot sweet.
Tell that to Abu Mazen and Khaled "We Live For Death And Destruction Of Israel" Mashal.

Hamas Chairman: We Live for Death and Destruction of Israel
Notice that Mashal said this only a month ago. While "peace talks" were in progress. Either the IAf should send him a Hellfire missle or the Mossad arrange an accident for the SOB. If someone made a public announcement that they intended to kill me, I would put on my hunting boots, toot sweet.

Hoss, Fatah and Hamas have been playing Israel as a fool with the good cop bad cop routine.

Netanyahu is being out-played by Abbas whose plan is to use peace as a weapon at the UN and International Courts.
Like I said, either Hellfire or a mysterious accident. I ain't choosy.
Just curious, whatever happened to that "peacefull charity" Islamic Holy Land Foundation, based right here on our own American soil?
Notice that Mashal said this only a month ago. While "peace talks" were in progress. Either the IAf should send him a Hellfire missle or the Mossad arrange an accident for the SOB. If someone made a public announcement that they intended to kill me, I would put on my hunting boots, toot sweet.

Hoss, Fatah and Hamas have been playing Israel as a fool with the good cop bad cop routine.

Netanyahu is being out-played by Abbas whose plan is to use peace as a weapon at the UN and International Courts.
Like I said, either Hellfire or a mysterious accident. I ain't choosy.

Like the Hydra, you chop off one head and ten reappear. Keep chopping!
Tell that to Abu Mazen and Khaled "We Live For Death And Destruction Of Israel" Mashal.

Hamas Chairman: We Live for Death and Destruction of Israel
Notice that Mashal said this only a month ago. While "peace talks" were in progress. Either the IAf should send him a Hellfire missle or the Mossad arrange an accident for the SOB. If someone made a public announcement that they intended to kill me, I would put on my hunting boots, toot sweet.

Hoss, Fatah and Hamas have been playing Israel as a fool with the good cop bad cop routine.

Netanyahu is being out-played by Abbas whose plan is to use peace as a weapon at the UN and International Courts.
UN is a joke, as we can see with Russia and other situations. Let the Arabs think they are "outplaying" while the facts on the ground speak a totally different story. Time is on Israel's side. The longer Palestinians play these futile games they've been playing for decades, the worse it gets for them.
Time for Israel and the West to regroup and decide what to do to end this farce forever.

The failure of the US-brokered peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority appears evident with the announcement of reconciliation between PA Chair Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party and terror group Hamas. The Fatah-Hamas unity agreement will be followed by the formation of a unity government within five weeks, Palestinian officials proclaimed.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Israel’s chief negotiator, acknowledged her disappointment on Thursday morning.

“At this very hour, I was supposed to be at a meeting with the Palestinians to continue the negotiations, after there was progress in talks yesterday,” she stated on Facebook. “The reconciliation agreement signed by Mahmoud Abbas with Hamas was a bad step, which not only caused the cancellation of the meeting, but also cast a heavy shadow on the ability to progress.”

Fatah-Hamas Unity Ends Chance for Peace with Israel | United with Israel

Progress at the point of a gun is not progress.

Then it is time for the Palestinians to put down their guns so that real progress can be made.
Great. We don't want to negotiate with them any longer. They're like leeches, sucking our blood without offering anything in return.

Hopefully the Americans will get out of our hair.
Tell that to Abu Mazen and Khaled "We Live For Death And Destruction Of Israel" Mashal.

Hamas Chairman: We Live for Death and Destruction of Israel
Notice that Mashal said this only a month ago. While "peace talks" were in progress. Either the IAf should send him a Hellfire missle or the Mossad arrange an accident for the SOB. If someone made a public announcement that they intended to kill me, I would put on my hunting boots, toot sweet.

Hoss, Fatah and Hamas have been playing Israel as a fool with the good cop bad cop routine.

Netanyahu is being out-played by Abbas whose plan is to use peace as a weapon at the UN and International Courts.

Doomed to failure from the word go, you see it is the Palestinians that are placing ore conditions in place that must be met before the maybe, possibly, might sit down and talk peace. The UN and ICJ will throw out any action unless the Palestinians agree to peace talks without pre conditions.
Hoss, Fatah and Hamas have been playing Israel as a fool with the good cop bad cop routine.

Netanyahu is being out-played by Abbas whose plan is to use peace as a weapon at the UN and International Courts.
Like I said, either Hellfire or a mysterious accident. I ain't choosy.

Like the Hydra, you chop off one head and ten reappear. Keep chopping!

While the body withers and dies, leaving just talking heads with no brains
"Time for Israel and the West to regroup and decide what to do to end this farce forever."

you mean: how the "Palestinians" ELECTED a terrorist group to be their.... elected officials. EO's -- Elected officials -- who like to dress like this:

he's been the 'supreme' leader...where's HIS ski mask been?

- people who are always launching rockets from "their side" into israel just to start trouble....
(+ who's supplying them with these rockets) ?

NOT the girl scouts.

- after GAZA was UN-occupied, instead of focusing in on doing business with the WORLD by rejuvenating GAZA
to something that will produce viable income/jobs for the MEN & WOMEN in the area - seems like
they've continued on the same terrorist path.

doesn't it always seem like the only jobs EVER available in the area are:

- Hamass security force personnel
- Cart vendors
- Hospital TRAUMA staff personnel
- Terrorist

- THESE people who dig tunnels to smuggle bombs, guns, knives, swords,
Bolts of CLOTH, head scarves, rockets, bullets, ski masks.....'humans,'
--- and whatever else they can shove down their holes.


we're sick of your terrorist garbage...G.A.L. already.!!!!

"The failure of the US-brokered peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority appears evident with the announcement of reconciliation between PA Chair Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party and terror group Hamas. The Fatah-Hamas unity agreement will be followed by the formation of a unity government within five weeks, Palestinian officials proclaimed."
OMG, you mean this "Muslim charity organization" was just a front funding radical Islamic terrorists right here on our own soil to bring our country down?

Just curious, whatever happened to that "peacefull charity" Islamic Holy Land Foundation, based right here on our own American soil?

shut down more than a decade ago for funding terrorism.

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