The Flaws of People in the Bible Validate Its Authenticity


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
If you are going to just make things up, you don't document all of your failings for everyone to read about. And not just I forgot to take the trash out failings, they documented sins most of us will never commit in our lives. But what we do learn is even when they messed up big time there was redemption in the end.

Adam and Eve blame God for eating the fruit.
Abraham did not wait for God and used a slave to bear his child and lied to Pharaoh.
Sarah laughed at God’s promises.
Naaman had leprosy.
Moses stuttered and questioned God's judgment in picking him. He had a short fuse and killed a man.
David put his good friend in the most dangerous position in battle so he would be killed and David could have his wife.
Rahab was a prostitute.
Samson was defeated by a woman.
Amos’ only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning.
Jacob was a liar.
John was self-righteous.
The Apostle Paul spent his life murdering Christians.
Jeremiah was depressed & suicidal.
Noah got drunk.
Jonah tried to run from God.
The thief on the cross.
The Disciples fell asleep instead of staying alert. Multiple times they were dense as to what was occurring at the time.
Peter denied Jesus three times.

This is just a short list. Only one person listed in the Bible did not have a flaw.
The Bible is very honest in portraying it's heroes as flawed individuals.

For example, it is obvious that Peter was a man of only middling intelligence, and he quite frequently says or does the wrong thing and gets rebuked by Christ. Nevertheless, he was the Apostle who loved Christ the most, and for that reason, he was chosen to be their leader.

Moses is portrayed as rather hot-tempered. He murders a man and has to flee Egypt. He gets angry with the Israelites when he sees them worshipping the golden calf and he condemns them. He loses patience with the people when they complain, so he strikes the rock to get water.

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