The Five "Easy States" GOP Needs To Flip To Acquire 271 Electoral Votes.

Oct 10, 2011
:poke: A few days ago I gave you a thread regarding the seven states that would carry the GOP to victory in 2012. Unlike Far Left Libs, At Least I Do My Homework !! Staunch Obama supporters will always claim he will win,and win big. Fine, show me the facts !! I would love to see a current poll in these five states that have Obama polling around 55%.

1) Indiana
2) Ohio
3) Pennsylvania
4) Virginia
5) Florida

Now, I am not even including New Hampshire,Iowa,North Carolina,Michigan,Colorado and Nevada { all states Obama could easily lose }.
For those of you who want to work with the "Click The States" Map, pull up the 2008 results,and click these states, and create scenarios where Obama will still lose without Florida...the numbers aren't there !!!:meow:
2012 Electoral Map - Create Your Prediction!
:poke: A few days ago I gave you a thread regarding the seven states that would carry the GOP to victory in 2012. Unlike Far Left Libs, At Least I Do My Homework !! Staunch Obama supporters will always claim he will win,and win big. Fine, show me the facts !! I would love to see a current poll in these five states that have Obama polling around 55%.

1) Indiana
2) Ohio
3) Pennsylvania
4) Virginia
5) Florida

Now, I am not even including New Hampshire,Iowa,North Carolina,Michigan,Colorado and Nevada { all states Obama could easily lose }.
For those of you who want to work with the "Click The States" Map, pull up the 2008 results,and click these states, and create scenarios where Obama will still lose without Florida...the numbers aren't there !!!:meow:
2012 Electoral Map - Create Your Prediction!

1) Indiana-Maybe
2) Ohio-NO
3) Pennsylvania-NO
4) Virginia-NO(seriously if you run Cain)
5) Florida-Maybe
:poke: A few days ago I gave you a thread regarding the seven states that would carry the GOP to victory in 2012. Unlike Far Left Libs, At Least I Do My Homework !! Staunch Obama supporters will always claim he will win,and win big. Fine, show me the facts !! I would love to see a current poll in these five states that have Obama polling around 55%.

1) Indiana
2) Ohio
3) Pennsylvania
4) Virginia
5) Florida

Now, I am not even including New Hampshire,Iowa,North Carolina,Michigan,Colorado and Nevada { all states Obama could easily lose }.
For those of you who want to work with the "Click The States" Map, pull up the 2008 results,and click these states, and create scenarios where Obama will still lose without Florida...the numbers aren't there !!!:meow:
2012 Electoral Map - Create Your Prediction!

Okay, let's look at those.

Pennsylvannia- Might be a moot point if they pass the law that proportionately allocates electors. Can't see Romney bringing that one to the table. He'd have to preform very well in the "T" between Pittsburgh and Philly that is the conservative heart of the state.

Florida- The GOP governor is about as popular as a root canal right now. He'll drag down any GOP candidate with him.

Virginia- Lots of evangelicals there, not inclined to vote for a Mormon.

Indiana- Also lots of Evangelicals- Same problem.

Ohio- Maybe. Maybe not. I think Romney's other weakness is that he's too easily tied to the big corporations that have hollowed out the middle class and manufacturing in this country.
:poke: A few days ago I gave you a thread regarding the seven states that would carry the GOP to victory in 2012. Unlike Far Left Libs, At Least I Do My Homework !! Staunch Obama supporters will always claim he will win,and win big. Fine, show me the facts !! I would love to see a current poll in these five states that have Obama polling around 55%.

1) Indiana
2) Ohio
3) Pennsylvania
4) Virginia
5) Florida

Now, I am not even including New Hampshire,Iowa,North Carolina,Michigan,Colorado and Nevada { all states Obama could easily lose }.
For those of you who want to work with the "Click The States" Map, pull up the 2008 results,and click these states, and create scenarios where Obama will still lose without Florida...the numbers aren't there !!!:meow:
2012 Electoral Map - Create Your Prediction!

Okay, let's look at those.

Pennsylvannia- Might be a moot point if they pass the law that proportionately allocates electors. Can't see Romney bringing that one to the table. He'd have to preform very well in the "T" between Pittsburgh and Philly that is the conservative heart of the state.

Florida- The GOP governor is about as popular as a root canal right now. He'll drag down any GOP candidate with him.

Virginia- Lots of evangelicals there, not inclined to vote for a Mormon.

Indiana- Also lots of Evangelicals- Same problem.

Ohio- Maybe. Maybe not. I think Romney's other weakness is that he's too easily tied to the big corporations that have hollowed out the middle class and manufacturing in this country.

Your problem - as is often the case - is that you allow your personal bias to influence how you view the facts.
No, your problem is that you are so anxious for a win that you are willing to sell out all your principles and ignore obvious issues.

People don't like Mormons. Americans don't like strange religions they don't understand. We're funny like that. That's why 43 of our 44 presidents have been mainline Protestants, with one Catholic nobody thought was taking it seriously.

The thing about my biases is that they are usually right. When I'm enthused about a candidate, as I was with Reagan and Bush-43, they win. When I'm not so thrilled, like I was with Dole and McCain (didn't even stay up to see what the results were), they lose.

Moderates and independents don't win elections. They go with the flow. If you have a candidate your side isn't thrilled with, they aren't going to go to the wall for them, they aren't going to drag out Aunt Millie and get her to vote.

Say what you want about Obama. His people will be enthusiastic about him. I've yet to see any "enthusiasm" about Romney, even from you. Your whole argument has been "electability", not passion.
:poke: A few days ago I gave you a thread regarding the seven states that would carry the GOP to victory in 2012. Unlike Far Left Libs, At Least I Do My Homework !! Staunch Obama supporters will always claim he will win,and win big. Fine, show me the facts !! I would love to see a current poll in these five states that have Obama polling around 55%.

1) Indiana
2) Ohio
3) Pennsylvania
4) Virginia
5) Florida

Now, I am not even including New Hampshire,Iowa,North Carolina,Michigan,Colorado and Nevada { all states Obama could easily lose }.
For those of you who want to work with the "Click The States" Map, pull up the 2008 results,and click these states, and create scenarios where Obama will still lose without Florida...the numbers aren't there !!!:meow:
2012 Electoral Map - Create Your Prediction!

Okay, let's look at those.

Pennsylvannia- Might be a moot point if they pass the law that proportionately allocates electors. Can't see Romney bringing that one to the table. He'd have to preform very well in the "T" between Pittsburgh and Philly that is the conservative heart of the state.

Florida- The GOP governor is about as popular as a root canal right now. He'll drag down any GOP candidate with him.

Virginia- Lots of evangelicals there, not inclined to vote for a Mormon.

Indiana- Also lots of Evangelicals- Same problem.

Ohio- Maybe. Maybe not. I think Romney's other weakness is that he's too easily tied to the big corporations that have hollowed out the middle class and manufacturing in this country.

How is an unpopular GOP governor going to drag down a GOP Presidential candidate? Rick Scott isn't running in 2012.

Romney is beating Obama in Virginia polls.
you also have to figure in the per-centange of the "Anyone But Obama" crowd. also, it was on the news last night regarding why Obama is campaigning in Virginia and NC. his re-election people are also giving up and/or worried about Ohio and Florida. they feel he still has a chance in those two states. but take in consideration all of those other states listed. Forget Indiana,,thats a very red state now.
:poke: A few days ago I gave you a thread regarding the seven states that would carry the GOP to victory in 2012. Unlike Far Left Libs, At Least I Do My Homework !! Staunch Obama supporters will always claim he will win,and win big. Fine, show me the facts !! I would love to see a current poll in these five states that have Obama polling around 55%.

1) Indiana
2) Ohio
3) Pennsylvania
4) Virginia
5) Florida

Now, I am not even including New Hampshire,Iowa,North Carolina,Michigan,Colorado and Nevada { all states Obama could easily lose }.
For those of you who want to work with the "Click The States" Map, pull up the 2008 results,and click these states, and create scenarios where Obama will still lose without Florida...the numbers aren't there !!!:meow:
2012 Electoral Map - Create Your Prediction!

Okay, let's look at those.

Pennsylvannia- Might be a moot point if they pass the law that proportionately allocates electors. Can't see Romney bringing that one to the table. He'd have to preform very well in the "T" between Pittsburgh and Philly that is the conservative heart of the state.

Florida- The GOP governor is about as popular as a root canal right now. He'll drag down any GOP candidate with him.

Virginia- Lots of evangelicals there, not inclined to vote for a Mormon.

Indiana- Also lots of Evangelicals- Same problem.

Ohio- Maybe. Maybe not. I think Romney's other weakness is that he's too easily tied to the big corporations that have hollowed out the middle class and manufacturing in this country.

My Governor wouldn't be the reason Obama would win or lose Florida, it's a combination of a very poor approval here and that our senator is Marco Rubio,,you know he will endorse Cain or Romney(unless it's both of them),,,also, Obama is at 35% approval in Pennsylvania.
and how many of the 15 million americans who have been unemployed over the last 2-4 years will vote for Obama?
How is an unpopular GOP governor going to drag down a GOP Presidential candidate? Rick Scott isn't running in 2012.

Romney is beating Obama in Virginia polls.

NO, he's not. But historically, people have expressed their disatisfaction with a governor by voting against his party's candidate.

As for the VA poll. Meaningless when 11% haven't committed to either candidate and your guy is only leading by 1% point.
you also have to figure in the per-centange of the "Anyone But Obama" crowd. also, it was on the news last night regarding why Obama is campaigning in Virginia and NC. his re-election people are also giving up and/or worried about Ohio and Florida. they feel he still has a chance in those two states. but take in consideration all of those other states listed. Forget Indiana,,thats a very red state now.

Again, it's a long way to the election. I remember when they wrote Clinton's obituary in 1995, and when they said Bush-41 was unbeatable in 1991.
How is an unpopular GOP governor going to drag down a GOP Presidential candidate? Rick Scott isn't running in 2012.

Romney is beating Obama in Virginia polls.

NO, he's not. But historically, people have expressed their disatisfaction with a governor by voting against his party's candidate.

Show me some data for that. I think you just made it up.

As for the VA poll. Meaningless when 11% haven't committed to either candidate and your guy is only leading by 1% point.

The RCP average is 2.3 and Obama hasn't won a poll vs. Romney since July. Not looking good for your guy.
How is an unpopular GOP governor going to drag down a GOP Presidential candidate? Rick Scott isn't running in 2012.

Romney is beating Obama in Virginia polls.

NO, he's not. But historically, people have expressed their disatisfaction with a governor by voting against his party's candidate.

Show me some data for that. I think you just made it up.

As for the VA poll. Meaningless when 11% haven't committed to either candidate and your guy is only leading by 1% point.

The RCP average is 2.3 and Obama hasn't won a poll vs. Romney since July. Not looking good for your guy.

Obama's not my guy, but you idiots nominate Romney, he might be.

Again, 11% haven't committed to a candidate at this point. Undecided usually break for an incumbant.

As for sending a message, look back to 2000 when Michigan voters decided to support John McCain over George W. Bush in order to send Engler a message he was a fugnut. Now, this was a primary, but it was a case where allying with an unpopular governor brought down a candidate.
NO, he's not. But historically, people have expressed their disatisfaction with a governor by voting against his party's candidate.

Show me some data for that. I think you just made it up.

As for the VA poll. Meaningless when 11% haven't committed to either candidate and your guy is only leading by 1% point.

The RCP average is 2.3 and Obama hasn't won a poll vs. Romney since July. Not looking good for your guy.

Obama's not my guy, but you idiots nominate Romney, he might be.

Because he's Mormon?

Again, 11% haven't committed to a candidate at this point. Undecided usually break for an incumbant.

As for sending a message, look back to 2000 when Michigan voters decided to support John McCain over George W. Bush in order to send Engler a message he was a fugnut. Now, this was a primary, but it was a case where allying with an unpopular governor brought down a candidate.

That's one anecdotal case, it's not data to support your charge. Also, show me something to substantiate your notion that undecideds (over a year before the election no less) break for the incumbent.

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