
Mar 11, 2016
FBI Upgrades Animal Cruelty to Class A Felony

This is how I know its bogus.

The Government does not use Dot Com website addresses.
And the entire story makes NO sense whatsoever.

For one thing, The FBI has NO authority to create a law, Classify the severity of a Crime or to try, convict and sentence its Suspects.

Secondly, the Government has no interest in making a crime out to be more severe than what it is, upping the stakes so that you can get more on paper, out of a deal...
Which is more expensive to the Government regardless of the deal, in the first place.

Thirdly, the FBI is a much higher level of law enforcement than the Fayetteville Police and it operates a lot different.

To the FBI, PETA is the Criminals, Peta is a Terrorist organization, or at least an Extremist organization

Fourth and Last....
The FBI doesn't give a f)uck about a dog, period.
No matter what it is.

So go try to bluff somebody else, because sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Mentally retarded.
The FBI's real story is a whole lot different than the bullshit story.

And it doesn't apply to me shooting a dangerous breed dog in self defense.
June 22, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


This is about as open and shut as anything gets. All the FBi had to do was go through his laptop and phone to confirm that he hadn't been coordinating with anyone else.

Except the FBI instead decided to treat Hodgkinson as if he were a Muslim terrorist. And by that I mean launch into a cover-up of his motives.

First, there was the odd denial of Rep. DeSantis account.


Someone from the FBI appeared to deny that. The FBI briefing however includes it. But the briefing is bizarre in that it goes out of its way to deny the facts.


Spontaneous. The official FBI release whitewashes his social media postings.


The FBI's Bizarre Cover-Up of the GOP Baseball Shooting
I have no idea how AllGov came up with that phony story. There was a change in FBI policy but it had nothing to do with changing laws (the FBI doesn't do this). The change dealt with how animal cruelty offenses are reported and filed. Previously, all animal cruelty offenses were listed under the category “other” but the FBI now classifies them as specific categories of animal abuse. This is from the Huffington Post:

“For the first time ever this year, the FBI will collect data on animal cruelty crimes via its National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). In doing so, the bureau has classified animal cruelty as a Group A felony, on par with homicide, arson and assault.

“Law enforcement agencies will have four subgroups to choose from when reporting animal abuse to the FBI: simple/gross neglect, intentional abuse and torture, organized abuse (like dogfighting and cockfighting) and animal sexual abuse.”

FBI Now Tracks Animal Abuse Just Like Homicides, Arson and Assault | HuffPost
August 22, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

I wouldn't be terribly surprised if Richard Dowling's statue ended up saving a whole lot of lives. Here's what happened now...


This is strange. And i suspect that locals dodged a serious bullet with consequences potentially far worse than a damaged statue.

Cecily Horton is a Dem donor. But not a particularly large one. At least in the FEC database. Still some questions need to be answered here.

Did FBI Cover Up Confederate Statue Bomb Plot by Dem Donor's Son?
“For the first time ever this year, the FBI will collect data on animal cruelty crimes via its National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). In doing so, the bureau has classified animal cruelty as a Group A felony, on par with homicide, arson and assault.

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