I can't even imagine how some of the families feel. So helpless and dealing with so much grief already. It's a horrible feeling when you are helpless.
A couple of nights ago there was a raccoon and he was walking as if blind, maybe he had been hit by a skunk or something because there was an odor around and he was waddling seemingly off balance.
Anyways, he was walking right towards a line of cars doing 40km, maybe 200-250m away, not slowly down, oblivious to the grave danger he was in. Cars on both sides of the road. I jumped in front of him and scared him back to the grass. He scurried back in front of someone house but was safe. He was fairly large too and I didn't know what response to anticipate from a large raccoon who may fear for his life and possibly lash out. Thankfully he/she didn't have any little ones or they might have attacked me.
I looked back as I walked on and he was still on the grass curled up in a ball. I felt some guilt for scaring him but if he walked out there he was a goner for sure because cars wouldn't be able to stop or there could be some dead people in a pileup.
Now imagine that is your dog or cat and they were left to die alone? The owners can only hope they died from the smoke rather than the fire.
Fire is horrible when it is out of control and my heart breaks for any human having to deal with it.