The Finest Man I have Ever Known


Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2009
My Dad past away June 9th. :cry::cry: He had acute myloid lukemia.

He was buried with a copy of the US Constitution placed firmly in his hands.

My dad was the finest man I have ever known. He will be missed. He took a huge piece of my heart with him. It is just starting to hit me, and it is hitting me hard. I adore my Father.

I was on my way to see him one last time, when he past away. It was the worst trip of my life.

I will honor all that my dad taught me. His mere presence on this earth made me feel safe and secure. I will never hear his deep and comforting voice again. :crybaby:
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I'm so sorry, Pixie. :(
You will continue to hear him, hon. Just whispers during sleep...stronger every time you think of him. He is in your heart.
Sorry man. I'm gonna experience a loss here soon I think. My grandma. First time I'll ever have a family member dying on me.
I have lost a lot of family members, a few were way too young, my husband for instance, a niece, a nephew. grandparents. My Dad's brother, died just 2 months ago. He was my favorite Uncle ever.

But losing Dad has done something profound in me. He was in my life longer than any one human being ever; besides my Mom. He was a good and decent man.

This is for you Dad
So sorry Pix.
Embrace the grief. It's the only way to deal with it and maintain your sanity.
Soon enough, you will remember him with only smiles.
Thank you Ernie. I think I have been holding it all in for my sisters and my mother. I am the oldest daughter, it has always been on me to be the strong one. And THAT is the one thing my Dad knew about me. He asked me to keep the family together

My avatar is a pic of my Father when he first joined the Army
My Dad past away June 9th. :cry::cry: He had acute myloid lukemia.

He was buried with a copy of the US Constitution placed firmly in his hands.

My dad was the finest man I have ever known. He will be missed. He took a huge piece of my heart with him. It is just starting to hit me, and it is hitting me hard. I adore my Father.

I was on my way to see him one last time, when he past away. It was the worst trip of my life.

I will honor all that my dad taught me. His mere presence on this earth made me feel safe and secure. I will never hear his deep and comforting voice again. :crybaby:

You have my sincere condolences PixieStix.
My Dad past away June 9th. :cry::cry: He had acute myloid lukemia.

He was buried with a copy of the US Constitution placed firmly in his hands.

My dad was the finest man I have ever known. He will be missed. He took a huge piece of my heart with him. It is just starting to hit me, and it is hitting me hard. I adore my Father.

I was on my way to see him one last time, when he past away. It was the worst trip of my life.

I will honor all that my dad taught me. His mere presence on this earth made me feel safe and secure. I will never hear his deep and comforting voice again. :crybaby:

Let his service to you and to his country not be forgotten in our memories. You have my condolences, Pixie, along with my prayers.
My Dad past away June 9th. :cry::cry: He had acute myloid lukemia.

He was buried with a copy of the US Constitution placed firmly in his hands.

My dad was the finest man I have ever known. He will be missed. He took a huge piece of my heart with him. It is just starting to hit me, and it is hitting me hard. I adore my Father.

I was on my way to see him one last time, when he past away. It was the worst trip of my life.

I will honor all that my dad taught me. His mere presence on this earth made me feel safe and secure. I will never hear his deep and comforting voice again. :crybaby:
Sorry about your dad, Pixie. What about the constitution thing, was he a Teapartier or Libertarian?
My Dad past away June 9th. :cry::cry: He had acute myloid lukemia.

He was buried with a copy of the US Constitution placed firmly in his hands.

My dad was the finest man I have ever known. He will be missed. He took a huge piece of my heart with him. It is just starting to hit me, and it is hitting me hard. I adore my Father.

I was on my way to see him one last time, when he past away. It was the worst trip of my life.

I will honor all that my dad taught me. His mere presence on this earth made me feel safe and secure. I will never hear his deep and comforting voice again. :crybaby:
Sorry about your dad, Pixie. What about the constitution thing, was he a Teapartier or Libertarian?

He was a good American that worked hard and believed what the Constitution held within it's words. Period. You wanna make a political post about my Dad's request to have a copy of his beloved Constitution buried with him? Do you really?
My Dad past away June 9th. :cry::cry: He had acute myloid lukemia.

He was buried with a copy of the US Constitution placed firmly in his hands.

My dad was the finest man I have ever known. He will be missed. He took a huge piece of my heart with him. It is just starting to hit me, and it is hitting me hard. I adore my Father.

I was on my way to see him one last time, when he past away. It was the worst trip of my life.

I will honor all that my dad taught me. His mere presence on this earth made me feel safe and secure. I will never hear his deep and comforting voice again. :crybaby:
Sorry about your dad, Pixie. What about the constitution thing, was he a Teapartier or Libertarian?

He was a good American that worked hard and believed what the Constitution held within it's words. Period. You wanna make a political post about my Dad's request to have a copy of his beloved Constitution buried with him? Do you really?
Oh no, I was just curious. My Dad was a lifelong Democrat and I don't believe I even brought that up once after he died.

Sorry, he and you are in my prayers.
My Dad past away June 9th. :cry::cry: He had acute myloid lukemia.

He was buried with a copy of the US Constitution placed firmly in his hands.

My dad was the finest man I have ever known. He will be missed. He took a huge piece of my heart with him. It is just starting to hit me, and it is hitting me hard. I adore my Father.

I was on my way to see him one last time, when he past away. It was the worst trip of my life.

I will honor all that my dad taught me. His mere presence on this earth made me feel safe and secure. I will never hear his deep and comforting voice again. :crybaby:
Sorry about your dad, Pixie. What about the constitution thing, was he a Teapartier or Libertarian?

He was a good American that worked hard and believed what the Constitution held within it's words. Period. You wanna make a political post about my Dad's request to have a copy of his beloved Constitution buried with him? Do you really?
Oh no, I was just curious. My Dad was a lifelong Democrat and I don't believe I even brought that up once after he died.

Sorry, he and you are in my prayers.
My Dad loved and respected nature, he loved fishing and hunting. He carved out a beautiful piece of America in Alabama. He was an accepting, non- judgmental man. He believed everyone had a right and and a duty to be who they were born to be without society telling them what to be, and to make no apologies for it. He once told me I should have a show on Fox News. :lol:
He was indeed the finest man I ever knew
My Dad past away June 9th. :cry::cry: He had acute myloid lukemia.

He was buried with a copy of the US Constitution placed firmly in his hands.

My dad was the finest man I have ever known. He will be missed. He took a huge piece of my heart with him. It is just starting to hit me, and it is hitting me hard. I adore my Father.

I was on my way to see him one last time, when he past away. It was the worst trip of my life.

I will honor all that my dad taught me. His mere presence on this earth made me feel safe and secure. I will never hear his deep and comforting voice again. :crybaby:

I'm so sorry PixieStix Your love for your Father will honor him. ♥
So sorry to hear that, Bud. Losing a Dad is not easy. I was with mine when he died of lung cancer. There's nothing you can do but wish you could trade places with them because you can't stand to see them suffer. Life sucks sometimes. I hope you find some peace.

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