The First Nakba Hebrew


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Why did five Arab armies "invade" Palestine in 1948?
To prevent greedy Zionists from stealing any more Arab land or drive the Jews into the sea?
Among the multiple overlapping narratives that define Israel few have rivaled al-Nakba as an inspiration for constructing an official authoritative narrative of a Jewish-Zionist only national identity. A few facts:

"Zochrot presents the first Nakba map in Hebrew.
It includes the localities in the country that were destroyed between the beginning of Zionist colonization and the 1967 war.

The map shows:
678 Palestinian localities that Israel destroyed during the Nakba: 220 of them with less than 100 inhabitants, 428 localities with 100 - 3,000 people, 30 towns and cities with more than 3,000 people;
22 Jewish localities destroyed in 1948 (some of which were re-established that same year);
14 Palestinian localities still existing today, whose inhabitants were expelled temporarily partially during the Nakba;
62 Palestinian localities destroyed during Zionist colonization of the country before 1948;
3 Jewish localities destroyed before 1948 and not re-established;
3 Palestinian localities destroyed in the 1967 war..."
What's the likely fate of a nation state where 80% of its citizens celebrate Independence on the same day that the other 20% mourn their loss of identity and self-determination?

"Nakba day marks the expulsion, displacement and loss of life and property that occurred in 1948 and coincides with the celebrations of the Israeli day of Independence.

"When asked for the reason behind the law, MK Alex Miller, of Yisrael Beitenu, who sponsored the bill stated, 'I view Independence Day as a state symbol, but from an early age, some citizens of Israel are taught to view this day as a day of mourning! So either we want education for coexistence and peace, or we want pupils to be brainwashed and incited against [other] citizens of their state from an early age.'”

The ?Nakba law? and erasing history | Mondoweiss
[ame=]A PALESTINIAN MYTH - The so said NAKBA - YouTube[/ame]
Why did five Arab armies "invade" Palestine in 1948?
To prevent greedy Zionists from stealing any more Arab land or drive the Jews into the sea?
Among the multiple overlapping narratives that define Israel few have rivaled al-Nakba as an inspiration for constructing an official authoritative narrative of a Jewish-Zionist only national identity. A few facts:

"Zochrot presents the first Nakba map in Hebrew.
It includes the localities in the country that were destroyed between the beginning of Zionist colonization and the 1967 war.

The map shows:
678 Palestinian localities that Israel destroyed during the Nakba: 220 of them with less than 100 inhabitants, 428 localities with 100 - 3,000 people, 30 towns and cities with more than 3,000 people;
22 Jewish localities destroyed in 1948 (some of which were re-established that same year);
14 Palestinian localities still existing today, whose inhabitants were expelled temporarily partially during the Nakba;
62 Palestinian localities destroyed during Zionist colonization of the country before 1948;
3 Jewish localities destroyed before 1948 and not re-established;
3 Palestinian localities destroyed in the 1967 war..."
I posted this about a year ago.

It's nice to see someone else noticed.
Why did five Arab armies "invade" Palestine in 1948?
To prevent greedy Zionists from stealing any more Arab land or drive the Jews into the sea?
Among the multiple overlapping narratives that define Israel few have rivaled al-Nakba as an inspiration for constructing an official authoritative narrative of a Jewish-Zionist only national identity. A few facts:

"Zochrot presents the first Nakba map in Hebrew.
It includes the localities in the country that were destroyed between the beginning of Zionist colonization and the 1967 war.

The map shows:
678 Palestinian localities that Israel destroyed during the Nakba: 220 of them with less than 100 inhabitants, 428 localities with 100 - 3,000 people, 30 towns and cities with more than 3,000 people;
22 Jewish localities destroyed in 1948 (some of which were re-established that same year);
14 Palestinian localities still existing today, whose inhabitants were expelled temporarily partially during the Nakba;
62 Palestinian localities destroyed during Zionist colonization of the country before 1948;
3 Jewish localities destroyed before 1948 and not re-established;
3 Palestinian localities destroyed in the 1967 war..."
I posted this about a year ago.

It's nice to see someone else noticed.
I missed your post and just found this site today.
Imagine how US public opinion would shift if Zochot was featured regularly in the corporate press?
I missed your post and just found this site today.
Imagine how US public opinion would shift if Zochot was featured regularly in the corporate press?
Imagine Israeli public opinion when the US and England abandon support for Israel, when it is longer in the interests of either country to do so.

Have you seen this?

The West, especially the United States and Britain, have a history of abandoning allies whenever it suits their own interests. Ask anyone from the string of governments America supported in South Vietnam. Ask Hosni Mubarak. Resuscitate the shah of Iran and ask him. After having been put on Iran’s throne by an American and British coup, when he began to exercise some independence he, too, lost American support. Ask Saddam Hussein; he was once an American darling too. America and the West will abandon Israel just as soon as doing so furthers their interests.
The AIPAC lobby will go into shock.
Anything mythological about Israel's Nakba Law?

"Tuesday night, March 22nd (2011), the Knesset passed a piece of legislation that seemed to go largely undetected, despite its significance.

"The 'Nakba law,' which legislates the withdrawal of state funding from any institution that commemorates the Palestinian day of mourning, is discriminatory and threatening to Palestinian citizens, and harmful for Palestinians and Jews alike.

"Nakba day marks the expulsion, displacement and loss of life and property that occurred in 1948 and coincides with the celebrations of the Israeli day of Independence.

"When asked for the reason behind the law, MK Alex Miller, of Yisrael Beitenu, who sponsored the bill stated, 'I view Independence Day as a state symbol, but from an early age, some citizens of Israel are taught to view this day as a day of mourning! So either we want education for coexistence and peace, or we want pupils to be brainwashed and incited against [other] citizens of their state from an early age.'”

The ?Nakba law? and erasing history | Mondoweiss

What do you think it means when 80% of a state's citizens celebrate their independence on the same day the remaining 20% mourns losing theirs?
I missed your post and just found this site today.
Imagine how US public opinion would shift if Zochot was featured regularly in the corporate press?
Imagine Israeli public opinion when the US and England abandon support for Israel, when it is longer in the interests of either country to do so.

Have you seen this?

The West, especially the United States and Britain, have a history of abandoning allies whenever it suits their own interests. Ask anyone from the string of governments America supported in South Vietnam. Ask Hosni Mubarak. Resuscitate the shah of Iran and ask him. After having been put on Iran’s throne by an American and British coup, when he began to exercise some independence he, too, lost American support. Ask Saddam Hussein; he was once an American darling too. America and the West will abandon Israel just as soon as doing so furthers their interests.
The AIPAC lobby will go into shock.
The sooner the better.

"How incidents and situations are defined largely determines how they are thought of. For instance, consider the trial of George Zimmerman for Travon Martin’s killing which resulted in an acquittal.

"The prosecution allowed the incident’s start to be defined as the moment Travon confronted George after being followed for some time and distance.

"Defining the incident that way made it appear that Travon was the aggressor.

"If, as many believe should have been done, the incident’s start had been defined as the moment George decided to follow Travon even after having been told by the police that that was unnecessary, George would have been made to appear as the aggressor.

"The trial’s outcome likely would have come out differently."

It is hard to imagine the outcome of a world freed from its fossil fuel addiction, but it stands to reason Israel as a Jewish state would quickly vanish from the page of time when that world arrives. You would think an ethnic group that produces genius as often as Jews do would plan ahead?

Israel ? Just Another Hapless British Colony | Global Research
Why did five Arab armies "invade" Palestine in 1948?
To prevent greedy Zionists from stealing any more Arab land or drive the Jews into the sea?
Among the multiple overlapping narratives that define Israel few have rivaled al-Nakba as an inspiration for constructing an official authoritative narrative of a Jewish-Zionist only national identity. A few facts:

"Zochrot presents the first Nakba map in Hebrew.
It includes the localities in the country that were destroyed between the beginning of Zionist colonization and the 1967 war.

The map shows:
678 Palestinian localities that Israel destroyed during the Nakba: 220 of them with less than 100 inhabitants, 428 localities with 100 - 3,000 people, 30 towns and cities with more than 3,000 people;
22 Jewish localities destroyed in 1948 (some of which were re-established that same year);
14 Palestinian localities still existing today, whose inhabitants were expelled temporarily partially during the Nakba;
62 Palestinian localities destroyed during Zionist colonization of the country before 1948;
3 Jewish localities destroyed before 1948 and not re-established;
3 Palestinian localities destroyed in the 1967 war..."
I posted this about a year ago.

It's nice to see someone else noticed.
I missed your post and just found this site today.
Imagine how US public opinion would shift if Zochot was featured regularly in the corporate press?
The Arabs, in trying to drive the Jews into the sea, got the Bejesus whupped out of their sorry asses, held a bunch of victory parades and started an eternal whining.
I posted this about a year ago.

It's nice to see someone else noticed.
I missed your post and just found this site today.
Imagine how US public opinion would shift if Zochot was featured regularly in the corporate press?
The Arabs, in trying to drive the Jews into the sea, got the Bejesus whupped out of their sorry asses, held a bunch of victory parades and started an eternal whining.
"So at the end of the Second World War, the British realized, as the system of protectorates in the Middle East began to unravel, that a different strategy was needed.

"Not having been able to transplant Western values in the populations of any Middle Eastern country, it became apparent that only another British colony, populated by people of European origin, could ever hope to succeed.

"Thus the British continued the duplicitous diplomacy of making promises it never intended to keep, concocted a racist Balfour Declaration, and sought to use the Jews of Europe as its colonists to establish a Western style state in Palestine called Israel."

Israel ? Just Another Hapless British Colony | Global Research
Why did five Arab armies "invade" Palestine in 1948?
To prevent greedy Zionists from stealing any more Arab land or drive the Jews into the sea? Among the multiple overlapping narratives that define Israel few have rivaled al-Nakba as an inspiration for constructing an official authoritative narrative of a Jewish-Zionist only national identity. A few facts:
The German Left Party, via its Rosa Luxemburg Fundation, funds Zohrot, an NGO that advocates the “Palestinian right of return” whose implementation would turn Israel into a binational state with a Jewish minority.
Zohrot, payment=tunes, of course.
"constructing an official authoritative narrative of a Jewish-Zionist only national identity" is a phrase from the OP which hasn't been proven as a fact: it remains purely an opinion of some extremists.

I'm fine with hating the British for their duplicity - but blaming the Israelis for what the British did is ludicrous. And no amount of wrong-doing elsewhere exonerates the Arab League nations from their own conspiracy and collusion to commit ethnic cleansing upon the hapless Jewish minority from whom they stole everything before ejecting them -for no other reason than that they were Jews as well as Arabs.

The whole 'racist Zionist' canard rings very hollow while such demonstrations of Arab League perfidy remain completely ignored, or worse still, when apologists attempt to 'justify' said ethnic cleansing.

Anyone who seriously thinks that Jews should care about the purported 'Nakba' needs to first acknowledge that the Arab League nations were no less intent on 'ethnic cleansing' and presenting a 'homogenized' narrative than 'Zionists' are being accused of.

And the FACTS, the numbers of the remaining 'minority' communities, bear witness that the 'Zionist ethnic cleansing effort' was far from effective.

One further wonders if ALL the 20% of Israeli CITIZENS who are Arab Muslims or Christians actually DO believe in the 'Nakba' narrative......
Why did five Arab armies "invade" Palestine in 1948?
To prevent greedy Zionists from stealing any more Arab land or drive the Jews into the sea? Among the multiple overlapping narratives that define Israel few have rivaled al-Nakba as an inspiration for constructing an official authoritative narrative of a Jewish-Zionist only national identity. A few facts:
The German Left Party, via its Rosa Luxemburg Fundation, funds Zohrot, an NGO that advocates the “Palestinian right of return” whose implementation would turn Israel into a binational state with a Jewish minority.
Zohrot, payment=tunes, of course.
Your link:

"So why did Israel decide to rejoin this tragi-comic fraud? Mostly because of pressure from Germany, which apparently committed to rectify the UNHRC’s discriminatory policy toward Israel. But how can Germany reasonably claim to act against the fraudulent and cynical politicization of human rights by the UN and by NGOs, when German political parties contribute to that very farce by funding NGOs that defame Israel and advocate the dismembering of the Jewish state in the name of human rights?"

So why are some Jews afraid of human rights?
What's the likely fate of a nation state where 80% of its citizens celebrate Independence on the same day that the other 20% mourn their loss of identity and self-determination?
Why? The latter still retain an identity of major settlers from the hood. It's that that they still want to enlarge their holdings by walking into a jewish home and taking it over that counts, of course.
Why did five Arab armies "invade" Palestine in 1948?
To prevent greedy Zionists from stealing any more Arab land or drive the Jews into the sea? Among the multiple overlapping narratives that define Israel few have rivaled al-Nakba as an inspiration for constructing an official authoritative narrative of a Jewish-Zionist only national identity. A few facts:
The German Left Party, via its Rosa Luxemburg Fundation, funds Zohrot, an NGO that advocates the “Palestinian right of return” whose implementation would turn Israel into a binational state with a Jewish minority.
Zohrot, payment=tunes, of course.
Your link:

"So why did Israel decide to rejoin this tragi-comic fraud? Mostly because of pressure from Germany, which apparently committed to rectify the UNHRC’s discriminatory policy toward Israel. But how can Germany reasonably claim to act against the fraudulent and cynical politicization of human rights by the UN and by NGOs, when German political parties contribute to that very farce by funding NGOs that defame Israel and advocate the dismembering of the Jewish state in the name of human rights?" So why are some Jews afraid of human rights?
Non sequitur to the quote.
Why did five Arab armies "invade" Palestine in 1948?
To prevent greedy Zionists from stealing any more Arab land or drive the Jews into the sea?
Among the multiple overlapping narratives that define Israel few have rivaled al-Nakba as an inspiration for constructing an official authoritative narrative of a Jewish-Zionist only national identity. A few facts:

"Zochrot presents the first Nakba map in Hebrew.
It includes the localities in the country that were destroyed between the beginning of Zionist colonization and the 1967 war.

The map shows:
678 Palestinian localities that Israel destroyed during the Nakba: 220 of them with less than 100 inhabitants, 428 localities with 100 - 3,000 people, 30 towns and cities with more than 3,000 people;
22 Jewish localities destroyed in 1948 (some of which were re-established that same year);
14 Palestinian localities still existing today, whose inhabitants were expelled temporarily partially during the Nakba;
62 Palestinian localities destroyed during Zionist colonization of the country before 1948;
3 Jewish localities destroyed before 1948 and not re-established;
3 Palestinian localities destroyed in the 1967 war..."

Perhaps they are sorry now they've started this bloody war?:eusa_whistle:
"...Imagine Israeli public opinion when the US and England ...abandon support for Israel, when it is longer in the interests of either country to do so..."

Good one... really funny stuff!

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